Sunrise's P.O.V.-

Well, Dragonstripe aka Dracia certainly had settled down pretty well, and little Jia has bloomed from being a cutely tiny dragonling to a child almost half of her parents' full height. Why, I had a feeling that Jia will be a great guardian to any future offspring of Mulan and Shang. And speaking of them, Shang is still the captain, and Mulan got the recommodation of being a liteunant, which is pretty awesome. Mulan's family was very happy of the news, and Fa Zhou became part of the Emperor's council, working with his old friend, General Li. Chi-Fu, you ask? (chuckles) Let's say he got demoted to the position of a worker down in the fishing ports, and he's very miserable, from what I heard of him. Now, the emperor's adopted daughter, Korime often has classes for being a princess, but on free days, she would often visit Mulan and the others. She would stay over at any of her older sisters's homes in the village.

I was surprised when the trio got jobs in the village. Yao became a woodcutter, but on his free time, he would make bets on wrestling the tough men in the village. Ling became a teacher in fighting techniques to the children in the village, and in his free time, he could often make jokes, and also help Yao on the business end of the bets. Chi-Po became the matchmaker when the old one quit and moved away, and once he's on free time, he would often go to his house and help Su with the meal of the day and eat all long as he wants. Dracia told me that they plan to ask their princesses to marry them soon. I hope that happens soon.

Anyway, I think this version of China is going to be changed pretty fast with Korime and any offspring of Mulan and Shang or the trio and their princesses helping around. Of course, Jia and any future offspring of Dracia and Mushu will help them no matter what. And Dracia knows to help Shang, as Mushu will help Mulan, on any advice or anything. After all, China is always will be Dracia's home forever and ever.