Hey guys! Sorry about this not being on time, I tried to upload it, but Fanfiction wasn't letting me for whatever reason. Anywho here is the last chapter! I'm excited and happy, yet sad at the same time. This took a while to complete, (^^; sorry about that year in the middle) but it was worth it and I'm happy with the turn out. I hope you guys are too and please, as always let me know what you liked about this! Reviews make everyone happy and it doesn't even take that long! Oh and Marry Christmas everyone! Bye!

April opened her eyes to see the familiar reddish brown eyes of Donatello. She blinked again and realized he was human. No longer a dragon. "Donnie?" she asked softly with a smile.

Donnie smiled back and they both hugged. "It's over April. We did it." April was slowly getting her strength back as she and Donnie started laughing in joy and she could feel tears streaming down her face in pure bliss. Looking around she saw that everyone was awake and the boys were cheering and celebrating with them. Standing up with Donnie's help she walked over to Master Splinter, Miwa and Casey. "Are you guys okay?" She asked softly.

Master Splinter nodded. "Yes. I am however relieved that experience is over."

"Yeah, what happened to you guys?" Mikey asked sitting on top of Leatherhead's shoulders (who had apparently wandered back to them) and petting his head soothingly.

"They were suffering their worst nightmares." April answered.

"That makes sense." Casey said shaking a bit, clearly remember his.

"How did you know that April? Were you suck in yours too?" Miwa asked curiously, not leaving Master Splinter's side. Leo had his arm around her shoulders as well.

April shook her head. "No. For whatever reason, I didn't. I woke up to everyone passed out and the boys missing. I think I tapped into everyone minds and was able to see you guys going through that."

"The evil that was and is the Demon Shredder used his dark power to draw sadness and fear from the people trapping them in their nightmares. Until he was defeated none of us could break free." Master Splinter answered.

"Then how come were we able to break free when no one else was?" Leo asked curiously.

"Because you are the chosen ones." Master Splinter answered. "You have strength no one else does."

"How did you guys change into dragons?" April asked in slight awe. She had no idea how that was possible.

Master Splinter eyes widened and Casey cheered and playfully punched Raph's shoulders. "Way to go dude!"

Raph smiled and punched him back as Master Splinter spoke. "That is amazing yet not that surprising." Master Splinter said with a smile at his sons. "Dragons are the most powerful soul form there has ever been."

"Guess we didn't have to worry about bunnies, huh?" Mikey said with a smile.

"Indeed." Master Splinter answered.

"How did you guys know what to do?" April asked again, wondering about how they freed the human Shredder.

They all looked at one another. Finally Leo spoke for all of them. "We just kind of… did."

"Wait. Where is the Shredder?" Donnie suddenly asked looking over. Everyone joined him and were somewhat and at the same time somewhat not surprised to see the Shredder and all the foot that had remained were gone.

"He got away." Raph growled in anger.

"Have peace, my son." Master Splinter said placing a gentle hand on his shoulders. "Tonight is for celebration. We can worry about that battle tomorrow."

"That's right. We won and we're all safe. So let's go home." Leo said with a smile.

"Wait!" Mikey cried jumping down from Leatherhead's shoulders. "We have to leave the right way!"

With a large grin the boys put their hands all together than gave a mighty cry. "Cowabunga!"


Leo smiled as he knocked on Miwa's door in their home a few days later. Once they had all returned to the lair the boys had passed out on the couch and on each other. April had joined them soon after using a bed instead of the couch with sweaty boys. The next morning everyone had departed for their own place to clean up and talk to their families. They had patrolled the city and found that it had survived pretty well and most people had considered the strange nightmarish episode to be nothing, but a strange occurrence. They continued to take out the remaining Kraang seeing fewer and fewer of them.

Everything had returned to being normal and though the boys were no longer needed to save the world they still had their abilities and their new family. They continued to train under Master Splinter and live at the lair. And occasionally without Master Splinter's knowledge would change into their dragon forms and fly.

Tonight was a night to celebrate family and victory.

Miwa opened the door with a smile dressed in a simple yet elegant black dress. Leo wore a nice suit with a blue vest and a blue corsage that he gave to Miwa as she came out and closed the door. "Good evening, my lady." Leo said with a little bow. Holding out his arm she smiled once more he asked. "Ready?"

"Ready." She said and they started the short walk into the living room where the party was going on. Everyone was there. Donnie and Raph had even brought their mothers. Who had needed a good while to get used to the giant rat and mutant alligator. Everything was good now and everyone was surprised at how well they took it. Both Donnie's mother and Raph's had quickly bonded and everyone was very much enjoying Raph embarrassment every time his mother got up to sing and dance or cheer. She was very much an excitable person.

Once Leo and Miwa came in Leo took a soda can as a drink before clearing his throat and getting everyone's attention. "Hi everyone. I just want to say on behalf of my brothers and I, thank you." He looked around at his brothers smiled and nodded and much to Raph's chagrin his mother had grabbed him hugging him close. "We couldn't have done this without you guys. Our family is what gave us the strength to fight."

A round a cheers erupted around the room before Mikey jumped to his feet. "It's time to party!" With that cry the party truly began.


A few weeks later the boys were back at school and eating lunch in the cafeteria. A novelty they had never thought they would miss, but had. Leatherhead had moved into a different part of the sewer seeing as how too much would stimulate a Donatello face grabbing incident. Donatello and Raph had moved back into their mother's homes, but were constant visitors as were their mothers.

Donnie's mother had been sent home from the hospital with good news. She recovered from her episode far better than they had expected and her health was starting to rise. Leo still checked in at his place, but was still receiving nothing. He had decided he would check in on his parents and be their son to some degree, but the moment he was able to he would be gone. Leo was the son of Hamato Yoshi and he was okay with that.

The bell for class rang and the boys got up quickly throwing their trash away. They headed to one of the classes they had, happy and content with silence between them when all of a sudden Raph was knocked off his feet and onto the floor. Supplies flew into the air and across the floor as both Raph and his 'attacker' fell to the floor.

"Whoa, you okay Raph?" Donnie said as he and Mikey went to help him up.

"Yeah." Raph sighed as he stood.

"Are you alright?" Leo asked as he helped the young woman stand up as well.

"Yeah." She said dusting herself off. Looking up she smiled at them and Raph suddenly couldn't breathe. "I'm sorry about that. I just like to get to class early and wasn't paying attention."

She then got down and started picking up papers. The boys then started to get down and help, but Raph quickly moved to help her. "Dat's okay. No big." He said handing her, her binder. "Name's Raphael. Raph for sort." He told her softly.

She took her binder and smiled brightly at him tucking her curly brown hair behind an ear. "Thanks. It's nice to meet you Raph, My name's Mona Lisa."