Nico opened his eyes to a golden ceiling and a musty, metallic kind of smell. The smell that one usually finds in a doctor's clinic. Not that he had been to a doctor's clinic that many times. He had visited it. Only once, when he ran away from Camp Half Blood the first time. On the way, he slipped and fell. He tore his jeans and blood starting oozing out. Some mortals passing by took him to a doctor to get his knee all bandaged and done. Thinking back on it, it seemed funny, especially after all the things he went through in the last couple of months.

But why was he thinking about the clinic now? Oh right, the smell. After adjusting his eyes to the natural surroundings he realized that he was in the infirmary and not in his cabin thirteen. He got up by propping up on his elbows and that is when he understood how tired he was. Fatigue overcame him and he had to sit against the wall supporting his back.

"Whoa, what do you think you're doing there?" a girl with brownish red hair came running over to his side. "You're not supposed to sit upright. The medicine Will gave you is quite strong. You're supposed to be lying on your back. Get some rest."

Nico couldn't care less about the rest but his ears perked up at the mention of the Will's name.

"Come on, now. On your back. I'm in charge of the morning shift." the girl kept talking.

"What time is it?" Nico asked groggily.

"It is ten in the morning. The medicine should have knocked you out cold for fourteen hours. Either the dose we gave you wasn't enough or maybe your wounds are quite serious. Or maybe children of Hades have a different immune system than other demigods. Or maybe-"

"Oh, could you stop talking for a while, please?" Nico said holding his head. He had a piercing pain and felt as his head might split into two.

"Are you all right? I think I should call Will."

"No- I mean, don't bother him. I'm fine." He did not know why he said that. Was he afraid of Solace? Afraid that he might not like him after how he let Octavian trigger the onager while he just stood by doing nothing? No, that is not the case. He had cleared the air regarding that last night.

Last night.

What had happened last night?

Slowly, he started recollecting what had happened.

"But it's cool. We're cool. I mean, I see now… you're cute but you're not my type."

Telling Percy about his feelings was a bit of an unnerving experience. It was the first time he had ever confessed about his crush to anyone. On one hand it was weird and on the other hand it felt… right. It felt good. It was as if a load the size of Coach Hedge's baseball bat had been lifted off his chest. And the reaction on Percy's face was, well, amusing. He looked flustered as if he was trying to swim but was unable to do so. Which is a really weird example given that he is the son of the sea god and all. Guess telling Percy about his feelings was worth it.

But he did tell him that he is over him. But is he? Yes, he did tell the truth when he told Percy that he is not his type but that did not mean his emotions are any different. But he would be lying to himself he denies harboring any feelings for Percy. After all, it was a four year strong crush. Not to mention his first one. Looks like getting over him was going to be harder he thought.

He then remembered about Will Solace standing a couple of yards away.

"See you around, Percy," Nico said. "Annabeth."

He gave a high five to a smiling Annabeth and walked back to where Solace was waiting.

"So, what was the good news about that had Percy whooping?" Will asked as they started walking towards the cabins.

"Uh, nothing much. Just that they – Annabeth and Percy – are planning on completing their senior year, here in New York before they heading off to Camp Jupiter to get their college degree. And then probably spend the rest of their lives in New Rome."

"Wow, really? They have got their whole lives figured out haven't they?"

"Yeah, they have." Nico said thoughtfully, twisting his skull ring.

Nico hoped it would work out. They deserved it; after all they have been through. They deserved each other. Funnily enough, that thought made him glad. Percy and Annabeth have really been through a lot. And they have survived it. Together. He really was happy for them.

"Well, it would be weird not seeing Percy and Annabeth around here the next year, eh?"

"I am not… sure." Nico said, smiling, surprising himself, looking back where Annabeth and Percy were standing – now only visible as a dot.

As Nico headed back to his cabin, Will caught his arm.

Nico winced. He still wasn't used to anyone coming near him let alone touching him.

"Hey, death boy, where do you think you're going?"

"Do not call me that." Nico glowered. A hundred skeletal resurrected butterflies or not, he did not like anyone calling him that.

Will ignored him.

"Infirmary. Three days. Remember? You owe me." He asked sharply.

"Fine. On one condition." Nico took a turn and started towards infirmary.

"And what would that be?" Will asked.

"No death boy-ing me."

"Fine." Will agreed falling in step with him. "What do you think of the 'mysterious knight'?"

Nico glared at him.

"No? Okay, no worries. How about this? 'Shady Lad?' " Will asked innocently, "It has a nice ring to it."

Nico ignored him and kept walking.

"Dark savior?"

Nico saw Will grinning from the corner of his eye. He was clearly enjoying this.

"Di Immortales!" he cursed silently under his breath. But Nico guessed he had to put up with this if he wanted to make friends. Friends tease each other; give one another a hard time. That's how a friendship blooms. Or at least that is what he thought.

And he did want Will Solace to be his friend. If not more. A hundred more skeletal mice (it doesn't always have to be butterflies! Gods!) skittered about in his stomach.

Together, they walked back to the infirmary, Will continuing with his list of names and Nico, after a while, with a small smile playing on his lips.

Maybe, maybe, Camp Half Blood might not turn out to be his worst nightmare.

Author's Note: Hey, demigods. My first try with a PJO fanfic. Hope you liked it! I have five chapters ready as of now but I think I'll update only one chapter every week so that I can concentrate on my college stuff as well as it will give me time to write new chapters. Not to mention it will keep you guys anxious for the next update (hehe, I am dreaming big here). So, anyhoo, reviews! Any, positive, negative criticism is welcome. You are always welcome to PM me!

As usual the characters and the entire PJO world belong to the one and only Rick Riordan! Thanks Uncle Rick!
Artwork belongs to the great Viria! Check her out on tumblr or deviantart! She is fan-bloody-tastic!

So, see you next Friday with my new chapter. Until then, keep fighting the monsters, demigods!