Hi everyone in the Wicked archive! Guess what time of the year it is? The Greg Awards! Settle down, I know you are all excited, believe me I am too. But if you would wait one more second before you throw that giant party (that I hope I'm invited to) so that you could hear what I have to say. Stay calm!
Some may ask "what in the world is the Greg Awards?!", well in that case might I assist you. The Greg Awards is a strictly classified award ceremony similar to the Tonys or Oscars or Oliviers but for Wicked fanfictions. They were named after our dear Gregory Maguire who was the author of the book Wicked, which has made this possible. It is an award ceremony to celebrate Wicked fanfictioners for their work in the Wicked archive!
I realized that the awards would be coming soon and thought it might be fun to host. I'm sorry to those who wanted to host, next year might be your lucky year ;) Thanks Glitter-Bunnii (2013 Greg host) for granting me the privilege of hosting!
You have exactly a month to nominate stories and authors, then I will compile a shortlist of all nominees. From there you can vote for one author or story from each section. Please nominate wisely, and don't be bias!
1: You can only nominate up to three stories or authors in each category.
2: You cannot nominate yourself.
3: Nominations must be pertinant (No Floqs in the Gelphie category, Please).
4: Nominations must be within the Wicked archive, except for crossovers.
5: Try to keep each nomination for a story to a limit of two categories. (i.e., one story for best crossover and best Fiyeraba, but no more categories, etc.)
6: To qualify for the Unknown fic, the fic must have fewer then four reviews per chapter (if a drabble, less then three reviews total.)
7: To qualify for the Dead Story, it must have been officially discontinued by the author or not have been updated in at least four months.
8: Be nice to the host: Include the name of the story's author, and, when nominating the best OC, both author and story.
9: Stories nominated must have been updated after November 13th 2013 and authors nominated must have written something in the Wicked archive after 13th November 2013.
The Categories:
Best Author
Best Oneshot Author
Most Humorous Author
Best Romance Author
Best Angst Author
Best Angst
Best AU
Best Crossover
Best Drabble/Oneshot
Best General
Most Humorous
Best Fiyeraba
Best Gelphie
Best Bessa
Best other pairing
Best Songfic
Best Story
Best Original Character
Best Overall Fic
Best "Unknown" Fic
Best Parody
Best Dead Story
Nominations must be in by November 30th, a month from now. Nominations can be sent via review or if you feel like someone for some weird reason might copy you, PM is fine. All nominations through PM should be headed "Greg Award Nominations" to make this easy for both you and me.
So go nominate some lucky fanfiction authors then sit back and laugh at how I have to count all your nominations! Good Lucky!