Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto, Kishimoto does

A/N: This is my first fanfiction (I hope its good). Appreciate feedback and hope you all like my first story. There will be more updates after this maybe more stories from me.

In terms of pairing as of yet I'm undecided but will tell you guys in later chapters

In terms of the story basically it all starts just before the wave arc and just after Naruto became a genin

So yeah thats it lets get on what it main show

A man wearing a swirling orange mask stood holding an envelope labelled 'The Truth'. The man was Obito Uchiha the secret leader of the Akatsuki, an organisation whose intentions are to capture all the tail beasts. Obito stared at the letter wondering what was inside and wether he should or should not open it.

After a minute of thinking he decided he should open it. Inside was a piece of paper with one line on it, "Put chakra in me". Obito did as the paper said and what happened surprised him.

He was pulled into a genjutsu.

In Genjutsu:

"Did it go as planed" asked, Madara Uchiha

"Yes, he saw the girl get killed by her own teammate" replied Zetsu

End Genjutsu

As he left the genjutsu Obito's fists clenched crumpling the paper in his hand. But then it loosened as he thought of all the things he did in Madara's name (in the though that if he did what Madara asked him to do then the world will be at peace and what happened to the girl he loved would never happen to anyone ever again). His thoughts went to the night he went back to his home village, Konohagakure no Sato, on that night he extracted the Kyūbi from his sensei's wife and then had the beast rampage through the village only for it to be sealed in his sensei's son at the cost of the lives of both his sensei and his wife leaving the new Jinchūriki of the Kyūbi an orphan.

He immediately felt guilty and promised himself that he would try to make things better by helping his sensei's son, Naruto Uzumaki Namikaze.

He used his sharingan's special ability, kamui, to teleport himself to Amegakure no Sato where the face of the Akatsuki resided, his name was Nagato Uzumaki or Pain as he called himself. Pain in his Tenzo path was standing on a balcony of the tallest building in Ame where he watched over the village, next to him was his trusted friend Konan. Both were wearing the black with red clouds cloaks the Akatsuki were famous for.

Sensing the presence of Obito he turned around and watched as the masked man appeared in a swirl. He was about to speak but before he could Obito spoke in his usual deep voice, "We are changing are plans"

Both Nagato and Konan were shocked when they heard what their secretive leader said. Nagato replied with one word, "Why?"

Obito expected the question and he prepared himself to explain to the man he manipulated into following him why he changed plans, in the same usual deep voice he said, "I've realised a flaw in my plan, the peace we achieve with it will be fake and thus meaningless…"

Nagato cut in "But even fake peace is better than no peace, its foolish to believe that we can connivence humanity to end the cycle of hatred"

'This is going to be harder than I thought, Oh well I have to try,' thought Obito as he tried to think of a way to counter that point.

"I don't believe we can end the cycle of hatred but we could reduce hates influence on this world if we follow my new plan", Said Obito

"Which is?" replied Nagato

"We rebuild Uzushiogakure and make it strong and influential eventually its power influence can help in creating peace across the elemental continent" Obito said hoping Nagato would agree

Nagato was now interested in the plan, as an Uzumaki it was one of his lesser dreams to see his clan regain its lost glory but there was a problem, "Even if I agreed there is a problem, Uzushiogakure is surrounded by a complex sealing array which closes of the island only a member of the royal family can break, and Lady Kushina the last surviving member of the royal family died when the Kyūbi attacked Konoha so there isn't any way we could even enter the island" Said Nagato trying to mask his interest in the topic.

"Well Kushina-hime had a son" Obito said

"What?" Replied a shocked Nagato, now Obito knew he had him

"Kushina-hime was married to Minato-sensei and they had a child whose name is Naruto Uzumaki Namikaze who also happens to be the Jinchūriki of the Kyūbi," said Obito, not releasing his slip in calling the Yondaime Hokage sensei. Nagato heard it and decided to question him about it later. He was more interested in now reviving his clans lost glory.

"Very well I agree to the change in plan how should we proceed" Asked Nagato

Obito was pleased that Akatsuki leader agreed to the big change in their plans, "We shall write a letter to Naruto telling him everything and he will take his position as leader of Uzushiogakure and we will 'assist' him since he is a child he doesn't know how to run a country"

"Very well" Said Nagato

"Before you leave you're not really Madara Uchiha are you?" Nagato said

"How?" Replied the shocked Obito

"I am a god, the rinnegan is all seeing" Replied the now smug Nagato

"My name is really Obito Uchiha and Madara trained me and was the one who convinced me to follow the previous plan but now I see the flaw in it and wish to bring peace to the world in a different way" Said Obito

"I see" Said Nagato as Obito left the building using kamui

"What do you think of the change" Nagato asked his long time blue haired friend

"I will always support whatever choice you make Nagato" Replied the quite Konan

A/N: Hope you guys liked it next chapter we will see Naruto get the letter and hopefully I will start wave arc. Rest assured I will be doing it differently from canon. Until next time this is NPwall.