Hey friends! Sequel time! Who's excited? I'm excited!

Just to let you know, there is a poll on my page for the other story I'll be writing in tandem with this story. Go vote for you favorite concept. Voting us up until Saturday so hurry friend.

Alright go ahead and read! I'm so excited for you! *blows kisses*

Blue is a nice color, until you see it so much that it literally no longer seems like a color anymore. But what was I expecting? It's my sister's baby shower, after all.

That's right. Thalia Castellan is having a baby. I never thought I'd see the day either. Nor did I ever think I'd see the day the Luke would offer to be a stay at home dad after the little tyke is born. Strange things happen, times change. I never thought my big sis would ever get married, or consider having a party like this. And by 'like this', I mean, the whole thing was designed by her employer. My girlfriend of five, almost six, year's mom, who just so happens to run the world's largest modeling agency. I guess you could say she knows a guy or two, or a billion.

Seriously, she transformed her whole home into a blue, baby, palooza. Balloons everywhere, streamers, a buffet looping around the backyard. Everything. I swear.

I arrive early to help set up, only, when I get there, everything seems well under control.

"Jason!" I hear Piper's mother from one side of the backyard.

I hug her tightly once she's made her way to me, "Hi Ms. Carrell."

"Jason, please. Mama." She laughs. She's spent the past five years attempting to get me to call her mom.

"Everything looks great." I compliment her work.

"Oh, merci. I have zo many good friends. Zey really pulled through vor me." She chuckles.

"Thalia will love it." Which may be true. Thalia's emotions have been all out of wack whenever I've talked to her. Maybe this will be something she greatly appreciates.

"I hope zo."

"Mama, quelqu'un est là pour vous." I smile brightly at the voice I hear next. I turn around to see Piper. My beautiful, Piper.

She's the only pop of color to be seen for miles, in a dark purple dress. She's wearing the jewelry I've gifted her over the years. She always tells me she'll wear anything once, and she's really kept that promise.

"Jason!" Piper nearly tackles me with kisses. I came into town before she did, as Piper had business to attend to in the states. She flew in last night and stayed with her mom. I haven't seen her in two whole weeks.

"Hi lovely." I greet her, smiling into the skin that's pressed to my face.

"You didn't ring the doorbell!" She laughs, "I've been answering the door dumby!"

"Sorry I missed the memo. Had I known there was such a beautiful greeter, I would have rang for you." I lean down and kiss her lipstick coated lips.

"I've missed you so much." She smiles putting her hands on either side of my face, "Uhg, you're adorable."

"More than you remember?" I tease.

"You must get cuter by the day, dear."

"If only that were the case." I kiss her again.

"Come on, I'll show you around." Piper takes my hand, showing me all the things her mother worked so hard to put together before the guests arrive.

Thalia and Luke are the first to arrive. Thalia starts crying immediately. While I stand awkwardly, unsure of how to go about this, Piper hugs her tightly.

"This is amazing." Thalia cries into Piper's shoulder. "Oh my god, thank you so much. You and your mom... It's so wonderful."

"It was our pleasure." Piper promises.

Luke takes my hand, "Jason."

"Good to see you." I nod.

"I think he likes it too." Thalia says placing a hand over her stomach, "You want to feel him kick Piper?"

"Oh... Uh, okay." Piper says nervously, stretching out her hand to feel my nephew kick, "Hi little one."

Thalia takes a deep breath, "He must be excited by the new voice." She says.

"He gets excited by everything nowadays doesn't he?" Luke chuckles.

"He's a Grace." I say.

"Sure is baby brother." Thalia looks at me before hugging my neck. Her stomach keeping us at a distance, "Thank you."

"Hey I didn't do anything." I hold up my hands in defense.

"Sure." Thalia waves me off to go see Piper's mom.

"She's so cute." Piper chuckles.

"Yeah, she is." I agree.

"She's got the pregnant lady waddle down." Piper comments.

"Don't tell her that, she'd hurt you."

"Or cry."

"Or cry."

Percy and Annabeth show up together right on time. Which isn't all that surprising when you remember that this is Annabeth we're talking about. Let me catch you up to speed real quick. Annabeth and Percy got married exactly one month after Annabeth graduated they themselves have been discussing having a baby. So have Hazel and Frank actually, wow, my friends are old. Talking about kids and stuff.

"Piper, everything looks so beautiful." Annabeth hugs her.

"My mother planned it." Piper chuckles.

"Don't kid yourself, you've been planning this ever since Thalia found out."

"A little bit before." I throw in.

"Jason." Piper nudges me.

"Am I wrong?" I ask.

"Nope." Percy winks at me.

"Where are our newlyweds?" I ask.

"They're dragging their feet, probably."

"Who's dragging their feet?" Frank asks as they appear with Leo and Reyna in tow.

"No one Frank." Percy laughs.

"That better be it." Hazel teases. The gang spends a bit of time catching up. The whole three weeks since Hazel and Frank's first anniversary (Which they insisted we all meet up for). Needless to say, not much has happened since then.

"Hey, so Leo is hungry. And Leo's going to go hit up the buffet. Who else is coming?" Leo strikes a ridiculous pose.

"I guess all of us. If we must." Annabeth fakes a sigh.

"Hey, Jason." Piper tugs on my arm, "I want to show you something."

"What is it?" I ask.

"Come on!" She drags me behind her back into the house. How she can possibly run in those stilts she calls footwear is beyond me. But she runs me to a familiar place. She pushes up the patch of ceiling to produce a ladder. We climb up to the pillow covered landing.

We slip off our shoes and shove them into a corner of the attic. We start kissing like the teens we were when she first showed me this sanctuary.

"I've missed you." She sighs.

"I've missed you more."

"Not possible."

"I don't think you understand then."

She takes the words out of me with kisses of intense longing, "I think I do."

After several moments of kisses and sweet words she pulls back.

"Before we proceed, I did want to show you something." She reaches around me to the 'bookshelf' and presents to me a faded book.

"Is this what I think it is?" I chuckle taking the book in my hands, finding it more delicate then I remember. The pages are near bursting from the binding, the cover has almost become blank from fading, the book seems ages old.

"I Am The Messenger." She nods, "But open it!" She urges me.

When I open the book I see blue pen, crisp and clear, cover the two front pages.

I look at her in awe, "You got it signed."

"I did! Read it, read it."

Dear Piper and Jason I suppose, as Piper has asked me to dedicate this to you. Piper has told me a miraculous love story that has surrounded my book. I think it's wonderful that you two have managed to find each other and have found my book to be a huge part of your love. I thank you for having read and enjoyed this book. I also thank your dedication to its lessons. It's truly remarkable to find people like you two in this world and even more remarkable to touch people like you.

And he's signed his name at the bottom.

"Piper, this is fantastic." I tell her kissing her cheeks.

"I know, when he came for a book signing in the spring I knew I had to get the book signed. For some reason there weren't all too many people there so I got to actually talk to him. He's an amazing man, Jason."

"You're not going to leave me for him are you?" I tease.

"Not a chance." She promises, kissing my lips and then wiping off the lipstick.

I bring her closer to me, cuddling into her a bit more as we stare out the window. We look at the crowded streets, cluttered with cars and people. We can see the Eiffel Tower from here. And on such a clear June day, the world seems alive below us.

Piper's hand rests on the book in my lap, twisting her fingers up with mine, her other hand wrapped around my back. Our bodies pressed up close.

I kiss the top of her head reveling in this moment of stillness we get to have. The moment of clarity when there really is nothing but the two of us holding on to one another as the rest of life and the world is below us.

We could be as far up as space and there would be no difference to how we feel now.

"I love you, Jason Grace." Piper smiles before kissing my jaw, "Everything's just so perfect.

"Well, actually Pipes, darling love of my mine, light of my life, apple of my eye, there's something missing."

Piper gives me a humored grin, "And what's that dearest darling?"

"Close your eyes. I have something to show you too."

"What is it?"

"Close your eyes." I laugh.


"Do it." I laugh, leaning forward to kiss her nose.

She rolls her eyes, "But-"

"Close em." I tell her.

She sighs as she covers her eyes with her hands.

"Now turn around."

"Really, Jason?" She chuckles.

"Really, Piper, turn around and no peeking."

"Fine." She sighs in a teasing way before swiveling to face the other direction.

I slowly pull the black box out of my pocket, only to feel the shaking of my hands. I wonder why I'm trembling, but nonetheless, open it as delicately as I can.

"Okay." I tell her smiling as widely as possible.

When she turns around she smacks as hand over her mouth.

"Oh my god." She gasps behind her hands.

Chuckling, I say, "Piper, I freaking love and adore you. And even though I know that you know that, I want the rest of the world to know that you and I are not a fling. That we are a team. And that we are going to be together forever."

"Jason." She lunges forward to hug me. I wrap one arm around her torso, squeezing her close to me. She still smells like sweetness, she always has. She's still a touch colder than I am, and that's probably because I'm in slacks and a button up while she's in a mid thigh length dress. She's still my Piper. I've never known her as anything else.

I pull away from her a bit, the pure elation on her face is blissful. I can't resist stealing a kiss.

"So, is that a yes?" I joke.

"Did you ask a question?" She returns the joke.

"Will you marry me?" I ask.

"Yes... yes I will marry you." She lets her voice shake.

"I was worried there for a second." I smile, "May I?" I take the ring from the box and slip it on her finger.

"You're a little sneak, did you know that?"

"It took some practice." I tell her.

"I'm sure it did." She laughs kissing me as many times as she pleases, "Were you planning this?"

"Actually, no. I didn't have a plan. I've been carrying it around for a month if you want to know the truth."

"A whole month?"

"Funny story I got stuck in security on my way over here because I forgot it was in my pocket."

"A whole month... Really?"

"Yeah, really." I admit sheepishly, "I've been thinking about it for half a year now, and I bought the ring. I've taken it with me everywhere, just in case a good moment sprang up."

"You're so cute, and a bit stupid. But cute."

"Thank you?" She leans forward to kiss me, "Thank you."

She looks down at her hand in a sort of awe. The band is simple, silver with one gem in the middle. I didn't know how to buy the thing okay? I'm a guy.

"Are you surprised?" I ask.

"Yes and no. I mean, we did promise each other."

"Yes we did, and now I can't call you my darling girlfriend. I have to call you my fiancée." I kiss her this time, I feel her excitement transfer to me.

"I love you." She touches her nose to mine.

"Hey, we have a party to get to remember?" I laugh suddenly recalling that detail myself.

"I remember." She promises, "But I want to have just you for awhile."

"Later maybe? It's my sister's baby shower, after all."

"Fine." Piper agrees teasingly. The two of us walk down to the backyard where people are meandering about. Piper and I find Thalia in almost no time at all.

"Hi again." Piper beams at her.

"Hi." Thalia forces a smile.

"What's wrong?" I ask.

"Nothing." She assures me in a rather non-assuring way.

"Are you alright?" Piper asks placing a gentle hand around my sister's shoulders.

"I'd like to say yes." Thalia admits to her.

"Why don't you sit down?" She rubs a bit of comfort into her.

"Uh... No." Thalia says wrapping an arm under her stomach, "Jason, can you get Luke for me?"

"Sure Thalia, what should I tell him?"

"Tell him my water broke."

And that begins our mad dash to the hospital. Piper remaining the only level headed one the entire time. No surprise there. Luke gave me a look of disbelief, I'm going to vomit, and you're kidding me right, when I found him. I'll have to ask how he did it sometime.

Piper's mom started squealing, which was frightening.

Annabeth kept trying to calm herself down but only became more hysterical. Percy passed out. Hazel was frozen in shock, probably realizing that's a part of the deal when it comes to having kids. Frank kept sitting down and standing up again. Leo kept asking people if he should call 911 or if it was different in France.

As for me? I turned on some kind of protective brother mode. Not letting anyone get too close to her, until the paramedics arrived to get her to the hospital.

After she was taken away the rest of us began to make our separate ways to the hospital. Piper recommends we take a walk to calm me down. Hand in hand we stroll down the way toward the nearest hospital.

"So, are these excited nerves or what?" Piper chuckles.

"What do you think?" I ask, still shaking terribly even with her reassuring hand clasped with mine.

"I think you should be excited. You're going to be an uncle." She laughs.

"Yeah, I became someone's fiancé and an uncle in the same day. It's too much to handle." I tell her.

"Well, I could always give you the ring back." She smiles at me.

"Don't kid." I tell her.

"Calm down, you're not the one having a baby."

"Well, this is my sister."

"I know, and I know how much she means to you. But she's going to be alright. I promise you."

"I'm going to be an uncle."

"Yes you are."

"You're going to be an aunt!"

"Jason, I am an aunt remember?"

"But this is Thalia's baby, Pipes."


"Piper." I stop walking, I take both of her hands in mine.


"I love you, you know that?"

"Yes... You okay?"

"Yeah, I just..." She grows about an inch on her toes to kiss me.

"I swear, sometimes you're just such a puppy."

"What does that mean?"

"For years, you've always doubted that I love you. And to this day, I still don't know why you doubt me. Jason, I promise I'm always going to be here. I'm always going to love you, you adorable little shit."

I lean down to kiss her, "I love you too."

"Good," She smiles taking the lead again. When we get to the hospital we find the rest of our friends already seated and waiting.

"Took you both long enough." Percy teases.

"Sorry, dad." Piper throws right back.

"You should be! Going out with that boy, you know I don't approve of." He scolds.

"Ugh, god dad, I don't care what you think about my life choices remember?"

"Go to your room young lady."

"Fine, but I'm bringing him with me." We take a seat, well actually I take a seat and Piper sits on my lap for no real reason, just because she wants to sit on my lap.

We spend the time waiting, in a stiff silence, until a nurse approaches us.

"You're all here for Thalia Castellan?" The nurse asks.

"Yes we are." Piper nods.

"You can come see her now."

With Piper and I leading the way we walk quietly into the room. Piper and I get to see Luke bounce the little bundle in his arms before passing it on to Thalia.

"Hey." Piper smiles at my big sister.

Thalia looks at us, an exhausted smile stretches across her sweat stained face, "Hi." She chuckles, bouncing my nephew.

I stand beside my brother-in-law staring in wonder at the little baby in my sister's arms.

"He looks like you Luke." I comment.

"Yeah, but he got Thalia's eyes." He whispers proudly.

"A little blondie." Piper chuckles, wrapping her arms around me. She's still wearing heels and therefore can actually reach my chest to hug me.

"What's his name?" Annabeth asks.

"Klaus Alexander Castellan." Thalia says, proudly looking back at her son. I think she starts crying as Luke leans down to kiss her temple, "He's so beautiful."

Luke rests his forehead on her head, "I am so proud of you." He says, "You gave us a perfect little boy."

Klaus opens his eyes, bright electrifying blue, just like his mom. Just like mine.

"Hi little one." Thalia coos at him, "I'm your mommy. I'm so happy to meet you." Klaus waves a little fist in the air which Luke takes in his hand, "That's your daddy." Thalia says, "And we are so excited to see all that you'll be."

Klaus looks all around him, observing all this new world has to offer.

"Jason." Thalia beams at me, "Do you want to hold him?"

Feeling like I can't refuse, I nod. Luke slips his arms around the baby's body and gently hands him to me.

Looking into that little boy's eyes I feel my heart melt in my chest. His bright eyes, his curiosity, his newness to the world. God, I hope he gets to stay this way. So adorably enthralled. The world is only kindness. The strangers are always filled with love.

This little boy is exactly what it must feel like to hold joy in your arms.

"I like you with a baby in your arms." Piper smiles looking at Klaus and I with soft eyes.

"Maybe you could put a baby in his arms Piper." Annabeth teases.

"Slow down there, he only just proposed." Piper chuckles.

"Huh?" Hazel asks with a smile on her face.

"Oh... Right." Piper holds up her left hand, "It wasn't much of a question, but I said yes."

"Took him long enough!" Thalia sighs leaning back in her bed, "I thought you'd never ask her."

"I was waiting for the right time." I tell her, my eyes returning to Klaus.

"Congratulations Grace family." Percy smiles, "It just got two more members."

"While we're sharing good news," Hazel speaks up, "We found out this morning, I'm pregnant."

Frank squeezes Hazel a bit tighter before kissing her head. Everything's happening so fast, everyone has news, life is changing every second and It's almost frightening.

I hand Klaus back to his dad, and feel Piper slip into my arms.

"I'm still here." She whispers in my ear. How does she always know when I'm feeling anxious? How does she know me so well.

"Thank you. I love you."

"I love you." She kisses me, and for just that moment, the hectic world around me stops spinning, just for us.