It didn't take more than an hour before Harry arrived at Jubilife City. Just as he had said, they had made it before sundown. Harry was looking for the Pokémon Center when he heard a commotion. Some streets ahead of him was a huge crowd of people. Even from where he was, Harry could hear what the man in front of the crowd was saying.
"Because of our great success with our Poketch's, we will be having a promotional campaign" The overweight man said, "All you have to do is find three clowns in Jubilife City and answer some questions. If answered correctly, they will give you a coupon. When you have all three coupons, bring them here and I will give you a Poketch with all of its apps, for free!"
That got a lot of attention if the sudden mass of talking in the crowd was any indication. Free Poketch, huh? Harry had wanted one since he was a kid but, not only were they expensive, they were only for trainers. 'Well', Harry perked up, 'I'm a trainer now'. 'Might as well save me the money' Harry thought.
The clowns were rather easy to find even in a city as big as Jubilife. They clowns were dressed in bright yellow so they were really easy to spot. The questions were even easier.
"Can a Pokémon hold an Item?"
"Does a Pokémon grow by defeating others and gaining experience?"
"Just like Pokémon types, the moves of Pokémon also have types?"
Just because they were easy doesn't mean somebody didn't get them wrong. A little boy, no more than six years old, had talked to a clown and answered the question only to be told it was the wrong one. Boy did that boy have a set of lungs in him.
Harry got all the question right. Ten minutes later, Harry was the proud owner of a blue Poketch. Harry grinned. His eyes strayed towards a figure hiding, or trying to hide, behind a lamp-post. He quickly sprung across the street and tried to hide behind another lamp-post. 'How odd' Harry though as he walked towards him.
"Excuse me? Sir-"
"What! How did you know?" The man asked, "How did you unmask me as a member of the International Police?!"
"Huh? The what? I was just going to ask you if you were alright" Harry said while thinking it would have been better to just walk away instead of talking to the man.
The man shook his head and chuckled. "You may claim that, but I know better than to believe that. No, no, no. You recognized right away that I was someone extraordinary."
'Egoistic much' Harry thought as he slightly moves backwards to escape if he needed to.
"That is why you spoke to me, is it not?" The man said he moved forward, "Your power of observation is fearsome! Quite admirable, you are! Now that my cover has been blown, let me introduce myself. I am a globe-trotting elite of the International Police. My name... Ah, no, I shall inform you only of my code name. My code name, it is Looker. It is what they all call me. Incidentally, is the saying, "Don't be a thief!" familiar to you?"
'Not really' Harry thought, 'Back home, if I wanted, I could just entered someones home and take something and nobody would say anything.' For the sake of the man, Harry nodded.
"Yes" Looker said, "That is correct. Taking what belongs to others is wrong. Unfortunately, there are those that do not heed those words. In Sinnoh, in fact, there are criminals stealing the Pokémon of others."
Harry's eyes hardened slightly. He knew what the man was speaking about. It had been all over the news. A group of people calling themselves Team Galactic where stealing Pokémon from people. Just last week, It had been reported that Team Galactic had stolen a Top Coordinators Glameow. He could still see her stricken face as she was interviewed. Not only them though. In other regions there were people like that too. Team Rocket and Team Plasma came quickly to Harry's mind. While Team Rocket and Team Plasma might have been disbanded by two ten-year old's three years ago, Team Plasma was confirmed to be operating again in Unova.
"I have, therefore, been on the lookout for characters arousing my suspicion. Incidentally, you are a Trainer, yes? Perhaps you can make use of this?" He gave Harry a device. It was flat with a touch screen and and camera lens on the back.
"That is a Vs. Recorder" Looker said as Harry examined the device while still slowly backing away, "It is a nifty device for recording a match. I obtained it because it is quite popular theses days. But myself, I do not do Pokémon battling very often. It will be in better hands with you."
Harry placed the Vs. Recorder in his bag and turned to see Looker looking at around suspiciously. Looker then turned to Harry. "Also, I have a request. If you were to see me again, I ask that you do not talk to me, for I am on duty... Actually , yes, yes, you may speak to me. You must. Not because I am lonely, no, no! You must inform me of bad guys! You must inform me of any happening!" With that said, Looker pointed at something behind Harry. "Look at that!"
Harry turned around but saw nothing out of the ordinary. When he turned around again, he saw Looker running away from him. 'What a strange man' Harry thought. He shook his head. 'Now, where is the Pokémon Center?'
Two Weeks Into The Journey
Two weeks had passed and Harry could not be any happier with the progress he was making. In those two weeks, Harry battles with Barry twice and won both times, Challenged the Oreburgh City Gym ad won the Coal Badge. Better yet, after defeating Roark, he had given him a Skull fossil and told him where he could restore it. He did that the moment he could and now he had a Cranidos. He also defended Professor Rowan with the help of Dawn from two Team Galactic grunts.
Now that he was near Floaroma Town, Harry decided it was time to up his Pokemon's training. Even though they were making speedy progress the last two weeks, Gym Leaders were not easy to beat. Neither were the Elite Four or The Champion for that matter.
After finding the ideal place to train Harry took out the pokeball's.
"Come on out everybody!" Harry said as released all of his Pokémon from their pokeball's.
"Gather around" He said as he sat down on a rock. "Before we arrive at Floaroma Town, I want to get some training done"
"Starly" Starly perked up, "I want you to perfect Wing Attack, learn Steel Wing and increase your speed. To do all of those things at the same time, I'm going to strap some rocks on your wings and talons to strengthen your wings and to weight you down a little. After you become accustomed to the weight, I will replace them with heavier ones"
"Star!" Starly said and flew onto Harry's lap. He summoned two small rocks and two fist sized ones. Conjuring a four pieces of string, Harry tied the small ones to Starly's talons and the fist sized ones to his wings.
"I want you to fly around till you can't anymore" Harry said to Starly, "Afterwards, take a break and repeat." Starly chirped its name and flew into the air with difficulty.
"Piplup" Harry said as he turned towards the blue penguin. Piplup perked at her name. "I want you to perfect peck. The way you can do it now is passable but I want it perfected. Try and focus your energy on your beak until it enlarges, afterwards release it and repeat."
"Piplup!" She said as she started focusing her energy into her beak.
Harry turned towards Cranidos. "Today I only want you to perfect Ancient Power. It's the only move you have any difficulty right now so we will focus on that. I want you to use Ancient Power on that big boulder over there." Harry pointed to a big boulder in the clearing. "Hit it with Ancient Power till you hit it every time"
"Cranidos!" The Pokémon said as he walked towards the boulder. Harry could already see big rocks forming around his body in preparation for the move.
Harry turned to the last two. "Shinx, today we will perfect Spark. Remember to electrically charge your whole fur with electricity"
Shinx nodded and went to another part of the clearing to practice. Harry turned to Ralts and smiled. "You, little miss, are going to learn Psychic. I think it's time we were able to finally talk, no?"
"Ralts!" She said happily in agreement.
One Month and Two Weeks Into The Journey
Team Galactic was bothering Harry a lot these days. So much so that instead of enjoying his Journey with his Pokémon, he was worrying about what they were after. All the stuff they did made no sense.
Just after his little training stop near Floaroma Town, Harry had to step in and defeat Team Galactic just to save the father of a little girl held captive and to get Team Galactic out of Valley Windworks. What Commander Mars said bothered him a little. 'With the power we obtained, we can do something quite spectacular'. While Valley Windworks produced energy via wind, with its location near Floaroma town and its considerable wind, It produced a large amount of energy. For what did Team Galactic need all that energy for? What did she mean by 'something quite spectacular? More importantly, who was the mastermind behind all of Team Galactic's operation? Who was Team Galactic's Leader? Then what the little girls father said came to mind. 'They were saying they had to gather Pokémon and energy no matter what. It was for creating a new universe, or so they claimed.'
Harry shook his head. So many questions and so little answers. It was time to think less on what Team Galactic was up to and more on his Training.
Just after sacking Team Galactic out of Valley Windworks, Harry managed to catch five Pokémon. A female Budew, a male Burmy, a female Combee, a male Pachirisu and a male Abra. The Abra was an accident though. While Harry was organizing his bag, one of the pokeball's rolled around until it hit a sleeping Abra. Talk about luck considering Abra's always use teleport to escape from battle.
Right outside of Eterna Forest, Harry managed to stock up on Oran and Pecha Berries. Afterwards, while in Eterna Forest, Harry led Cheryl through the forest. While in the Forest, Harry did some serious training. Piplup, Ralts, Starly, Burmy, Budew and Shinx managed to evolve while there. After leading Cheryl out of the forest and winning the Forest Badge from the Eterna City Gym Leader, Gardenia, Harry met up with Barry and saw some weird expressionless guy talking to himself near the Eterna City Statue. He reminded Harry of someone he knew when he was little, someone he knew before he had photographic memory.
Right after that, Harry managed to find Team Galactic's Warehouse in Eterna City. Frankly, it wasn't that hard to find. It was the biggest building there was in the city. Inside, he found Looker in disguise as a Team Galactic grunt, wig and all. It was a really funny sight. The inside of the building was really confusing. With all the stairs leading somewhere different, it took some time before he was able to defeat the Team Galactic Commander, Jupiter. After beating her in a Pokémon battle, she admitted a little hint of their plans. He just didn't understand what they were yet. 'Our Boss is researching the myths of ancient Pokémon. With the power of mythical Pokémon, he will become the ruler of Sinnoh...'. What did she mean? Maybe it was time that Harry read up on ancient myths.
The bicycle shop owner was so happy that he managed to get his Clefairy back that he gave Harry a free bike. Though, before Harry arrived at the bicycle shop to claim said bike, Sinnoh League Champion Cynthia appeared out of nowhere, gave him a Pokémon egg and left. Harry had been baffled. After examining the egg a little, Harry remembered a Pokémon which had the same colored pattern as the egg. Togepi, Togetic and Togekiss. He was sure which Pokémon would hatch from it.
After getting the bike, Harry remembered of a strange house out in Eterna Forest. He had wanted to check it out but Cheryl hadn't wanted to. Now that he was alone again, he could go explore it.
At night, Harry explored the Old Chateau. He would later admit it wasn't his smartest idea. The place had ghosts. Real ghosts, not ghost Pokémon. Though there was no lacking in ghost Pokémon either. In the second floor, there was a T.V that only showed static. The TV itself seemed to give out a malevolent feeling. While inspecting it, some Pokémon he had never seen before seemed to phase out of the TV and attacked him. After some time, Harry caught it and it was transported to Professor Rowan's Lab. Let him figure out what Pokémon that was.
Three Months Into The Journey
"It burns! My eyes!" Harry cried dramatically as he clutched at his eyes. Kirlia rolled her eyes.
'You are so dramatic' She said telepathically.
"Am not!" Harry argued as he removed his hands from his eyes. Kirlia just rolled her eyes again.
Harry looked at her with a plain expression. "Has anyone ever told you that you act like a teenager?"
She ignored him. Harry sighed. "I liked you better when you where Ralts"
After leaving Eterna City, Harry went through the Cycling Path and decided to explore the cave just beneath the Cycling Path. It was there that Harry caught his first dragon type, Gible. Afterwards, he made a detour in Oreburgh City to rest and buy some supplies before heading towards Mt. Coronet, the biggest mountain in the Sinnoh region. Harry had been inside Mt. Coronet for a long time. While looking for the exit, Harry trained all of his Pokémon during the whole time he was there.
"Come on" Harry said, walking towards Route 208. "It's morning now, we might be able to get to Hearthome City before lunch time"
Kirlia rolled her eyes and ignored him. Harry sighed. He didn't know what was wrong with her. Harry had known Kirlia since he was little and she never acted like this. Then again, Harry thought, she did get the harsher training. Maybe that was it. Maybe she was just tired. Or, Harry thought, it could be something else. He remembered with clarity that when Pokémon got too strong, they started ignoring their trainers because they thought they would just slow them down. Harry looked at Kirlia again. Maybe it's time to show her differently.
In Route 208, Harry was able to stock up on Bluk, Razz, Nanab and Pinap Berries. Harry arrived at Hearthome City just before lunch time. Though it did take some time to look for the Pokémon Center because a Buneary bumped into him just as he was arriving in Hearthome City and its Trainer just had to make small talk.
After lunch, Harry sat down on the battle field in the back of the Pokémon Center. Kirlia, Primplup, Staravia, Roselia, Combee and Cranidos all sat around him. Kirlia was ignoring him though. Harry sighed.
"All right, I did some research and the Gym Leader Of Hearthome City uses Ghost type Pokémon" Harry said as he took out the Togepi egg out of its incubator. "Ghost types are supper tricky to beat so we are going to train for a week before we challenge the Gym Leader"
Harry quickly went on his way and showed them what he wanted them to train on. After that, he took a hold of the Togepi egg and started polishing it gently till it shined. He had read that if you did that every day and gave it enough sunlight, it would hatch faster. He did something different though. While polishing it, he gently guided his Aura and magic into the egg. He didn't know what consequences it would have but he doubted they would be bad.
Six Months Into The Journey
In that considerable span of time, the Togepi egg hatched, He got a male Eevee from a computer technician called Bebe, won the Relic Badge, bought a Feebas and a Magikarp from a vendor, a lot of his Pokémon evolved, Battled Barry twice and won, caught a Pichu, won the Cobble badge, helped Dawn get her Pokedex back, discovered another Team Galactic Hideout, won the Fen Badge, cured the Psyduck with the secret (not so secret now) potion , and got an old charm to deliver to Cynthia's grandmother in Celestic Town. After healing his Pokémon in the Pokémon Center, Harry went towards the town square and saw a Team Galactic Grunt blocking the entrance to a cave. After beating the grunt, an old woman approached Harry.
"Oh, you were magnificent!" She said, "Aren't you quite the trainer?"
Harry blushed slightly at the compliment. "Thank you mam"
"And so polite too" The old woman said, "As the elder of Celestic Town, I give you my thanks"
Her eyes seem to focus on the Old Charm on his hand. "Oh? That Old Charm... May I see that dear?"
"Are you Cynthia's Grandmother?" Harry asked her.
She looked slightly surprised. "Why yes"
"Then this is yours" He said as he handed over the charm, "Cynthia entrusted it to me so I could deliver it to you"
"That Cynthia..." She chuckled fondly. She seemed to look at the charm intently. "This Old Charm is something made in Celestic Town long, long ago. It was made in honor of a mythical deity said to have created Sinnoh. These Old Charms are still discovered now and then."
She looked at Harry. "Since your in Celestic Town, why not look around inside the ruins?"
"Actually, I was hoping to see them" Harry informed her. She seemed surprised at his answer.
"Really?" She asked, "Would you like for me to show you?"
Harry nodded. "Sure"
The old woman smiled at him and turned towards the cave entrance the grunt had been blocking. "They are right through here"
They both entered the cave. Harry saw nothing but stone walls all around him. There was nothing really out of the ordinary in these 'ruins' apart from some drawings in the farthest wall. Harry curiously walked towards the drawings and examined them. He gasped aloud. These drawings were of the Legendary Lake Trio, Azelf, Mesprit and Uxie. They were drawn forming a triangle with a shining sphere in the middle.
The old woman stopped walking besides him. "The cave painting's seem's to be this... There exist beings. Beings so powerful, they were considered deities a the time. There were three Pokémon with Power to match either deity. The three kept balance with either being, as if they formed a pyramid. It's an ancient legend of Sinnoh that is still told in Celestic Town"
"I would like to know more about that legend, if you will" Someone said behind him. They turned around. It was the blue haired man that Harry seemed to know but didn't.
"Who might you be?" Cynthia's grandmother asked. Harry would like to know as well. He had already seen him twice now and he still didn't know the name of the expressionless man.
The man walked forward. "My name is Cyrus. I want to put an end to pointless strife and hostility. I am seeking the power to create the ideal world. Thus, I want you to answer. The world today can't change because the three Pokémon keep it in balance. Is that what you are saying?"
The old woman was really confused. "I wouldn't know. I do know the world is in balance. I'm quite satisfied with the world the way it is. I am not interested in your question."
An expression seemed to enter the man's face before he covered it up. Harry saw it though. The man was annoyed. "... Plead ignorance, will you? What a pointless attitude. You fail to appreciate that the world is incomplete. I will change the world. As the first step, I will destroy this cave painting that you've protected all these years."
The old woman gasped. Harry was looking at the man harshly. Who did he think he was, coming over here and declaring the destruction of what was apparently a sacred place to the people of Celestic Town. Harry winced. The sense of familiarity was stronger now and he was getting a headache.
"A new legend of a new world should take its place" Cyrus said monotonously, "Am I wrong? If you feel that way, challenge me."
"If you insist" Harry said as he took out a pokeball.
Cyrus turned to Harry. "... I know you, Trainer. I've seen you in Eterna City. Why would you want to protect this incomplete world? A the Boss of Team Galactic, I will show you the error of your ways."
He took out a pokeball and threw it in the air. "Go Sneasel"
Sneasel was a bluish black bipedal weasel like pokemon with three feathers for a tail and a feather on its left ear.
Harry turned to the old woman and said "Get behind me!" The old woman did as asked without question and he turned his attention to the battle.
"Go Mothim!" Harry cried as he threw the pokeball.
Mothim was a moth like Pokémon with two pairs of tan colored wings, one larger than the other.
"Sneasel use Ice Punch" Cyrus commanded.
"Use protect!" Harry yelled.
Sneasel rushed at Mothim, his paw closed into a punch while it froze. Just as it was about to hit, a bluish force field appeared in front of Mothim, protecting it from harm.
"Now use Poison Powder!" Harry yelled.
"Dodge it" Cyrus said.
Sneasel tried to dodge but Mothim was too fast. Mothim spread poison powder on his face. Sneasel winced in pain.
"Use Ice punch while your close" Cyrus ordered.
"Venoshock!" Harry cried.
Sneasel quickly turned to punch Mothim with the Ice Punch but was drenched with a special poisonous liquid. Sneasel screamed in pain and fainted. With it being poisoned before, Venoshock made double the damage.
Cyrus showed no emotion. Simply returning Sneasel into its pokeball and throwing another one. "Go Golbat"
Golbat was a purple bat like Pokémon with a wide open mouth.
"Supersonic" Cyrus said.
"Use Safeguard!" Harry yelled.
Golbat made super sonic waves to confuse Mothim but before they hit, Mothim created a protective field around him, protecting him from any status conditions.
"Mothim, use Psychic" Harry said.
"Air Cutter" Cyrus ordered.
Before Golbat could start its attack, it was grabbed in a Psychic hold and launched against the far wall of the cave. It seemed to try and fly again only to fall onto the cave floor, unconscious.
This time, Cyrus did show an emotion. Anger. He returned Golbat and took out his last pokeball.
"Go Murkrow!" Cyrus yelled.
Murkrow was a bird with black feathers. It's crooked beak resembled a witch's nose while the three feathery tufts on its head looked like a witch's hat.
"Feint Attack!"
Harry started thinking. Not even with Protect could he evade it, the attack never missed. The only thing to do was hit it while it was close.
Murkrow flew disarmingly towards Mothim and hit him with a Sucker Punch while near.
"Poison Powder into Venoshock!" Harry yelled.
"Dodge it!" Cyrus growled.
Murkrow tried to fly away but it was too slow. Mothim managed to hit it with Poison Powder and, after it's speed slowed due to the pain of the poison, drenched it in a special poisonous liquid. Murkrow cried out in pain before landing on the floor.
Cyrus growled in agitation.
"Do you want to continue the battle or do you surrender?" Harry asked Cyrus from across the cave.
Cyrus merely returned the injured Murkrow. He looked at Harry with cold eyes. "...Remarkable." He turned to Cynthia's grandmother hiding behind Harry. "But, Elder, your attitude told me what I needed to know. If the beings of Time and Space are brought together, they can't be stopped..." With that said, Cyrus turned and left.
After he was gone, the old woman said to Harry "Such a strange, strange man. Spouting such nonsense. The Time and Space of Sinnoh is filled with the thoughts and memories of countless people and Pokémon. This is a wonderful world. What need is there to change it?"
Harry nodded in agreement. Something was seriously bugging him though. Now he knew the man's name. But why did it bring both happiness and sadness at the same time?
Nine Months Into The Journey
After three months, Harry caught a wild Happiny in Hearthome City, got a an Egg that hatched into a Riolu after helping Aura Guardian Riley get rid of Team Galactic from Iron Island, found a strange stone while on Iron Island, beat Barry in a battle (like every single time), won the Mine Badge, met up with Professor Rowan who talked about Pokémon evolution with Dawn and Barry, was sent to Lake Valor to gather information on the Legendary Pokémon only to discover it had been dried up by Team Galactic in the search for the Legendary Lake Pokémon, Battled Commander Jupiter, went to Lake Verity only to find the Legendary Pokémon had been caught as well, battled Commander Mars, and was told to check on the last of the Legendary Lake Trio up at Lake Acuity near Snow Point City and some of his Pokémon evolved.
It was only after Togepi evolved that Harry discovered the effects of his Aura/Magic transfusion in Togepi while in the Egg. Togetic knew the move Aura Sphere. A move which, of the Togepi line, only Togetic should be able to learn. Second was that its non-normal type moves had magic backing them up. That baffled Harry a lot. As far as he knew, there were no born magic users in this world. Or magic using Pokémon. Harry would have to study Togetic and her development. Not that he hadn't been doing it since the beginning but now he had to be more observant. Maybe see if he could teach her some spells. If she could cast spells anyway.
Harry focused on the task at hand. He was walking 217 towards Lake Acuity after winning the Icicle Badge. It was freezing, so Harry casted warming charms on his clothing. In the time that he was walking through the snow, he had Eevee as company. Harry had Eevee train while walking with him through the snow because of the Ice Rock near Lake Acuity. He had done his research on all of Eevee's evolution's and the most that called to him were Sylveon, Glaceon, Leafeon, Umbreon and Espeon. The one Harry wanted the most was Glaceon, so he made Eevee train while they neared the Ice Rock near Lake Acuity.
Just as they arrived at the Lake, Eevee started glowing. He grew taller and changed shape a little. When the light faded away, a Glaceon stood in Eevee's place. Harry wanted to jump in joy. Then he saw Commander Jupiter putting Barry down.
"Oh? Are you finished already?" She taunted as Barry returned his Torterra. "You'r Pokémon aren't bad, but your laughably weak. You honestly thought you could save the Pokémon of the lake? And become the Pokémon Champion? Dream on, little kid."
Barry bowed his head. Commander Jupiter turned to leave only to bump onto Harry.
"Oh? Don't I know you?" She asked, "We met in Eterna City. Listen here, you little brat. Team Galactic is going to do something huge for everybody's sake. That's why you should keep out of Team Galactic's way. Don't waste your time coming to our HQ in Veilstone." With that, she turned and left. Harry turned to Barry.
"Barry?" Harry said in concern at his friends odd behavior.
"...I'm going to get stronger" Barry finally said, his old spirit reemerging. "No matter what she says" He turned and left as well.
Harry merely looked on in concern.
Four Hours Later After Leaving Lake Acuity
It took Harry two hours to get to Veilstone City and another two hours for Harry to listen to a pep talk (Courtesy of Cyrus) and defeat all members of Team Galactic inside HQ. He had just defeated Cyrus in battle.
"You know, for being Team Galactic's supposed leader, you sure are weak" Harry commented as Cyrus returned his fallen Crobat.
Cyrus gritted his teeth. "You are indeed strong, for a little brat. It matters not, however. I have everything I need from the Legendary Pokémon. Release them if you will, It matters not. I will be going to Mt. Coronet. For your sake, I do hope you don't show up" He threw a smoke ball before Harry could do anything. After the smoke cleared away, only a purple pokeball stood in Cyrus's place.
Harry picked it up and examined it. It was purple in the top and had a big M in the top part. A Master Ball. Harry stared at it in aw. It had a scratch mark in the bottom part though. Somehow, the master ball and the scratch mark seemed to remind him of something.
"Come here little man!"
"No running in the house!"
"Aw, it has a scratch on it"
"I love you Daddy!"
Harry's eyes widened. Now he knew why the man was so familiar yet he couldn't remember him. His father had left just before his second birthday. Before he had photographic memory.
His father was Cyrus.
Five Hours Later After Leaving Team Galactic's HQ
It took five hour to fly from Veilstone City to Mt. Coronet and run through the mountain towards its peak. Harry climbed the last sets of stairs and Spear Pillar Came to view. Everything seemed to be made out of stone. The floor, the pillars, everything. Harry made his way where Cyrus could be seen only to be stopped by Team Galactic Commanders Mars and Jupiter. Harry was having none of it though. He used his psychic abilities to knock them unconscious before running towards Cyrus.
Before Harry could even utter a word, Cyrus spoke. "Everything is ready for the creation of a new world. Now, all will end. And everything will begin. With this" Cyrus held up a glowing red chain. "the red chain made from the crystals of the three lake Pokémon... And this, the red chain I replicated with technological means... With these Red Chains I will pry open the portal to another dimension. I command that you unleash your power for me..."
Harry stared as the glowing red chain glowed even brighter before floating around Cyrus. It let out a red pulse of energy.
"Dialga, the mythical Pokémon, and the master of Time! Palkia, the mythical Pokémon, and the master of Space and Dimensions! Come Forth!"
The place seemed to shake with all the power being unleashed. Two black orbs appeared side by side before they expanded into giant orbs of darkness. They then shrunk until there was no sign of the orb. In their places though, were the mythical Pokémon, Dialga and Palkia.
"I've waited so long for this moment" Cyrus said, "Dialga and Palkia. Shaping this world is a double spiral of time and space. Yes, the very things that you have the ability to control. You will do my bidding! I will have your abilities as mine! With the power I wield, I will create an entirely new world! The incomplete and ugly world we have now can disappear. I am resetting everything to zero. Nothing can remain. It is all for making the ultimate world. A world of complete perfection. Nothing so vague and incomplete as spirit can remain."
Three glowing orbs of light appeared suddenly circling Spear Pillar. It was the Legendary Lake Trio, Azelf, Uxie and Mesprit.
"I should have expected as much" Cyrus said, "The Pokémon have come to protect Sinnoh? Pathetic and worthless. Their coming here is in vain. It takes the three of them to balance either the Pokémon of Time and Space. But they can't maintain balance against the two. Not when both Dialga and Palkia are here"
Cyrus chuckled. "It is time. My dream will be my reality!"
Both Harry and Cyrus gasped at the enraged feeling that suddenly littered the place. "What is this?" Cyrus asked himself, "Something feels enraged."
Just then, a black portal appeared out of nowhere. A giant shadow appeared out of the portal. It was completely black with red eyes and red 'claws'. At least, Harry thought they were claws.
"Interesting" Cyrus said, "So, there is a Pokémon that can only appear as a shadow"
The 'claws' then moves to form wing tips. The strange Pokémon let out a cry.
"Regardless" Cyrus said, "the effort is rash and foolish. I have harnessed the power of Dialga and Palkia... I, Cyrus, wont have any more interfere-!" He was cut off by the strange shadow Pokémon grabbing him and taking it with him through the portal. Both Dialga and Palkia disappeared from Spear Pillar.
Where the shadow Pokémon used to be was now a portal to what Harry guessed was another dimension.
"No!" Cynthia screamed as she ran into Spear Pillar. She stopped besides him and stared in horror at the portal. All of a sudden, the pink light circling Mt. Coronet's peak floated in front of them and turned into Mesprit. She beckoned them to follow before turning into a pink light and floating into the portal.
Cynthia turned to Harry. "I am sorry I took so long. I think I finally found the answer from studying the myths. When this world was made, Dialga and Palkia appeared. Apparently, there was one more Pokémon that appeared at the same time. A Pokémon with as much power as Dialga and Palkia... But also one whose name was never to be spoken-GIRATINA!"
"It's said to lurk in another world... A world on the opposite side of ours... That is what the shadow was. It must've been GIRATINA."
The pillars in Spear Pillar were starting to get distorted. Cynthia looked at them.
"The Pillars are distorting" She said, "It's because of that portal. It's joined to the other world. If it's not closed, the distortion will spread to Sinnoh and beyond...Our world will be destroyed"
Cynthia turned to Harry with a serious expression on her face. "We have to chase Cyrus. Are you ready?"
Harry looked at the portal. After I save you, Harry thought, I want answers. Harry tuned to Cynthia and nodded.
Harry turned the purple Master Ball in his hand. It was the day after the whole Spear Pillar fiasco and Harry was feeling calmer than before. He had finally gotten some answers on why his father had left. It doesn't mean he liked them. Tho think that, his father only cared for him those two years out of obligation. Harry shook his head. It doesn't matter anymore. He hadn't had a father in eight years. He could live without one. Thankfully, he had his mothers love and support. That is all he needed.
Harry looked at the Master Ball. Giratina, Ruler of the Reverse World.
A Year And Two Months Into The Journey
"Garchomp, return" Cynthia said as she returned Garchomp into his pokeball. She sighed, then smiled at Harry brightly.
"That was excellent. Truly, an outstanding battle" She said smiling, "You gave the support your Pokémon needed to maximize their power. And you guided them with certainty to secure victory. You have both passion and calculating coolness. Together, there is nothing you can't do."
Harry blushed heavily at the praise. Not only because he was being praised but also from whom it was coming from.
She smiled at Harry again. "Come, it's time to crown you as the new Sinnoh League Champion!"
"We will take the lift" She said as she stepped into an open elevator. Harry followed suet. In minutes, they were in a marbled hallway when Professor Rowan came walking in.
"Professor Rowan?" Harry said, "What are you doing here?"
"Hello Prof. Rowan" Cynthia greeted.
"Hello Cynthia" He said then turned to Harry, "Harry, your last battle was splendid. A child I enlisted for my Pokedex project has come this far... It's only natural that I come and witness the child's crowning glory. Harry, I shouldn't call you a child anymore. You've grown into a real Champion!"
Harry said nothing, still blushing from before. 'Maybe my hormones are finally kicking in' He thought.
"Harry, step this way" Cynthia said as she walked into the room at the end of the hallway. "Professor Rowan, please join us"
All three entered the room. Cynthia and the Prof. stopped in front of what Harry thought looked like a Healing Machine.
"It's been awhile since I have been in this room" Professor Rowan commented.
"If your last time here was when I became Champion, then yes, that would be quite a long time ago" Cynthia said. She turned to Harry and smiled. "Harry, welcome to the Hall of Fame. Your name will be recorded for posterity here. What you are leaving are the memories of your adventure so far. It's time to record your names. Your's and your Pokemon's. This machine will make a permanent record of your achievement"
Harry placed the pokeballs in all the slots. In the screen in front of the machine appeared images of his Pokémon with Harry in the middle. How they got the picture, he didn't know. Harry smiled. He did it. He was finally Champion of the Sinnoh League.
A Year and Nine Months Into The Journey
Red eyes opened wide.
"It is time"
A/N There you have it. The Seventh Chapter. I decided to show some events in his Journey and go straight to the Anime. In the next chapter, Harry will finally go to the other world. Note that the chapter is called 'Thy Journey End and New World Merge'. It has something to do with the next chapter.
I hope you like the little twist I gave ya.
Reviews please.