Hey All you PEOPLE! If you wanna know why I'm taking a while to upload, read below. If not, skip straight to the story chapter.

So, here's the deal. This isn't nearly as long as it should be, and you all have been waiting longer than you should have to for this story. Here's why I'm taking forever. I am an ADD person, so I think of tons of story ideas and plot twists and crossovers (ect...), so it's hard for me to just focus on one idea. However, I'm taking an approach at this differently: I'm writing everything I think of so that I can be satisfied with it, then jumping back onto my important matters (this story for example). I have the plot all outlined, I just need to get the juices flowing on writing it. That brings me to my second point: this is my 5th revision of this chapter, though not as long as I thought it would be it'll fit in best later on with where this story is heading.

I'm Honestly surprised at how many people are following this, and it's either

A: It's a good story

OR (more likely)

B: It's so bad that it makes you guys laugh.

Either way, thanks for reading, I hope you enjoy this little section.


Next Chapter is FULL of ACTION

Lucy was hypnotized. She seemed to get more and more excited with every word Thomas spoke. It was a story unlike any other she had heard before; so much so that she scrambled for her things to write on and with Levi's help they recorded every single word that came from his mouth. He said he would only tell of the legend he knew before he began his story, yet it was nothing less than... Just that. It was the beginning of a legend of this epic tale.

He told of the Dark and the Ancient Dragons (which peaked Natsu's and Happy's interest); how there was a magnificent flame that sparked to life: igniting the world so that it may progress.

He told of 4 ancient lords who each found something in the fire to give change to everything: three of them were of light and being called Lord Souls, and a fourth called the Dark Soul.

The Dark Soul was unlike the other three: it was more powerful than the others combined and it thrived without light. The other three depended upon the light, and they shepherd in the age of fire.

He told of the great beings that took up these souls. They challenged the dragons in their domain and succeed only after one of the dragons betrayed his brethren. He told of their weakness, and the Lords exploited it. The Lord of Sunlight blasted away their scaled with his empowered Sunlight Spears, the Old Dead One spread disease among their exposed body's, and the Witches burned their homes to ash. He continued to tell his legend, and as he was wrapping up Lucy glanced outside to see it nearly dusk.

"I'll continue my tale on the morrow," he said, arising from his chair stretching. Lucy was disappointed: wishing the story would continue. She thought it would soon be her new favorite.

"Is that really what happened to the dragons?" It was Natsu who spoke up. He had been quiet and watching since he mentioned the dragons. His voice was dark and cold to the touch. His face was not filled with the confidence it usual had, only sadness and rage seemed to be staring deep into Thomas, as if he was looking at his lifelong foe: the very name of his existence.

"Sadly, yes. I was not there to help or stop them." His words lingered in the air far longer than they should have.

Natsu nodded at his response, and settled back down. All the while Lucy was hugging Wendy who was upset at the thought of dragons being hunted for no real purpose. She held her head at her chest stroking her head. She could only imagine what kind of horrid things they did to the ancient dragons.

With that, he arose from his seat and the whole guild hall watched as he began to walk towards the door that lead downstairs.

"Young Man, where are you going?" It was the Master that spoke up as Thomas paused next to him before he was in reach of the door. Master Makarove was sitting cross legged on the countertop listening to his tale and story. Lucy felt Wendy roll her head up to look towards them. If there was a soul not watching before, everyone in the guild was now.

"It's dusk. I'm returning to the bonfire down below for the night".

"All alone? My boy, I'm sure there's someone here that would like to have you as a guest".

"Makorave, I don't doubt that there is. You've shown these magic users to love and be kind before showing hatred and rage towards others. I was not so lucky."

"I've long forgotten the feeling of happiness and joyful thinking; of emotional and thoughtful thinking; I have even forgot what it means to love life. Forgive me for not trusting you after you've shown me such kindness, but I have seen people that abuse that trust to murder and plunder. I would like to learn to trust again before I make relationship as in friendships".

At his response, Makarove nodded his head, but as Thomas pushed the door open he spoke once more.

"I will say everyone has had bad experiences with others. I am no different. Even though I could never imagine the pain and suffering that you've trailed through, I will say you must leave it in the past".

He stood up.

"Your soul is yours alone. You choose what to and not to do with it. You can carry the weight of the world upon them if you wish, but that's not what we believe at Fairy Tail."

"If you have the power to lift the world, then allow others to help you so you may help them raise their own world". He then raised his finger far above his head. Lucy could feel her energy begin to increase as though her motivation to do whatever she wished was possible.

"We pride ourselves in one thing above all others: our family". His voice was loud and bombastic at this point. "Your bonfire was put under our guild for a reason. I believe it's our duty to show unto you that you can have faith in others. That's our guild, and this is my plea. If you want to be with Fairy Tail, then you need to have a heart of gold!"

The whole guild was cheering. Lucy turned and saw Natsu nodding, Erza smiling, and all of her guild members in a joyous state. Wendy had risen her head and was clapping now with her famous and adorable smile. Lucy was glad to be apart of such a great and wonderful guild.

She looked back over to Thomas, but saw only a glance of his face before he disappeared behind the door. He looked as if there was a few tears in his eyes. Lucy was tempted to go after him, even began getting up to follow, but she felt a hand on her shoulder holding her down. She looked above her left shoulder to see it was Mirajane.

"Trust me, he needs some time to think about what Master has said. It's not every day you wake up in one world and go to sleep in another". With that, Lucy nodded and got up anyway. She needed to get home and start creating a book out of the story that was given to her...

Lucy was having a nightmare. She was with Natsu, Happy, Gray, Erza, Carla, and Wendy. They were running on dark gray stone floor in near pitch black lighting. Lucy was struggling to keep up her pace as she was short on breath for some reason. She looked over her shoulder to see a black dog racing behind them. She was scared of the fog: it was like a form of pure evil magic following them to corrupt them.

With their running, the eventually ended up running through a camp of sorts. With no time to look around, Lucy served through tents and over trash and items like buckets and swords. After a few minutes of running, they reach a dead end.

The wall stretched and curved like a giant cylinder that was opened on top. Through a few openings on the top they saw orange light beaming out from above. More to infront of them there were two gigantic doors that stretched almost to the top of the wall. They were decorated with a fire like pattern across it, and they were black with the fire pattern golden.

Lucy turned back to see how close the fog was, and sure enough it had nearly engulfed the entire camp. She began to back away from the fog along with everyone else. The air was filled with fear and fright as they stood there slowly realizing their doom. Lucy was franticly looking for a way out, anything.

Lucy shot out of bed, sweat was covering her face. That was the third night in a row that she had the same nightmare. She looked out her window to see it was light out.

It's time for me to wake up anyway...

Lucy was once again walking down the street towards the guild hall as she does every other day. She's practically memorized the whole street from all the times she's looked at it. She tried to smile, but was still concerned about that dream...

She looked up to see the guild hall. She had been so lost in thought that she wasn't keeping track of how close she was getting. She checked to make sure she had everything: the book where she was writing Thomas's legend, some pencils and pens, paper, hey Celestial Keys, her capris, black belt, purple t-shirts, and light blue cardigan. She smiled at her fashion choice, and walked up the guild doors just as Erza and Thomas were walking out.

"Hey guys, where are you going?" Lucy asked in her usual uplifting tone.

"I'm taking Thomas to go to out on a job today. He's got some of the basic ideals down, I just need him to start applying them". It was true: the past few day Thomas and Erza had been out behind the guild hall slaving away at teaching him the Requip Magic. After three days of this he was able to requip his right hand once every few hours (which was quite impressive given how short a time it was and how he lacked the knowledge of the magic in this day and age).

"Sounds fun. What kind of job?" Lucy was curious for two reasons: she wanted to see what Thomas could do outside of a dual, and she was always in need of money for rent.

"Some bandits are raiding a trade route so I'm bringing Thomas along for some experience in this time. He needs to know how to make money if he wants to go anywhere". Lucy looked over at Thomas for confirmation, but he was wearing the same set of armor he arrived in, hiding himself away from the world. Suddenly a question appeared in Lucy's head.

"Hey Thomas? Why did you switch from this armor set to a variety of armor pieces? Couldn't you just wear that combination of stuff all the time?" The chuckling that came from Thomas slightly annoyed Lucy.

"I wish it were that simple. You see, like Lady Erza I have a wide variety of armor and weapons for nearly any situation. If I have a few moments to prepare, then I can change my armor as I see fit. This set, the Faraam set, just happens to be a well rounded type of armor that I can use in almost any situation. It's not my most protective or lightest, yet I can still take a hit and be quick in my feet. Of course that's not always the best for every problem so I need to stay ready for anything".

"Oh, I see. That's pretty cool actually." She thought about what it would be like if all of her clothes were armor she could mix and match. She'd be one smoking hot undead. "Anyway," she continued "do you think I could come along? I needs few more jewel to make this months rent." Lucy looked at Erza who smiled.

"Sure, I don't see why not. Let's get a move on: it's in the East Forest and I don't want to be out there after dark."

With that, they began to walk. They were quiet for the whole trip leaving town, but once they left sight of the city Lucy started to ask Thomas a few question. Many of which consisted of if he was liking this new day and age compared to his time. He simply said that anything was better than a broken reign of a fallen kingdom.

After that, Lucy asked him about his start. He wasn't able to continue his story since last night. He talked of the Lords and how they fell, he talked of the people who abandoned their kingdom, he even talked of what they did to undead at the time, but that was where he paused.

"So where does your story begin? You've talked about the world around you, but you have yet to explain why you're apart of it". Lucy turned her head left to glance at Thomas. There was an unnerving pause before he spoke.

"That's the sad part of being an undead. I can only remember where my journey began and the journey itself. I know nothing about my first life otherwise". His words were like a solid form of sadness that pierced the air. Lucy decided she was done asking him questions and bringing up his bad memories.

I think it's time to show him what it means to have a happy life. She cleared her throat. "Well, do you wanna hear about Fairy Tail? Me and Erza can tell you all about it so you'll have a little more faith in us". She looked past Thomas to his left to see if Erza would approve of this idea, and she gave a warm smile and a nod.

"That would be a wonderful way for us to build trust. Let's start with the guild itself".

Erza and Lucy explained how and why Fairy Tail was the way it was. From the first guild master to the Tower of Heaven they covered it all, and hadn't even realized they were in the forest until Thomas had said so.

"My, this is remarkable. It looks as if it has trees and plants the size of the same kind in the Forest of the Giants". Thomas was moving his head around, gazing up at the large trees and foliage. He walked up to a tree that was very close and ran his hand down it. Although it was impossible, it seemed like the tree tried to recoil at the touch of his hand.

Erza and Lucy watched as he began to examine all the life that was around them; each and every time he reached out to touch one it seemed that the wind blew and the plant tried to behave as if it did not want to be touched by him. He sighed in the saddest of tone.

There was a long moment of silence before Erza walked up behind him and placed a hand on his right shoulder.

"Being undead means nothing in this day and age. No one or anything even remembers what an undead is or was. That sounds bad, but it means that no one will care if you are undead. Thomas, it's the wind and nothing more."

Lucy watched as Thomas let that sink in, then his whole posture changed and he turned around. With the most joyous tone Lucy had ever heard, he said "Right, now where do we go for some Jolly Cooperation?!" His stance had even changed from a slouch to a slight bounce in every few seconds. Lucy was shocked at how quickly he had changed. Not only had he seemed depressed a minute ago, but it was as if he was now the jollious person in all of Fiore. Lucy shushed she could be like that: be able to bounce back from anything.

"Right, now there's a group of bandits that call themselves the Men of Saints. They've been robbing supply wagons and merchants that have been walking through here, so we need to make ourselves look as if we are the same." Erza then handed two bags out to the two of them. Lucy took her bag, and as she unfolded it it turned into a huge sack, not just some pouch that she was lead to believe.

"What are we gonna put into these bags?" Erza looked over at Lucy.

"Rocks and a few metal scraps so that it'll sound like money or precious metals. Then we'll dress ourselves like mere common folk so that we'll be easier looking targets".

Lucy glanced over at Thomas, who was fastening the bag to his belt. He then removed the box he had brought with him from his "bonfire" room and set it on the ground. He opened it, and was about to reach in when Erza stopped him.

"You need to try and only use requip. That's one of the main reasons you're out here." He nodded, and put the box back in a strap on his mid back. He then seemed to concentrate on his right hand, after a moment or two, a white glow like when Erza requiped appeared, and a dagger appeared in his hand. It looked like a normal dagger, but Lucy felt hot just looking at it. She looked at Erza, who looked a bit confused yet happy.

"Very good, but what is that weapon?" Erza questioned. Thomas chuckled to himself.

"You'll see when we find those bandits". With that, he looked at his chest. It seemed to take a few seconds, but it too was soon glowing like his hand did, and a leather shirt with some stitches in it was on his chest. Eventual, he had changed his entire set one piece at a time until he looked like a Wanderer rather than a Knight of some sort.

As he finished, he fell to his knees gasping for air. That much progression in such little time had really taken it out of him.

"That's great progress, Thomas! How did you learn that so fast?" Lucy exclaimed as Thomas rose back to his feet.

"The Grey Mist Spell that I found on my journey here. It must be an earlier form of the requip Magic, for it behaves the same way".

"Where did you find such a spell?" Erza piped up. He then cleared his throat.

"It was in a temple to an unknown God of Change. It was written upon the walls the legend of a warrior who was said to be of the God's own will. It was a gift to him so that he could travel the land to change what needed to be changed. When I continue my story back at the Hall I'll get to it."

Lucy sighed as she put away her book and pen that she scrambled to get out. She wanted to record every little bit of lore she could that others may enjoy Thomas's story as well.

"Well, soon you'll be able to be as quick as I am." Erza then proceeded to have her whole body glow white and she was soon wearing a cloak that covered her entire body. "Let's not waste anymore time. Begin filling the bags, and we'll head towards the northern part of the forest".

Lucy sighed, and began to gather many forms of rocks, pebbles, and any hard object on the ground. "So Erza, how much Jewel is this job worth?"

"About one thousand, nothing special but for a small bandit group it pays a fair amount".

Lucy looked over to see Thomas, who was carefully placing rocks into his bag. The aura he was letting off once again froze the air with a cold silence.

This person, this adventurer, this undead had nothing but sorrow and hatred filled in his soul. Lucy didn't like how he view the world, but figured it best to finish this job before slowly working on him.

"Trust me, he needs some time to think..." Lucy thought to Mirajane's words. She looked back and was surprised to meet his blue eyes, then gave a heartwarming smile.

"You'll do just fine in this world: we'll make sure if it."

He nodded, then turned back to his work. After several more minutes of work, they began walking down the beaten path northwards. For some reason, Lucy kept feeling like she was being watched. However, every time she turned her head to