Step 4: The End of the Night
The party was over and they were walking home because Frank had had too much to drink to drive. It was ok though, because Stephen didn't live too far away and Frank only lived a little way beyond that. It was cold so Frank had given Stephen his jacket, still acting the good boyfriend despite the lack of witnesses to perform to. They were discussing more openly now, Stephen even daring to ask about his home life and school behaviour. Frank seemed willing to share, telling him about his Mum, who didn't love him, and his Dad, who pretty much hated him, and the brothers that liked to pretend he didn't exist. It was pretty obvious from all that, and Stephen could sense there was even more to it, why he acted the way he did.
They were nearing Stephen's house, walking along a quiet alley to save 10 minutes from the journey. Usually, Stephen would have been afraid to walk down alleys this late at night, but he felt safe with Frank. Oh god. That sounded so cliché; big bad boyfriend to protect him. Fake. Fake boyfriend. But it was still true.
It had been an… eventful… evening, to say the least. Stephen didn't know how this would then affect them at school; should he even ever mention it again? But he felt they had made a bond which he really didn't want to have to lose. It was strange because he had to keep reminding himself that this was still Frank Grayson. Especially when he was being sweet and kind and open. And thoughtful, giving Stephen his jacket. Or, you know, acting and stuff and playing along with the role and, you know, touching him and dancing with him and kissing him. Stephen blushed and shivered, remembering that kiss and all the feelings that had gone with it. If they hadn't been in such a crowded room, who knew what would have happened. Oh yes… nothing. Because Frank didn't like him, Frank wasn't gay. He was just playing along in a role that Stephen had asked him to do. And he'd only done so because Stephen had promised him payment in some shape or form. Oh fuck, he'd forgotten about that.
"You cold?" Frank asked, seeing Stephen's shiver.
Before Stephen could respond, Frank wound his arm around his shoulder.
"Not really." Stephen began, flustered, before realising that Frank would then remove his arm and so grabbed the hand over his shoulder without thinking. "But a bit, yes, thanks." More blushing as he realised he was now holding Frank's hand.
Automatically, it seemed, Frank intertwined their fingers. Stephen's heart skipped a beat.
"I was just thinking." Stephen continued. "What you would want."
Frank winked at him suggestively and Stephen blushed even more. He was basically a tomato now.
"You know… As payment… For tonight." Stephen elaborated, hating the way that it sounded. All so set up, like it wasn't real at all. Which it wasn't. It just felt real. Because Frank was being so nice.
"I don't know yet. I haven't really thought about it." Frank shrugged and Stephen felt his hopes rise.
That must have meant he'd forgotten too and felt like it was real. And it must have meant he enjoyed himself otherwise he would have been thinking about his reward all evening as, you know, motivation. He kind of hoped, although this was pushing it, that Frank would say like nothing because he had such a good time. But his fantasies had always got the better of him and it was stupid to dream like that. Stephen vaguely grew aware of the fact that Frank was talking again.
Well… money feels too much like prostitution. Maybe like a fancy dinner."
Like a date! Stephen practically mentally screamed.
"Or a sort of slave-for-a-day thing."
Oooh kinky, Stephen sighed, again only inside his brain.
"Maybe I'll just keep it hanging over your head until I need a favour."
Stephen wasn't sure whether he wanted to be doing Frank's favours or not.
They rounded a corner and found a group of teenagers, about their age, all wearing black hoodies with black tracksuits. There were about 5 or 6 boys, cans of beer cluttered at their feet and a cloud of smoke surrounding them. Even though he was with Frank, Stephen still hesitated.
Frank glanced down and saw how nervous he looked. He smiled gently. "It's ok."
Stephen smiled back, gratefully, and nodded.
However, at this moment, the group chose to turn their greasy faces to look at them. One of them pushed himself off from the wall.
"Well, well. Look what we have here. A couple of gays." he spat the words, literally letting saliva fling from his mouth.
Ew, gross, Stephen thought.
Frank looked at him, levelly, and didn't stop walking. His arm was still round Stephen - probably what gave the game away, especially when accompanied by that little smile – and so Stephen was dragged with him. He got this abuse a lot and usually ended up feeling a bit sore for a few days. He didn't know if Frank was aware how far homophobia went.
"Oh, come on darlings. Won't you play?" another of them jeered.
Frank kept walking through the middle of the group.
"What's the matter, pretty boy?" a third drawled at Stephen as he passed. "Forget about your boyfriend, why don't you and I have some fun?" he reached out and slid his hand up Stephen's chest. Stephen recoiled away and felt Frank tense beside him. That was probably the biggest mistake of that boy's life.
"Don't you dare touch him." Frank hissed, quietly but strongly, turning back to face him and stepping in front of Stephen.
Stephen felt his heart skip again. No. He was not getting turned on by Frank Grayson being all threatening and tough.
"Or what are you gonna do, gayboy two?" the boy sneered, although his voice shook a little bit. Stephen didn't blame him; Frank did look incredibly hot… scary… when he wanted to.
Frank took a step forwards him. "Do you really want to go there?"
Stephen reached out and grabbed Frank's hand, trying to pull him away. "Come on, babes. It's fine." And really it was. He got this all the time. To be honest, it was only down to Frank that he wasn't getting beaten to a pulp on the floor. He'd already done more than enough and now they should just get on.
"No. It's not. You shouldn't have to put up with this." Frank turned back to Stephen and gave him a stern, but comforting smile. "I've got this."
"Ah finally, we're gonna get some good action." The boy that had dared to touch Stephen droned. He looked directly at Frank and winked, then turned to Stephen and licked his lips.
And Frank snapped.
"You want action?" he growled. "I'll fucking give you action, you little piece of shit."
And punched him, square on the nose.
That was a fucking good punch.
The guy fell to the ground, nose bleeding, eyes watering.
"What the fuck?" he said.
Frank laughed. "You think it's ok to leer and jeer and generally assault gay people but when they stand up for themselves, suddenly all violence and confrontation is wrong? What the fuck is wrong with you people."
"At least we're not gays." A different one snarled.
Frank turned to him, fixing him with a stare that could burn down a building. "Have you got a problem?"
"Yes. You and your boyfriend."
Frank stepped closer. "What's the matter with me and my boyfriend?"
Stephen's heart practically stopped; Frank had just called him his boyfriend. Even if he hadn't used correct grammar. His boyfriend! But no. This was not the time. He probably didn't mean it anyway.
"You're gay."
Frank stepped closer again, right into the guy's face. And spat, getting him in the eye.
"You fucking." He punched him in the stomach. "Little." Kicked him in the crotch. "Homophobic." Slammed his head against the alley wall behind him. The boy crumpled and fell to the floor moaning. "Has anybody else got a problem?"
The rest of the group stood awkwardly, not wanting to appear weak but not really wanting what had just befallen the other two boys.
"Anybody else want to have a go at me and my boyfriend?"
Still silence. Nobody even breathed.
"No? Good."
And with that, Frank spat one last time, before turning back to a gaping Stephen and walking on, purposefully sliding his arm around Stephen's waist.
They turned the corner, walking in silence, Frank still fuming. After a moment he said, quietly "If anybody ever fucking treats you like that again, you call me, ok? You call me and you tell me where you are and who they are and I will fucking come and I will fucking kill them, ok? I don't care if I am busy, if I'm with my family or with my friends, at school, at a party, abroad, you fucking call me. Promise me that you will do that."
Stephen's heart could have literally just melted out of his chest for all he knew. Frank looked so angry and so protective (and so hot), that Stephen just nodded. "I promise."
"Good." Frank took a deep breath and tried to calm down. "I'm sorry I ruined your evening."
"Ruined my evening?" Stephen exclaimed. "You made it the best night of my life! You pretty much just saved my life. Have I even thanked you? Shit how rude of me. Thank you. Like, thank you so much, seriously. Thank you."
He looked over to see Frank blushing. "You're welcome. It was nothing." He said gruffly. "You don't deserve to get treated like that."
They walked on in comfortable silence. They were very close to Stephen's house now. They turned out of the alley onto Stephen's road. They walked right up to Stephen's door. The houses faced straight onto the pavement with only a few steps up to the front door. They stopped just next to these steps turning to face each other. Stephen's heart was pounding; what was going to happen? Had Frank been feeling what Stephen had been feeling all evening or was it all just in Stephen's head? Would he hug him? Kiss him?
They looked at each other for a long while, seeming to just soak in each other.
Frank opened his mouth as if to say something, before thinking better of it and closing it again. Then he simply said "Thanks for tonight, it was fun."
"Yeh, thanks especially to you for stepping up to the job." Stephen smiled.
"S'alright." Frank muttered.
There was another silence.
"Guess I'll see you around then." Frank shrugged, turned and walked away.
"Bye then…" Stephen sighed.
So much for his prince charming. He turned and walked up the steps to his house, feeling his heart sinking. He fumbled for his keys in his pocket. Shit, he was still wearing Grayson's jacket. Oh well, he wasn't going to make a big effort to get it back to him. He'd give it back if he asked but… he didn't really want to. It wasn't like he felt anything for Grayson. He just liked the jacket. He had been caught up in the moment before. That was all. He felt moisture on his cheek and hurriedly wiped it away. Stupid cold. He wasn't crying over Frank Grayson.
Suddenly, he heard a voice. "Er, Stephen." It was Frank's voice. He probably wanted his jacket back. Well he could have his fucking jacket.
"Yeh, sure. Have your jacket back. Sorry." Stephen started tugging it off.
"Er, no. I don't want it back. It's fine."
Oh of course he wouldn't want it now that Stephen had worn it. He was probably worried he'd get infected with gay. Stephen shrugged it back on again and continued trying to access his keys from his too tight jeans.
Then Grayson spoke again. "I just… I just figured out what I wanted."
Because that was all this evening had been about after all. All the talking and dancing and kissing and touching and saving his fucking life had just been about getting the reward. Well, he could fucking have it now and be out of Stephen's life for good.
"What?" he asked bluntly, still not looking at him.
Stephen spun around to see Frank standing simply in the middle of the pavement a few yards away. He was blushing but smiling nervously, looking so small and so vulnerable that Stephen had to pinch himself.
Ouch. No this wasn't a dream. This was real. This was real!
"What?" Stephen asked again, just to make sure he had heard right, but a smile starting tugging at his lips and he didn't resist.
"You." Frank said again, grinning widely this time. "I want you. I want you to be mine. Mine to have and hold and kiss and all the other fucking romantic stuff, anything you want. So long as you want me too."
Stephen literally jumped down the stairs and sprinted over to Frank. He collided with him, wrapping his arms around his neck and Frank lifted him off the ground and spun him round.
"I do." Stephen smiled. "By god, I do."
And then he kissed him.
And it was everything it had been before.
And more.
So much more.
As was every single kiss they shared after that, which was a hell of a lot.
And they just kept getting better and better.
So there we have it, hope you enjoyed it! Apologies for all the typical cheesiness but that's what fanfiction's all about, right? Reviews and favourites are much appreciated :)
PS don't worry, more graymichael to come. ;)