Chapter 6

As Sheldon and Amy were waiting to talk with the latest scientist who's lecture they had just heard, Sheldon whipped out his phone and began to take pictures of everything around him. "Leonard's going to wish he came along to hear some of these lectures." He said, looking down at Amy.

"I don't know. I kinda like having you all to myself this weekend." She said, looking back up at him with a big grin on her face.

He smirked at her and continued taking pictures. After sending off a few to Leonard, the couple was finally able to talk to the scientist.


The boys ran into the metal shed to take cover, pulling their paint splattered googles off of their faces. Just then Leonard's phone went off, alerting him of an incoming text, that startled all three of them. Leonard pulled out his phone and opened it to find a number of pictures sent from Sheldon. As he scrolled through them, he smiled, half wishing he had gone to the lectures himself but he knew Penny would've been bored out of her mind. After he was done scrolling through the pictures, he handed his phone over to Howard so he could look at the pictures.

"Well, at least they're actually enjoying some lectures while they're there. Personally, I probably would've spent my weekend in bed if you know what I mean." Howard teased as he went through the pictures Sheldon had sent.

His smile instantly fell when he came across one picture in particular. "Oh, man." He handed Leonard back his phone. "Tell me if you see anyone who looks familiar in that picture."

Leonard looked at the picture for a good minute, studying every face he could see clearly. "I don't see anyone I…..oh, no." He looked up at Howard. "I don't know if Sheldon saw her but from the looks of it, she's definitely seen him."

He handed his phone to Raj and pointed at the woman they were referring to.

Raj frowned at what he saw. "That was one crazy chick. Not Sheldon crazy but psycho crazy." He said, shuttering. "Do you remember how she quickly isolated him from us and wouldn't let him do anything or talk to anybody?" He handed Leonard's phone back to him. "Are you going to let him know she's there?"

Leonard looked at his friends and back down at his phone. "I don't know. He never wanted her name mentioned again and I was happy to oblige. Penny started calling her Miss Psycho. I think people around the university called her Psycho Sally. I mean she was really obsessed with him. He ended up getting a restraining order against her. Usually, it's the other way around. He got pretty scared of her towards the end and we couldn't get rid of her. Do you remember that?"

Raj crossed his arms and looked annoyed. "Yeah, he came to stay with me to throw her off his trail. Which didn't work, by the way."

Howard took the phone back to look at the picture again. "Well, she looks like she's pretty far from where they were standing and there's a ton of people there. On one hand, he could avoid her and unknowingly hide among the faces in the crowd. But then again, he should probably get a heads up since Amy's with him because who knows how Psycho Sally will be if she knows he's there with someone and not by himself." He looked up and started laughing. "Man, I wish I had been there to see Penny punch her in the face when she finally got out of the laundry room."

Raj looked at him with confusion. "Why would Psycho Sally be in the laundry room?"

"Psycho Sally wasn't in the laundry room. She locked Penny in there to keep her away from Sheldon, remember?"

After a few moments, Leonard took his phone back and sent a quick text to Sheldon regarding the photo Psycho Sally was in. "Doesn't hurt for him to be prepared."


As Sheldon and Amy were leaving the conference hall, Sheldon pulled out his phone to check for any response from Leonard regarding the pictures he had sent him. He scrolled through his pictures and groaned at seeing what Leonard had been referring to.

"What's wrong?" Amy asked him, looking at the phone in his hands.

"Well, it's kind of a long story." Sheldon told her. He handed her his phone and showed her the picture that Psycho Sally happened to be in, pointing her out to Amy. "Let's go ahead and check out the Fleischmann Planetarium and Science Center. I'll tell you about Miss Psycho, as Penny liked to call her, on the way there."

As they walked to the Science Center, Sheldon told Amy all about how he unknowingly had a few grad students interested in him. The first encounter happened to be Ramona. He explained how she quickly wormed her way into his life and home until he finally told her to get out when he realized she wanted him to share credit on his latest discovery.

"All she did was help me finish it and also with my hammer toe. I had 95% of it done before she came along."

After telling Amy all about his run-ins with grad students and their obsession with him, they enjoyed their time at the science center and went to lunch before going to see another lecture. "Now, keep an eye out for Psycho Sally. I really don't want to have to talk to her again if I can at all help it. And I certainly don't want her to know about you. She locked Penny up in the laundry room once. And she's just my neighbor. God knows what she would try and do to my girlfriend."

After listening to the lecturer for a while, Sheldon heard someone behind him clear their throat and felt a tap on his shoulder and a woman's voice.

"Excuse me. Dr. Cooper?"

He turned to address the voice behind him and found himself face to face with Ramona Nowitzki. He jumped back in surprise, squeezing Amy's hand tightly.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to startle you. I just happened to see you walk in earlier and…." Ramona noticed that Sheldon wasn't paying much attention to her and he was frantically looking around the large room. "Dr. Cooper, are you alright?"

Sheldon once again addressed the woman in front of him, eyeing her wearily. "Let's just say I had some bad experiences with grad students in my past. Although I must say, your obsession, however, was mild compared to some I had to deal with." He stated, beginning to look around the room again. Suddenly, he realized something and grabbed Ramona's arm. "Think back to your time as a grad student at Cal-Tech. Do you recall a fellow grad student that went by the name Psycho Sally?"

At the mention of Psycho Sally, Ramona looked startled herself, jumping back and grabbing her nose with one hand. "You've seen Psycho Sally? She's here?" Ramona asked, looking at Sheldon with wide fearful eyes.

"Yes!" Sheldon stated, pulling out his phone and scanning through his pictures. Once he found what he was looking for, he handed his phone to Ramona and showed her the picture that Psycho Sally was in.

Ramona sucked in a breath and shuttered. She too began to look around the large room with frightened eyes. Amy, noticing this, spoke up. "Why do you fear Psycho Sally? What did she do to you?"

Ramona looked at Amy and shuttered again. "Well, after Dr. Cooper had a paper published that I helped him with, I bragged to my friends about how I helped him and Psycho Sally got jealous and punched me in the face. I don't know what she hit me with but it wasn't her hand. I ended up getting a few facial surgeries as a result of my injuries." She looked up at the man standing next to her, a wide smile on her face. "That's how I met this wonderful guy. His brother was my surgeon. Oh, I'm sorry. This is my husband, Paul Howard. Paul, this is Dr. Sheldon Cooper and his wife."

"Oh, we're not married yet. This is my girlfriend, Dr. Amy Farrah Fowler." Sheldon said, correcting her.

"Oh my gosh! THE Dr. Amy Fowler?" Ramona gushed. "I've read all your papers. I think you are just a brilliant neurobiologist." Ramona gushed. "After my run in with Psycho Sally, I started studying everything brain related to find out what made that bitch tick." She said excitedly. "And to understand my own minor obsessions with things." She added shyly.

Amy wasn't paying much attention, though. She was still stuck on one word that Sheldon had just uttered. Yet.

"Well, from the looks of that picture, she knows you're here. You know she's going to find some way to track you down." Ramona said, looking at Sheldon with concern.

"Yeah, Amy and I are going to have to find another hotel room." Sheldon said with a sigh. He was looking forward to getting Amy up in their room alone again but instead, he was going to have to find them another room at a different hotel, just to be on the safe side. On top of that, he was going to have to put it in a name with no connection to himself, his friends, or Amy to insure Psycho Sally wouldn't be able to track him down so easily.

After making plans with Ramona and her husband to have dinner with them later that evening, the two couples parted ways. Sheldon led Amy back to the hotel to search for another room in town.

Sheldon slumped down in the desk chair and pulled out his laptop from his bag. "Amy, until we get home, I don't want you out of my sight. If Psycho Sally finds out you're here with me, who knows what she'll do and I'm not taking any chances." He said, as his computer booted up.

"Well maybe I could just stand a little away from you so it doesn't look like we're together." Amy suggested.

Sheldon looked at her for a moment and then shook his head. "No. We don't know if she's seen us earlier than when I took that picture. If she did, she probably already knows I have a girl here with me." As soon as the screen popped up, he started typing.

A couple of hours later, Sheldon had found a room in a different hotel. The only one he was able to find was one that was a little out of their way from the conferences and it was a honeymoon suite. Also, they would have to wait until the next morning to check in. Their original plan was to stay in Reno until Monday morning so they could catch all of the lectures, the last one being late Sunday afternoon.

They considered leaving Reno early and going home Sunday morning but they had already missed the first several lectures due to Amy's car mishap and neither one really wanted to leave early.

They met Ramona and her husband for dinner and to Sheldon's surprise, he had a nice time with the former grad student. She had done a lot of growing up herself since he had last seen her 6 years ago.

After kicking her out of his apartment, she had bragged to her friends about helping him with his paper and quickly had her own run in with Psycho Sally. After her second surgery, she had met Paul and they had instantly hit it off.

"He gently encouraged me to have more fun and not always concentrate on work every minute of the day." Ramona said, smiling up at her husband. "He's the best thing that's ever happened to me." She looked down then in thought. "You know, I guess I kind of owe Psycho Sally a thank you. If it wasn't for her breaking several bones in my face, I never would've met Paul." She said, smiling up at her husband again.

She continued telling Sheldon and Amy about how her life had turned out in the last 6 years and Sheldon told Ramona and her husband about how he met Amy and the lives of his other friends.

Ramona sat in stunned silence, staring at Sheldon in disbelieve. "That creepy little guy is actually married? For real? To a woman?"

Amy smiled at her. "According to Penny, he's not nearly as creepy as he used to be. But she did warn me to not get into a car alone with him once but he didn't do anything. We found out we're both big fans of Neil Diamond." Amy told her, grinning from ear to ear.

"Oh, I like him too." Ramona said, smiling back at her.

As the girls talked about girl stuff and gossip, the guys talked science. After dinner and an hour of conversation, the two couples finally parted and went their separate ways.

Sheldon and Amy had stopped at a nearby comic book store so Sheldon could pick up a few comics before going back to their hotel. But once they were in the elevator, he forgot all about his comics and had pinned Amy against the back of the elevator, kissing her passionately.

When the elevator got to their floor and the doors opened, Sheldon and Amy didn't notice immediately. After a few moments, Sheldon took Amy's hand and took a step off the elevator right before the doors were about to close. He turned towards their room and instantly pushed Amy back into the elevator and hit the close door button and hit the floor below theirs.

"Sheldon, what's wrong?" Amy looked at him in surprise. She could see he was visibly shaking.

"Psycho Sally was trying to get into our room. Just be quiet and stay close to me." He said, taking her hand firmly in his.

When the elevator stopped again, he peaked his head out and looked up and down the hall. Sheldon pulled out his phone and called the front desk of their hotel. "Yes, this is Dr. Sheldon Cooper. I'm staying in room 523. I got off the elevator and saw that someone was trying to break into my room. No, they were not an employee. I had a restraining order on this particular person years ago. Yes, thank you."

He turned to Amy. "They're sending security and calling the Reno Police Department."

As they walked down the hall, they heard one of the doors open and Sheldon spun around to see if it was Psycho Sally. To his surprise, Ramona came out of a room, wearing a bathrobe and holding her rooms ice bucket. She turned to go down the hall and was surprised to see Sheldon and Amy.

"Are you guys staying in this hotel?" She asked, surprised.

"Well not anymore. We just saw Psycho Sally trying to break into our room."

"We called the hotel and they're sending security and the police to arrest Sally." Amy assured Ramona when she saw the fear on her face.

"Sally? Oh, Sally's not her real name." Ramona said to Amy. "That's just something people at the university started calling her because it went well with the word Psycho." She said, shrugging her shoulders.

"So what's her real name?" Amy asked.

Sheldon and Ramona answered in unison.

"Kathy O'Brien."

Authors Note: I figured everybody's first guess would be Ramona but in this story, I wanted her to be a "good guy." Surprisingly, no one guessed the grad student that came after Ramona. Do you guys remember the tag scene to that episode? Hehehe. Yes, I know, I'm evil. More surprises coming soon.