"Mistress." Naruto was standing in front of a mirror in his hotel bathroom.
"Speak quickly Naruto. The others could come at any second." Bai Tza looked at her servant, keeping half of her attention on him and the other half scanning for incoming signatures. "Have you managed to find the box?"
"A man named Valmont has it. He is Shendu's chosen vessel. Although, if what I think is true, 'chosen' may be stretching it. They don't get along well."
"Shendu mentioned something about a Chan."
"That would be Jackie Chan. He's a somewhat renowned amateur archeologist back in San Francisco. His uncle is a good Chi wizard, and his niece is… admittedly pretty sneaky for someone that young." Naruto sweat dropped. "She keeps surprising him and stowing away on his expeditions."
"I see. So then Shendu's current situation is more due to incompetence than choice." Bai Tza nodded. "That sounds about right. You've come in contact with this Jackie Chan then?"
"Yes Mistress. I thought it may be for the best. I have also informed them of my allegiance to you. I'm sorry if that angers you Mistress, I just-"
"Naruto." She interrupted him softly. "In your best judgment, was that the wisest choice?"
"I believe so. Jackie Chan has proven that he can be a thorn in one's side with surprising regularity. And, having spoken with the man, I believe he won't cause a problem for my goal, just for Shendu's. I like him, he's a nice guy." Naruto finished.
"Then that is enough for me. I trust you." She smiled at his confused face.
"Um… yes Mistress."
"And it's good to hear you're making some friends."
"Friends?" Naruto blinked in confusion. "I… that was not my intention Mistress."
"Then it should be. You've been alone for a long time."
"Hardly alone Mistress."
"You have just me, and I've been locked away for a while now."
"Just you?" Naruto raised an eyebrow. "I have enough." Bai Tza averted her eyes for a bit. "I am sorry Mistress, that was too forward of me."
"No, I-" She stopped mid-sentence, looking off to the left. "How is my kingdom doing, servant."
"Well, Mistress." Some of her siblings must've stumbled across them, Naruto presumed. "I've been taking care of it as best I could. I moved to the American city of San Francisco to be closer to it. And with the increase in technology the humans have invented portable air canisters that allow me to breather underwater, which makes it easier not having to worry about drowning. That would be a bother."
"Ho, what's this?" A voice called from Bai Tza's side. The large figure of Po Kong appeared, a mass of green skin covering the entire mirror. Bai Tza sighed and waved her hand, turning both their figures into floating heads. "Why are you talking to the little morsel sister? You should eat him instead. Oh, can I have him if you aren't hungry?"
"Lady Po Kong." Naruto sweat dropped. "You cannot eat me right now; I'm not even on the same plane as you."
"Nonsense morsel." She reached for him with her hand, hitting the window in the prison realm and disturbing it. When it settled back down she tried it again. Naruto sighed.
"Sister, enough." Bai Tza raised her voice at her massive sister. "I am trying to talk to my servant, so either say what you came to say or leave me to it."
"Fine, suit yourself little sister." Po Kong looked down at the mermaid. "You, morsel, make sure my entrance into that world is celebrated by a feast. I will accept no less than a hundred courses, all able-bodied and healthy."
"Yes Lady Po Kong." Naruto deadpanned.
"Good." The massive demon nodded to herself, satisfied. "Then I will take my leave. Enjoy speaking with your servant while you can, little sister." Naruto watched her waddle off before turning to his fuming Mistress.
"Little? I am the eldest! When I get my hands on that pile of blubber I will…" She took a deep breath. Naruto gulped, just barely managing to hide his chuckle. "My siblings irk me greatly." She looked at Naruto with a stern expression. "You are not really going to bring a hundred humans with you, are you?"
"Of course not. But I may be too busy gathering them to stop Jackie Chan from sending your sister back. In that case it would be completely out of my hands, of course."
"Of course. One other thing."
"Yes Mistress?"
"I didn't give you gills?"
Naruto checked his neck quickly. "Not as far as I can tell."
"It must've slipped my mind. I'll be sure to rectify that."
"Mistress, please don't turn me into a fish." Naruto sweat dropped at the poorest attempt at an innocent expression he'd ever seen.
The fight against Po Kong was over quickly. Naruto was standing on top of the wall of the compound where her demon portal was located, making sure not to be seen by anyone. Although he did come close to being spotted when he let out a chuckle at the sight of about a hundred or so Little Chans dog-piling the demon sorceress, forcing her massive form to the ground.
"Well, that's done. I wonder who's next." He scratched his chin, appearing next to the Chan family, startling them all. "Hello there."
"BWAH!" They all let out the same sound and did the same chest-tapping motion.
"You're pretty sneaky." Jade looked at the tall blonde.
"I spent a couple of years as a ninja in Japan."
"Cool!" She was starry eyed. "Jackie, please-"
"No." Her uncle cut her off, correctly guessing what she was going to ask. "You can't go to Japan to learn how to be a ninja. "
"But Jackie!"
"Besides Jade, ninja do not even exist anymore." He stopped and turned to the blonde. "Do they?"
"All dead as far as I know." Naruto hummed. "But there should be some training grounds or libraries still around." He stopped when he noticed Jacky's glare in his direction and Jade's excited face. "Lost to the passages of time, naturally."
"Naturally." Jackie nodded along, satisfied.
"But wait, you said you used to be a ninja, right?" Jade kept at it.
"So you should know where they are, right?"
"I should. It seems I've forgotten. The memory is the first to go, as they say." Jade pouted.
"Not if you use garlic." Uncle waved a finger in the air. "Good for memory."
"Something occurred to me." Tohru turned to the blonde as the group walked away from the portal. "I would've expected you to be here, pretending to help Valmont."
"Oh. Po Kong requested food, so I was out gathering people for her to eat."
"And how many did you get?"
"None. I asked around, but people are oddly hesitant to volunteer to be eaten by a demon." Naruto hummed. "Well, except that one bespectacled boy, but he quickly ran away when I described her to him. He said something about sucking his life-force, or something like that. Humans are… odd."
Should any of the other demon sorcerers remain free? For now, I'm thinking no, but we'll see how it goes when I get to it.