By the time that Gold, Weiss and Blake reached the top of the pier, they all looked out onto the beach to see where Silver and Rock had decided to take their... escapades. But with mild surprise, they spotted them seated side by side in the exact same place that they'd left them. Upon closer inspection, the three girls noticed that Rock wasn't sitting, rather she was laying on her back beside him.

"Wow. I'm impressed that those two are showing so much restraint. You'd have expected them to be on top of each other the moment we'd turned our backs." Gold commented with a smirk as the trio stared over the handrail down at the twosome.

"I doubt it." Weiss shook her head. "From what I know and have seen about those two, they're almost like a pair of rabid lions. They'll be completely calm one moment, then practically eating each other's faces off the next."

"That's quite the description, Weiss." Gold replied in a slightly amused tone. "But I never took you as the voyeur type." She teased, to which even Blake smirked slightly.

"T-that's not what I was talking about!" Weiss blushed fiercely, spinning around to face Gold's taunting gaze. "I just happened to be present when they did such a thing! Not my fault they have no modesty!"

"Alright, alright... Now, back to the task at hand. What should we get to eat?" Gold clutched Silver's wallet to her chest, scanning the numerous food stalls lining the pier.

"Hey, Silver... Can I ask you something?" Rock was laying on her back, her eyes closed as she listened to the sounds of the seagulls and the pounding surf.

"Sure, what is it?" Silver glanced towards her, his interest piqued by her question.

"How did you get those scars on your face?" Rock kept her eyes closed, but she could sense him reaching up to his face to touch them.

"From a minor accident a few years ago. I flew into a wall at the SDC and carved up the side of my face on the concrete when I fell to the ground."

"How did that even transpire? Was it a test that you were doing?" Rock asked, still in her relaxed pose and tone. She actually thought it was something much more heroic, considering his personality. To think he simply fell wasn't even something she'd considered.

"Yeah, it was a minor upgrade patch, so of course I was testing the changes. But something malfunctioned in my left wing, and prevented me from changing course at all, so I took the hit..." Silver gazed up at an overhead seagull as he spoke.

"With your face." Rock smiled, her eyes still closed. "Got any other scars with funny stories behind them?"

"I have one on my hand... It's got quite the story behind it." Silver teased her with a sly smile on his face.

"Oh? Do tell. Sounds like a good one." Rock taunted him, opening one eye briefly to gaze at him.

"Well, I was sparring against the new girl in my class..." Silver began, his voice not losing the teasing edge. "We we doing really well, until I cut off some of her hair. At that point, she just got... this fiery look in her eye. Then she just put me in my place, up against a wall without my swords... and to end the match, she cut my hand."

"Sounds like you're familiar with that story." the sound of Ruby's voice made them both look up to see her dripping with water, her hands behind her back as she regarded them curiously. "Who was the one you were fighting, Silver?"

"Me." Rock smiled and closed her eyes again, her expression slightly smug. "He was just telling me about the scars on his face, then we made a joke about the one I gave him on his hand."

"What about yours, Rock? I can see two of them on your stomach." Ruby pointed at Rock's stomach, which made Rock's eyes snap open in shock.

"You can actually see where they are?!" Rock gawked at Ruby's silver eyes, amazed but shocked at the same time.

"Y-yes. Is that a bad thing?" Ruby looked slightly scared herself, but more from Rock's reaction.

"I'm assuming they're formerly surgical scars, right?" Silver glanced at Rock's very toned stomach, searching for the supposed two scars. After a few seconds, he was unable to locate them. He mentally decided to ask where they were when they returned home, unless Rock revealed their location, that is.

"Not exactly..." Rock's face went slightly pink. "I was born with these two gaping wounds, so they were sutured closed right away, but the sutures were healed over by my Regeneration, so they became quite noticible for a few years, until I took matters into my own hands and had the scars reopened..."

"What did you use to reopen them?" Ruby asked, clearly misunderstanding what Rock meant.

"No, no, no! I had a doctor do the surgery! I didn't do it myself!" Rock held up her hands, laughing slightly awkwardly. "But I specifically ordered the doctors to leave the wounds open, so that they'd Regenerate naturally."

"But they left some scarring..." Ruby concluded with a small nod of her head. "Now it makes a bit more sense."

"Yeah..." Rock lightly traced her fingers along her hip, obviously along one of the contextual scars. "It makes me a bit uneasy when people notice them on me."

"Well, it doesn't bother me in the slightest." Silver leaned over Rock, kissing her gently.

Ruby awkwardly glanced around the beach, her expression slightly embarrassed until Silver and Rock separated once again.

"Hey, um... Where are Gold, Weiss and Blake?" Ruby noticed their absense, her index finger against her cheek.

"They went to get food for everyone." Rock smirked at Silver's innocent expression. "Somebody over here gave them a wallet full of cash..."

"I regret nothing." Silver smirked, his voice teasing.