Oh my.. it's been so long.. I am terribly sorry! Anyway, here is the long awaited new chapter! Enjoy!

The rain was light outside her window, as she woke to the sweet smell of rain in the air. A brief second later, she lunged forward, in an attempt to figure out where she was. She winced as she felt the multiple stitches on her stomach constrict, and her ribs screaming in protest. This isn't my bedroom? She had failed to notice the rather heavy weight at the bottom of her bed resting near her feet. It was Deeks. "Are you okay?!" he frantically asked, after being startled awake. She simply nodded her head, as pain ripped through her chest.
"What happened?" Kensi asked him. He stared at her as if she was pulling some sort of an amnesia prank, like he had done to her a few years before, but then suddenly realised that she was being genuine. She really did not know what had happened.
"Uh, well.. We went out for dinner, and then we went our separate ways to go home. I tried calling you because I wanted to talk about something and you wouldn't answer, so I drove to your home and knocked a few times. When you didn't answer, I figured I would just let myself in because I assumed you were in the shower or had fallen asleep. But when I opened the door and went looking for you, I uh, found you on the floor in a pool of blood." He explained cautiously studying her facial expressions for any hint of recognition. She just sat there, her injuries seeming to become even more painful as memories of Afghanistan flooded her mind. Deeks seemed to notice the change in her demeanour, as he pulled his chair closer to her. He clasped her hand, looking shocked as she flinched. Instead, he resorted to soothingly talking to her, trying to make her come back to reality. Deeks ended up sitting on her bed, next to her on what little space there was, holding her in his arms. "Shh. It's over now Kens. It's okay, you're safe now." He whispered, as she slowly settled in his arms.

The night was long and Deeks was growing irritable. Kensi was constantly waking up from pain and memories. Deeks had tried to calm her on several occasions, but it wasn't working. In the end, she became so worked up that the doctors had to give her a sedative. Now she was sleeping. Whether it was a peaceful sleep for her or not, he was happy she was getting the rest she really needed.

He started to doze off and before he knew it, the sun was creeping through the window. 'What time is it?' He thought. He looked over at his partners sleeping form. In this light, she really did look like an angel. He longed so much for him to wake up one morning and find her sleeping next to him, in a house they bought together, with the family they could one day have. He imagined what it would be like to one day have little mutant ninja assassins running around, screaming like little terrors. He smiled at the thought. "What are you smiling about?" he heard a weak voice next to him ask. He almost jumped when he realised that she was awake and had caught him daydreaming.

"Nothing I was just thinking." He replied noting her pained expression as she tried to sit up. "Do you want me to call the doctor?" he asked. She rolled her eyes.

"Nope. I'm fine, just a little bit sore. Nothing to worry about." She replied, not wanting him to worry any more than he was. That didn't stop him though. He would never stop worrying about her. He moved closer to her, holding her hand in his.
"Kens, I wanted to tell you something last night. I really don't know how to say this, and I was a little nervous to. But in light of recent events, now seems better than ever." He started to talk. She cut him off by reaching her other hand to place it on top of their already intertwined fingers. She looked up, her hazel brown eyes staring deeply into his bright ocean blue ones. She could easily get lost in those eyes.
"I know, Marty. I know." She stated. "I feel the same way. Trust me, I do. But I need time to recover, Deeks. And I want you there, but I don't want to be smothered, and I don't want you to feel like you have an obligation to look after me." She finished, looking down in her lap, almost ashamed of what she had said. Deeks stared at her, almost in shock at what she just said.
"Kensi, honey. You know I will do anything for you, and it's not an obligation, it's me wanting to. So please, Kensi. For once, just accept my help?" He pleaded.

Their moment was interrupted when the doctor walked into the room. Discharge papers were organised, as well as waterproof dressings, painkillers and antibiotics, as well as strict instructions to rest up. Kensi started to protest when the doctor told her to have at least a month off from work. Deeks assured the doctor that she wouldn't work or be living alone once she goes home, and Kensi stared at him. After losing an argument about getting in a wheelchair, Kensi reluctantly let Deeks push her through the hallways to the parking lot.
"I don't want to go home, Deeks." Kensi stammered. He looked down to the fragile woman before him, and stopped next to their car. He crouched down to her eye level and placed a hand on her knee.
"Don't worry about that, Kensi. Hetty has organised a house for us, until it is safe to go home. I've heard that it is huge, and is in a small family neighbourhood. Is sounds pleasant." She nodded and motioned to him to help her up. Once they were all loaded into the car, Deeks uploaded their new address into his GPS, and drove out of the parking lot. He was both excited and scared of what the next few weeks would bring. He was extremely happy when he was given time off from work to help Kensi, it meant that he could spend more time with her and getting to know her.

He watched as the silver Cadillac exited the hospital parking lot. He followed slowly tailing behind. He would get him. And they would suffer….

Duh Dunnn! Sorry it's been SO long! But I have finally graduated and now have some spare time, between working 36 hours a week, to write. I really hope this is alright and hopefully I can get around to writing more and having this story updated quicker and more often. Anyway, please review because that is what actually gets me motivated to write. I hope you enjoy!