About eight years later…
A young girl was running up the garden to a man sat just outside a summerhouse.
"Daddy!" She yelled. "Kenchiro is cheating at hide and seek!"
"And what do you want me to do about it Himeko?" Naru said, not looking away from his book.
"Well you said I wasn't allowed to use PK on him…"
Naru looked down at his daughter; she had inherited his eyes and her mother's smile.
"Well if you can use it without getting caught, then go for it. I would advise using it to pull his trousers down. That should embarrass him thoroughly without causing any real damage."
Himeko ran off back down the garden and Naru watched her go. A voice from within the summerhouse, which was now Naru's home office, caused Naru to turn.
"You really shouldn't encourage her." Lin said. "I have to deal with his whining."
"Well he shouldn't cheat at hide and seek then." Naru returned to his book. Lin came out and sat down next to Naru.
"I did tell him, but I think he likes winding her up."
Naru did not respond. He was pretending to read, but really he was thinking back to when he used to enjoy winding up someone else.
"Lunch time!" His wife's voice brought him out of his thoughts. Mai and Madoka were carrying plates of sandwiches for everyone. As he took one, he returned to his previous train of thought.
He had proposed to Mai on New Year's eve, just after returning from visiting his parents all those years ago. His mother and father had loved Mai, as he knew they would, but it had been their reassurances that had hardened his resolve to ask Mai to marry him.
"Are you alright Naru?" Mai asked, sounding worried. He looked around at her and smiled a real genuine smile.
"Yes." He leant over and kissed her.
"Eww!" The two children started making puking noises which made Naru and Mai laugh.
"You're so gross Dad." Himeko said, rolling her eyes.
"They aren't as gross as Ayako and Monk though." Kenchiro said. "They are old and slobber all over each other."
"One day you'll be old and want to slobber all over someone." Madoka pointed out.
"No I won't. Kissing is gross." He said stubbornly and then hit Himeko on the arm. "You're it!" He scrambled away from the girl and started running down the length of the garden before tripping seemingly over nothing.
"Himeko, I told you that you could only use PK if you don't get caught." Naru reprimanded. His daughter pouted up at him before running after her friend.
Mai laughed and rested her head on Naru's shoulder. He smiled down at her, content.
Author's note: Thank you all for reading, I may edit this story at some point because I'm not entirely happy with how I've written the last few chapters. But please review!