"I'm innocent I tell you, innocent!" Chef heard this as he walked through the prison until he heard a familiar voice.

"The Crusty Cockroaches have a big lead over the Soiled Stinkbugs!"

"Can it, McClain!" One prisoner shouted.

Chef saw Chris in his cell but in an orange jumpsuit instead of his usual attire. He cell was made of glass instead of metal bars and there was a picture of Camp Wawnakwa on the back wall.

"Oh, Lightning slips past Duncan!" Chris cheered. "The heat is on! Yeah! Look at that! That's what I'm talking about." Chris then saw Chef's shadow hover over his 'competitors.'

"Well, well, well. Look who finally came to visit me after a whole year," Chris said.

"Come on, you finished you sentence for dumping toxic waste." Chef replied.

"Whatever, think I'll stay right. Got everything I need, include Chef 2.0," Chris said as he held up a cashew with Chef's face drawn on it, "I made him from a cashew."

Chef slid an envelope into Chris's cell. "What's this?" Chris asked.

"Your contract," Chef told him, "The producers have green-lit a new season. So, you in?"

"It is on!" Chris excitedly replied.

(Theme Song: I wanna be famous)

"Welcome to Total Drama All-Stars!" Chris said as he stood on the Dock-of-Shame, "After my involuntary year long 'vacation', I really need to be in a familiar environment, surrounded by the people I love…to hurt." Chris said with an evil laugh. "It's a condition of my parole, except for the hurt part, that's all McClain."

Chris walked to the end of the dock next to his robot, "So, I'm bringing back 14 TD All-Stars to battle it out in the most dangerous, death-defying, million dollar competition ever. Here they come now." Chris said gesturing to the helicopter.

"From Revenge of the Island, say hello to small town girl, Zoey. Her boyfriend, Multiple Mike, aka Chester, Svetlana, Vito and Manitoba." Chris said as Mike changed into each one of his personality as they were mentioned.

"Bubble-Boy Brainiac, Cameron." Chris said.

"This is highly illogical!" Cameron screamed as he was thrown out the helicopter.

"Challenge-throwing dirt farmer, Scott." Chris said as Scott screamed while he was the helicopter."

"Athletic non-supporter, Lightning," Chris said as he introduced Lightning.

"You call this a dive; watch this, sha-ahh." Lightning said as he was kicked out by Chef.

"Bossy-Bruiser, Jo, who dominated until her underling turned on her." Chris continued.

"You're a dead-man, McClain!" Jo shouted as Chef shoved her out the plane.

"Pants-peeing, army Cadet, Brick." Chris said.

Brick shouted as he was dropped out of the helicopter into the watered next to Jo.

"Hey watch it, Army-Nerd." Jo said as she splashed water in Brick's face.

Chris laughed, "And, from are original cast, cranky, CIT, know-it-all, Courtney."

"This is not in my contract." Courtney shouted as Chef dropped her in the water.

"Boyfriend-kissing, deemed new Heather, Gwen."

"I'm not the new Heather." Gwen shouted as she fell to the water.

"Bad-Boy, Duncan."

"Bring it on," Duncan replied.

Devious Diva, Heather."

"I hate Chris," Heather screamed.

"Lovable Lame-brain, Lindsay."

"I'm flying, Lindsay said as she flapped her arms, but to no avail.

"Super-fan, Sierra, Total Drama's number one stalker, er… blogger."

"For Cody," Sierra cheered as she cannonballed into the water.

"And feral freak show, Ezekiel."

Ezekiel snarled as he was dropped into the lake. Everyone gasped as he fell, but he was grabbed by Chris's robot's plunger arm.

"Kidding, no way is that guy coming back," Chris said as his robot launched Ezekiel a long distance way over the lake.

"Man, it's great to be back." Chris sighed in relief.

The contestants swam to the beach all tired and dripping with water.

Chris and his robot went to greet them. "Greetings old friends."

"I am not your friend." Heather said in reply to his comment.

"I think someone misses her honey-bunny." Lindsay said grabbing Heather's head.

"Who, Alejandro?" Heather said as she pushed Lindsay off her. "I'm glad he's not here."

"You're going to pay for my dry-cleaning." Courtney went to explained to Chris.

"No I'm not according to these new contracts." Chris showed her the contract.


Courtney: Same old Chris, same old disgusting island. What was I thinking?

"In fact we have a lot of new changes for the season. One, the island is now 100% toxic waste free." Chris explained.

"That's good," Brick said, "Wouldn't want to turn into a toxic monster like Dakota."

"Yeah, don't remind me." Chris said upset, "also, I did upgrade your sleeping areas."

Chris's robot wheeled in a flat screen, "Losers still have to sleep in a smelly, old cabin." Everyone groaned, "But the winners get to stay in the all new, eco-friendly, McClain Spa Hotel. Complete with butler, hottub and twenty-four hour masseuse." Everyone cheered after he finished.

"And, in honor of your all-star status, I'm dividing you into team based on you passed performances, Heroes vs. Villains."


Heather: Obviously, I'll be on the Villains team, and I'll be the running it by lunch.

Gwen: Heroes vs. Villains, guess Duncan and I won't be on the same team, unless Chris considers Duncan a Hero. Yeah right.

"Heather, Lightning, Jo, Scott, Duncan, and Gwen, from now on you're the Villainous Vultures."

"Sha-Team!" Lightning shouted.

"What, why am I on the Villains Team?" Gwen said as Duncan tried to comfort her.

"Because you stole my boyfriend and became the new Heather," Courtney angrily said.

"Yeah what she said." Chris joined in.

"But I'm nice; I've done so much good before." Gwen tried to explain.

"Gwen, it's okay to be bad, and now we are on the same team, so it cool, right?" Duncan said trying to reassure her.

"I guess," Gwen sighed.


Duncan: Ah man, I only came back for Gwen. She better not complain the whole time or I might as well be dating Courtney.

"Mike, Zoey, Cameron, Brick, Courtney, Lindsay, and Sierra, you're the Heroic Hamsters."

"Excuse me, how are Hamsters Heroic." Courtney asked.

"Either that or the Heroic Hippos," Chris replied.

"Hamsters it is."

"Wait a minute, they have seven people to our six, no fair." Jo interrupted.

"I needed the extra seat for that Ezekiel prank," Chris told her.

Jo angrily stared at Chris, "Fine, you can have the robot." Chris pushed a button which made the Robot stand with the Villains.

"I thought your robot could talk," Scott said.

"This voice chip broke while I was in prison." Chris said.

The robot moved next to Heather. "Keep your distance," she told the Robot.

"This season's challenges will be based on classics from the past, but with new twist put in to make this the toughest Total Drama season ever. Your first challenge is to find the key to the spa hotel, which is at the bottom of the lake. In a nod to our first challenge, you'll have to dive off the cliff, into the shark infested water, and get a key."


Scott: S..sh..sharks. I hate sh..sharks.

"Once you dive into the water, and manage to beat the sharks, you'll have to grab a key, but choose wisely only one key opens the hotel. If you manage to survive long enough to get to dry land, one teammate will take you to the hotel in a shopping cart. The first team to unlock the hotel, wins. And, someone from the losing team will be voted out tonight. Meet me at the base of the cliff with you swimsuits in ten minutes."

The two teams walked through the woods, holding their swimsuits, to the cliff. The robot kept trying to be next to Heather.

"I said keep away." Heather scolded the robot.

The Heroes walked just behind the Villains. "So Sierra, why did you decide to come back." Brick asked.

"I wanna win for Cody," Sierra said, "We would have won last time if I didn't accidentally blow up the plane."

"Oh, yeah. You hair grew back nicely." Brick commented.

"Thanks. It's hard to be away from my man, but it's too dangerous for him out here. And I'm sure I can stick it out long enough to win the million."


Sierra: I miss my Cody-bear, so much.

The robot continued to get closed to Heather but accidentally bumped into her and she bumped into Jo.

"Hey, watch it old Heather." Jo said as she picked up her swimsuit.

"You watch it." Heather replied.

"Come on guys," Gwen said, "Just because we're on the Villains Team doesn't mean we have to act like Villains. We're a team and we should work together." All the Villains team agreed sarcastically.


Heather: Yeah, right. I…

Jo: …don't trust…


Scott:…on this…

Robot:…(Robot beeping)


Gwen: I think that went well.

"Courtney keeps staring at me like she trying to set me on fire," Gwen whispered to Duncan.

"I give her a glare for you." Duncan turned and angrily glared at Courtney behind him. Courtney responded by turning away from him. "Hey, earth to Courtney."


Duncan: I'm used to having girls yell at me and even punch me, but blanking, that's just wrong…er, whatever.

"Hey, I think Duncan wants you to yell at him, you know for old time sake." Lindsay whispered to Courtney.

"What's the point, he doesn't listen," Courtney explained, "and beside it's over between us; he's a bad boy and I knew it wouldn't last, but Gwen, I thought we were friends."

The teams arrived to the base of the cliff where two shopping carts, a red one and yellow one, were waiting. Chris flew in on his jetpack.

"Greetings, All-Stars," Chris said blowing dust in the teen's faces. "Here are you shopping carts, blood red for the Villainous Vultures and purest gold for the Heroic Hamsters. You've got thirty second to pick you shopping car pusher, starting now."

"Oh, let me push, I love shopping." Lindsay said volunteering for her team.

"I'll drive," Scott said. "No, I'll drive." Jo said.

"Sha-please," Lightning said to Jo, "You're the slowest Go-Kart driver ever."

"But, I'm also the top shopping cart racing champion." Jo said.


Jo: No, I'm not. I just said that because…

Lightning: …gotta respect champions. Jo drives.

"Ah, come one." Scott said as Lightning carried him away.

"Okay, everyone except Jo and Lindsay, get into your bathing suits, to the top of the cliff you go." Chris pointed to the top of the cliff.

Chris stood at the top of the cliff, as the contestants were running up the cliff. Scott looked over the cliff to see fang waving at him.

"Who's the best key-spotter, and who's dead in the shark-infested water. Find out when we return on Total Drama All-Stars!"