Congratulations to...

Best Angst:

3- 'A Love to Remember' by MyLittleElphie

2- 'Bro'mance' by ExoticPeachBlossom

1- 'The Ghost of Kiamo Ko' by vinkunwildflowerqueen

Best AU:

3- 'Sins of the Father' by Vinkunwildflowerqueen and 'Blind Ambition' by Fae'sFlower (in a tie)

2- 'We Never Were' by memillionthdollar and 'Prince Cafe' by RavenCurls (in a tie)

1- 'The Ghost of Kiamo Ko' by Vinkunwildflowerqueen

Best Crossover:

2- 'Frozen Heart' by Woodland59

1- 'What Dreams May Come' by ExoticPeachBlossom

Best Drabble/Oneshot:

3- this was kinda weird, but all of them only got one vote. I'll mention them anyway:
'I'm Not Pretending Anymore' by Chanty420, 'Sacred Illusion' by ComingGoingbyBubble, 'Happily Ever After' by RavenCurls, 'A World Alone' by Smarmy Puggles, 'Happiness' by The Wizard Of Wicked

2- 'The Most Perfect Day' by Musicgal3 and 'Let Him Never Die' by EllaPhaba (in a tie)

1- 'Fate' by Ultimate Queen of Cliffies

Most Humorous:

3- 'Unprepossessing Features' by friends and p-f4ever

2- 'Wicked Therapy' by Woodland

1- 'Don't Tell the Bride' by vinkunwildflowerqueen

Best Fiyeraba:

3- 'A Whole Other Perspective' by musicgal3

2- 'Where Loyalties Lie' by Ultimate Queen of Cliffies

1- 'Dances with Princes' by Ultimate Queen of Cliffies

Best Gelphie:

3- 'I'm Not That Girl' by denpa wave chicksai

2- 'Just a Bit of a Fixer Upper' by denpa wave chick saki and 'Reading the Signs' by lightningprince and 'Overcoming Adversity' by Heatqueen (in a triple tie)

1- 'How to Be (Un)Popular' by FaerieTales4ever and 'The Love Club' by Intergalactic Koala (in a tie)

Best Bessa:

2- 'Give Her One Day' by bwayfan25

1- 'I'm Not Pretending Anymore' by Chanty420

Best Other Pairing:

2-'More than Most' by Fae'sFlower

1- 'Love Is A Strange Feeling' by The Wizard of Wicked

Best Songfic:

2- 'Watch Me Soar' by Fae'sFlower

1- 'Pretty Funny' by Wickedly Hope Pancake

Best Dead Story:

3- 'If the Shoe Fits' by Virgo Writer

2- 'Wicked Upside Down' by NellytheActress (:D) and 'I am Elphaba' by TheWitch'sCat and 'Shackled' by WonderfulCaricature (in a triple tie)

1- 'Following the Rules' by Wicked'elphaba-fiyero

Best Original Character:

3- this was kinda weird, again, but all of them only got one vote. I'll mention them anyway:
'Ameya' from Before they were Wicked by bwayfan25, Duran' in Fighting for Happily Ever After by lightningprince, 'Marian' from Finishing the Hat by WickedFrenchHorn, 'Lori Tiggular' from Ultimate Queen of Cliffies

2- 'Corin' from Don't Tell The Bride by Vinkunwildflowerqueen and 'Raga' from Truth by AirHawk19 (in a tie)

1- 'Dawyn' from Where Loyalties Lie by Ultimate Queen of Cliffies and 'Cohvu' by Ultinate Queen of Cliffies (in a tie)

Best Overall Fic:

3- 'The Abberation' by NastElilBuggr and 'Sins Of The Father' by vinkunwildflowerqueen (in a tie)

2- 'Dances with Princes' by UltimateQueenOfCliffies

1- 'Ghost of the Green Girl's Present' by UltimateQueenOfCliffies and 'Hear No Evil, See No Evil' by ExoticPeachBlossom and Fae'sflower (in a tie)

Best General Fic:

3- 'You're Only Wicked Once' by NellytheActress (:D) and 'A Whole Other Perspective' by Musicgal3 and We Never Were' by Memillionthdollar (in a triple tie)

2- 'Blind Ambition' by Fae'sFlower

1- 'Where Loyalties Lie' by Ultimate Queen Of Cliffies

Best 'Unknown' Fic:

2- 'A Change in a Weather' by cisplatin

1- 'The Rapport That Binds Us' by Out Live a Lie

Best Parody;

2- 'A Wicked Parody' by Wickedly Hope Pancake and 'Woodland's Wicked Parody!' by Woodland59 (in a tie)

1- 'Bubble-Scratch That, Fly Girl the Second!' by woodland59 and 'Wicked Onstage' by Fae'sFlower (in a tie)

Thank you all for participating in the 2014 Greg Awards. It's been an honor but now is my time to pass this wonderful experience to another lucky author. Via tradition if you would like to host PM, first come first serve. But warning, if you ask to soon I may forget and when the time comes next year I might accidentally promise someone else, so if I do tell you, you can host.. Remind me! Thank you,
