Who is He?
Chp. 11
Authors: Okay…you must be pretty angry with me right now. Before you come after my blood let me just tell you that I was extremely…bored. I lost interest in the story and I kept hoping that my interest would return but as you can see it was gone for a loooong time. I'm back now and I'm back because of all your angry e-mails and because you're all loyal supporters. So thanks for the ranting guys! Keep it up! ^____^
(I mean it!)
Summary: Well you know what happened.
Izumi turned around to Junpei. "Junpei you almost killed my mother!"
"I did? I'm sorry she's dead." Junpei said solemnly.
"She's not dead!" Izumi said. "When you kissed her she got an allergic reaction and had to go to the hospital."
"Junpei!" Kazu said angrily. "You kissed Izumi mom?? That's sick!"
Izumi hit Kazu with her mallet.
"OW! What'cha do that for?" Kazu said rubbing his head.
"For embarrassing me in front of the whole class!" Izumi said angrily.
"Oh." Kazu said. "But Kouji laughed."
"Because he's just as stupid as you are!" Izumi said blushing.
"I laughed because it was funny." Kouji said simply.
"Exactly! It was funny! Stupid but funny!" Kazu said. "The only reason you didn't laugh is because you really do like Kouji."
"ER! Shut up! That's the stupidest thing I've ever heard!" Izumi and Junpei said together.
"Jinx! Personal Jinx!" Junpei said dumbly then knocked on wood.
"I'm surrounded by idiots!" Izumi said.
"But you know you love us." Kazu said yawning. "Well maybe Kouji a bit more than the rest of us."
"KAZU!" Izumi said angrily blushing.
She turned around to look at Kouji and saw that he had his CD player on and was listening to a CD with his earphones on.
"Thank goodness he didn't hear." Izumi said to herself looking at her desk.
If she had looked up at Kouji she would have seen Kouji looking at her almost nervously from the corner of his eyes.
Story continues from there.
"Alright class. I've given you enough time to do your questions. Hand them in!" Ms. Akito said angrily.
"Why is Ms. Akito so angry?" Izumi asked Kouji after they gave their worksheets in. "She was all happy yesterday!"
Kouji shrugged.
"Well I heard from a very reliable source that Mr. Tetsuya took off." Kazu explained to them.
"Took off?" Izumi asked. "What do you mean?"
"I mean took off, disappeared, vanished, left, gone…" Kazu said.
"Okay I get the picture." Izumi said "But why?"
"Dunno. Just did." Kazu told her. "And he didn't bother to tell Ms. Akito why or where he was going."
"That's strange of him." Kouji said. "He probably wouldn't have left without a good reason."
"Hmm…that can't be right." Junpei said frowning.
"Why Junpei?" Izumi asked.
"Because I saw Tasuki today." Junpei said. They all stared at him as he went on. "Well I was going around my block as usual and looking through my neighbors windows and I noticed Tasuki was sitting in a chair staring at a computer screen."
"You were looking into people's houses?" Izumi said annoyed.
"Yea, don't you?" Junpei asked stupidly.
"No!" Izumi said. She suddenly remembered seeing Kouji's father hurting Kouji. She reddened and stared hard at her hands.
"Okay well that's weird. Maybe we should go check on him." Rei suggested coming into their discussion.
"Yea!" Kazu agreed. "We could be like spies on mission."
"I'm in." Rei said.
"Me too!" Junpei agreed.
"Sure." Kouji said.
"I don't know guys. I have to go see my mom in the hospital." Izumi said.
"Your mom is in the hospital?" Rei said. "What happened?"
"Junpei kissed her." Izumi said.
"EW!" Rei said disgusted.
"Come on Izumi!" Kazu said.
"I can't just leave my mom!" Izumi said. "Would you?"
"That reminds me! I had an ant named Mom. It died." Junpei said.
"I know." Izumi said annoyed.
"Lets go see your mom and then we can go check on Tasuki." Kouji suggested.
"Good idea Kouji!" Rei said. "You're so smart!"
Kouji glanced at her and continued. "Junpei where does Tasuki live?"
"He's my neighbor." Junpei said.
"What luck!" Kazu exclaimed. "Alright we'll go right after school."
**After school**
Junpei walked ahead with Kazu while Izumi walked on Kouji's left and Rei on Kouji's right.
"So I told her that my favorite drink was grape pop too!" Rei said chatting away.
Izumi had tuned out of Rei story about drinks and was pretty sure Kouji wasn't listening either. Ever since she remembered the scene with Kouji and his dad she couldn't stop thinking about it. Her mind kept replaying the images and she was sure that Kouji had heard her wince softly once in a while.
Kouji said suddenly "Rei why don't you go up with Kazu and Junpei. I'm sure they'd like to hear your…story."
Rei looked hurt but pasted a smile on her face, glanced at Izumi and walked quickly up a head.
Izumi watched Rei squeeze herself between Junpei and Kazu and then started talking to them very animatedly about her grape juice story. Izumi then looked up at Kouji to see his watching her from the side of his eye.
"Alright Izumi you had better tell me what's on your mind because I've deducted from you glances at me and your wincing out of no where that you're very troubled and it must involve me." Kouji said.
Izumi's eyes widened and then she smiled.
"Oh it's nothing!" She said.
"You're lying." Kouji said simply.
"Uh…yea you're right, I am lying. It's just that I'm worried about my mom." Izumi said staring at the ground. She wasn't really lying; she was worried about her mom too.
"Oh, well you shouldn't worry too much. It's her first allergic attack so it won't be as severe." Kouji said comfortingly.
Izumi smiled at Kouji and noticed that his face had suddenly turned a little red.
"We're here!" Kazu said calling back to Izumi and Kouji. "Let's go see your mom Izumi."
Izumi asked one of the nurses at the desk if she could see her mom and the nurse gave Izumi her mother's room number.
"Thank you." Izumi said walking away.
Izumi, Kouji and the rest of the gang entered Ms. Orimoto's room. They saw her laughing out loud talking to Rei's mother.
They suddenly turned to see Izumi.
"Izumi!" Ms. Orimoto cried. "I'm so glad to see you. Rei's mom stopped by just a while ago when I called to tell her what happened."
"Mom, you're okay?" Izumi asked concerned.
"Yes, I'm fine. But if I ever see that boy again I'll ring his neck!" Ms. Orimoto replied with some malice.
Junpei suddenly stared to back away behind Kouji and Kazu.
"When will you be getting out?" Izumi asked.
"Well not until tomorrow. That's why I called Rei's mom here so that I could ask her if you could stay with Rei for the night." Ms. Orimoto said.
"Can't I stay here with you?" Izumi asked.
"Don't be silly, Izumi." Her mother replied. "I'm fine and you'll be more comfortable in a home rather than a hospital."
"But mom—" Izumi argued.
"No more. You're staying with Rei." Ms. Orimoto said. She noticed Izumi's sad expression and softened. "I just want you to be safe. Do this for me, will you? I could never feel right if I didn't know that you were safe."
"Alright mom." Izumi said. She went over to give her mother a hug and then left the hospital with her friends.
They started walking towards Junpei's house. Kazu and Junpei walked off in the front while Izumi, Kouji and Rei walked behind them.
Rei was once again babbling.
"Oh Izumi! You get to come over to my house tonight! It'll be so much fun, eh?" she stared laughing and linked her arm with Kouji's.
Kouji shrugged her off.
"Rei I think Kazu would rather have you walk up with him. After all Junpei is not the best of company." Kouji said annoyed.
Rei looked startled. This was the second time he had tried to get rid of her. Izumi was also a little startled but she also felt happy Rei was going because she had decided to tell Kouji what she had seen at his house.
"Izumi, I know you said that it was because of your mom that your were a little worried but I can't help feeling that you still have something on your mind and it must concern me." Kouji said looking at her intently.
Izumi looked down before telling him the truth.
"I saw…I once followed you to your house and I saw your father hurting you. You were giving him…something, a piece of paper, I think. He took it from you and then grabbed you and started hurting you. I saw…that." Izumi said.
She finally dared to look at Kouji and noticed that his face had turned white and he seemed somewhat angry.
"I'm sorry!" Izumi said. "I haven't told anyone…about anything! About your childhood, you dad, your mom! I'm really sorry."
His eyes were downcast as he said, "I wish you hadn't seen that."
"Why was he hurting you?" Izumi asked.
"Because I didn't get perfect on my test, that we had that day." Kouji replied. His fists were clenched and his knuckles were turning white.
"That's horrible." Izumi cried. She stopped walking and Kouji did the same. "You have to do something! You have to get help!"
"I can't do that." Kouji said quietly.
"Why?" Izumi asked him.
"Because…I would have no one to go to if he was taken away. I have no one but him." Kouji said.
"But this isn't right! You can't go on living like this!" Izumi argued. She grabbed his shoulders and shook him. "It's not right!"
"I have to! If they take him away I'll be sent to an orphanage, or shelter and I don't want to go there!" Kouji said looking away from her.
"What? Kouji that's stupid and you know it as much as I do!" Izumi yelled. "You know that it's better than coming home to your father who's waiting for you with a belt so that he can take out his anger on you!"
"I can't…go there. I could have once…I would have considered that before but…" He said looking at her intensely. He stepped closer to her and hesitantly took her hands. "I don't want to lose…I don't want to…"
"What Kouji? What?" Izumi asked.
"Kouji, Izumi!" Kazu called out. "We're almost there! Hurry up! Unless you two want to stay back and hold hands a little longer."
Kazu was smiling at them teasingly, Junpei looked at Izumi and Kouji like he was going to cry and Rei stood there glaring at the ground.
Kouji let Izumi's hands fall and ran to catch up with Kazu. While Izumi lagged slowly behind.
For some reason Izumi could feel tears running down her cheeks. She wiped then away and took deep breaths while she ran to catch up with the rest of them.
"Izumi?" Junpei said grabbing her arm. "Are you cheating on me?"
"Uh…Junpei get away from me!" Izumi said.
"Izumi! I love you!" Junpei cried. He leaned forward to kiss her but found that instead of a kiss he received a punch.
"Er! Get away from me!" She walked up to Rei.
Rei was blabbing on again with Kazu and Izumi contributed to their discussion once in a while but Kouji remained silent the rest of the way.
Short right? Well at least I put one up again right? R&R!^_____^