Time is only a state of mind, so being late is a thought only one can possess.

The rich, inviting aroma of freshly ground coffee wafted through the air, filling the small café with its bittersweet scent. It was a quaint place, with only six tables, a few stools along the counter, and two large, comfortable couches. They were a lively maroon color, complementing the deep chestnut hues that were found in the tables and counter. It was quite warm inside - but in a cozy way. A perfect escape from the freezing temperatures outside.

But Elsa didn't care.

The blonde took a peek at the time on her phone, biting her lip in frustration before glancing at the barista behind the counter. The girl, who looked no older than 20 something, was idly chatting up a coworker and taking her time with making her drink.

Now, Elsa wasn't normally impatient - she was rather timid, and hopelessly polite. Her name was basically a synonym for well-behaved, and she always kept her composure, regardless of the situation.

But she was really running late today.

The brunette behind the counter obviously didn't know this, but quickly taking and making customers' orders seemed like the most probable way of doing her job properly, and Elsa had half a mind to explain this to her. But, she held her tongue, and instead tapped her fingernails against the counter impatiently, hoping the girl would take the hint.

Her blue eyes observing the barista's hands as she made the drink, Elsa idly wondered why she never bothered to make her own coffee - it'd be less expensive, and a hell of a lot quicker. Plus, she wouldn't have to trek all the way down to the little café, and subject herself to the... stares.

Platinum blonde hair and pale white skin definitely stood out against the darker, muted colors in the room, and her bright, ice-blue jacket wasn't doing much to disguise her, either. But those weren't the reasons people stared.

Arendelle was a small, prosperous community, incorrectly labeled as a college town. It was a tight-knit neighborhood, full of familiar faces and lacking in privacy. If you had grown up there, then everyone knew your business.

Elsa Arendelle knew this to be true. She was a direct descendant of the founding family, and was accustomed to seeing her surname on almost every sign. Her father had been a well-respected businessman, while her mother busied herself with raising the two Arendelle daughters.

Elsa was the older one - a no-nonsense girl with a quick tongue and a kind smile. She kept to herself most of the time, and was rumored to be rather snobbish. But growing up as a somewhat-celebrity in her hometown didn't tarnish her humility, and those who knew her best were fully aware of her large heart. She was merely... reserved.

Her younger sister, Anna, on the other hand, was a bit of a handful. Despite becoming boy-crazy at an early age, the 'Little Arendelle' was known for her innocence and purity. She was friendly, approachable, and too cute for her own good. Many guys had tried to take advantage of her sweet-nature, and though she fell head over heels easily, she'd wise up before anyone had to swoop in and rescue her. While Elsa was known for her cold demeanor and chilling beauty, Anna's trademark was her summery personality. She was bright, cheerful, and somewhat overwhelming in large doses. Strawberry-blonde hair and ocean-blue eyes only added to her appeal, and their father had his fair-share of heart attacks because of it.

Elsa imagined it couldn't have been easy raising two moderately attractive daughters.

Though, while she knew she was somewhat blessed in the looks department, she never prided herself on it. Not to say she didn't take care of her appearance - she never left the house without looking presentable. Her light blonde locks were always pulled back in an elegant up-do, and her makeup was sharp and clean. Her wardrobe was sophisticated, yet modern, and she kept her head held high at all times. She was the definition of poise and class. Her mother oozed elegance, while her father held an air of authority, and she had taken note.

The Arendelle family was respected and loved, and the whole town had mourned the loss of her parents.

Elsa felt tears prick at the back of her eyes at that thought, but quickly blinked them away. Everyone had been walking on eggshells around her since the accident - meaning she had been subjected to their looks of pity for nearly half a year. But when it seemed everyone was finally moving pass the loss, the holidays rolled around.

It was apparently unfit for the two Arendelle daughters to spend Thanksgiving and Christmas alone, and it seemed as though every family friend had offered them a place at the table. Anna, having postponed college after their parent's death, had been overly eager to leave the house, but Elsa had politely declined every offer. She hated being pitied.

Her reaction had only fueled the rumor of her snobbishness, and suddenly the older Arendelle found herself to be the subject of a lot of gossip. She brushed it off at first, due to never having cared about what people had to say anyway, but the more dirty looks she received in public, the more she felt thankful for returning back to school.

She was a junior at Arendelle University (also founded by her family), and was immediately pursued by Delta Zeta her freshman year. At first, the thought of joining a sorority was appalling, but her mother had been thrilled by the idea, and eventually talked her into rushing. She had been a Delta Zeta, making Elsa not only a member of the founding family, but a legacy as well. Needless to say, Rush Week had been a breeze for the elder Arendelle.

But losing her parents the summer between her sophomore and junior year had undoubtedly taken its toll, and Elsa had temporarily moved back into her family home, where she juggled classes and comforting her sister. Though, if you were to ask Anna, she'd tell you that Elsa hadn't done much comforting.

Shaking away those memories, the blonde checked the time on her phone once more. She had barely twenty minutes before she had to meet Anna at the school, where she was planning on giving her a quick tour. Anna was starting her freshman year during the winter quarter, which meant the campus wasn't as freshman-friendly as it had been at the start of the year. Which meant Elsa had unwillingly volunteered to being her younger sister's tour guide.

The younger Arendelle was planning on rushing Delta Zeta, though the sorority wasn't known for accepting winter rushes. But, having the same qualifications as Elsa (plus a few more extra-curricular activities), the girls had made a special exception for Anna (and a few others, as not to look selective).

Elsa had mixed feelings on her sister joining - on one hand, she figured it would be a good experience for the younger Arendelle, and it'd also be easier for Elsa to keep an eye on her, but on the other hand, Anna was still a little boy-crazy. And Delta Zetas were known for their... interactions with the more popular fraternities.

"One iced white chocolate mocha, extra whip, for... Ellis?"

Rolling her eyes at the somewhat incompetent employee, Elsa hurriedly took her drink, offering a deadpan "Thanks." The barista gave her a strange look, before turning back towards the other employee and resuming their conversation.

Quickly shoving a straw into her cup, Elsa rewarded her patience was a lengthy sip, relishing in the chill of her cold drink as it slid down her throat. Feeling as if her day were about to get better, the blonde began making her way towards the exit.

"Elsa, dear, is that you?"

Her earlier thought shattered, the elder Arendelle slowly turned around, forcing a smile on her face as she was greeted by an elderly woman.

"Hello, Ms. Merryweather."

The stout, round woman smiled pleasantly at the blonde as she stood from the table, her large blue overcoat doing nothing for her figure.

"How have you been, dear? It was such a shame you and Anna couldn't make it for Christmas - I know Aurora sure missed you!"

Elsa opened her mouth to respond, but the older lady continued rambling.

"Why, she had even invited her fiancé, Phillip, to join. Have you met Phillip yet? I know he's already graduated from Arendelle, but I'd figure Aurora would have introduced him to you all!"

Again, the blonde attempted to reply, but it seemed Ms. Merryweather was content with the one-sided conversation, so Elsa merely sipped her mocha instead.

"He's a handsome boy, you know. Fauna was spending the whole night fawning over him, while Flora couldn't stop planning the wedding for one moment. Do you know she's suggested pink for the color scheme? Surely she'd know Aurora despises pink - her favorite color is obviously blue!"

Smiling politely, Elsa began to zone out as the older woman continued bickering about her niece's wedding. Aurora was a Delta Zeta one year ahead of her, and had acted as her 'big sister' when she first joined. The girl was unbelievably beautiful, but stoic and reserved - though not nearly as shy as Elsa. She had golden blonde hair and violet eyes, and was Vice President of the sorority, though she focused more on her studies. Elsa had gotten to know her pretty well, and had heard many stories of her eccentric aunts, who lived down the street from Arendelle Manor.

But as she thought about Aurora's more excitable family members, she remembered she had to meet her own... eccentric sibling.

"Well, it was lovely seeing you, Ms. Merryweather," Elsa interrupted hastily, earning a confused look from the older woman, "but I actually have to run off and meet Anna - it's her first day."

The woman continued to look bewildered, until realization lit up her wide face, along with a smile.

"Oh, yes! Right, off you go, Elsa dear! Oh, but do tell Anna I say hello!"

"I will, Ms. Merryweather. It was very nice seeing you again." But the blonde didn't wait for a reply, and instead headed straight for the exit. Taking another peek at her phone, she let out a muted growl at the time; less than ten minutes before she had to meet Anna. And though Arendelle was a small town, Elsa wasn't looking forward to trekking through the snow.

Not bothering to look up as she reached the door, it shouldn't have come as a surprise when she collided against another person, her iced coffee drenching them both.

"Oh - ah! Hot, ho- er, uh, c-cold?" an unfamiliar voice questioned.

Elsa stared at her jacket in horror as her mocha began soaking through the fabric, while a few stray ice cubes slipped down her sleeve, sending an unpleasant chill along her arm. Not only had she barely enjoyed her coffee, but she was now covered in it. Her earlier hopes of the day getting better were dashed entirely.

"Are... are you drinking iced coffee?"

She had barely registered that the person had been talking to her - a guy, judging by his voice and worn blue hoodie, which Elsa had caught with her peripheral vision, but she was too preoccupied with the realization that she had just spilled her coffee - coffee she had waited way too long for, in the first place - to look at him properly. After all, it had been really good coffee.

"Wow, what a mess - I'm really sorry! Here, let me get you a napkin."

Still staring down at the light brown stain coloring her jacket, Elsa barely noticed the man before her as he leaned towards the tables, swiping a handful of napkins.

"I'm so sorry," he continued, handing her the thin, light brown material with one hand, while gently prying her drink from her grasp and setting it on the table with his other. She took the napkin from his hand cautiously, still not bothering to look up, and began dabbing hopelessly at her jacket. Maybe he wouldn't see her face, and she could return to the café without the fear of running into him again; she hated being embarrassed.

"Thank you," she muttered, cringing internally at the harsh sound of her voice. She couldn't blame the guy, really, despite the fact he had obviously gone in through the door that specifically said exit.

Okay, maybe she could blame him.

"I'm really, really sorry," he insisted, obviously sensing her annoyance. "Here, let me buy you a new -"

"No thank you," she interrupted rudely, finally lifting her head to send him a glare...

...only to feel her face heat up in mortification. Of course it had to be a cute guy.

He looked about her age, with pale skin and silvery blond hair. He was a few inches taller than her, as well as on the lanky side, though it only added to his boyish good looks. He was definitely a pretty-boy, with his high cheekbones and strong jaw, balanced by his kind smile and dazzling white teeth. But his eyes - they were a magnificent shade of blue - icy and mischievous. He was rubbing the back of his neck in a sheepish manner, obviously embarrassed by the situation as well, the faint blush across his cheeks only adding to his over all cuteness.

But she was only distracted by his good looks for merely a moment, before her glare intensified.

"It's the least I can do -" he tried again, but Elsa wasn't having it.

"I said no thank you," she clipped, lifting her chin as she regarded him coolly. She had almost forgotten about the fresh stain across her chest, until she attempted to cross her arms, sending a shiver down her body as she pressed the cold fabric closer to her. Though, she made no outward reaction, and instead waited for the guy in front of her to move.

He looked somewhat surprised by her quick rejection, giving her the feeling that he hadn't been turned down much. Which lightened her mood slightly.

"Are you sure?" He appeared to be a nice enough guy, and wasn't blatantly hitting on her or anything, but she didn't want to give him the chance to. He seemed like the flirty-type, and Elsa wasn't in the mood to be harassed. Especially when she was drenched in coffee.

"I'm sure," she deadpanned, attempting to get past him when it became clear that he wasn't going to move.

"I'm really -"

"Sorry; yes, I'm well aware." She cringed again at her tone, but couldn't find the energy to apologize. Now she had even less time to get back on campus. The guy thankfully let her pass, with only a croak of protest sounding from his throat. Elsa shivered slightly as she was met with the chilled air, and she wondered idly if the stain across her chest would freeze.

Shaking away the thought, she started towards the sidewalk, only slightly surprised when she heard someone behind her, their feet crunching in the snow as they ran towards her.


Feeling her temper rise, Elsa took a calming breath, before turning towards the voice behind her.

Cute guy bounded towards her clumsily, stopping only a few feet in front of her as he shoved his hands into his pockets. She tried not to notice the way his hair shone in the winter sun, or how her nostrils were attacked by the strong scent of iced coffee and peppermint.

"Are you... walking somewhere?" he wondered, his eyes looking past her curiously. "'Cuz, you know, it's freezing, and you're like covered in coffee -"

"I hadn't noticed." Again, Elsa mentally reprimanded herself for being rude, though she continued staring at him with a deadpan expression.

He let out a nervous chuckle, removing one hand from his pocket and mussing with his hair nervously. "I really am sorry about that..."

Deciding not to leave an entirely horrible impression, Elsa forced herself to smile. "I know; I didn't mean to be rude. I'm just running late as it is, and -"

"Let me give you a ride," he blurted, a sheepish grin sprouting across his handsome face.

Feeling herself blush, she quickly shook her head. "Oh, no - I couldn't possibly bother you with -"

"I really don't mind!" he insisted, his smiling widening.

"It's really not far -"

"Then it won't take too long!" he laughed, before gesturing towards the parking lot with the nod of his head. "Come on - you said so yourself that you're running late."

Shivering slightly as she was hit by a light breeze, Elsa attempted one last-ditch effort to decline - despite a ride sounding more and more appealing.

"But you were just about to buy yourself some coffee, and I don't want to keep you -"

"It's fine," he remarked, sending her a charming smile. "I'll just buy us both coffee tomorrow."

Her face only growing hotter, Elsa suddenly felt torn. Accepting a ride from a total stranger was obviously a bad idea, despite how cute said stranger was. And even though he came across as a nice guy, she really didn't want to chance anything. But it would guarantee she'd get to Anna faster, and that'd give them plenty of time to explore the campus and dorms before she was needed back at the sorority house.

And, though she didn't want to admit it, the chance to get to know this guy better was incredibly tempting, as was the free coffee he promised.

Letting out an exasperated sigh, Elsa glanced over her shoulder, wearily observing how far she had to walk.

"Thank you," she began, giving him her first genuine smile since their encounter, "but I'm fine with walking. You have a lovely day."

Cute guy looked completely flabbergasted by her refusal, and she couldn't help but giggle at his befuddled expression. He really wasn't used to getting turned down, apparently.

Nodding her head politely in parting, Elsa turned away from the silver-haired man and continued on her way. She successfully made it about three yards before she heard him behind her once more.


Rolling her eyes fondly, she turned back around, regarding him in annoyed amusement.

"What?" she smirked.

He still seemed a bit dazed, though he was able to recover quickly with a shy smile.

"Can I at least get your name? You know, in case we, uh, bump into each other again," he laughed, rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly.

Elsa felt her stomach flutter pleasantly at the sound, though she merely smiled in response.

"...Elsa," she spoke after a few moments, deciding that telling him wouldn't do any harm.

He grinned at her reply, obviously pleased with finally getting a positive response from her. "Elsa," he repeated, smiling gently as the name slipped from his lips. "Beautiful name."

"Hmm," she hummed, not too impressed by the line. What was he going to do next, compliment her eyes? She smirked at the thought.

"I'm Jack," he continued, reaching his hand towards her with a smirk. She tentatively shook it, ignoring the warmth emitting between their palms - a severe contrast to the brisk weather outside.

"It was... interesting meeting you, Jack," she offered, slipping her hand from his.

He nervously chuckled once more, averting his eyes from hers and instead staring at the ground between them. "Heh, that's one way to put it."

Smiling politely, Elsa nodded in farewell once more, before continuing on her way. But the further she distanced herself from him, the more confused she became as she realized she hadn't stopped smiling. In fact, she hadn't smiled this much since... She hadn't smiled this much for a long time. And despite the fact that Anna was going to taunt her for being late (something that rarely ever happened), she couldn't find the sense to stop smiling.

Maybe the day wasn't going to be as horrible as she thought.

So this is going to be a Jelsa fic, obviously, but it is going to have all the main Disney/Dreamworks pairings and friendships that come along with AU Jelsa fics! I've been wanting to write an AU for a while, and was randomly hit with inspiration last night! So they're obviously in college, and her parents have already passed away, about six months prior. Hopefully Elsa and Jack are in character, and I'll try my hardest to keep them that way. Now, this isn't going to be a love-at-first-sight kinda thing (they're just attracted to each other at this point), and if you're not a fan of slow-paced romances, then this probably isn't for you. But I hope you'll give it a chance anyway? :D

As for pairings, this will consist of eventual Jelsa and Kristanna, solid Rapunzel/Flynn (not sure what the ship name is haha), hints of Mericcup (I'm still on the fence with that ship), and a dash of other known Disney/Dreamworks couples (though the story won't really focus on them). Also, if you've seen the show Greek, then you'll know what to expect for the whole Sorority/Fraternity approach. I know college AUs are kinda cliché, but I hope this will be enjoyed, nonetheless!

Oh, and reviews would be amazing, as well as suggestions! :P

And as a disclaimer, I do not own any of these characters!