I woke up without any knowing what hour it was or to the honest for the first couple of seconds I didn't really acknowledge where I was too. Because of those basements the sunlight could barely come through small windows I had. I lied there and didn't move for an inch. God, I had so strange dream! I laughed in my mind and blushed like crazy. I and Corporal Levi were … I blushed even more and covered my face with my hands. But suddenly, out of a complete blue, a bold thought stroke me that… none of this was a dream. Am I actually losing my mind here? I was in a complete mess. A thought of what might or might have not happened at this very night, was so ridiculous now and I couldn't believe any of this was true. Idiot! You start to mix dreams with reality… Yet, next moment I finally decided to move and stand up, a huge pain hit all parts of my body. What the hell? I instantly sat back, slowly examining my whole body. Was it because of all the trainings? No… It was impossible. I had tons of them every day, why now? I finally stood up again wanting to reach the door but I was just about to find out, I can't walk that fast. My legs shook strongly beneath me and I sat once again on my bed gasping like crazy. Now I was able to tell that, the part of my body that actually hurt the most was my…butt. My heart started pounding like crazy. So… It was not a dream… I couldn't believe it. Me and Corporal? Was my mind playing some kind of games on me? I was literally able to believe in everything. I could believe that the titan war ended. I could believe that I was not a half-titan after all. But to believe, Levi would do… that. With. Me. Was unable for my mind. Yet, I remembered all our conversations. All love declarations, all the tensions, passionate kisses… But now it felt only like a wonderful dream. Nevertheless, my body was a real example of the fact that it really happened. I looked at my bed and sighted loudly. Strangely I was rested, I slept well and was quite energetic. Which hour could it be? I dressed up and left my room as quickly as possible, or as quickly as my legs let me to. To my huge surprise there was no sign of yesterday's storm and the sun was now shining really strongly. But suddenly I started to wonder that, it's really high on the sky. In fact too high, and the castle was too quiet. Where is everybody? Did I oversleep? I almost ran into the canteen just to see no one was there, indeed. No, that was not possible for me to oversleep. Someone should have woken me up! Why didn't they, then?! I was getting nervous and couldn't do anything about it. I was just standing there, in the middle of a canteen, like a lost child, feeling abandoned. Suddenly I heard some noises in the storeroom and instantly entered it.

'Who the hell?' – I saw a middle-aged man doing some cleaning or what looked more like eating some spare food but he did had some kind of cleaning supplies standing beneath him. He frowned at me hiding at the same time his food from my sight.

'Eren Jaeger!' – I saluted properly. The man looked at my suspiciously.

'I know who you are' – He shrugged.

Obviously he knew. Everyone knew me. I was guessing this man was left in the castle to watch for it while others were away. What a perfect place to watch out for titans… while eating food, which is probably not even assigned to you! I got angry with the man but kept myself calm.

'I'm sorry, where is everyone?' – I asked boldly wondering if the man is not drunk a little. His face was kind of red and his sight seemed blurred. Who was he anyway? I was guessing he was from Corporal squad but this was the first time I saw him. But to be honest a lot of new recruits appeared in the castle lately so it wasn't so surprising after all.

'They are on their training' – He still looked angry. I was about to ask why the hell am I left here but I guess he figured out my thoughts because he added – 'Yes, Corporal Levi ordered no one to wake you up.'




My heart skipped and I felt a warmth spreading through my whole body. I was both flattered and confused. What should I think about it?

'W-w-why?' – I stuttered. All my previous courage flew away and all I could think about now was him.

The man sighted loudly and went out the storeroom pushing me a little but I couldn't focus on that anyway. – 'WHY?' – I repeated myself more loudly. I was determined to get the answer and wasn't thinking to even let this man go without getting one.

'Fuck it, kid. I don't know!' – He said angrily. – 'I guess he said something about you being exhausted today after… hard training, was it?' – It looked as if he asked it himself, after that he left quickly leaving me there standing with my mouth opened.

Hard training? That words resonated through all my body making almost electric shivers and twitches in my every single muscle which hurt like crazy. I smiled like a smitten teenager, who I actually was. So… It was actually… true… I couldn't believe it but I had a solid proof right under my eyes. Hard training? Did he mean… I closed my eyes and pictures from the night were now playing in my mind like a movie. I blushed. A lot. Thank God, no one was there. Put yourself together! I scolded myself but still I couldn't take a stupid smile out of my face.

Out of blue a whole horde of questions appeared to my mind. If that really happened, then why didn't he wake me up? Will he now just pretend this never happened? How should I act around him? Should I act like this never happened too? This was a little too much for me handle. I stroke my hair with my hand and tried to relax. I decided not to worry for now. We will see what future brings.

The sun was quite low now, it was about 5 p.m. I already cleaned my room. Twice. It had now really nice, soapy smell I quite enjoyed. That few last hours were the longest ones in my life. I tried doing everything just to distract myself from thinking about Levi. It was really hard for me to do. But the fact I was cleaning was also reminding me of him as well, and I have to admit I pretty much tried to clean it as neat as possible for Levi to like it, if he comes here any soon. I also took a shower. Twice. Minutes seemed like hours. Yet, I had really nothing to do but cleaning. It also hit me how pathetic our lives here were and how limited we all were with our daily activities. After about another half an hour I finally heard some noises outside the castle of people talking lively and some quiet laughs. I felt a huge relief and run out of the castle like I had wings attached to my feet. All my friends were walking towards the huge entrance and I saw Armin smile at me. Mikasa walked next to the boy with more serious face. I secretly looked around to find Corporal Levi somewhere but I unfortunately couldn't.

'Eren.' – Said Mikasa with her quiet and steady voice gazing at me strongly. – 'How are you feeling now?' – She approached me even closed and placed her hand on my forehead uncovering all the hair. Although it confused me a little I gently touched her hand and took it off.

'I'm alright.' – I shrugged. It annoyed me a little that she acted like that but I didn't show it.

'That's what I thought. Today morning we didn't saw you anywhere. Corporal Levi said that you needed some rest and that you didn't feel good this morning. But you seemed quite well yesterday evening, didn't you?' – She asked. Armin nodded. Her voice changed from worried to more angry. Of course. Always when there has to be Corporal mentioned she had to react like that.

'The truth is… I begged him to give me a day off. I just needed to rest a little. I'm not sleeping very well lately.' – I said off the top of my head. I was really proud of remaining calm and coming up so believable lie.

'Oh…' – She seemed a little confused. – 'I hope you are better then.' – She placed her hand on my shoulder and had her worrying voice back.

'Mikasa! We should get changed and head for dinner!' – Armin said cheerfully breaking the weird atmosphere between us. She nodded barely noticeable.

'I will meet you guys in the canteen, key?' – I said smiling. They both left.

I stayed a little in front of the entrance but I couldn't find the only person I wanted to see at that moment. The sun was really low on the sky but somehow it was still warm outside. I looked at the beautiful red and pink sky and found myself in a really nostalgic mood. Jesus Christ! I'm acting like a girl right now! Do something manly Eren, otherwise you will really change your gender. I clutched my fists and headed to my room. Quickly I took off my shirt and did my warm up. I started with stretching and went to push ups. Once started my training I couldn't stop. That was what I should have been doing all this day. My whole body hurt like hell but I enjoyed this pain. It let me stop thinking about anything else. About Levi. Every time a sad thought came into my mind, like why he doesn't visit me today, I worked out even more and more till the moment I literally couldn't move. I leaned on the wall smiling. Tomorrow I won't be able to move. Why am I doing this to myself?

Suddenly I heard a quiet knock on my doors. Instantly my heart skipped a bit. LEVI LEVI LEVI LEVI. My minds were shouting. I calmed myself down a bit and headed right to the doors. I didn't even care how I looked. With no shirt on, wet muscles and sweat dripping down my neck I secretly hoped to look even more attractive. Was it wrong? I hoped no.

I slowly opened the doors… just to see Mikasa standing in front of me.

'Eren…'- She gasped probably being a little shocked to see me like this. Now it crossed my mind that it might have looked strange, like I have been doing something inappropriate. That's why I opened my doors wide to show her no one was in my room… doing with me inappropriate.

'I was working out' – I said calmly as possible. I was really annoyed it was her. I really, really hoped to see someone else behind this doors. I leaned on the door frame and looked down at her.

'So you are feeling better after all.' - She asked blushing a little.

'Yes, quite. Thank you.' – I thought that probably tomorrow I will regret being too harsh on her right now but I couldn't help it. I was too disappointed. Was I selfish?

'Ummm… Good then. We waited for you in the canteen.' – She said looking right into my eyes like if she wanted to find some answers in them. Like if she was saying I don't recognize you Eren, anymore.

Oh, fuck, the canteen, right. I felt a little bit guilty, I admit.

'I'm sorry. I've lost the time count.' – I said honestly.

'Here, take it.' – She gave me a bag, she was holding all the time, which I didn't notice.

'What is it?'

'It's your dinner Eren, eat it.' – She said peacefully and I finally felt a warmth in my heart. How could I be angry with her? – 'Thank you. You want to… umm… come in?'

'No, thanks.' – She responded calmly and looked like she was about to say something else but finally gave up. – 'Good night'

'Good night'

'See you tomorrow at breakfast, or I'll kick your ass, Eren!' – She added when turning around and punched me quite hard in my head. I wasn't angry this time. Yet, I realized I stayed there and wondered what could possibly Levi be doing now. I sighed. That couldn't be helped. I'm in love with that man. I knew I probably said it the previous night. I knew I'd probably hurt because of him. But it was too late to change my feeling. And I really didn't want to.

With my breath still a little fastened from exercises I placed the bag with food on my stand without even looking into it. I decided to go to Levi's room. Now. I couldn't wait any more. I quickly put on the same shirt from today.

His doors was just like all the others. Dark, wooden, narrow but high. I wished now I had some alcohol running in my organism right now, that will make it so much easier.

You can do it! What if he's twice your age, what if he's a man too, what if he has much more experience than you, what if he can throw you out his room or kick you in the face if you say something wrong. That's what you love about him, no matter how weird it sounds.

I finally knocked three times.

'Yes?' – I heard deep, manly but sweet voice coming from the inside and I felt shivers running through my spine. It's been a day and I've already missed this voice so much.

I entered without answering. He was sitting his back to me, in front of his desk writing something and my heart went beating like crazy.

'Did I say you may enter?' – He said, still his voice calm. At that moment I thought that the sound of this voice could actually cure deceases it was so perfect.

'Corporal…' – I started. His had instantly stopped moving but he didn't turn around. I almost felt like my heart stopped both with his writing. Was that rude of me to enter without saying? What are you thinking, Levi?

'What do you want, Eren?' – He finally asked after some time of unbearable silence and he went back to writing.

Oh. OH. Okey, fine! So, we're back to where we had been before that night. Did it even really happen? I knew you'd pretend it wouldn't. I knew it! – My heart started pounding like crazy again. All my sorrow, anger and disappointment clutched strongly my heart and I felt a huge pain in my chest like someone wanted to rip it apart. What did I expect anyway?

'I…' – I started. I had no idea what to say to be honest.

'Come back to your room.' – He stated slowly. I felt like I was gonna cry in any second now. – 'I'll be there in a few minutes.' – He finished.



There was literally no single thought crossing my mind at that second. Just this statement echoing al my body. I'll be there in a few minutes. I'll be there in a few minutes. I'll be there in a few minutes. I'll be there in a few minutes. I'll be there in a few minutes. I'll be there in a few minutes. I'll be there in a few minutes.

Still nothing. I just forgot how to form words. I forgot how language works. I forgot everything. There was silence about at least two minuses after which I finally mumbled some letters which didn't form in any proper word unfortunately.

He frowned a little bit and finally turned to me with his elbow hanged behind the back of the chair. His face seemed… almost bored to me.

'And we're gonna have sex. Isn't that what you're here for?' – He gazed at me in such a way I had no idea where to place my sight. But his words were a complete mystery to me. Sex? And he's saying it as it was nothing. I had no idea what to think. In some way it was better than pretending it didn't happen but now it seemed like he was using me. No 'hi'?. No, 'how are you?'. No, 'how was your day?'. After all I knew he's a complicated man. That he doesn't do romance. I changed instantly my way of thinking. In one second I become proud of him that he did admit it happened.

'I'm here because I love you.' – I said boldly.

He seemed shocked for a second and he promptly get up from the chair. He came up to me grabbing my shirt and pulling it down so I bended at the level of his sight.

'Sh!' – He did it very loudly keeping his pointing finger on his mouth. – 'Shut up!' – He said a little quieter all the time keeping his eye sight on my lips. I was flattered because he looked really desperate to kiss me. He was gasping a little and bit his lips gently.

Finally it was like some barrier broke in him. Like he let his feelings finally go. He pushed me hard to himself pressing his lips on mine and folding his hands around my neck strongly keeping me a little bended. He placed his right leg between mines and was stroking his fingers through my hair.

'Oh, Eren…' – He whispered into my opened lips between kisses. – 'I missed you.'