Hey fellow FanFictioners! (It IS a word!) This is just another one of my Malec stories. This is fluffy and cheesy- as usual- but has a sense of seriousness, and...well, you'll see.

"Mmm." Alec shifted in his sleep, and Magnus smiled. Alec was so cute in the morning!

"Alllllleeeccc," Magnus sang, tickling the younger boy.

Instantly Alec shot up, glaring. "What-!"

Magnus stifled his laugh, to no avail. "You fell asleep here on the couch with me last night, darling," he said, grinning when Alec blushed.

"I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to- CRAP! I forgot to tell Izzy or Jace or Clary, what time is it?"

"Five AM, calm down-"

"FIVE AM?! Magnus, I have to go!"

"Why?" Magnus whined, looking a bit...jealous? "Why, your precious Jace waiting?"

Alec sighed, looking annoyed. "Magnus, you know I'm over Jace," he snapped, and Magnus instantly felt sorry for what he said.

"I don't have time for this, I gotta go- because I was supposed to meet them for hunting twenty minutes ago, not because I love Jace, which I don't!"

Magnus grabbed Alec's wrist before he could get up. "I'm sorry, Alec," he said quietly.

Alec stared into his eyes before sighing again. "I know," he said. "But I still have to go, I'm late. And I didn't mean to fall asleep here, I'm really sorry, and I lost time for finishing those papers I have to turn in an-"

Magnus kissed him.

"Stupid Nephilim, do you hear me complaining you fell asleep here? That was the best sleep I've gotten in ages, since we broke up."

Alec blushed. "Uh-um, well, it was the best sleep I got too," he stuttered, making Magnus laugh.

"Awww, you're too cute!" he said, grinning. "But something's bothering you, I can tell, what is it?" Magnus asked softly, noticing the change in Alec's expression.

"Nothing." Alec shrugged. "Really, it's nothing."

"Alec," Magnus protested gently.

"Honestly, Mags."

Magnus had to smile. "Aw, did you just say Mags?" he cooed.

Alec blushed but said, rolling his eyes, "Yes. Now shush or I'll call you Maggie."

"I'm not a girl." Magnus frowned, trying not to laugh.

"You sure about that?" Alec grinned cockily.

Magnus laughed. "Yay, I've been rubbing off on you!" he cried.

"Please, I've always been this sarcastic. You find that hard to believe, I know, but it's true, trust me, ask Izzy!" Alec said.

Magnus laughed again. Alec got up, grabbed his jacket, and kissed Magnus.

"Bye," he said, smiling and waving before running down the steps and outside, Magnus yelling after him, "I LOVE YOU!"

And he relished in the laugh he heard come from Alexander's beautiful, soft lips as he ran.

But as soon as he closed the door, he realized one thing- Alec had distracted him from whatever was bothering him, most likely on purpose.

Okay, I know this chapter is small, really small, but since this is FanFiction, I'm not as worried. I would love it if you reviewed and told me what you thought I need to change, point out any grammar mistakes, tell me it stinks- though that will not be appreciated. as it s just plain rude, and not only that, bit it gives me nothing to use, work on, build up on- or just give me hugs and say you loved it...but please, add details.

I also have many other Malec one shots and stories, and more on the way, so make sure you read them and stay!

That rhymed...yayyy. Heyyyy.

Am I crazy? I think so...whatever. Bye, read, review...

I love you all,

~Lindsey. 3

Also, I would like to give a shout out to my friend- and one of the BEST Malec writers out there, seriously, she's amazing!- TheGirlOfThorns. She writes awesome stories, cute, fluffy Malec, and rocks! Love you! :)