AU: Ok, so this is strictly a supernatural story, no crossovers or anything. Even though, I do not have a problem with Wincest this is not a Wincest story, but it will get close in a few places. I plan on this being a long story, I already have most of it planned out and hopefully I can keep it going. I plan on updating with a new chapter every friday and if I'm going to be late I will try to let you know.

I do not own Sam, Dean, Jess, Bobby, John or any characters you recognize, but I love them all the same. I also don't own any plot or episode you recognize. The first 3 or 4 chapters are like a prologue to the story, just setting up my OC. After that I will stick to the plot of the show, just adding a few things. I love review and I hope you enjoy.

Thank you for reading

Kayden Jackson was walking back to her apartment after her shift at the local diner. It was 2 in the morning and probably not safe to be walking around by yourself, especially for a 23 year old, woman. But it was Stanford, where she had lived for the past 3 years of her life and she always felt safe. She let herself into her apartment and after locking the door behind her, looked around with a heavy sigh.

Her apartment wasn't very clean. There were clothes all over the place and dirty dishes piled high in the sink. Her laptop was open and on, the battery light blinking at her, telling her it was about to die. She rushed over and quickly plugged it in, not wanting to lose the little progress she had made on her economics paper or the finished copy of her latest fanfic.

She never really cared if her apartment was messy, because she never really had anyone over to prompt her to clean up a little bit. Her parents always called before they came over and even then their visits were few and far between. The only friends she had were the ones from the diner and they were really only work friends. Not normally people she wanted to hang out with outside of work, just people who made her job a little easier by giving her somethings to talk about. And all the students in her classes were up tight and pretentious.

Kayden never minded, though. She always preferred to get lost in one of her tv shows or one of her fanfictions, whether she was reading one or writing one, than to be sociable with people she could barely stand. Her current obsession was the amazingly amazing tv show Supernatural, starring Jared Padalecki and Jensen Ackles. She was beyond pissed about how the current season was going but couldn't stop watching it all the same. Someone had asked her once if she was a Sam girl or a Dean girl and her favorite way to describe it (which she got off Pintrest) was that she was a Dean girl but Sam curious.

Sighing heavily again at her sad excuse of a life she flopped down onto her couch and turned her tv on and flipped through her dvr for a recorded show she hadn't watched yet. She finally settled on Franklin and Bash and smiled as she settled more into her couch and watched as the episode played out. She found it incredibly ironic and hilarious that this weeks episode of Franklin and Bash was a supernatural episode, focusing on a haunted hotel. And chuckled when she remembered that the most recent episode of Supernatural had made a reference to Franklin and Bash.

Before she knew it she was falling asleep curled up on the couch without finishing the episode, not knowing that her life was about to get oh so freakin weird.


Kayden slowly woke to the sound of Metalica blasting through her ear drums and wondered when she had turned her alarm on. Her hand shot out to slam onto the snooze button but fell on empty air. She flailed around for a little bit before opening her eyes and was instantly confused. She was laying in the back seat of a car and could tell that said car was moving. She sat up and looked around the car, trying to figure out where she was, but it was dark and she couldn't even see the features of the two faces in front of her. Not that they were facing her, they hadn't actually realized their prisoner had woken up yet. The passenger was holding a flash light and looking at a map with a ruler and a familiar leather bound note book laying next to him. No, this wasn't possible. It's a dream, only a dream. She thought to herself as the floppy haired passenger, reached over to turn the music down so he could be heard.

"Okay, here's where Dad went. It's called Black Water Ridge, Colorado." the passenger announced to the driver.

"Sounds charming." the driver replied. Kayden tuned out, she knew those voices, would know them anywhere.

The two men in front of her exchanged a few more words and the one in the passenger seat turned the flash light off, but then they were silent. Stewing in their own juices, so to speak. So Kayden was in a dream. It has to be a dream. There's no way in hell that I'm traveling in the Impala with Sam and Dean. She reached out and pinched herself, yelping when it actually hurt. Which of coarse alerted the two very real looking men to suddenly take notice of her.

The car was serving and Kayden was being tossed around the back seat and the next thing she knew the car was stopped, she was laying across the backseat with her head in the floor boards and the two beautiful men in the front seat (and yes even in her current situation she could appreciate how beautiful they were, who wouldn't?) were yelling things she couldn't understand. Then the back door, closest to her head was yanked open and hands were grabbing her front and she was being hauled out of the car and pushed against it. Dean's left arm was holding her in place painfully against the the rear end of the car and his right hand was holding a gun to her face.

"WHO IN THE HELL ARE YOU?" he screamed in her face.

Kayden was beginning to think this wasn't a dream. Dream's weren't supposed to hurt, were they? All she could do was stare at the very angry man in her face, and mutter 'holy shit' over and over.

"Dean, stop." She heard Sam say over the top of the car.

"Excuse me? A random chick shows up in the back seat of my car, scaring me half to death, almost made me wreck my baby and you want me to stop Sam? You must be crazy." The entire time he was talking to Sam, Dean's gaze never wavered from Kayden. "What if she's a ghost or something?"

"Obviously I'm not a ghost or you wouldn't be able to hold on to me now would you?" Kayden found her voice when accused of being something evil. "And as for anything else, I'll drink holy water, touch silver and I bleed red, just so you know." She tried to stand a little straighter but Dean's arm was incredibly tight. She couldn't believe how tall he was. Mentally shaking herself out of her thoughts, she tried to reason with him. If she was right then, the brothers needed to get back to Stanford fast. "Look, do what ever you have to do quick, because I know who you are and I know what you do and believe it or not, I could maybe possibly help you. I know you're looking for your Dad." When Dean continued to stare at her, not believing, she tried to turn to Sam. All she could do was turn her head and talk in his direction. "You two need to get back to Stanford. Now. Jess is in trouble."

Sam was around the car in a flash and before he could even blink, Dean was being shoved out of the way, his arm replaced by Sam's hand on Kayden's throat. "How do you know us? What have you done to Jess?" He demanded.

Kayden tried to open her mouth to say something but she wasn't able to get enough air in her lungs to breath let a lone form words. Seeing her face turning an alarming shade of blue, Dean put his hand on Sam's shoulder trying to calm his brother.

The touch to his shoulder brought Sam out of his anger haze. He quickly let go of the woman who had appeared in the back seat and stepped away. As soon as Sam released her airways, Kayden bent over and sucked in great lungfuls of air until she could breath again. Then she straightened up and glared at the brothers, who looked shocked at her sudden hostility.

"Ok, now if I had done something to your girlfriend, Sam, and came here just to gloat don't you think I would be smiling evilly, not trying to explain myself. And do you think I would allow a gun in my face? No? Ok, then I suggest you two stop blaming someone who is trying to help you, get your asses back in this car and drive as fast as you can back to Stanford and lets see if we can save an innocent. Sound good to you two chuckle heads?" Without waiting for an answer she turned around and got back in the backseat, slamming the door just to piss Dean off.

The boys looked at each other for a second and when they heard the yell of "Sometime today ladies." they quickly moved into the car and were speeding down the road to Stanford.

The car was quiet with a very intense silence. Sam eyes kept flicking between the speedometer and the road, as if he was mentally willing the car to go faster. Dean on the other hand kept glancing back at the woman in the backseat who was just sitting in the middle, staring at her hands in her lap.

"So," he started, but she didn't look up. "who are you exactly? How do you know all this?"

Kayden hesitated. How much was she supposed to tell them? How did she even get here? Was it a dream or another world completely? If it was another world, what would telling the boys their futures do? "My name is Kayden Jackson, and you wouldn't believe me if I told you."

"You'd be surprised how open minded we can be." Dean replied.

"Actually, I wouldn't. I know exactly how open minded you are. I know everything about you two. Because where I come from, this is a TV show. My favorite, I'm kinda obsessed with it. Not in a creepy way." She added quickly, seeing the look on Dean's face.

Sam, who had twisted around in his seat to listen and watch her for any signs of lying, asked "So you think you're in a TV show?"

"I'm not sure, this is either an alternate universe or a really really vivid dream."

"Ok, so what happens in the show? What happens to Jess?"

Once again she hesitated. How was she supposed to explain any of this? "Well, I don't know if I should tell you because I could really screw some shit up if this is actually an alternate universe."

"Well you already told us that Jess was in trouble, so how much could you screw up?" Dean tried to reason.

"A lot. The show has gone through 9 seasons, it's about to start the tenth. Oh, shit!" she exclaimed.

"What, what's wrong?" Sam was freaking out and the car swerved as Dean tried to turn around in his seat.

"I'm gonna miss the rest of season 10." Kayden was frowning and Dean rolled his eyes, quickly correcting the car.

"I think we have more pressing matters right now." Sam said, a little irritated. "How bout you just tell us why my girlfriend is in trouble."

"You wouldn't be saying that if you saw the end of season 9." Sam and Dean looked a little scared at that thought.


They made it back to Stanford pretty quickly and Sam all but flew from the car. With Dean and Kayden right behind him, Sam burst into his apartment gun at the ready. Kayden had tried to explain why the gun wasn't a very smart idea but neither of them would listen. She couldn't complain though, because the brothers currently didn't have anything that would hurt a demon.

Sam was running through the apartment looking for Jess, and shouting her name, while Dean ran through the rest of the place, being the responsible hunter and checking to make sure the coast was clear. Kayden stood by the door and watched as the brothers went out of their freaking minds, it would have been amusing if the situation wasn't so dangerous. Kayden kept checking her watch, like she knew what time yellow eyes was going to show up.

Sam and Jess were currently arguing over why they all of a sudden needed to pack up and leave, and Dean decided it would be better to stay out of it so he walked over to where Kayden was fidgeting nervously in the doorway.

"You ok?" he asked.

"Yeah, sure. I was just thrown into an alternate reality where things like vampires, werewolves, and demons are very real. I'm just peachy." Kayden snarked, looking back to her watch.

"Well, you got us. You'll be ok. I promise." Dean tried to calm her down, even though he knew that he may not be able to keep that promise.

It seemed to work, Kayden visibly calmed down and leaned against the doorway. "Yeah, you're right." she chuckled to herself. "Never thought I'd meet Dean Winchester, let alone hear him promise to protect me."

"Is that a bad thing?"

"Are you kidding me? When Dean freakin Winchester promises to protect you, you know that he will do everything in his power to keep that promise. And even if he physically can't, you know that he's tried his best and will probably kick himself for the rest of his life for letting you down. Even though he knows you don't blame him." She almost added, that's why he's the righteous man, but realized that probably wasn't best.

The two in the bedroom had stopped their yelling and Kayden could hear Sam trying to go through the whole 'monsters are real' spiel.

"Wow. Gotta say, it's a little wierd that you know me that well, and I don't know you at all."

"Sorry. I'm still kinda fangirling right now, I didn't mean to weird you out." she chuckled to herself and Dean glanced at her out of the corner of his eye. "We need to get moving." Kayden said glancing at her watch again. Dean only nodded and went to retrieve his brother and his girlfriend.

He peeked his head around the door, and lightly knocked. "Hey sorry to interrupt, but we really can't be staying that long." seeing the look on Jess' face, the one that shouted 'mutiny', he stepped fully into the room and looked her straight in the eye, so she knew he was serious. "Look, I know that this is all very new for you and you may be a little scared, but you and, because he's attached to you, my brother here, are in very real danger. Now, if you don't agree to come willingly, and quickly, then I will force you. Once we are safely away from the threat, and no I don't know how long that will be, you can have your little freak out then." Sam tried to protest, but Dean sent him a look that said they both knew that this was the only way to get everybody to safety as quickly as possible, and Sam shut his mouth. "You have five minutes." and he walked out of the room.