AN: Hello everyone. This is my first story and I am so excited. I've been reading fan fiction on this site for a while now and it's been great and honestly relaxing. It's a chance to get away from the real world for a while. This story will be based on the characters from Moon: More Friends Of Mineral Town and Harvest Moon: DS Cute. Please leave reviews. I would love the feedback!

AN 1-5-15: This was originally a short chapter but I combined chapter 2 with it so that way it will be a decent long chapter. I think it runs better. Tell me what you think.

Chapter 1


Crap. This is the 5th time I have fallen off of this ladder and it's supposedly fixed. I'll just buy another ladder. Matter of fact, I really need to just leave this house with a leaking roof. This city. I hate it here. It's so muggy and the sun is never out. I need a change. I can't take it anymore. I guess I'll just read this paper. Hmm, what's this here, a listing for a farm in Mineral Town. With an already built chicken coop, stable and barn? How can I not pass this up? Here's the number for the realtor… I'm going to call this person and haul ass out of here.

A few days later, I arrived at a dock with my ticket in hand and my luggage was being carried on to the boat by an attendant.

"Claire, honey?" My mom called out from behind her. "Are you sure you want to leave Pewter City? If you are just having a hard time with the house then you can always stay with me and dad until you find another house. We're here for you honey… I don't want you to go."

A tear came down her face. Crap, I am going to cry too… I hate to see her cry, and it doesn't help that my Dad is standing here looking like he is going to cry as well.

"Claire bear, please stay. We don't want you to go. Whatever you need, whether its money or a new house we will provide that for you. Please don't go."

I touched my father's cheek and I felt my tears come down my cheeks. "I love you guys too, but it's not just about money. I'm not happy here. I was working in a diner making $8/hour and barely making the payments when it came to my bills. I have to go. I need to start over for my sanity. I need to go. This is what's best for me and YES mom I will call as soon as I get to Mineral Town. I promise."

The attendant that carried my bags onto the dock approached us and stated that my boat was about to leave. I hugged my parents good bye and walked on board to the boat. I handed my ticket to another attendant and looked for my room. I found myself walking into a pink room with blue and white bedding. Well, this is it. I am going to start over… I am going to miss my parents so much. I didn't really have friends back home so I guess that makes it easier right? I hope I made the right decision. All I have is $2000 to my name. This has to work. I will make it work, whatever it ta- OUCH. WHAT HELL?

"I AM SO SORRY. I didn't mean to knock you down," a man with tanned skin and a purple bandana said to me with his hand reached out to me. "I am so exhausted and I'm coming from another town to open up myshop in Mineral Town for the summer. I just was looking for my room and quite honestly I just want to crash and not wake up until this boat ride is over."

As I grabbed his hand to get off the floor, I checked out his physique. Okay, he's cute. It looks like he has a six pack and a tattoo on his left arm of an anchor. Maybe he is a fisherman.

"If you're wondering if I am a fisherman, you are correct," the man said to me catching my gaze towards his anchor tattoo. "I also run my own diner too during the summer time. My name is Kai Johnston btw, what's yours?"

"My name is Cl-Claire" I stammered, still fixated on his tattoo and his abs. "Claire Jones. I am actually really exhausted myself so if you would excuse me and not to be an ass, but I just want to nurse my back. It seems I have a real knack for falling on my butt."

I turned around to spread my sheets apart to make sure they were clean.

"Okay, I'll leave you to it. I'm sorry again for knocking you down," Kai said looking at his ticket. "It's all good, honestly. I'm just beat," I said as I pulled back my blonde hair into a top bun.

I heard the door close and I began to take off my overalls and flannel shirt, just revealing my tank top and boy shorts. As I climbed to into bed and was about to lay down, the door opened and Kai walked into the room.

"Dude what the hell?" I exclaimed as I grabbed the sheets to cover my legs. "Can't you knock? Is that a custom that you're not used to?" I yelled as grabbed my overalls.

"I'm sorry, geez. No need to chew my head off," Kai said with a hint of irritation in his voice. "It looks like they booked us into the same room on accident. We're going to be here sharing this room for the next couple of days."

"Sharing a room, what are you talking about? How can this happen?" I asked walking out the door. I made a left and made it to the front desk, finding my attendant that helped me with my luggage. "Hey, there seems to be some sort of mistake. I have a man in my room who says that we're booked in the same room."

"Im sorry that happened ma'am; let me look into it." He walked away to go to the computer. A few moments later he came back.

"Ma'am I'm sorry this happened but it looks like he was booked for the same room as you and there are no other rooms available right now."

I felt the boat move which told me that we just left the dock.

"So there's nothing that we can do?" I asked.

"No, Im sorry. I can get him an air mattress and make his stay as comfortable as possible."

"His stay? what about me?" I yelled as I followed him back to my room.

"Listen ma'am I am really sorry that this happened. I am honestly. I can give you access to our VIP area for the inconvenience, which includes free food, drinks and access to the casino," the attendant exclaimed as he handed me a booklet that said VIP passes on it.

"I guess this will do," I sighed as I walked into my room. Kai got off of the bed and stood up facing me.

"Well, what did they say?" He asked. "Well, he is going to get you an air mattress. We're going to be roommates." I responded as I sat on the bed.

Just wonderful... I can kiss relaxing good bye.