They sat on one of the rooftops overlooking the square. Romano watched the scene with rapt attention while Feliciano surveyed the crowd below. Piazzale Loreto was packed with citizens kicking and spitting on the corpse of their once beloved dictator. Words of mockery rose from the crowd, the wind lifting them to the brothers' ears.
"Look at him now," Romano sneered. "That bastard who promised to make us great again." "Si, that he would fall attempting to flee, not by the multiple assassins we sent after him," Feliciano murmured as his eyes followed Mussolini's body as it was dragged around the square. His mistress's body followed with several other fascists. The crowd jeered and spat on the dirty bodies, kicking them as they passed.
The brothers' felt the anger of the people and satisfaction when their countrymen expressed their hatred in blows on the body. Soon the bodies were tied onto a roof of an Esso gas station. They dangled in the wind, mere puppets subjected to a higher power.
"Il Duce," Feliciano murmured, "you were no more our boss than the leaves in autumn. You held no power to fly, yet floated on the wings of others." Shouts rose from the crowd beneath them. Achille Starace, sentenced to die, was placed facing the bodies of his former leader. "Such talent, wasted," Feliciano sighed as he waited for the inevitable. "He made a wrong choice and will pay for it with his life, the bastard." Romano spat in the man's direction.
They watched the man salute the rotting corpse of his boss before a gunshot was fired. He slumped over, dead, and his body was strung up like a piece of meat next to Mussolini. "Loyal until death, a man like that pledged his alliance to the wrong man." Feliciano breathed as he watched the bodies sway in the wind.
"Oi, want to throw one, bastard?" Romano held out a rock. "The citizens seem to find it fun." Feliciano took it from his brother and smiled at it. Standing up, he pulled his arm back and launched it at Mussolini's head. "I hope you rest in hell, Duce."
A/N: thank you those who read this. I hope you liked this one if you like the one about Germany. I'm really sorry if it seems I disappeared after writing that one but I'm still alive, but I can't promise updates like some other writers.
Some quick things, I really liked the WWII period and the history completely fasinactes me. So some background info, Mussolini was the dictator of Italy during the WWII period and he wasn't a good dictator. He was just bad at controlling th country. So he relied on Hitler for a lot of things, who they had an alliance with. Long story short, Mussolini was trying to escape but was caught and shot. He was strung up and people threw stones at him. Achille Starace was a real person and he did salute the corpse before being shot.
I got all my info from Wikipedia, so if anything is inaccurate, please by all means tell me. I really dislike it when false info is given. I'm really sorry if they seem out of character, a happy Italy was a bit hard to incorporate in this.
I really hope you enjoyed this! ~ Ciao!