When one battle ends, another begins. When one piece of time is destructed, so shall another. Naruto Uzumaki Namikaze knows this all to well... after all, he know is subject to the same concept. Back in time, Naruto will do what he dose best, make stupid promises and gain the wrong attention while doing so.


Alternate time

Fist clash against fist, fire against water, wind against lightning, elements were thrown around like mere play toys as two power houses fought it out in one final battle.

Friend against friend, brothers in all but blood, this is what the two represented as the fought their bloody battle, mother Nature's land being destroyed by their acts of violence. The fight obliviously involved two very powerful shinobi, their powers were far beyond the reach of any normal shinobi... The two fighters age was shocking seeing as they threw technique after technique without even showing the slightest bit of exhaustion.

The boys names: Naruto Uzumaki Namikaze and Sasuke Uchiha.

Uzumaki Naruto : The Show off, Number One Unpredictable, Noisy Ninja. The Yogen no Ko, Saviour of the World. He was the "Konohagakure no Eiyu" as well the "Child of the Prophecy". However, even with all these honourable titles, Naruto had one hell of a childhood.

Born to the fourth Hokage, Minato Namikaze and Kurama's second jinchuriki, Kushina Uzumaki, Naruto was the first of Asura's reincarnations to be born into the era of relative peace. Naruto was named after the protagonist of Jiraiya of the Sannin's first book, thereby making the Sannin his godfather.

Prior to his birth, his parents and the third Hokage, Hiruzen Sarutobi, feared that the stress of giving birth would compromise the seal which kept the Kyuubi contained within Kushina. As a precaution, Kushina was taken to a top-secret location outside the village with Biwako Sarutobi and Taji as her midwives, guarded by Anbu and Minato to keep the seal in place. Through unknown means, an masked ninja who intended to take the fox for his own evil ends uncovered their plans. After killing the midwives and Anbu, the masked man took the newborn Naruto hostage as a means of seperating Minato from Kushina in order to release Kurama.

Minato quickly sprung into action, however, by the time he secured Naruto at a safer location, the masked man had succeeded in releasing Kurama and used it to devastate Konoha. Minato managed to save Kushina and left Naruto in her care before he went to protect the village.

After having severed the masked ninja's control over the tailed beast, Minato realized the only way to stop Kurama was to seal it within Naruto, believing that his son would someday have need of the fox's power to defeat the masked ninja when he returned. However, Kurama's chakra was too immense for the seal to hold, and thus Minato was forced to sacrifice his soul in order to first weaken the fox by splitting its Yin and Yang chakra amongst himself and his son before succumbing to his wounds alongside Kushina after taking a fatal blow from the fox meant for their son.

Suddenly orphaned, Naruto was left to grow up knowing nothing of his parents, receiving only his mother's last name as Hiruzen believed it was best that nobody knew that he was related to the Fourth Hokage.

Despite Minato's dying wish to see his son heralded as a hero, only the Third Hokage and a small number of the villagers could put their pain of loss aside and honour this request. The majority of Konoha, consumed with bitterness over the lives lost and destruction in the wake of Kurama's attack, resented Naruto for it, unable to separate the beast from the boy, and with some even seeing him as the fox itself. In the interest of protecting Naruto and in the hope that the younger generations would not emulate this position, Hiruzen passed a decree of secrecy that strictly prohibited the adults from divulging Naruto's status as a jinchūriki. This policy was not entirely effective, as many of the Naruto's peers followed their parent's example and shunned social isolation would cause Naruto to develop a need to be acknowledged through mischief.

The blonde grew from nothing into a large something, not even knowing it half the time, his powers were extraordinary. Even now, he showed sighs of having huge power and chakra.

Sasuke Uchina however was Naruto's complete counterpart, Sasuke is the second and youngest son of the Konoha Military Police Force captain and Uchiha clan head: Fugaku Uchiha, and his wife Mikoto and the first of Indra's reincarnations to be born into the era of relative peace. Mikoto named him after the father of the Third Hokage in hopes that he would grow up to be a great ninja like his name's sake.

During his early childhood, Sasuke greatly admired his older brother Itachi, wanting to be more like him. Even though would often be too busy to hang out with Sasuke, would enjoy what little quality time they could together. In the anime, they even made a game collecting paw prints of cats together. Sasuke also shared a similar closeness to Shisui Uchiha.

Despite his love for Itachi, Sasuke constantly lived in his older sibling's shadow, who was an acknowledged prodigy viewed by the Uchiha as a genius, and whose work would further strengthen the bonds between the village and the clan. Sasuke's father in particular took an active interest in Itachi, thereby neglecting Sasuke.

Itachi, on the other hand, was rather ambivalent and full of oddly conflicting undercurrents, acknowledging Sasuke by taking interest in his progress as a ninja and spending time playing with him when even their father did not. Even in the Academy, Sasuke was still unable to escape Itachi's shadow. Despite consistently scoring at the top of every class, Sasuke failed to receive any recognition from his father beyond comparing his success to his older brother. Itachi acknowledged the rivalry Sasuke felt telling him: "We are brothers. I am the wall you must climb over, so you and I will continue to exist together."

When Sasuke was at age 7, the relationship between Itachi and his father deteriorated after Itachi was questioned by other members of the Uchiha clan regarding the apparent suicide of his best friend, Shisui. As Itachi's behaviour became increasingly bizarre, Sasuke's father began spending more time with Sasuke, and began teaching him the Great Fireball Technique, a common family technique seen as a sign of coming of age in the Uchiha clan.

When Sasuke first tried to perform the technique, he only produced a small flame and after that, some smoke. His father said that Itachi was able to do it on his first try at Sasuke's age, which disappointed him. Later, with one week of training, Sasuke performed the technique in front of his father, proving himself a prodigy as well in his own right and finally receiving his father's individual recognition rather than comparison to Itachi. Sasuke's father told him that he could now proudly wear the clan's emblem on his back.

Following this, Sasuke also received a stern warning not to follow in Itachi's footsteps any further, surprising him as before, he was told to be like him; and his father showing he was proud of Sasuke for the first time the same way as he used to with Itachi.

At some point in the past, Sasuke joined Itachi on a mission to catch a wild boar. Sasuke was wielding a bow and was told by Itachi not to hit any vital points. However, Sasuke missed the boar completely. Eventually they defeated the boar and Sasuke apologized for his bad aiming, Itachi responded by telling him that he needed to train more.

On one fateful night, Itachi slew every member of the Uchiha clan, sparing only Sasuke, saying that he was not even worth killing. In addition, Itachi told him, "You've always wanted to surpass me.

That's why I'm going to let you live… if you wish to kill me, then hate me, despise me… and by all means flee, cling to your wretched life." Itachi also revealed to Sasuke where the secret meeting place of the Uchiha was hidden, and suggested that Sasuke go there to learn what the true history and purpose of the Sharingan was. He told him that "to awaken the Mangekyō Sharingan," he "had to kill the person he was closest to", and that "when we battle, we should have the same eyes".

Sasuke thought he had fainted after this, but later remembered that he had managed to stand back up, awaken his Sharingan, and pursued Itachi. Upon reaching Itachi, he used knives to knock off his forehead protector. Itachi was seen shedding a tear as he was picking up the forehead protector. He then proceeded to incapacitate Sasuke, who awoke in the hospital remembering only that which Itachi wanted him to.

But even though the two had gone through so much together, they continued to fight.

"Fire Release #: Great Flame Flower" Sauke roared out as he pre-formed the 21 hand sighs in mere seconds before jumping up into the air and shooting three giant bullets of fire that came down like giant meteors.

Naruto,seeing this, the blonde formed a "Water Release : Tearing Torrent" in one hand and a "Wind Release : Rasengan", which instantly started to swallow up the first techique, in the other. In a flash, Naruto invoked it creating a highly condense wind/water wall that effectively extinguish the fire and blocked any sneaky placed shirukens and Kunias.

Using the steam from the collocation of the attack to his advantage, Sasuke laughed a "Fire Style : Grand Fireball technique" at the blonde. Naruto re-acted just as quick as he formed his Yang/tailed beast cloak and block it with a chakra claw.

However the only served as a mere distraction, Sasuke used his chakra induced speed to get behind the blonde sage in a instate where he stabbed towards Naruto with a chidori, only for the Yang user to stop it with his "Creation of all things" ball technique.

The black haired teen frowned in annoyance as he was forced to jump backwards from Naruto, trying to minimize the damage he could of sustained, and quickly brought his susanoo to life.

Just in time to, not a second later Naruto launched three of his balls of Yang at the teen, creating a large cloud of dust.

A dark figure soon emerged from the cloud showing itself to be Sasuke in his susanoo technique flying towards the now kyuubi sized chakra covered Naruto.

The two titans clashed, earth exploding from the sheer force of the two, in a struggle of dominoes. Tail met sword, heads smashed together like rams, both trying to over power the other. It wasn't long before the two finally had enough and shot forwards with one punch, a single punch that caused the very water to rise like a huge wave around them.

A large "slam" filled the area as the two connected, fist locking as did the eyes, both glaring at each other in anger. Memories of their haunted childhood came to mind as the continued to struggle for a lee way.

Another memory popped up as chakra arm clashed with susanoo sword. It was that of their first fight where Sasuke had preached to Naruto. "You've been alone from the start! It's connections that make life so painful, you'll never understand!" he had said back then, but Naruto knew how it felt now, the blonde had lost multiply people close to him, Jiraiya, old man Hokage, Neji, Ryzetsu, he had even lost Hinata at one point in time.

The two roared as the lashed out with another sweep, this time a tail clashing against a sword, more memories came to the two in sinc. "Wow is that all you got?" Naruto shouted out to Sasuke as he and his opponent finally came to a halt.

"You'll die if you keep on slacking like that." Sasuke replied in a died tone, a glare of emotionless planted on his face as he looked towards the blonde.

A glare of fire dimmed Naruto's face as he looked towards the Uchiha. "There's no way I'm letting you kill me." A frown loosened ever so slightly as he finished the statement. "You going in with the whole lone wolf act again..."

Sasuke merely glared down at Naruto as he readied his most prized technique.

The Chidori.

A deep growl escaped Naruto's throat as he readied up his a "Sage Art : Tailed Beast Rasengan" and with that in hand Naruto shouted "I'll never let my best from GO!" in anger before shooting the resengan against the chidori.

The year was 0823 AC and the world had just came to one major stop. A slight breeze ratled the leaves yet there was no movement, the faint sound of children giggling as they played was heard everywhere, yet no kids were in sight.

Time just stopped freezing everything, and everyone, in a locked format.

All except one.

"Damn it!"

A bellow cry of thoughts swarmed the mind of a single shinobi, his mind void of anything but the idea that put him in this mess. It was the same kind of mess that people thought when they see the mess of an after party.

However this man was not waking up to a mess, he was waking to a whole new world, literately.

17 year old, Naruto Uzumaki was not having the best of days, the previous fight he and Sasuke had done ended up in him being flung across space and time.

He was really, really, regretting the decision of using Space time justu in that unstable charka field.

Looked around, the powerhouse Ninja tried to figure out just where the hell he had gotten himself, he really shouldn't of preformed that seal, it was a work in progress, it was created to send his subconscious back in time by using space/time aspects, like his father's legendary flying thunder god.

He had only recently mastered that seal formula, there was no way of telling just where his seal had sent him, it may have even sent him into an alternative dimension, like Kguya's technique.


Now that was a scary thought.

Taking about the rabbit princess, the fight that happened between them had been one of legends, it had lasted a whole day, his 17th birthday to be exact. It soon dawned on him that he had sadly ended that fight with Sasuke without Kurama, his closest companion.

Sighing, the teen began to think of his predicament.

He was in an unknown time and place, with no clue as to how to get back. He could blend with citizen with dirty, damp and different clothes however he had no idea what language these people spoke, or if the people even looked like him.

Great, he was screwed, just great.

With an irritated sigh, Naruto looked down. His clothes, that consisted black flame designed cloak that covered his shinobi uniform, was completely drenched. Unique to the jonin of his home, Naruto's clothes consisted of black shinobi combat pants and a black shinobi long sleeved combat shirt, however instead of being wet, it was, however, covered in dirt.

Sighing, Naruto looked down at a puddle of water, that was created by his cloak, to check if his appearance had been changed.


Luckily enough, he was greeted by the same reflection he was use to. The same face that had lost all it's baby fat, same light red hair, much like his mother's... Wait a minuet, red-head.

Blue eyes widened in shock as he grabbed a hand full of his now long, waist length, red hair. How? Why? Naruto was sure it was blonde when he fought against Sasuke, maybe a side effect with the jutsu. Looking down the new red head soon found out some more shocking facts.

Gone with the whisker marks that marked him as a Jinchuriki, his once sky blue eyes were now a mix between wine red and sky blue, his left eye was blue still but his right was a ruby red.

It was hard enough getting use to this face, he did not need another change.

No more blue eyes, instead replaced by wine red. No baby fat left, it had all but faded away. Everything that once marked him as Naruto Uzumaki Namikaze faded away to the point that he was nearly unrecognizable to himself.

After about a minute of staring at himself, Naruto closed his eyes with a sigh. The red-had slowly started to gather natural chakra, or whatever this planet had for self-sustaining power.

As the power drew into him, Naruto noticed several things off about the world's power, first being the fact that it was less dense of that on the element nations and it also had a quicker flow to it, meaning it entered Naruto faster than the one at home.

It only took 30 seconds of him sitting completely still for his eye lids gained an light orange eye-shadow, signaling his change into sage mode, and soon enough his eyes opened to show a pair of orange toad like eyes with bars like irises.

Orange eyed sage scanned the area around him, taking in the details of the area around, however his eyes noticed several different life forces, which were strangely similar to people with Kekkei genkai, were moving the surrounding area.

As a sage, Naruto knew the differences of human and animal aura's, so as he continued to scan the area. He was soon over come by shocked however when he found that there were some people who had very strong spiritual power that overwhelmed their physical powers, much like a summon.

This meant that they couldn't do Justus, as they needed to have an equal amount of both physical and spiritual to mold chakra. He didn't know what he would call this new form of energy, and so he left it to contemplate later.

Of course this was a shock to him, he had never once seen anything like it, not in all his years of traveling the nations with Jiraya.

Shaking his head to get ride of the depressing thought, the blond opted to look at the area for himself. Still in sage mode, Naruto rose to his feet, brushed himself off as he did so, before pushing nature energy and reitsu (spiritual energy) into his back at the same time.

Like magic, a pair of long, white, golden feathered wings, much like an angel's, materialized and unfurled from the blond's back. They were smooth, soft to the touch, and radiated a bright light.

The power itself wasn't that special, he simply used wind chakra mixed with some Natrual chakra and a quick transformation jutsu and poof, wings that allowed him flight.

With one powerful flap of his wings, he shot up like a rocket in to the sky, floating on the air currents he paused to look around the area. Looking down, not paying attention, he drifted with the wind, only to be interrupted as a creature flew head first into him.

"What the hell did I just hit?" thought Naruto, as he raised his hand to rub the sore spot on his forehead, whilst he continued plummet 70 feet to the ground.

As if Kami was playing some form of a practical joke, he just happened to look down just as he hit concrete.


"Today's sucks so much!" thought the winged sage as he held onto his hurting face. Tears fell from his eyes as he snapped his noise back into place. However, when he tried to stand, he felt a large on his back, not enough to keep him down though.

As soon as he was on his feat, Naruto turned to see just what had hit him only to be met with a very strange sight.

The first thing he took notice of was the two long blue wings that connected to the thing's upper back. The fact that it had four strong legs struck seconds latter as he looked at the thing infront of him. Three long claws adorned the tips of the end of it paws. Behind the monster was a long sinuous tail, which was dark blue like the rest of the beast; and to finish it all off was the design of its face.

Dark green eyes with black scaler, examined him in return. Its mouth which was currently open sported three rows of razor sharp large teeth. It's body was four times larger than his own, a very startling, somewhat intimidating sight.(3)

"What the hell!" screamed Naruto in his shock as he recovered from what had happened moments ago. The blond jumped backwards when he saw just how close the thing's teeth was to his face.

The teen took acouple of seconds to calm himself, pushing the big beast away from his face, allowing him to get a better look at it, and not a blurred picture, before letting out a calm sigh.

As the teen looked at the massive beast, he could hear the faint mumbling of female voice. "Watch where you going!"

Naruto eyed the massive being for a few moments, taking in its stance and energy signature, before letting out another sigh. "Sorry about that, I wasn't paying attention as to where I was going." Naruto chuckled nervously as he slowly cleared his system of fear. Cracked his back, Naruto let his chakra technique dissipate, his wings seeming to disappear in motes of light and white, golden feathers.

The dragon head snapped so fast towards him that Naruto could of sworn that she had broken her neck.

For the sage it was fine for him to understand animals, no matter what species, but for the dragon it was a different story, never before in her long life had a human understood her. It was miracle that it was happening. Her shocked state was slapped off her face when a light brushing of feathers scrapped across her face.

Looking to the side, she noticed that the human, or whatever he was, was now sprouting a new set of wings and was crouched down low, as if he was about to take off.

"STOP" she demanded of him in a worried tone, thinking that the red-head would leave before she got her answer, it was her first time meeting a human whom could speak to her afterall, and she wasn't about to let him go so easily.

Naruto, who was getting ready to launch off again, turned towards the dragon with an arched brow. His understanding of what the dragon was so upset about was void, nothing really made sense as to why she would be so worried.

Shaking his head, Naruto tried to think of something to start off a conversation, snapped his fingers in frustration as he did so.

Letting out a sigh, the young adult turned towards the mythical beast that looked, strangely enough, like a small version of a dragon."Yes, what is it? Err… sorry I don't know who, or what, you are. "Naruto said before letting out a nervous laugh.

Seeing that the beast had yet to say anything back in a minuet, Naruto started off the conversation. "My name Naruto Uzumaki Namikaze, but my friends call me Naruto, nice to meet you" the blond said in a happy, and welcoming, tone as he reached out for a handshake, only to retract it back when he released the blue creature hadn't any hands.

The dragon looked at him in confusion, if he had to guess, she picked up on the fact that he didn't have a common sounding name. "My name is Sylphid, it's nice to meet you Naruto-San." The dragon bowed its head slightly. "Please excuse me but I have a question." Naruto raised an eyebrow in wonder before nodding in agreement "I would like to know how you understand me? I mean, most humans don't normally see me, and the ones that do, well they don't understand me at all." the female dragon asked in a polite tone looking straight at him with a sad look in her eyes.

"Really now?" I thought the people's energy here was a bit strange, but I didn't know that they couldn't understand what animals say, that must suck really bad." spoke Naruto in a shocked, but amused, tone as he keep his one red eye locked with the dragon, his blue eye hidden behind his hair.

"Oh yeah it sucks, especially to the ones who've yet to become someone's familiar." She said in a down cast voice getting a nod of agreement from Naruto, he knew what it felt to, be ignored by everyone for being a jinchuriki and what not. "Normally people don't understand me, so it's nice to talk to someone once in a while." she said happily but soon a scowl made it way to its face.

Naruto snapped out of memory lane when a he notice an awkward silence had fallen upon them. "Oh yeah, I almost forgot! What kind of summon are you?" Naruto asked the rather large and intimidating animal that towered over him, trying to get rid of silence.

"I don't know what a summon is, I'm what's known as a familiar. We are summoned by human nobles to become their partners." she replied sagely with a blank look in her eyes.

"I'm a dragon; a type of legendary beast, and because of how powerful we are, we used to get summoned a lot, which resulted in many of my kind dying in the human kind's wars. Because of that, our numbers reduced rapidly, and resulted in us becoming close to extinct. So my kin and I decided that we would only allow ourselves to be summoned by the most powerful summoner's. This is why there are so few of us left in this world. Most Mages in this time don't possess the skills, or power, to summon us." Sylphid replied sadly.

After a couple minutes of silence, the large dragon noticed that Naruto had completed avoided talking about "Hey! You still haven't answered my question! How is it that you understand me?" she demanded with glare.

"Well that is," he started with a quietly and leaned into whisper, Sylphid had in return come closer to listen. "A secret" laughed Naruto. As the dragon face planted to the floor, he jumped back and let out his wings. "Well it's been nice and all, but I have places to go people to see. So see ya around!" he said smoothly as he spread out his wings and shot into the sky.

Sylphid stared at the place the man had been with a dumb founded look on her face. She quickly snapped out of her daze, and prepared to chase after him to find out want his secret. As she went to follow him, she found he was completely gone. Sylphid looked dejected but soon she flew off to go find her new human friend.

((Back with Naruto))

Naruto quickly flew to the closest roof top before henged his clothes into the style of people around him as he jumped down to a different ally way and changed his look to his old 16 year old self with longer hair. As soon as he landed, he saw the dragon he just meet fly in the opposite direction. Smiling, the teen slipped out the ally way and into the crowd of people.

Smiling, the teen peaked out from the side of the alleyway to see the local area before quickly hiding back inside.
His conclusion... people hated orange.

Like he had guessed, the civilians of this time/world weren't dressed like the ones in his home. Instead of kimono's and ninja gear, everyone was either dressed with a skirt or trouser and had a verity of different coloured top, all except orange that was.

Frowning, the teen placed a quick invisibility genjutsu, one of the few genjutsu he could actually preform, and walked out into the street. Orange eyes scanned for the best controlled power out of the group, taking in the many different types of colours that flashed inside of some people, before the red-head rushed forwards and quickly used a technique that Anko had taught him in exchange for a 20 dango sticks and, weirdly enough, a pint of his blood.

Knowledge of this world soon flooded into Naruto's mind, answering questions left right and center.

After Naruto had sorted through the large pieces of information, he quickly retreated back into the ally way, never breaking his illusion for a second. Sighing, that teen leaned against the brick wall, shock and confusion lingered in the depths of his mutuality colored eyes, he had his answers.

However he didn't like what he found out.

From what he had gathered from the man's mind, this world was a complete 180 twist to his world. There had only been two wars in this world, while there had been four on his.

The power his people was known worldwide for had been swapped with magic.

Oh, and there were two moons.

Finally, and by far the worst, was...

Ramen doesn't exist in this time frame..

The teen could only cry at that last one, while the fact he was in a completely alternative world was big having no ramen was MASSIVE.

A single tear feel down the cheek of Naruto Uzumaki Namikaze's face, this news was that shocking.

Pulling himself together, the orange loving shinobi done a quick transformation jutsu to change his outfit to that of a common man's. Ninja shoes were swapped with a pair of black steel toe cap boat, black shinobi combat pants were swapped for a pair of black trousers, and finally, his black shinobi long sleeved combat shirt and sage cloak were switched for a simple white buttoned t-shirt and a long brown cape.

Dressed in his new gear, Naruto walked into the crowed street in a average space while trying to be as inconspicuous as possible. As he walked amongst the many people, Naruto tried to pick up on things that he did not know about all ready, like rumors on crimes, so that it could help him later on.

As the teen strolled down the path, he noticed something very odd scenes revolving around him every-time he passed a large group of people, mainly females. Whenever he would look around he would notice several girls, and some feminine looking guys, looked at him with blushes on there faces only to turn away seconds later with either a "epp" or a squeal.

For some reason though, it made the teen shiver and cringe slightly in fear.

Shaking off yet another cringe, Naruto quickly made his way towards the location he found the most useful to his current situation.

The pawn shop.

Luckily for Naruto, he had several golden blocks locked inside a scroll sealed on his persona. From the information he had acquired, the red-head found that gold was very valuable to this economy. Unlike his home town, gold didn't come large in large clumps and was quite rare.

With his new knowledge, gold sold from 1000 to 10,000 new gold coins, ranging for the amount of karats it was, and with the six 12 karat gold bars he had on him, he had a large amount of money already.

All he had to worry about was homing.

Well, he can think about that latter, because he was already at the pawn shop.

After he had gotten all, but 2, of his gold block exchanged, which got him 47,000 new gold coins, Naruto left the pawn shop and headed straight for a local tavern. While the teen wasn't that smart, he knew alot of about real estate, he knew to examine a house before straight away buying a house.

The teen was so lost in thought about it though, he failed to notice a female reading a spreadsheet walking right infront of him. With a "uf", they two bumped into one another.

Naruto quickly lashed out and grabbed the person who bumped into, making sure that he/she didn't hit the ground.

Looking down, Naruto's locked with the form of a cute girl with dark brown hair styled into a single thick braid which becomes thinner in the end. Purple eyes shinned like Amethyst, the female had extremely smooth skin that was pale in colour. The female was wearing a white top with buttons, revealing some of her breast cleavage, with frilly black collar with red ribbon and white puffy sleeves on the shoulder and a black corset.

The beauty also wore a red skirt that had two layers, the upper layer being dark red one and the lower layer a lighter one with a white apron covering it. Finishing off her look was a pair of brown knee-length boots.

All in all, the girl was beautiful.

Releasing that he was starring, Naruto gained a blush as he quickly helped the girl to her feet. "Sorry about that, I wasn't watching where I was going." Naruto said as he rubbed the back of his head. "name's Naruto Uzumaki, nice to meet ya."

The female simply waved it off with a small smile. "Its fine, I wasn't watching either." The brown hair said as she picked up the basket she had been carrying with her. "My name's Neris Filiam, its a pleasure."

Naruto smiled a little as he smelled the freshly cooked loaf of bread. "Well, Neris, if you don't mind me asking, where did you find the delicious looking food."

Neris smiled brightly as she turned towards the blonde. "Well actually, I work at a place that makes bread, I could show you the way if you want?"

Naruto simply smirked and motioned for the female to lead the way.

After 20 minuets of waking and talking, the two soon arrived at a old fashioned bread shop completely made out of wood. The bakery was fairly small, only being a bit bigger then a average sized house, with 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, 4 storage rooms, 2 kitchens, a front room which was where the food was sold.

Naruto couldn't help but droll from the look of the amazing looking bread as he stepped into the "Le Coure" bakery. The food looked amazing cooked and he didn't waste anytime in scoping out what he wanted.

While he did this, two more females walked into the main room with fresh bread in their hands.

The first female was a short one, standing 5'4 high, with light brown hair tied into two braids with a tulip flower-shaped hairclip on one side of her bangs. She too had brown eyes, like Neris, but her's was a lighter colour. The brunette was dressed in a green dress with a big white collar with orange lining on it and a frilly orange neck tie. The dress' sleeves had light green color and are puffy on the shoulder part with small orange ribbons on each. The sleeves also had a tulip flower prints in a darker green color. The teenage looking girl also wore a beige colored apron and knee-length boots.

This was Amil Manaflare, a 16 year old girl that worked in the same place as her two self calmed sisters.

The "sister" standing next to her was Airy Ardit, she to was also 16, and stood 5'3. Airy, unlike her two "sisters" had straight blonde hair and blue eyes, similar to Naruto's old appearance. The youngest of the three antics consisted of an outfit somewhat similar to a nun's, albeit with some differences. It's main colors are dark blue (on the sides and back) and white (on the front) with small gold linings that separate them. The front white part reveals her legs, while the dark blue parts covers and reaches into her ankle. The outfit's collar is white with a golden brooch shalped like a pair of wings and it has a red cloth hanging from the brooch. The outfit's sleeves are puffy dark blue with a fancy white cross design. The sleeves are rolled into a tulip petals shape and it has white frills. Finishing off the look was a dark blue headdress with white frills and a white ribbon on the side.

Both the females smiled lightly when the saw the red-head practically drooling over their food, their sister standing beside him with a smirk of her own. Quickly setting down the bread, the two made their way towards the new customer. "Hey, Neris, who's the customer." Amil said with a small smile as she waved towards the bread loving red-head.

"His name's Naruto, we bumped into each other outside the bank." the elder of the sisters replied with a small smile. "He seems like a nice guy, we had quite the conversion on our way here. Did you know of a noddle dish called ramen? From what Naruto's said, it sounds amazing." Neris said with a smile as she watched Naruto pick up several different loafs of bread before rushing over to the three.

"How much?" Naruto asked as he placed all the breed infront on the table conveniently placed next to Neris before bringing out a stack of new gold coins.

Amil had a quick look over the bread with a smile before quickly calculating the amount together. "Ah, that's 2 new gold coins for all of it." She answered quickly making Naruto blink in surprise.

"That's not much? Well, I don't really have 1 new gold pieces but I do I have a 5, you can keep the change." Naruto said as he dug into he pouch and placed it on the counter. "Oh, do you guys by any-chance know of a tavern I could spend the night at?"

The three sisters looked at each with similar smiles before Neris nodded and waved her arms open. "Well, it just so happens that we're renting out a room for 10 new gold coins a fortnight." she admitted with a smirk, causing Naruto to raise a eyebrow in surprise.

"Sweet, where do I sigh?"

Well guys, looks like this chap is done, I hope my grammar was alot better this round. I've been putting this on hold for a while but yeah, its ready.