Disclaimer: I own nothing in this story not even the quotes and Ed, Edd and Eddy belong to their soul creator as does Assassins Creed.
Time for the Rebirth
It was a nice day in the Cul-de-sac the birds were singing, the sun was shining and it felt as though the world was at peace. One could not ask for a perfect day but on this day lives would be changed forever especially for Ed, Edd n Eddy.
The Ed's were at Double D's house hanging out in the living room arguing about what to watch.
"Let watch something action packed like Jason Bourne," Eddy said with the remote in hand. Edd was sitting next to him reading the guide looking for something more appropriate to watch.
"You how I feel about violence Eddy how about instead a documentary on tropical fish" Eddy knew Edd wasn't much for fighting of any kind whether it's on TV or in real life.
"Boring let watch Gundam" Ed was at the end of the couch. He always loved his comics especially when he discovered manga. They kept arguing going back and forth until they started wrestling for the remote. Eddy had it in one hand while using the other too kept it away for Edd. It may not look like it but Eddy is stronger than his friend but neither of them could ever match Ed.
"DOGPILE! Ed said as he jumped and landed on the two causing Eddy to let go of the remote. Seeing it landed a few feet away they scrambled for it. Eddy reached out for it, and it was in arm's length until Ed pulled him back. While Ed and Eddy were distracted Edd made his move and successfully grabbed the remote seeing this the two lunged at him. This continued for half an hour until they tired themselves out.
"Hey, guys how long…" "...has it been?" Eddy said between breaths.
"Since what Eddy?" Edd said.
"Since we relaxed you know no scams, no getting chased by the kids or even getting beaten up afterward." They all thought about this and realized they never once did this just stop what they've been doing since they first met. Except for the chicken pox epidemic but that was more of a mental breakdown for Eddy than relaxing.
"I guess never since we've known each other but really all of our misguided shenanigans came to end after that incident with your brother," Eddy thought back to that day he finally dropped his guard and admitted he only did what he did so he could be cool like his brother. After finally getting that off his chest he could finally stand up to him. Eddy won and by won, I mean holding onto the trailer door until it broke off and hit him in the face knocking him out. After that, the kids were finally friends with Ed, Edd, and Eddy well its more of a truce than friendship. After the incident, it's still uncertain whether they can all be called a friend or just acquaintances but that thought is better left for another day.
The boys got up off the floor, sat back on the couch and decide to flip through the channels to see if there was anything good. Finally, they settled on Animal Fight Night it wasn't educational, it just showed animal fighting for territory or breeding rights. While they were lost in the show the phone started to ring Edd's Dad picked it up.
"Isaac it's me, Peter, I received a message for the Order the Templars are on the move they could be coming for the boys." Peter was Eddy's dad and he sounded worried.
"Did you tell Michael and the others?" Michael was Ed and Sarah's father.
"Yes, everyone already knows we either need to get the kids somewhere safe as soon as possible or send them the Order." He was dreading this day for some time now he knew eventually his son and his friends would be pulled into a war they weren't ready for. They all wanted to keep their kids safe but now with the Templars coming for them, they'll have to know who they really are and what they can do.
"So, what do we do?"
"Only one thing to do we send them to the Order for training better they prepared now than die later." He didn't even like this plan but it was the only option they have.
"Ok, then but do you think they're ready? I mean my son isn't the fighting type."
"Neither is Eddy except only when it comes to his friends but that is mostly just threats. Also, everyone knows Ed is inhumanly strong but he never uses it in a fight and he'll only truly use it if it's to protect Sarah."
"That's his older brother instincts kicking in, but in the event, something happens to any of us make sure to give your son the key Peter. I'll give mine to Edward after that all we can do is pray." Isaac tried to reassure his friend with this plan.
"Alright I've trusted your judgment for a long time we all have and that's how we made this far and how we could have kids of our own. None of us can ever repay you for what you've done. T-T-Thank you." He could hear his friend starting to cry over the phone its true they had all gone through some serious times but seeing their kids grow up made it all worth it.
"It's Okay. Be safe my friend"
"As do you. Bye" he hung up now wondering how was he going tell his wife or his son for that matter.
Back with the boys after sitting in front of the TV for the last hour a half boredom was starting to set in.
"Okay let do something anything instead of sitting here," Eddy said complaining. He was right, Ed could stay in his room all day and watch the tube but not the others.
"Alright how about a walkthrough town a little fresh air always helps whenever I'm at a loss of entertainment" Eddy was so bored that sounded good to him.
"Why not. You coming to lumpy?" Eddy got up off the couch.
"Sure, am Eddy" with that the boys left the house.
The Ed's left and headed for the town since the event with Eddy's brother they decided on a change of clothes to forget their past.
Eddy was wearing blue jeans with a white t-shirt with red converse sneakers and blue jacket with white and red Stripes. He had grown some over the years now he was the same height as Edd. His Dad's genes finally kicked in and gave him the muscle to match his new look. Edd's attire for the day was also a basic pair of jeans, wearing a brown leather jacket, sneakers and a shirt with the wolf symbol. He traded in his trademark beanie for a black cap. Ed had also gone through a change as well he started to take notice of his personal hygiene and now cleans his room. He still has his green jacket but it was bigger now and comes with a hood like his friends.
They walked through the newly developed Peach Creek taking in all the places it had to offer like a mall, movie theater, and the new homes.
Double D took in a big breath of air an exhaled "Ah smell that gentlemen nothing clears the mind better than the aroma of clean air and fresh cut grass".
"All I smell are exhaust fumes from the cars" Eddy was right as the cars were passing by.
"I smell burgers and hot dogs which means food. I'm hungry." the only thing on Ed's mind was food couldn't blame him though Edd and Eddy were also getting hungry.
"Okay then let's grab some food at CharGrill," Eddy said and the guys agreed. CharGrill is a popular fast food spot that student hangout. You could order almost anything from BBQ to chili cheese fries this was fast-food heaven. As the boys were walking down the street they started to reminisce about the old days. Eddy was having a ball laughing at the stuff that happened to Ed and Double D.
"AHAHAHAH remember that time we made that fake gold and Ed used a can opener for the next piece but cut a hole in the paint and got it all over his pants".
"Not funny Eddy" it wasn't funny to him though he was in his underwear for most of the day.
"Oh, come now Eddy try something we can all laugh at," Edd said.
"Okay how about the time your bathroom was being renovated, you got so dirty that Ed gave you a bath in the backyard. Oh, man talk about irony." If it was possible to die laughing, then Eddy just died. That had to be the worst day in Edd's life and knowing eddy he probably still has a picture form that day even after he said he destroyed them all.
"I know it was hilarious" Eddy seemed to find great pleasure at Edd's worst moment, how they were all still friends no one knows.
The boys were getting close as Ed could smell the food and drool was flowing out of his mouth like Niagara Falls. Somethings never change like Ed doing the impossible, Eddy coming up with another get rich quick scheme or Edd being the voice of reason and it's a good thing it never stops or life in Peach Creek would be less exciting. All throughout the walk, the Eds were recalling their best and worst moments.
"Hey remember that giant pancake incident what ever happen to it?" Edd said always did wonder where Eddy got the money for the ingredients and whatever happened to it.
"I think Ed ate it?" Eddy and Edd both knew whenever something unexplainable happens Ed is somehow involved from his bottomless stomach to breaking the fourth wall. No one could explain it not even Double D who all the kids considered knew everything. After a while, he just learns to accept it instead of trying to explain it.
"It could have used a little butter and syrup but it was good all the same" Ed told his friends.
The Eds were getting close to Cookout when they heard something that caught their attention.
"What was that?" Eddy looking around wondering where that noise came from. The Eds were searching for the source of the disturbance while slightly unnerved by its suddenness. They haven't been this like since the last Kanker attack and that was some time ago.
"It sounded like it came from one of the alleys let's go." The boys rushed off to go find the disturbance they searched each of the alleys looking for whoever made that noise. Each step they took the screams grew louder with fear and increased the urgency for the Eds to find that person.
As they were about to enter the last alley Eddy saw who was shouting for help and why so he pulled Ed and Double D down behind some wooden crates.
"Why did you do-" before Double D could finish Eddy put his hand over his mouth.
"SSSHH" Eddy pointed over the crates and they looked over seeing why he did what he did they saw three boys ganging up on the young girl. Edd saw the jackets they were wearing with its purple design and yellow lines at the end of the sleeves he knew they belonged to Lemon Brook High school. The guy on the far left had your average build, he had blonde hair with a scar above his right eye. Our man on the right was big and bulky with ripped jeans they surrounded the girl. The ringleader of the group who was the same height as the first guy but has the body of an athlete. The girl is terrorized by the group looked to be about sixteen she had long brunette hair and wore a black skirt with a white top an matching shoe.
"We have to help who knows what they might do to her" Edd could not just sit back and do nothing.
"Double D, we can't just rush in there, one of them could have a weapon and furthermore if we fight them we'll be starting another all-out war with LemonBrook. I don't need to remind you of what happened last time." Eddy wanted to make sure he was aware of the consequences should he act on his emotion.
"I know what happened everyone in the Cul-de-sac was there including the police" Edd sated
"True and after it was all over a somewhat truce was made that LemonBrook and Peach Creek would keep to their own business and stay out of the others way." Edd didn't like this at all he knew about the agreement, but his instincts were telling him to intervene.
"Listen Double D I know I don't always listen to what you say but you know I'm right we can't help. I know you want to help her but all we can do for now is hide and wait for them to leave." Edd knew he was serious but just because of some shaky truce they were just going to be bystanders that would never sit right with him. While they were trying to avoid the situation, it was about to get worse.
"No stop l-l-leave me alone" the girl was terrified of what they had in store for her.
"We'll leave you alone only if you give us something in return" she looked into his eyes and could see the malicious intent in them. "Here just take my money and go away please" they laughed which scared her the only other thing they could want besides money would be her body. That frightened her, even more, would they violate her right here in this alley or take her somewhere else. "We're not after your money all we want is a kiss one for each of us, who wouldn't want a kiss from a pretty girl" as his face was inches from hers. She turned her head and closed her eyes hoping they would leave.
Back behind the crates the Ed's were facing their greatest problem ever either help the girl about to be assaulted or let the bystander effect take hold. Edd was trying to come with some logic as to why they should not get involved but he knew that it would just be a lie. Eddy tried to convince himself that this wasn't his problem since no one helped him and his friends when they got beat up why should they. Ed didn't like just doing nothing while an innocent person was about to be harmed but if he jumped in the truce would be broken and Lemon Brook will retaliate. If it was just him they would go after then that's fine but he has Sarah to think about as her older it's his job to protect her. While they were being the three wise monkeys the situation was about to take a turn for the worse.
"Come on if you give us a kiss we'll give you to something even better later" He tried to use a little charm to soften her up but she refused. Growing impatient he placed both of his hands on the wall trapping her, with that his whole personality changed. "What makes you think you have a choice, this is a give and take relationship you either give us what we want or we'll take everything from you". They all had the same look on their faces, the same look when a predator is about to go for the kill.
"Double D we have to do something, anything we have to help her" Ed pleaded to him "Ed's right we have to do something because you and I both know that even if someone did come along they wouldn't do anything. Kids that go to Lemon Brook have powerful parents who would make anyone's life a living hell if someone messed with them" He was right those people are known for going all scorched earth on anyone who gets in their way.
"Alright let then just let me come up with a plan" Edd looked around the alley for something they could use. There was really nothing there that could be of any help to them until he saw the fire escape ladder it leads right above the jocks.
"Okay here's the plan Eddy you climb up the fire escape ladder a wait by the rails. Ed will take the guy on the right while I'll take the one on the left you get their leader. When I give the signal we hit them hard, fast and go the knockout as soon as you get an opening." This sounded like a solid plan, they could act as a distraction giving the girl a chance to escape.
Instead of following the plan Ed just pulled up his hood and rushed in blindly. He never was much for thinking things through but that was what Eddy and Double D were for.
"Oh, great now what?" Eddy said since the plan was no longer an option the only other choice is a blitz attack.
"Only thing we can do Eddy is back Ed up" Edd sighed what's done is done.
"Your forgetting neither you or I know the first thing about fighting. If we get KO'd then they'll gang up on Ed and he can't fight them all. What if they see our faces and figure out were from Peach Creek then what and besides didn't you always say I abhor violence what made you change your mind now?" Eddy did have a point they had no fighting experience what so ever and he was right Edd was always the voice of reason in the group. So why now, what made him want to rush into the danger zone.
Edd let out a sigh and said "Well my father did teach me some moves in case I got into a fight also I remembered what my father said he told me the only way for evil to thrive is for good men to do nothing. To me it means if I let this happen they'll do this to someone else then I would feel even worse for not stopping them and because I owe it to someone." Eddy saw the look on his face his other reason must be something painful but he'll find out later when he is ready to tell him.
"Now I know why but still how do we fight them and keep them from finding out who we are?" to charge into battle with no experience is the fastest way to die.
"Experience is the best teacher by far besides how many time have we been beaten up by the neighborhood kids. In all that time we must've gotten some experience from them other than bruises. To answer your other concern, we'll do what Ed did and pull our hoods over our faces so they can't fully see us." Eddy hated this part of the plan but there was no time to argue. So, they raised their hoods and charge in hoping to catch the other two off guard.
Ed tackled the big guy to the ground and followed up with a punch to the jaw knocking him out. Eddy got the leader with a jab followed by a cross it seems he did learn some form all those beatings. Edd dashed straight to the last guy but regained his awareness and threw a punch when Edd got in range. He thought back to the moves his father taught him and bobbed an weaved as the punches kept coming. Edd kept evading the attacks coming at him until an opening was made available. In that split second, Edd ear clapped the jock disorienting him then followed with a side kick to the knee and finished with a downward right cross. The guy was out cold Edd turned around to see the other attackers were also indisposed.
The guys turned to her and she started to tense up, Edd could see she was still scared and didn't know if she was still in danger.
"Don't worry we're not going to hurt you" he spoke with such sincerity that she started to relax.
"Thank you for saving me who are you guys?" she asked wanting to properly thank her saviors. Instead of answering her they ran back down the alley soon to be out of site. Eddy and the gang raced to somewhere secluded to in case she was following them. Seeing that was not the case the guys stopped in their tracks and let the weight of what they did sink in.
"Oh man I can't believe we just did that, I mean we took on three Lemon Brook jocks and won. We never won a fight in our lives, now kicked butt and took names" Even saying it out loud Eddy could wrap his head around it.
"That was so cool" Ed was having a field day right now.
"Yes, I must admit that was quite exhilarating, to say the least hopefully we won't have to do this again anytime soon. Also, Ed never do that again one day your brute strength won't be able to save you" Edd was glad they helped the young lady out but his thoughts were elsewhere. During the fight, those moves he had performed were not something his father taught and yet they felt so natural like they were second nature to him.
"He's right Ed you can't just dive in head first you're not indestructible" Eddy also scolded him.
"I'm sorry guys I couldn't just let an innocent woman be harmed," Ed said as he hanged his head low.
"Well after that fight I could certainly use some food," Eddy said the magic words that perked, Ed, right back up.
"Alright let's get back to what we were doing and head out to CharGrill" with that the boys made there and ordered their food. When the orders came up they grabbed their and went straight for a booth. Eddy was eating was eating a bacon cheeseburger with the works and a cola for his drink. Ed got a big hamburger, fries and a root beer to wash it all down and Edd had a chicken salad and with some sweet tea. Inside you could see this was a popular spot for kids to hang out at because especially Peach Creek students since CharGrill was within their boundaries.
After the guys were done eating they decided to head back home in concern if those guys they beat up comeback for a rematch. On the way back home unbeknownst to the guys, there were two people sitting in a parked car watching them. The one in the driver's seat was a middle-aged man wearing a suit that made him look like he belonged to some agency. His passenger was a young man with brown hair, he looked to be in his thirties wearing a dark brown leather jacket over a hoodie.
The driver pulled out his phone and made a call that would change everyone on the Cul-de-sac's lives forever.
" Sir we found them"
A/N:Sorry for the long wait but I'm back let me know what you think of the remade chapter.