I do not own Teen Wolf, nor do I plan to. Will contain some trigger warnings so please don't hate me...

Stiles found it hard to sit still. Sitting on your butt for hours in the same spot in a jeep is not a great feeling. Especially when you have to wait for someone and you try your very best to stay awake at almost two in the morning.

For a few seconds he would doze off and let his head fall to his chest; but it was only for a few seconds. He would constantly wake up again, alert, but after five minutes it would happen over and over again.

He would shake his head at his actions and groan, rubbing his temple with the palm of his hand. Stiles desperately tried to not think about the event that happened a couple hours ago at the hospital. The thought of it was like daggers piercing his heart. But he couldn't help it. Voices of the memory were in his head getting louder and louder.

"I have seen a lot of things I can't explain in this town. It doesn't make them supernatural and it doesn't make them real. They just found another body. That's real. And that's the lead I'm following."

"Dad, she's going to die if you'll just listen-,"

"I have been listening, Stiles! I have been listening!"

"You just don't believe. Mom would've believed me…"

He thought back to when he was first introduced to the supernatural world when Scott was bit. Stiles promised he would never tell anyone's Scott's secret back about a year ago. But the anxiety feeling inside of him felt the urge to let it out. But he didn't. He's kept it away from people; especially his own father.

No matter how much he tried to tell him, he couldn't get any sense into him. Stiles sighed and looked over to the digital clock in his jeep. 1:58 am.

He still sat in his jeep in his driveway waiting for his dad to come home. He just wanted to explain it to him one more time.

It seemed like hours but was only about fifteen minutes when he saw a police cruiser pull into the driveway. Stiles' heartbeat sped up a couple beats as he slowly and hesitantly stepped out of the jeep.

The Sheriff took the longest to get out which Stiles found odd because he expected his father to climb out of the cruiser quickly with anger and rage. But Stiles was taken aback when he saw his father climb out unsteadily.

Stiles noticed the bottle of whiskey in John's hand. John clumsily slammed the door on the driver's side and gave a look of disgust at Stiles.

"Oh…It's you." He rasped in his wasted state.

Stiles shook his head as if he was trying to wake up from a bad dream. But it was real. It was all real.

"Dad?" Stiles spoke slowly and softly as he began to edge his way towards his father, reaching his hand to grab the bottle of whiskey from John. But however, John noticed his son's action and swiped his son's hand away roughly.

"Is that how you're supposed to greet me?" John said raged.

Stiles sighed through shaky breaths. "Dad…please. Why are-,"

"You know damn well why!" John yelled.

Stiles opened his mouth to speak, but John kept talking. "'Mom would've believed me?' Really, Stiles? How dare you bring your mother into that conversation!?"

"Dad, I wanted to talk to you but not like this…please just give me the bottle and we can go inside and-,"

"Don't you pity me, boy," John cut. "I don't need your empathy to me. I don't need to talk. I don't need anything more from you!"

Stiles had a lump in his throat and his eyes began to water. His conscious would scream at him not to say anything back to his father but he couldn't help it. "Why don't you believe me?"

Stiles was surprised at how weak and hurt his voice was but he kept his stance firm as he tried his best not to shake or tremble.

Stiles saw the hesitant glance in his father's eyes. John scoffed as if Stiles told a bad and offensive joke. But he didn't answer.

"Why don't you believe me?" Stiles repeated more firm.

The answer wasn't what he expected. His number one fear had come true. "Because you killed her."

Stiles froze. He couldn't stop the tears from streaming down his cheeks. He back-peddled slowly with eyes never leaving his father. But when he looked at him, John's wasted and raged face were gone. His expression was replaced with regret and remorse. "Stiles. I-I didn't mean…"

But Stiles was already walking to his jeep opening his car door and climbing in. Not even bothering to put his seatbelt on.


Stiles heard his father calling him but he couldn't look at him anymore. With a great amount of effort he blocked out the calls and yells and stomped on the gas, quickly driving out of the driveway.

He didn't know where he was going. He just wanted to get away from the man who had betrayed him. The man who he thought had loved him.

Tears drenched his cheeks as he kept on driving fast. He just hoped that no police officer would stop him and give him a speeding ticket. But he apparently spoke too soon when a police cruiser was driving about his speed and was driving by the driver side of his jeep.

He was confused at first when he saw no red and blue lights flashing. But when the police officer rolled down his window, he saw his father.

"Stiles, pull over so we can talk!" John yelled over the loud engines of the speeding vehicles. Stiles' window was closed but he could hear his father clearly with his yells.

Stiles didn't listen though as he stomped on the gas pedal harder making his jeep go slightly ahead of his dad's cruiser. But John easily caught up and was driving by his side again. Stupid old jeep. Stiles thought angrily. They were nearing an intersection now, but Stiles kept going.

"Stiles, please! I'm sorry!"

Stiles closed his eyes and shook his head, trying to block the voice out of his head. He looked over at his father to see his face was streamed with tears. It has been so long since he saw his father cry. And it was a rare thing. He hasn't seen his father cry since his mother died. Stiles was hesitant for a few short moments after the expression he saw on John's face.

But before Stiles could press on the brakes and pull his jeep over on the side of the road, he heard his father scream, "STILES, LOOK OUT!"

He turned his gaze to the right side of him and saw bright yellow lights coming towards him fast. The force of the coming light hit harshly against the side of the jeep. It was a hard impact and everything was dark after that.

John's scream was a little too late when he saw the other vehicle hit Stiles' jeep. He stood frozen in shock as he watched the jeep roll three times on the road. Several car parts screwed off and were splayed out on the road as the jeep made its final roll, landing on its back. "STILES!"

It's like it was all in slow motion. The vehicle which was a trailer truck however, kept on driving and swerved around the severely damaged jeep, as if it was meant to hit it on purpose.

John left the engine running and jumped out of the cruiser. He ran as fast as he could to reach the incident but it felt as if the smashed jeep only got farther away. Several other few cars that were driving by, screeched to a stop on the side of the road, clearly seeing the tragic incident.

One woman who was driving a silver Honda pulled out her phone and called out to John, "I'm calling an ambulance!"

John was too frantic to understand what she was saying or what others were saying when he finally reached his son's jeep. It was a horror looking scene.

Glass from the windows were shattered in small pieces on the road. The jeep had dents all over the vehicle. But he didn't need to peek inside the vehicle to find his son. Stiles was already out of the jeep, splayed out on the road and unmoving. He had numerous of scratched and bloody cuts all over his face and arms. But what John saw that stood out the most, was Stiles laying in a pool of his own blood.

He hiccupped a starting sob as he knelt down next to Stiles; bringing his shaky hands to his bloodied face, gently cupping it with his hands. There was so much blood. "St-Stiles?"

John slowly propped Stiles into a slouching sitting position, letting his son's head lean against his chest. His body was limp. Stiles' eyes were closed and his lips were slightly parted. There was a large gash near Stiles' hairline that most of the blood was coming from, which John suspected he must have hit his head too hard when the jeep rolled. He sobbed loudly as he suddenly began to hear sirens in the distance.

"I'm so sorry." John cried out over and over again.

The sirens were getting closer now, but John knew they were too late. John was too frantic to check Stiles' pulse. He looked down at his hands which were coated in his own son's blood. His cries were more like screams now as he held Stiles more tightly against his chest.

Several minutes past as the ambulance came into view screeching to a stop just a few feet from the wrecked jeep. Paramedics came sprinting out, rolling a stretcher along with them.

The next thing John knew was that two paramedics were taking Stiles out of his arms and setting him carefully on the stretcher. But John was still on his knees, frozen, and coated in Stiles' blood. He silently watched the paramedics rush the stretcher back towards the ambulance as another paramedic was helping him stand.

Everything was fuzzy. The sounds were deaf to him and he could only hear muffled sounds of the paramedic's voice asking if he was alright. But John didn't answer back.

However, the only voices and yells he could hear were coming from inside the ambulance.

"We've got a pulse but it's faint. We're losing him."

"Charge up the amplifiers!"



"Charge it again."


More silence.

"Still nothing."


"But we-,"


There was a longer deafening silence that made John's heart drop.

"We've got a pulse. He's severely damaged but he's stable…for now."

Should I continue this?