Author's Note: I have always been a big Austenite, ever since I had to read Pride and Prejudice for an AP English Literature course in high school. Ever since then, I've been devouring sequels and alternate variations of the epic anywhere I can find them. I saw BBC's adaptation of Pride and Prejudice starring Colin Firth and Jennifer Ehle in my English class, and for me they ARE Mr. Darcy and Elizabeth Bennet. I have tried other adaptations of the epic, but none other has touched my heart like BBC's has. Every single character was portrayed to perfection by their respective actor, even Mr. Collins and Lady Catherine DeBourgh! Anyway, I am going off tangent (as is wont to happen when I talk about anything P&P). Coming back to the matter at hand…

Although I love writing, I never really thought of writing a Pride and Prejudice fanfiction myself. I felt I could not do the epic and its complex characters enough credit, but after reading so many stories on my favorite characters, I feel excited to try my hand at it. I am very much open to feedback and encourage everyone to critique my work. Writing is my passion and normally I write stories of my own characters, but this will be my first Pride and Prejudice fanfiction so I'm both excited and nervous about the outcome. I will try my best with sticking to Regency era language and being consistent with the characters' personalities, but if something seems terribly off, do not hesitate to let me know! Now without further ado, let's proceed with the story.

Disclaimer: Pride and Prejudice is the sole property of Jane Austen, to whom I am eternally grateful.

Chapter One: Mr. Bingley's Invitation

"Oh William, that would be most agreeable to me!" Georgiana Darcy's eyes shone with excitement at her brother's unexpected offer.

"Are you absolutely certain, Georgiana?" Fitzwilliam Darcy gave his sister a hesitant look. "If you would rather not come, I assure you I will not be offended. I simply thought a change of scenery would be pleasant for you after – well, after recent events."

Both brother and sister became subdued by the reference to Georgiana's near elopement with George Wickham almost two months ago. It gnawed on their mind nearly every day, but neither was of the temperament to share their feelings, even with each other. Both of them suffered from feelings of intense shame and guilt.

"William, you have thought right," Georgiana softly assured her brother, laying a gentle hand on his arm, "A change of scenery is just what I need to recover from my thoughtless behavior. I have caused you so much stress and worry the past year that I – I do not deserve any of your kindness, but you are still so good to me." Tears glistened in her eyes as she thought about the pain and disgrace her brother would have suffered had she succeeded in her elopement with Mr. Wickham.

"Georgiana…Georgie…" Darcy used the nickname by which his sister was affectionately called by him and their close family members. "Nothing – none of this was your fault! Please understand that. If it was not for my incompetence as your guardian, you would never have been in Ramsgate in the first place. It was my fault that I appointed a deceptive woman such as Mrs. Younge as your companion. Had mother and father been alive, this would never have happened." Darcy's shoulders drooped in dejection.

"William, do not say that!" Georgiana cried, throwing herself into his arms, "You have been the best brother since mother and father passed away. It is not your fault we were deceived by Mrs. Younge. I should have known better than to believe her when she encouraged Mr. Wickham's advances towards me. No proper companion would have allowed that. Mrs. Annesley certainly would not."

"No, she would not," Darcy remarked, "Mrs. Annesley is truly a treasure, Georgiana. I am very pleased with her thus far."

"So am I," Georgiana gave her brother a soft smile, "She has been a constant source of comfort for me the past month. She is ever so gentle and is patient with my mistakes." Sighing, she continued, "I know I have been a trial to you, but I promise I shall try to be the sort of lady who will keep the Darcy name and reputation intact."

"You are not a trial, Georgiana," Darcy disagreed, hugging his sister tightly, "I promise I shall be a more attentive brother to you from now onwards. I shall write to Charles then to confirm that we both will arrive at Hertfordshire in one week's time. Is that agreeable to you?"

Georgiana looked grateful for the change in conversation. "Indeed it is," she sweetly replied, "May I go to my bedchamber to plan for the trip?"

"You may," Darcy smiled warmly at her, "I shall be in my study if you need me."

The siblings parted to take care of their respective duties before meeting again for dinner.


"Oh Mrs. Annesley, I am so nervous!" Georgiana wrung her hands in distress.

"Whatever for, my dear?" Mrs. Annesley asked her young charge gently, "I thought you were looking forward to the trip."

"Oh, I am," Georgiana asserted, "I want more than ever to escape London! I simply do not have the courage to face any acquaintances right now, and I am bound to meet someone I know walking in Hyde Park or going to the theatre. Escaping to Hertfordshire, where no one I know is likely to be there, is an ideal situation, but…"

"But what?" Mrs. Annesley patiently waited, wanting to ease the young girl's fears.

"But there will be people I do not know," Georgiana murmured so softly that Mrs. Annesley had to strain her ears to hear. "How will I ever fare amongst strangers?"

Mrs. Annesley resisted the urge to smile, knowing the young girl was truly worried. She and her brother were so alike in ways they knew not.

"What if someone finds out about my – my transgression, and they judge me?" Georgiana's cheeks became stained with tears and she lowered her face with shame.

"My dear girl, you have nothing to fear!" Mrs. Annesley reassured her young charge, laying a hand on her shoulder, "You know you are not the first young woman to be duped by Mr. Wickham. You have been without a mother's loving guidance for so many years, so your naiveté in believing Mr. Wickham's lies is not your fault alone. Do not blame yourself, my dear, and be confident in your approach with new people. You made a mistake once, but that does not mean you will make the same mistake always. You are a beautiful woman and moreover a Darcy. People are bound to respect you."

"But I want them to respect me for me, not for my dowry of 30,000 pounds!" Georgiana cried with frustration.

"They will, Miss Darcy, trust me," Mrs. Annesley gave Georgiana a small smile. "There are all sorts of people in the world. You were unfortunate to fall for the wrong man once, but that does not mean that every man in the world is untrustworthy. Look at your brother. Do you not think he is the best of men?"

"Oh yes," Georgiana brightened at the mention of her brother, "I do not know a kinder or a more respectable man in the world, not even my cousin Richard!"

Mrs. Annesley chuckled. "Trust your instincts and learn to analyze a person's personality, Miss Darcy. Do not be duped by handsome looks or pleasing manners. They can be misleading, but a person's personality cannot."

"I hope you are correct," Georgiana murmured, "For now, I am quite put off the idea of marriage altogether. I am not even 16 years of age yet after all. I simply wish to make a friend in Hertfordshire. Even having one true friend will make me feel like I am not a complete failure."

Georgiana had what she would call "acquaintances" who put on the airs of friends to get closer to her brother, especially the single young women who desired to become the Mistress of Pemberley. None of them truly cared about Georgiana.

Mrs. Annesley gave Georgiana a sympathetic look. Her heart went out to the young girl who had no true female support in her life. Her aunt, Lady Matlock, was a kind woman who took on the role of a mother for Georgiana, but she was not a permanent fixture in the girl's life. She had no sister, no friend to look out for her. This made Mrs. Annesley all the more protective of her young charge.


Fitzwilliam Darcy sat in his study, his head in his hands. Before him lay a tall stack of letters to which he knew he must attend before the day's end, but he simply could not concentrate. His steward, Mr. Blythe, was his right hand in estate management and had assisted him greatly since his father's death four years previously. However, George Darcy had always taught his son that one must not depend on others to fulfill their responsibilities. Although a steward's role in estate management was invaluable, the ultimate responsibility should be shouldered by the master.

Darcy could not concentrate on the words in front of him. He was worried about Georgiana. What had happened to his once lively sister? The girl living with him now was simply a ghost of her past.

"I am sorry, father," Darcy whispered, staring at the grand portrait of George and Lady Anne Darcy hanging above the mantelpiece of his study. "You entrusted me with Georgiana, but I failed you. I could not guard her from that blackguard Wickham."

Wickham had always been a favorite of George Darcy, and Darcy felt pained at the thought that someone so dear to his father had hurt his daughter. Did Wickham have no sense of shame or gratitude towards the man who had given him a gentleman's education and an opportunity to live a respectable life, an opportunity he had willingly squandered?

Darcy was broken from his thoughts by the sound of a knock against the heavy oak door. Clearing his throat, he called out, "Enter."

"I apologize for interrupting you, sir, but Mr. Bingley has just come. He wishes to speak with you most urgently," Darcy's butler, Mr. Thompson, spoke in an agitated tone. "I told him most clearly that you were not to be disturbed. However…"

"That is quite alright, Mr. Thompson," Darcy hid a chuckle, "Bring Mr. Bingley into my study."

"Yes, sir." Mr. Thompson disappeared with a low bow. Like the rest of Darcy's staff, Mr. Thompson was very loyal and fiercely protective of the Darcy family. Even a simple request by either Darcy or his sister was taken as a command. He and his wife, Mrs. Thompson (who was the housekeeper), had served the Darcy townhouse in London since before Darcy and his sister were born. They were in constant contact with Mr. and Mrs. Reynolds, the butler and housekeeper of Pemberley, to ensure their Master's comfort at all times. In many ways, they were like a surrogate mother and father to the siblings.

Mr. Bingley entered Darcy's study with a bright face and quick step. "I say, Darcy, your butler looked ready to hang me was it in his power!"

"He takes his duties very seriously, Bingley," Darcy chuckled lightly, "Should you cross his path, not even I can prevent him from going after you with a pitchfork."

"I really must train my own butler to be more like him," Bingley remarked, taking a seat in front of his friend. "That man is easily influenced by every Tom, Dick and Harry that crosses his path!"

"Quite like his master possibly?" Darcy smirked, raising his brows.

"You have found me out, Darce!" Bingley held up his hands in mock defeat, "Now will you keep teasing me, or will you be a good friend and offer me a drink?"

"Better yet, why not you stay for dinner? It should be ready in an hour and I am certain Georgiana would be pleased with the company. She has always seen you as a second brother."

"I believe I shall! Thank you Darcy," Bingley grinned, "Well? Shall you and Miss Darcy accompany me to Hertfordshire?" He looked like a puppy eagerly waiting for his master's approbation.

Darcy resisted the urge to roll his eyes. Bingley always had been very expressive. His feelings were written on his face for the world to see. It was one of the reasons he had been teased so mercilessly by his peers at Cambridge, and also one of the reasons Darcy, his senior by three years, had taken him under his wing.

"Yes, my sister and I would be pleased to accept your invitation, Bingley. Recent events have – well – given us cause to desire a change in scenery." Mr. Bingley did not know the full details about Wickham's near elopement with Georgiana, but he did know something had happened in the Darcy family of a serious nature.

Giving his friend a sympathetic look, Bingley assured him, "Of course, I hope my home offers you the respite you both require. The countryside of Hertfordshire is quite lovely, Darcy, not comparable of course to Derbyshire, but then, not all of us can be Master of Pemberley." Bingley said this in a good-humored manner to assure Darcy he was joking. Darcy simply chuckled and shook his head.

"My sisters shall join us. I hope that is agreeable to you?" Bingley gave Darcy a hesitant look, knowing that the company of his sisters, particularly Caroline, did not put one at ease.

"They are your sisters, Bingley. They have more a right to be at Netherfield than I or Georgiana," Darcy replied, not quite answering Bingley's question since he could not be honest. Disguise of all sort was an abhorrence to him, but…there were exceptions.

"You need not evade my question, Darce, I know you too well!" Bingley laughed out loud, "Unfortunately, I could not convince Caroline to remain at London with the Hursts. Seems she and Louisa had a falling out with one of their acquaintances, and neither is too keen to run into her in town. So the Hurts are coming as well. We shall be quite a big party!"

"I look forward to the trip, Bingley," Darcy told his friend sincerely, giving him the assurance he so desperately needed. "Do you leave tomorrow?"

"Yes, I have informed the butler and housekeeper to have the house ready by late afternoon tomorrow," Bingley said, "When shall you and Miss Darcy join us?"

"In one week, I believe," Darcy replied, "I have a few matters of business to complete before I can leave, and I must meet with Mr. Blythe about pressing matters at Pemberley."

'I hope this trip helps Georgiana on her road to recovery,' Darcy prayed earnestly as a footman announced dinner to be ready.

A.N. Please leave your reviews! They would be much appreciated! Let me know if this is a good start to the story, and whether the language is appropriate for the Regency Era. I will try to update soon.