Hello everyone! Here is the last chapter! Oh gosh, I'm so sad!

Now, onto the story! Enjoy!

Disclaimer: I don't own Percy Jackson and The Olympians or the manga SEVEN DAYS.

Two Years Later

I can't wait to see you! I'll be there in an hour or so, be ready!

Nico smiled down at his phone as he looked at the text from Percy. It had been two years since they became official and they got even closer to each other. It was safe to say, that Percy was Nico's best friend and lover. The best of both worlds really.

Soon, in about two weeks, Nico would be graduating and going off to college. In fact, the same college Percy was currently going to. Nico's parents met Percy and Persephone loved him while Hades was wary of the boy at first. Bianca had welcomed Percy with open arms and Hazel threatened Percy to never break Nico's heart, it seemed as though she had a bit of dirt on him. How? Nico would never know. Soon after, Percy introduced Nico to his family. Nico met Sally and Poseidon Jackson, along with their son Triton Jackson, who looked like an exact replica of Percy except he radiated coldness. Annabeth had been there as well, engrossed solely on Triton, while Nico watched Percy only to see him absorbed in Nico himself. That had made Nico's night, because truth be told, Nico was still insecure.

It seemed illogical considering all the words of adoration Percy would whisper to Nico in their more...intimate moments, but there was no denying that human emotions were something of a flaw sometimes and uncontrollable.

Now, two years later, here they were. About to celebrate their two year anniversary. Percy was driving all the way from college and would drive back here again come Nico's graduation. They were going to have dinner at a romantic place and then attend the carnival that was in New Jersey, at the Meadowlands Center. Followed by having a sleepover at Percy's house... more like mansion. No one would be home the entire weekend and that's how long Percy had decided he'd stay.

He laid the clothes he was going to wear for tonight. It was a red burgundy button-up shirt, black jeans that fit Nico nice and tight and showed off his butt, and his red converse. For the weekend, Nico already had his clothes packed. He started to dress as he waited for Percy to arrive.

"Percy!" Nico shouted as he came out the door and ran straight for Percy, who was leaning against his car; a Lexus model that had just come out, with his hands in his pockets. As soon as Nico was close enough, Percy's smile grew and he took out his hands, ready to envelope the shorter boy in a hug.

"Hey!" Percy smiled down at Nico, who nearly tackled Percy. He buried his nose in Nico's hair, breathing in the scent of the boy he loved and missed so much.

Percy was wearing some dark blue denim jeans, a white v-neck shirt and a navy blue dress shirt that was unbuttoned with the sleeves rolled up. His black, windswept hair looked naturally messy and his playful yet mischievous eyes sparkled as he set his sight on Nico. Percy's eyes raked over Nico's form, and there was an excitement bubbling up underneath him. Not seeing Nico everyday felt like a pain that would never go away for Percy, he had grown so attached.

Nico had grown in the past year but by the looks of things, so had Percy, because Nico was still shorter than him but not so much that he had to tip toe as before to kiss Percy on the lips.

Percy opened the door for Nico and the boy slid inside, the door closing behind him. The sea green eyed male made his way around to the other side and soon entered the car.

"Ready to go?" Percy asked Nico with a smirk on his face.

Nico nodded his head, "more than ready."

"Good, because I've missed you so much."

Nico laughed, almost like he couldn't believe this was still real. He hoped this feeling never went away no matter how long he and Percy were together for.


For a Friday, traffic wasn't too bad. They made it in to New Jersey, where they would be having dinner without any delays. The restaurant Percy had taken Nico to was a quaint steakhouse that also specialized in some Italian food. It was quiet, nice and cozy and for the afternoon, devoid of people. It felt more private, almost as if they were the only two people in the restaurant.

They were seated by these big glass windows that showed off the New York skyline across the Hudson River. Nico saw ferry boats coming to and from New York, carrying people coming from work and tourists. The interior of the restaurant was dark with low lighting and a big chandelier hanging in the center of the ceiling. The view was amazing, the was sun was in the perfect place and the water glittered beautifully.

"Wow, this looks... so nice... where are we again?" Nico asked, looking back at Percy who was resting his head in the palm of his hand, watching as Nico looked around, amusement evident in his eyes.

"Right now, we're in Boulevard East and after dinner, we'll make our way past Secaucus and straight to Meadowlands Park." A small smile touched his lips. "Now, let's look at the menus..."


The food had been delicious. Nico had ordered shrimp scampi with pasta and chicken francese, while Percy ordered a steak with rice and salad on the side. He was even able to order a glass of champagne without being questioned and let Nico have a sip or two. It was romantic and intimate as they talked about what was new, which wasn't anything new since they had talked just last night.

Percy paid for the food and soon, they made their way out, heading over to the carnival.

When they got there, Percy looked for parking which seemed near impossible but finally they did. They got out, and Percy held Nico's hand in his as they made their way over to the entrance booth. Once inside, Percy paid for two all pass bracelets and soon, they went to go make lines.

Nico and Percy rode on the Crazy Mouse, the Twirl-A-Whirl, The Haunted Castle Ride, and many more. Percy had even won a stuffed animal for Nico at one of the game booths. They ate cotton candy and fried oreos and shared a funnel cake together.

Nico and Percy passed by an hypnotist show, with Nico's interest piqued, he dragged Percy along.

"Come on!"

"Nico, it's all fake!"

"Who cares? It's free to watch."

Soon they were seated among a crowd and this guy who looked to be around his early or late 40s started the show.

"Now," said the man, "I know that most of you think that this is a hoax, but... I'm here to change your mind. Now, I'm gonna pick ten volunteers and you all are going to come up here and sit on these chairs. Now, who volunteers?"

Hands shot up, Nico's being one of them. He was picked among the volunteers with different people and was soon up on stage as Percy smiled up at him.

"Please sit on the chairs," the volunteers did as was asked. "Now free your mind from thought, clear it away, think of nothing and listen to my voice alone. Stay as still as possible, don't move any part of your body. I will give you two minutes to clear your mind before I speak again."

Everyone was dead quiet as the volunteers stayed still, clearing their minds.

"Now listen to my voice," the man spoke, "your body is getting heavy. It feels like lead, and as if a weight were put on your chest. Your eyes are growing heavy, making it hard to keep them open. You're getting sleepy, your body is getting heavier, you cannot move. On the count of three, you will all fall asleep. One. Two. Three."

Soon, all the heads of the volunteers dropped, some dropped on another's shoulders. Every single one of them were asleep.

"When I say the word Ice, you will all wake up and pretend your left shoe is your phone. You will tell me what the other person on the line is telling you, now, Ice!"

Everyone woke up and started to take off their left shoe, talking into it. When the man asked what was being said, they responded. Some said that the other person on the line was winning a NASCAR race, or that someone committed a murder. When Nico was asked, he said that the person kept singing "I'm a banana! I'm a banana!"

Then the man gave each volunteer a code word and instructions on what he or she were going to do. A girl thought she was Lady Gaga and was singing and dancing along to Poker Face. One man thought he was a werewolf and had torn off his shirt, growling at the audience as he got ready to turn. When it was Nico's turn, his word was scream and he started to scream, thinking he was being chased by a killer like in the movies.

"Help me! He's going to kill me!" Nico screamed as he ran across the stage and then off it, going through the audience and screaming help.

He was snapped out of it and Nico looked around, wondering what had happened, having no recollection of before the hypnotism.


"Oh god, you were too funny!" Percy laughed with Nico as he recounted what had happened. They were walking back to the car, soon leaving the carnival.

"I can't believe I actually screamed..." Nico blushed profusely.

"What was it like? Being under the hypnotism?" Percy asked his kissed Nico on the cheek.

"It was.. weird and cool at the same time. You know how he kept saying your body is getting heavy... it actually was. Like, I felt a weight on me. My body felt like lead and I couldn't move, I was getting sleepy and my body felt like a rag doll. It was so awesome.."

"Did you have fun?" Percy asked as they got to the car.


"Good." Percy said before giving Nico a chaste kiss on the lips.

As they were driving back to New York, Percy looked over at Nico and took his hand, rubbing circles on it.

"So, when we get home, we'll have the whole house to ourselves..." Percy said quietly.

Nico looked over at him, a smirk on his face. "Percy Jackson... is that you, so obviously inviting me to your bed?"

Percy blushed and quickly fumbled over his words, "n-no, uh- what I meant was we're finally gonna be alone-"

"Percy I was joking," Nico laughed out loud. Then he turned serious, "Percy, I think it's time..."

The sea green eyed male looked over at Nico in surprise, "a-are you sure?"

"Positive," Nico said with determination, "I'm ready for the next step..."

"Okay, only if you're sure.."

They stopped at the toll, and Nico took off his seat belt and kissed Percy on the lips.

"More than sure," he whispered before going back to his seat and buckling back in.

They made it to Percy's house and very quickly got out of the car with Nico's small sleepover bag in tow. They were giggling with each other, somehow not being able contain their happiness.

After Percy had gone off to college it was hard to find time to spend it together. Nico had the art club and had also joined the newspaper to help with photography. And Percy had gone to college for swimming, which got very competitive. They made it work though, with phone calls every night and good morning and good night texts. As well as skype, and the visits from them both helped tremendously.

When they got inside the house, they quickly made their way up the stairs, all the while laughing together, anticipating what was about to happen. Percy and Nico went inside Percy's room, which had dark brown hardwood floors. The walls were navy blue, with white crowning, Percy's wooden desk sat in the left corner near his balcony door, and the TV was in the center opposite his bed, which had a black duvet. Percy had his nightstand on both sides of his bed, with his dresser to the right and the door to the closet near the TV. The bathroom opposite the closet.

Percy set Nico's things on top of his dresser before turning to Nico and kissing him softly.

"Nico," Percy whispered, his lips near Nico's lips, making Nico shiver, "I love you so, so much."

"I love you, Percy," Nico kissed Percy back, with a passion so strong it bled through the kiss, "I'm so in love with you."

"Look, I don't wanna pressure you into anything you don't want to do so if you want to back out now, you can. We don't need to have sex, I'm perfectly fine waiting for as long as I need to until you're absolutely sure."

"Percy," Nico smiled up at him, "I'm absolutely sure, if I'm going to have sex, I want my first time to be with you. Someone I care about, someone I love with every fiber of my being, someone who loves me back just as much if not more and who I know I can trust completely. You're always on my mind, you're all I think about when I wake up and before I go to sleep. I can't see myself with anyone but you."

"Nico," Percy spoke softly, his voice wavering as his eyes shined with unshed tears, "you don't know how much you mean to, words...can't express the love I have for you but know that you can trust me like I trust you. If ever at any point you say stop tonight I will and I want you to know that you don't need to feel guilty if you do. I love you too much to ever hurt you."

"Percy...kiss me, and make me yours...in every sense of the word."

Percy pushed back a couple of loose strands out of Nico's face before slowly moving down to kiss the brown eyed boy. The kiss was gentle, shy even. Soft lips against each other, tongues flicking, asking for permission to enter, that was granted as easily as breathing. Exploring each other in a new light, with the thought of what was to come, Nico and Percy kissed each other almost fervently. As if the anticipation was too much.

Not a place was left untasted as Percy continued to explore Nico's mouth, drawing out small gasps and moans from him, which felt like music to Percy's ears. He felt breathless. Wherever Percy touched Nico, fired dance along, making him feel such enveloping heat. Percy gently laid Nico down on his bed as he let go of Nico's lips and slowly made his descent down. The sea green eyed male kissed Nico's cheek, then his neck, suckling on it until he left a purplish mark, claiming Nico as his. He grazed his teeth gently on the porcelain skin that glowed so beautifully in the low lighting of Percy's room, and very softly kissed Nico's jaw, before capturing those enticing lips once more in a heated kiss.

Slowly, Percy unbuttoned Nico's shirt and pushed it off his body to reveal creamy skin. He ran his hands, feeling the softness. He let go of Nico's lips and kissed his chest, making the brown eyed boy groan. Percy took off his dress shirt and then moved away so that he could take off his v-neck. Once the shirt was off, Nico's dark eyes hazed as he drank in the sight of Percy's chest, taking note that it was becoming more defined. He swallowed with difficulty and couldn't keep his eyes off of Percy, Nico licked his lips unconsciously and Percy laughed lowly.

"Nico, I love the way your eyes are looking at me babe, I want you to know, I'm not the only one who looks good shirtless..." Percy leaned in close and nipped Nico's lips, in a husky voice, he said, "you do too."

Percy's hands made their way to Nico's pants and began to undo them, he kissed Nico's neck before going down to his chest, taking in his mouth the pale boy's nipple. He flicked it once before enveloping it whole, making Nico moan lowly.

Nico felt his pants being undone and he lifted his hips so that Percy could slip them out from under him. Soon, Nico found himself laying on his boyfriend's bed, naked as the day he had been born. Percy looked down at him, his eyes glazing over with lust as he licked his lips. Nico felt heat rise up to his face, making the boy's face grow crimson in a beautiful way. Percy moaned lowly as he saw Nico blush. Soon, the sea green eyed male's hands moved down, as he undid his pants and slowly slid them down.

Nico watched him, his eyes hungry to see Percy in all his glory. The pants came off and Nico's mouth was formed in a small 'o' as he looked on, liking what he saw. Percy went back to kissing Nico's neck as he reached over his table for the lube. The sound of a cap being open was loud and clear and suddenly Percy stopped his ministrations as he looked Nico dead in the eyes.

"Are you completely sure you want to do this?" Percy's eyes filled with concern and nothing but love, at what they were about to do, if Nico wanted to not do it, Percy would stop in a heartbeat for him. Percy loved Nico too much to ever pressure him into anything.

Nico looked Percy straight in the eyes, "I am more than sure, I love you."

The look Percy gave Nico was one of pure love and adoration. He kissed Nico once more, but this kiss wasn't hurried. It was slow and it had such emotion poured into it, it overwhelmed Nico's senses.

Percy poured a generous amount of lube on his fingers. "This is going to hurt, a lot."

Soon, Nico felt a nudge at his entrance and felt the coolness of the lube. Percy circled his finger around it, never going inside. Making sure it was lubed up enough before he inserted his index finger. When he did, no matter how much lube was on the finger, tears swelled in Nico's eyes. It was weird, painfully weird. And it seemed like forever before he grew accustomed to it. Percy took out his finger and poured more lube before inserting two in. That made Nico cry out in pain, tears sliding down his face as Percy kissed them away, muttering that he was sorry and he didn't want to hurt him. Percy went in and out before stretching Nico out, scissoring him. His fingers came out and once again, Percy poured more lube before inserting, very slowly all three fingers.

"Gah!" Nico cried out.

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry baby," Percy whispered as he kissed Nico's forehead.

He slowly went in and out, stretching Nico out until he hit a particular spot that made Nico cry out, but it wasn't from pain, it was from pleasure. He kept hitting that one spot as he stroked his length before putting a generous amount of lube. Percy positioned himself between Nico and lined up at his entrance. He slowly made his way in as more tears spilled out from Nico. Percy's fingers and his shaft were two things entirely different, but the lube that had been there from Percy's fingers paired up with the lube on his length made it easier for Percy to go in swiftly. Percy moaned out loud, the feeling of being enveloped by Nico's heat overwhelming. He strained not to come right then and there.

For a good ten minutes, Percy stayed as still as possible, letting Nico get adjusted to him. Finally, when Nico moved his hips, Percy slowly slid out before sliding back in making them both moan out.

The slow pace had been good in making Nico comfortable and Percy delighted in the sounds that spilled from his mouth. Soon, Percy very slowly picked up the pace and slid out of Nico only to thrust back in.


Percy grabbed Nico by the hips, as he went out and slammed back in Nico's entrance. Nico cried out as his prostate was found again, and Percy angled his hips so that he could hit it every time he went back in. Very soon, the pace was picking up speed as Percy grasped Nico's hips hard enough that it was sure to bruise, thrusting in and out of Nico, hitting his prostate with every time.

Nico was overwhelmed by the sensations he felt. All around him he felt Percy, his lips, his touch, his smell. It engulfed him whole and he felt one with Percy.

"P-Percy... I'm about to... to"

"Me too," Percy moaned loudly.

Nico was so tight it was driving Percy insane.

With a loud moan, Nico came, clenching down on Percy who followed suit.

Nico felt boneless as he shuddered, the ecstasy and adrenaline making his heart pound. Percy slid out, feeling exhausted in a good way and grabbed a towel from his dresser. He wiped off the cum from Nico's body and by his entrance, then his tossed it away and gathered Nico in his arms, pulling him close.

"Nico, I love you."

"I love you."

Seven Days... had been enough time to fall in love.


And there you have it! So now... it's ended... completed.. finished! Oh gosh, I'm so sad because I really loved this story!

Oh well, I will be off working on new stories to come! I'm not done writing for this pairing at all!