AN: Thank you for being patient with me. It's very hard to update weekly when you work full time and have a family that you have to make time out for as well. I still very committed to the story so I will try and update the story at least once a month. I think that's fair for everyone. Anyhoo enjoy and review if you'd like. I'm a first time author so I am always looking for rooms of improvement.

Chapter 10

After escaping Kai, I walk down the narrow path that leads towards the rest of town. I go into town and introduce myself to everyone and I even got a free bag of grass seeds from the supermarket. There was a girl there named Karen who literally hit on me but nevertheless she was helpful. I walked out with corn seeds, tomato seeds, pumpkin seeds and even onion seeds. Once I finished with all of my introductions I head to the inn to grab a late lunch. Soon as I walk in, I order my food and sit down at a table near the door.

"Hi Claire, I didn't think I would see you today," a voice crept up behind me. I glance and seen that Popuri was standing there with a bag that I assume was full of food.

"Oh hey…"

"Are you eating alone?" Popuri asked with a gleam in her eye.

"Yeah, it's been a long day and I just want to sit and relax."

"Well you shouldn't have to eat alone. Here let me grab a chair."

"No Popuri you don't have to do tha—"

"No its okay," Popuri interjected already with a chair in hand. "You're new to this town. I don't mind sitting with you."

Okay this is awkward. I bet she will not be this friendly once she realizes that I fucked her boyfriend.

"What are you thinking about?" Popuri asked interrupting my thoughts.

"Oh, nothing really. I tend to drift off in thought sometime. Hey it looks like they are brining my food."

Ann sets down my spaghetti and I thank her. I grab my fork and Popuri takes her food out of her bag and we eat in silence for a while. Popuri finishes before I do and looks up at me with a look of sadness.

"You are so pretty Claire… I wish I looked like you," Popuri sighed heavily. I almost choke on my noodle.

"What makes you think that?" I cough trying to keep my composure. "You're a pretty girl yourself."

"I have pink hair and red eyes. Who would want a girl like me?"

"Well for one Kai does."

"I don't know. Lately it seems like he's pushing me away. For example this morning I went to his shack and gave him like, the best blow job ever. Do you know what he does? He just kisses me and walks away. We usually cuddle afterwards."

"Um Popuri, do you want to be talking to me like this? Don't you have friends you can talk about this stuff with?"

"No one really understands Kai and me, especially my brother," Popuri pouts.

"Well um," I take a drink of water "I don't think I would want to talk to my brother about blow jobs. But what about Ann? I thought you guys were tight?"

"Am I making you uncomfortable talking about Kai?" Popuri asks.

"Well you don't even know me," I laugh. " I don't really know Kai that well either."

"I know but I had to get it off my chest. I really need some advice."

I look down at my noodles and inhale deeply. I am the last person Popuri wants to have this conversation thinks that she is having problems now. Popuri has no clue.

"Um, hey Claire."

I look up to see Gray in front of me with a package in his hand.

"Um, can I talk to you for a second? I hope I'm not interrupting?"

"No, not at all. Popuri I have to actually get going so I can finish the rest of my farm work. Listen, you may just be looking into it too hard. Relax, just try to plan a whole day for him and see how he responds.

"OK, I will try that. Thanks so much Claire, " Popuri squeals as she jumps out of her seat. She surprises me with a big hug which in effect made my stomach tumble and I watch her walk out the inn. I turn my attention to Gray who looked annoyed as Poprui left but then his expression changed when he looked at me.

"Look, I just wanted to say thank you for buying me lunch the other day. I know I have been a real ass towards you and you don't deserve that. Here this is for you."

Gray hands me a the package and I start to open it. I immediately took notice to the gold and silver wrapping paper and as I tear the paper apart, I realized that there was a big chocolate bar inside filled with almonds.

"Wow Gray, this is wonderful. How did you know this was my favorite? I could kiss you right now." On instinct I give him a hug and when I look up at him,his face is a crimson red. "Aw, I'm not embarrassing you am I?"

"N-No, not at all. I just never seem a girl so fit like you react to chocolate this way." Gray laughs. "It surprised the hell out of me."

'Well, that's what I am here for; to surprise people. Even myself at times." I giggle. "Thanks for the chocolate. This definitely made my day. I'll see you around okay?"

"Sure," Gray replies heading towards the stairs.

I leave the Inn and make my way back home. The air had a rose smell to them and I could hear sparrows and blue jays chirping above me in unison, almost as if they were practicing a song. The trees were a healthy green color with blooming peaches and oranges hanging from every tree. I walk onto my property and begin to start tilling my field to plant my seeds. I don't stop until its well into the night and all energy is drained. I somehow manage to make it to my door and take a shower. I let the water hit my body for awhile and think about everything that's transpired for the last few days, including Kai, Gray, the property and just everything I have accomplished since leaving home. The water hitting my skin somehow made me feel like I was in a sauna and all I wanted to do at this point was just lay down and sleep until next week. Once I leave the shower I dry off and make no attempt to put on my clothes. I crept into my bed and fall into a deep slumber...