Hello guys! To all my fellow readers and authors (I am one now). This is my VERY FIRST FANFICTION story. I didn't write this all by myself, my best-friend, Marf helped me to polish it and add more scenes. So basically, this story was written by Marsette :D (Marie fe and krusette). Kindly leave some reviews or suggestions, it will be a great help for the development. Please enjoy...

Re-post : 03-10-16 ( Thank you Whendy404 you're the best beta reader ever! )

Disclaimer : We don't own Gakuen Alice or any of its characters but we own the plot and the story. 3

Chapter I: Prologue

Mikan's POV

I really had a great evening today. The stars are out in the sky and the cool, late night breeze gives me a feeling of nostalgia. Looking at him under the pale moon light, the memories come rushing into my head.

From the first day we met to all the unexpected things that happened along the way until this very moment, I almost could not believe that everything was real...that he is real.

He smiled at me and pulled me closer to him, hugging me tightly around the waist.

"Why did you keep silent for a moment there?"

"Nothing, Natsume." I smiled and kissed him on the cheek. "I'm just very happy about all of this and how far we have come."

He hugged me tighter then, letting go of his hand on my waist. He angled my chin with his thumb and index finger towards his face.

"I'm more than happy, Mikan. I love you."

"I love you too."

We remained there by the balcony, enjoying the last few hours of the day. We were very close to each other. I can smell the sweet fragrance of his perfume mixed with his own scent. There is also a faint sound of mellow music playing inside my bedroom, which makes the moment even more romantic.



"I just want to say that I love you very much. I want you to know how comfortable I am being with you. I want to spend evenings like this with you. I want us to stay like this." My voice croaked at the end. I was filled with so much emotion inside.

He looked into my eyes and cupped my face with both of his hands. He kissed me long and deep on my lips.

I closed my eyes and responded. We kissed like this before but tonight was something else. There is a different kind of emotion in each movement of his lips on mine. The sensation was melting me inside and I wish he would not stop. But...

"Mikan, I think it's bedtime now. It's getting very late."

He fixed his hair and straightened his shirt. He put on his coat that was sitting by the porch.

I grabbed his arm and hugged him before he could do anything else. I put my arms around his neck.

"Can you stay with me tonight?"

I loosened my arm and looked at his face. He tucked a loose strand behind my ear and stared at me for seconds. I could feel the heat from his body to mine. I could not tell what's on his mind. He looked like he was not sure of the idea but he smiled at me and his eyes softened.

"Only if I get to sleep with you in one bed." A playful smile curved his lips.

I blushed and suddenly felt my ears on fire.

"Ow. Uhm. Okay. So, I will take a shower first." I walked fast and did not look back.

I headed to my bathroom and took a hot shower. When I returned to the bedroom. I saw him sitting on the bed freshly showered.

"I used the bathroom downstairs and I changed into your old, oversized shirt. Come here." He patted the space on the bed beside him. And I'm only wearing a towel.

"Wait. I'll have to dress first. Can you please turn around?" I was really blushing now.

"You look as red as an apple." He teased me again.

"Just turn around."

He laughed and did what he was told.

"Okay. I'm done."

I turned around to face him. He was very still. I jumped on the bed and snuggled on him. He was not moving.

"Are you okay?"

"I'm okay. I think I'll be more comfortable on the couch." He was about to get up from the bed but I stopped him.

"It's okay now, Natsume. I want you beside me." I rested my head on his right shoulder while hugging him.

"It's nice this way, so warm and comfortable." He brushed his fingers through my hair and kissed my head. Then he returned my hug.

Suddenly, he bent his head and kissed my lips again. It was soft and smooth, nice and slow. He savored the moment. I felt warm inside and a bit dizzy. I let go to catch my breath.

I looked in his eyes and I knew what he wanted. He laid me down and we kissed each other again.

He was on top of me.

I asked myself, "Am I ready for this?"

He laid beside me and kissed me more passionately this time. He parted my lips and explored my mouth with his tongue.

"Am I ready for this?"

Wow, everything was surreal. My head was spinning in a wonderful trance.

"I'm so sorry, Mikan. This is wrong. Sorry."

I pulled him again to me and I kissed him more. We looked in each other's eyes and he understood what I meant.


I love him very much. I wanted to give myself to him. I'm ready for this moment. I only want him.

I finally made love to the man I loved so much. I felt happy. It was unlike anything I ever experienced before. It was sweet agony. It was joy.

As I rested my head on his bare chest, my fingers started to move as if it had its own mind, making circular traces, playing the thin and smooth hairs on it that are almost not visible. He let out a soft moan with my little gesture. Natsume pulled me closer to his naked body, securing me with his right strong and firm arm. I found his act very adorable that it made me chuckle a little.

"Natsume? Um, are you busy tomorrow? Well, um, can we go to Central Town tomorrow? You know, I want to buy some Howalons...I want to eat it again, if that is okay..."

I can feel the intensity on how he looked down at me. Howalons are my favorite sweets. Pink, cloud-shaped fluff puffs that are so soft in texture and when it melts inside, it will leave a very sweet, tasty zest.

Natsume's POV

I looked down at her beautiful and innocent face. As my crimson eyes met her hazel ones, I found her hard to resist at all. She questioned me out of her own world again while those beautiful eyes pleaded. What was this girl thinking? After that hot love-making, she will think of her favorite sweet and I just bought her two big boxes of that Howalon. Oh God, Girls are so hard to understand, even harder than thinking about how to turn down all your opponent's companies to make them bankrupt to zero and be on top. I, Natsume Hyuuga, the man who have everything from looks to money, just wanted to be the most popular in the business industry and to be on the top of all Japan and the world. All of my life, I pursued only these things, but with Mikan, from the day I met her, my life was filled with color. I knew she was the one for me. She radiates a different kind of energy that made me attracted to her. She brought such joy that I never experienced before. She brought a different kind of light in my boring world.

I started to have a real dream, a dream with happiness and contentment which I will find in building a family with her. She'll be the mother of my child or children as many as she wishes for. To be with her each every single day is a paradise. Paradise that awaits us. All the days I spent with her are the best days of my life. She is the greatest love I ever had.

"Hm well…" I kissed her forehead as she looked at me with excitement. "That will be fine," I answered her.

I can feel my eyelids getting heavier. What a tiresome day we had, Mikan almost took all of my energy. I never thought making love with her would be like this, every ounce of energy that I had was sucked up. Well I'd better close my eyes and have some goodnight's sleep. I need to regain all my energy and strength, doing it again tomorrow will be my first priority. Everything she possess makes her the most interesting angel I had never known. Bloody peanuts, I'll never let her go, I'll never love or look at another girl. She is all I need. She is my light. She is my everything. Though she is loud at the moment, babbling words about her sweets, I'll let her be. Listening to her angelic voice triggers my sanity, making my hormones go wild that makes me want to do it again. Oh world, what does this girl have which makes me go crazy?

Mikan's POV

I rejoiced inside that my eyes spoke with joy as it twinkled like little, shiny stars. I'm glad that Natsume is fine for tomorrow's plan.

Natsume showed me what love was, love that can take your breath away as you will be filled with so much felicity. He slowly took away my sorrow and loneliness when my parents passed away due to a car accident. He gave all the love that I can't even imagine I would feel from someone, besides Hotaru. With him I learned that love is neither a game nor a dare to start and hang it as it dies. Love is life, loving is living and Natsume is my life.

"Thank you, Natsume. Well, can we buy two or maybe three big boxes? Also, I want to go to the park and…"

I stopped talking as I didn't get any response from him. Oh well, he is soundly sleeping. He looked so tame like a child as he slept. I couldn't help myself but to touch his face, the face that every women would turn their heads when he passes by and even getting naked in front of him just to get a small touch from him. Tracing down the line of his nose that is perfectly shape in place to his irresistible and delectable lips, to his chin which enhances his handsome features down to his neck, inviting all my senses to make a hickey..oh Goshy Mellows! Get a hold of yourself, Mikan! I should restrain myself from doing silly things.

Lying beside him seems like all my troubles are fading away; he is the hope in my life...

"Natsume, whatever happens, I will always love you...Seeing myself alone is like seeing my life drowning to death. I can just see only you... I'll never love you any less than I do, right this moment. I just want to give everything I have to you... every piece of our memories. I'll always think of you, you will always be in my heart and all the time we spent together is the best time in my life..." ~yawn~ "I love you..." ~yawn~ "Natsume...I love you..."

I closed my eyes and recalled the events of the day. My heart was so happy, thinking that starting tomorrow everything will be different for me and also for him.

I smiled, looking at him sleeping. I put my head to his chest and listened to his heartbeat. I know that his heart speaks my name in each beat.

Natsume'S POV

(Mikan's Apartment, 5:00am.)

Ring. Ring. Ring. Ring. Ring. Ring. Ring. Ring. Ring. Ring. Ring. Ring.

I'm still spending a happy moment with Mikan in my dreamland, when suddenly it was replaced by an annoying phone that keeps on ringing like a hungry pig, the hell! Who would want to call me early in the morning? I don't remember having any meetings or appointments in line as early as this. I'm the boss, I do my schedules, I have my plans for today and that is to spend every single second to my Mikan. Yes, my Mikan...end of the story!

"The hell in the morning, what do you want?" I answered with my authoritative voice full of annoyance but in a weak volume so Mikan wouldn't wake up.

"That's not right to greet people, especially me, Natsume." Answered the other line.

"Father." I was surprised that all my drowsiness was swept away in an instance. I know this is an important matter; he wouldn't contact me otherwise.

"Better be here in five and a half, I don't want to wait." That old man ended the call without even waiting for my reply; old man will fit with him. Damn it! He just ruined all my plans for today.

As I'm thinking the things about the sudden call and what he wanted from me...

(Phone Ringing Caller ID : Unknown )

I wanna see your peacock, cock, cock…

your peacock, cock, cock..

your peacock, cock, cock..

Mother of all birds! The hell happened with my message tone? Who on earth got the guts to change it to this kind of ringtone? Well, I remember now, I left my phone yesterday at my office table when...oh Ruka! You'll be dead in a second if we meet. Disregarding for a moment about the dead meat Ruka, I checked the sender and unluckily, it's the old man.

I opened the message and read it. Slowly, sweat formed on my forehead and I wiped it away. I was lost for a moment. I brushed my raven hair with my left hand.

"What is with this old man?" In a blink of an eye, I was able to get dressed and do the necessary things before leaving. I have to get all of this drama done.

I looked at my angel, sleeping soundly. I watched her entire face, imagining how she will smile when she wakes up and how lovely her face is, but I can also imagine how she would be sad. I immediately erased the idea. Slowly I bent down, caressed her angelic face and gently I kissed her lips that are so soft. I wanted to go and deepen it more, but I didn't want to wake her up.

"I love you, Mikan. Now and forever…" I whispered in her ear, as I kissed her lips one more time before rushing out, away from her side.

Mikan's POV

I turned to my right, allowing my right arm to embrace Natsume, but I couldn't sense him. I slowly opened my eyes to see only crumpled sheets. I sat up, turning my head to the different directions of my room...

"Natsume? Where are you?" I stood up, grabbing my blanket as I covered my body and walked straight to the bathroom.

"Natsume? Are you inside?" I knocked several times and found the knob was unlocked. He's not inside. Maybe in the kitchen making some breakfast..oh, he must be hungry from last night's activity. I started to blush from my own thoughts that I was thinking. As I reached the kitchen, Natsume was not there.

"Natsume? Hey! Natsume?" I scanned every side and still no traces of him. I peeked outside my apartment to check if his car was in my parking lot and the car was missing. Suddenly my knees weakened and I felt my body shaking. He already left.

I went inside my room and sat at the edge of my bed. My eyes that were full of happiness are now starting to blur. As I looked at my bedside table, a red box caught my attention. I lifted it up and saw a white paper beneath it. I put aside the box and picked up the paper. I was shaking inside. I took the paper by the window for some light.

My heart raced as I read the first line.

My Mikan,

Happy Third Anniversary

I closed my eyes. What is this? Why a note? I let out a deep breath and continued

I'm sorry that I'm not there anymore at your side when you open your eyes,

I'm sorry there's no morning kisses and hugs for us and no breakfast together...

My vision got all cloudy. The tears welled up my eyes.

We ought to go to Central Town and buy you some Howalons.

But, I have to go….

The tears are now streaming down my face, staining the note.

Don't ever think that I don't love you anymore,

You are my light, my love, my life

You know deep inside your heart how much I love you.

Every moment we spent together are the best

Memories I'll treasure.

But I have to go.

I have to be gone for now

I will miss everything about you,

I will miss you so much.

I love you now and forever

I'm sorry. Please always be safe.

Forever yours,


My adrenaline was slowly taking over in my system and analyzing every word he wrote…"Have to go..." "...sorry..." "...have to go..." "...sorry..." "...Gone..." These words were echoing inside my mind, eating my sanity piece by piece. I am a wreck now. I wanted to shout out, to cry out loud, scream on the top of my voice until all my veins blow up, but it feels like my throat is already dry. I can't even produce a sound, no words are formed in my lips. I can only whimper and sob. I cannot locate my brain and make it function. It feels like my life ended by his note. It seems like I'm not in myself anymore, eaten up by the thought of being left again. My world stopped and my bright light have gone away, leaving me in the darkness. I hope everything was just a dream that when I wake up everything will be back to how it was. I looked at my hands and felt my face. I hugged myself. My hands are cold and I feel numb. I was confused. Maybe this was just a dream. I closed my eyes and counted to ten.

When I opened my eyes, I saw the red box, red as his crimson orbs resting on the bed, the only thing he left for me aside from the heartbreaking note. Now I'm convinced that everything was really real. I staggered towards the bed. I lifted my right fragile, trembling hand and slowly reaching the red box helplessly out of my liveliness. I didn't want to know what is inside. I didn't want to feel more shocked than I was before, but I tried to be as brave as I could to open it. I removed the cover and another white paper folded in a half was on top.

"Oh please, no Natsume, not another one. I already had enough." I murmured with my shaky voice. I started to be scared as what will be inside.

My Mikan,

Happy Third Anniversary

On this day, promise me you're going to wear and keep it. I don't want to be apart from you, I don't want this. I wanted to stay by your side always. Mikan, hold my heart with you. With this, we will be happy together forever. For eternity you are mine. Whatever happens, I will definitely come back to you. Can you wait for me?

Forever yours,


"I love you, Natsume…But why? Why are you doing this to me? Please give me some reason...Did I do something wrong that made you think twice or did I say something wrong? Did you fall out of love for me? Did you…please don't do this to me, it's so painful...I can't...I can't take this anymore...Please..."

Crying as I questioned myself—I do look so crazy right now and I don't care anymore.

I removed an 18 inch(approx. 1.5mm) length wheat chain design of 24karat gold necklace, but the most stunning about the necklace is the pendant itself (approx. 12mm ). A perfectly cut of a half heart-shaped design that is pure 24karat gold and the middle lay a 50-100karat elegant and simple cut shape in a half heart diamond. I can feel something at the back of the pendant. I flipped it to see, "NH." NH stands for my Natsume Hyuuga.

I held it in my arms and hugged it across my chest. It is the most precious thing now. "You'll be our witness on our silent vows." I closed my eyes and cried even more. I promised myself, I will wait as long as I can.

I know from now on this hurtful memory will be a shadow that hangs around me wherever I will go.

(Phone Ringing Caller ID: Hotaru Imai)

ka ka ka kawaii
Hello Kitty, Hello Kitty
Hello Kitty, you're so pretty
Hello Kitty, Hello Kitty
Hello Kitty, you're so silly

Hotaru's POV

I'm driving like hell to her place as fast as I could. That idiot, I hope she won't think of anything reckless like suicide. I know how much she loves that stupid Natsume and I'm going to kill him. I know how she's feeling right now. She is so deeply wounded. As I parked my purple Bugatti Veyron, I didn't even noticed I'm already in front of her door. Maybe I walked so fast that I didn't bother to know if I still touched the ground. I opened the door with my spare key. As the best friend, I do own a copy of all her keys. Yes, all. I went directly to her room.

"Mikan!" I opened the door with a loud bang; I was deadly worried about her. Slowly, I came near her. I almost could not recognize Mikan by the look of her state right now, seeing her like this is cutting my heart into pieces. She noticed my presence and she looked at me with swollen red eyes, a blanket was wrapped around her small figure. Her hair was all messy. She held a beautiful necklace and beside her were two pieces of white paper. I reached for her and hugged her tight. I'm deeply sorry for what happened to her. The Ice Queen, queen that doesn't show any emotions, only a stoic face for everyone, is now crying along with her best friend.

"Mikan, you dummy! I told you, your 100% uglier than your original face when crying. I don't forbid you that for now, I know it is so painful, you're badly hurt inside..." I feel her trembling body as she cried harder. "Shh, Mikan...Always remember everything happens for a reason." I patted her back.

"I don't understand, Hotaru…We were so happy back then, I didn't see it coming to end like this...Did I say or do something that made him angry at me…I don't understand, did he just play my feelings all along? Is this all a game where he's the winner and I'm the loser? Did he just want to get into my pants? And I... And I...help me, Hotaru…I don't know what to do." Every word she said was full of sorrow, pain…oh, Mikan...Her first love, her first heartbreak.

Shh. Don't speak anymore. "I'll help you, Mikan. Let's hide away all your feelings right now. I don't know how or when yet, but the Mikan I know is strong and doesn't easily give up on any challenges without even fighting. Sooner or later, we won't just hide it away, but we will sweep all your troubles away…" I hugged her tightly. I felt her body calm down and her eyes were slowly shutting down to sleep from all the crying.

Thanks for reading! I'm so busy, I cannot update this every week (I'm working :D A real work guys, if you're wondering...) But I hope I can... It also takes time to polish a story with two heads working on it. I hope you enjoyed! Please do review, make some suggestions or criticisms. It may be a big help to improve our story. I'm still working on Chapter II :D

Take care and Godbless !