AN: It has been a while since I last posted (life happened again) and I think you've waited long enough so without further ado Chapt 10

Chapter 10

Kate Beckett found herself on her knees again for what seemed like the hundredth time in the last 24 hours. After almost 13 years, all of her bottled up emotions that she's kept at bay for so long have found their release and it seemed as if there were no end to the tears that she shed. She so desperately wanted to move, to retreat to a place of solace but she was already there for the loft was the only place she could stand being in right now. However, she couldn't stand in the presence of the man so dear to her heart, a man who she has devastated so many times now she couldn't bear to look him in the eye anymore. In the midst on her wallowing she felt arms start to surround her, Kate wanted to protest but the warmth she felt in this embrace kept her from doing so.

"Rick…" she whispered but it seemed to fall on deaf ears for Castle continue pulling her against him and before she knew it she was being fully enveloped in his arms being carried towards the direction of his bedroom. Castle must've felt her tense up, "Kate, we've both had a hard day and don't tell me you've been sleeping for I can tell you haven't been by the dark circles underneath you're eyes." He sauntered to the side of his large king sized bed and laid her down. "You can rest here, I'll sleep on the couch in my office." He covered her legs with the large duvet on the end of the bed and started to get up to leave when he felt her hand grab his arm. "Rick?" he turned to face her "Why are you being so kind to me after all that I have done to you?" she asked concerned. Rick just returned her gaze and simply said "It doesn't matter what you or I do Kate, for I do and always will love you." With that, he resumed his path out the door to his study. He kept the door cracked in case she needed anything, little did he know that his sentiment gave her more tears and she cried herself to sleep.

It was only 2 hours since he put Kate in his bed that he was awakened to the sounds of what seemed like whimpering. At first they were soft and quiet yet grew louder, it might be Alexis but he never heard the door open since Beckett's arrival. The whimpers started to turn into cries, cries that seemed to be emanating from his bedroom. He quickly got up and rushed to the door and paused there not wanting to startle her if she was awake, yet the next sound had him rushing through it without question. Kate was still crying but she was saying something as well, she was saying a name, his name. With that he burst through the door, there was Kate, thrashing against the blankets and crying out.

"Rick, please don't leave, don't leave me please! Don't die on me Rick I love you! You can't leave me Rick!" Castle couldn't take the sight of this so he cautiously crept to the other side of the bed next to her and started to gently shake her "Kate wake up, you need to wake up Kate you're having a nightmare!" he urged. Kate slowly started to awaken from her bad dream, she looked up and upon seeing Castle's face she launched herself into his arms sobbing quietly in the crook of his neck. "You're alive, thank God you're alive!" she proclaimed. Not to say the least, Castle was surprised that she would literally launch herself into his embrace, hell he's dreamed about it before. However, those time were in a much more…scintillating situation. This was shocking and he wasn't about to let her go through this alone so he proceeded to wrap his arms around her and whispered reassurances in her ears "It's alright I'm right here and I'm not going anywhere. I promise you that I'm not going to leave you." He had meant every word and she knew she could believe him.

They sat that way for who knows how long, just content to sit there in each others arms for eternity. Kate seemed to finally be relaxed and he loosened his grip on her intending on going back to the couch so she could get some much needed rest. This time however, her grip was firm and she had no intention on letting go "Stay, please." She pleaded. "If I dream again I want to wakeup knowing that you are indeed still here with me. Ricks face lit up with a smile and he gladly accpeted her request settling in next to her again. She fit perfectly and for the first time in months both of them drifted off into a dreamless slumber.

Alexis made her way through the door intent to finding her father in his office like she has for the last few months. Yet as she peered into the room he was nowhere to be seen. "Has he finally come to his senses and gone out of the house?" She thought. She wanted to double check and went towards his room where she was greeted with the last thing she had expected to see. There was her dad asleep in his bed for what seemed like the first time in a while and he wasn't alone for next to him was none other than Detective Beckett. Alexis was stunned, not in a bad way but a good way. She loved Beckett and found her to be the mother figure she never had in her life and when she was shot she felt as if the bullet had hit her as well. Not only would her dad had been devastated if she had perished but so would she. Unlike her father, she knew Beckett would not have said those things her father told her and stayed positive that everything would be OK in the end. "Looks like I get to say I told you so again dad" she whispered into the air. She knew they probably still had issues to work out so she closed the door to his room so they could catch up on sleep that they both desperately needed. As she walked to the kitchen she grabbed a notepad and a pencil and wrote a note saying that she would be back in a couple of hours so her dad wouldn't thought to herself "it seems like the universe is writing itself again thank God. Now they just need to get their act together and admit to what they really feel" she did she know that this had already occurred and there was much more to come.