Author's Note: And here is the final part of Going Stag. I hope you all enjoy. There's some fun bit at the end. But, though you are reading an M rated story, should you not like that stuff, feel free to skip it. You'll know it when you come across it. And if you don't, I think your sex ed teacher needs a talking to. Please go read the other Grimmauld Fairy Tales if you haven't already; and look forward to some more from me. I promise one more before Christmas at least. If you're all nice, maybe two.
Enjoy and leave me a review! If you think you know what Grimm story this is based off of, send me a PM or guess in a review! I'll take suggestions for other Grimm inspiration, as well!
Disclaimer: I only own some hungry plot bunnies.
Hermione burst into the cottage, startling the snoozing Harry. Upon hearing her news, he shorted, stomped, and swung his antlers in refusal. However, Hermione's honeyed tongue worked its magic on her brother, and he begrudgingly accepted. Though it was only a few years past the last time they'd seen her, their stepmother was still a real threat. It was only their good fortune that they hadn't run into trouble. They had little to pack, living on their own and just Hermione really needing anything, (deer had no need for clothes, of course). Content with the positive outlook on their future, the siblings went to bed looking forward to what the morning would bring.
Outside the cottage, a shadowy figure muttered a spell, silencing any noise from their person. Creeping along the side of the home, she peaked through the window and glared at the sleeping figures of woman and deer. With a huff, she slid to the door and a quick alohomora allowed the door to swing open with ease. A quick stupefy towards the sleeping buck ensured he wouldn't wake; he wasn't the threat, she could stick him in a field and have even the worst hunter finish him off. The girl, however.
Withdrawing a vial full of a clear purple liquid, she uncorked it unceremoniously and forced open Hermione's mouth. Hermione jerked awake, reaching out to the person in the dark. Eyes frantic, she clawed at the woman's face. "Stop! Please!"
Cackling, the woman slapped Hermione to stun her and grabbed for her mouth once more. Not hesitating, she poured the entire contents and forced her mouth shut. Ignoring the clawing of her arms and neck, she massaged the girl's throat until the sensed it had all been swallowed. "You cried for days over your father, you wanted him back with you. I'm doing you a favor, you little whore. I'm sending you right to Sirius!"
Hermione sat up and tried coughing up the liquid, but found herself unable to bring anything up. "Bella….Why do you do this?!" Tears formed at her eyes, her breathing was becoming shallower.
"You and your brother are pests that need to be eradicated. I saw you with the king yesterday. My, my, you've become quite the enchantress to fool him, haven't you?" Bella grabbed Hermione by her hair and pulled her up to look her in the eye. "I'll do him a favor and be you."
Hermione felt a searing pain in her scalp, making it even harder for her to breathe. Reaching for the tender areas, she found a distinct lack of her curls. More tears welled up, but between the pain and the closing of her throat, she could barely do more than choke on them. Collapsing to the floor, Hermione looked up at her stepmother, who was pulling a flask and a velvet bag from her cloak.
"Must keep your hair handy, my little bitch. I'll take the king, kill him after a night or two of fun, then rule myself! Ha! This is the most useful you've ever been!" She made to step over Hermione's prone body, but stopped. As an afterthought, she added, "Oh, you'll be in a lot of pain for the next few hours. Eventually you'll suffocate, but a nice long death is always nice, isn't it? Perhaps I'll have Harry for my first meal as Queen..."
She bent over and stripped Hermione of her worn clothing, leaving her in nothing but stockings. Bella commented on the quality of clothing, put out that it was so frayed and boring. "Unfortunately, I'll need this," she muttered lastly. With a snap of her fingers, Harry's slack body floated several feet into the air and followed Bella out of the home. The door slammed shut and Hermione was left alone, gasping for air desperately.
Outside, the night sky was beginning to tinge with colors of dawn. Quickly, Bella took the necklace off Harry's neck and banished the buck's body to the woods, hoping he landed somewhere craggy or in a lake. Taking a strand of Hermione's curly hair in hand, she quickly dropped it into the flask and watched it turn a twinkling silver. Downing a full gulp, Bella gasped as her body shrunk and reformed itself into Hermione's form. Shrinking several inches and clothes sizes, Hermione's usually gentle face held deep distaste.
"This chit is barely out of her braids. I'll hope to not need her form this time tomorrow." Tossing aside her old clothing, Bella donned Hermione's and shoved the old clothes into the single bag Hermione had packed hours before. The final touch was throwing on the gold necklace she knew Hermione to always wear; the one piece of her mother she'd allowed the girl, since the woman had been long dead before Bella had stumbled upon Sirius and lured him into marriage. She clearly hadn't been any competition if she produced offspring like Hermione. Bella barely had time to flesh her plot out further before Blaise emerged from the treeline, all smiles. Fixing her face to look as much like Hermione as she could, Bella greeted him warmly.
Bounding up to him, she wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him.
Surprised, Blaise paused, but returned her kiss after a moment. "Hermione, good morning. Where's Harry?"
Bella blinked in surprise, but recovered quickly. "He didn't want to come." Pretending to be upset, she looked down to the ground. "He went off on his own."
Blaise couldn't hide the shock on his face. With brows furrowed, he brought her in for a hug and held her close. "I'm...I'm sorry to hear that. Is there something I can do? I don't want the two of you to become separated or there to be ill will. You're family."
Pulling away, Blaise looked deep into the dark eyes of Hermione. However, he didn't see the usual warmth that inhibited them. It was a barren land of frozen emotion. Chalking it up to losing the confidence of her brother, he shook his head minutely and looked to the cottage.
"Should we check for anything forgotten? My men are waiting about a half mile away." Blaise walked toward the house and Bella had to scramble to keep him from opening the door. He managed to crack it open a few inches before she grabbed his hand.
He looked at her, confused at her sharp tone. "What's wrong?"
"Nothing! I just want to go now."
Inside, Hermione was laying on the ground, the chill of morning covering her naked skin in goosebumps. Her lips and fingers were already blue with lack of oxygen, her eyes were impossibly heavy to keep open more than a heartbeat or two at a time. When she heard Blaise at the door, her stomach fluttered in hope, but it was quickly crushed by Bella, using her own voice against her. The door opened a crack, she could see Bella drawing Blaise's attention away from the cottage and hoping to lure him away from the whole property.
"Nothing! I just want to go now."
Her voice sounded all wrong. It was like trying to eat sour berries dusted in sand, having to listen to it. When she opened her eyes again, she saw Bella pull him down for a kiss. One that he enthusiastically responded to. She let out a sob, but, with the lack of breath she could take in, it sounded like a hushed cough. There was no feeling left in her legs, or she would have kicked in frustration. Tears leaked from her eyes when she saw Bella looking right at her through the crack in the doorway, the woman barely holding back triumph.
"You're awfully energetic this morning, Hermione, considering." Blaise pulled away from the embrace and scratched at his head thoughtfully.
"Considering what?" Bella reached for the door handle and quickly shut the cottage door.
Hermione sighed in dismay at their muffled voices.
"That Harry left you? And that you're not usually a morning person."
Their voices became more hushed, evidence that they were walking away from the house and towards the hunting party that awaited their arrival.
The ache in Hermione's heart was deep, reminding her of when she lost her father. It hurt more to lose Blaise to that evil woman than it did having her breath stolen from her. Her body shuddered in the cold damp morning, letting out small puffs of air from her blue lips.
Blaise couldn't shake the nagging feeling in the back of his head. He watched as Hermione mingled with his men while they finished packing. Mingled may not have been the right word for it; flirting was probably more apt. While he hadn't known her more than a fortnight, he recalled how long it took for her to warm up to the idea of him even coming into hers and Harry's space. She was a shy woman, who carefully warmed up to those as she got to trusting them. Diving head on into an entire group of strangers with smiles and girlish giggles? It seemed impossibly, utterly, un-Hermione. This was the behavior of any other woman he could come across at court, or perhaps even a standard barmaid. It was an attitude he hated, to be frank.
He was used to women throwing themselves at him and anyone close to him. Either for themselves or on command of their families like dogs, there was someone involved who wanted something. Money, power, titles, jewels, a child. He hated almost everything that came with his title. Except the power to change things for the better. While he hadn't taken the crown but a few years ago, he hoped he was already on the right track with his subjects, loosening the burdens of taxes that his grandfather had placed on the people before him and creating opportunities for those with skills. Unfortunately, he was known more as the beautiful king more than a benevolent and strong one. And that lead him back to his predicament with the desperate women of the land.
"Hermione?" He called out, hoping to get her to his side. He had some questions he wanted to ask her. However, she acted as if she hadn't heard him and continued to chat up Draco Malfoy of all people. He called once more and received the same response.
Curious, Blaise waved his hand and muttered, "Homenum revelio." He hoped this spell would show him more than the typical expectation. He started when, just for a blinking moment, in place of Hermione, he saw a tall woman with black hair. He rubbed his eyes and looked back, seeing only Hermione as she laughed deeply at whatever Malfoy was telling her. Casting it once more, he kept his eyes focused on her again, and, once more, saw the woman.
Enraged, he grabbed the nearest bow, quickly loaded an arrow, and called out, "Hermione!"
This time, the woman looked up, but only because Malfoy looked towards the king. Blanching, the man scrambled to the side, giving the woman no warning. Blaise shot the arrow at her feet, planting the hem of her skirts in the dirt.
"Hey!" Hermione's form tugged at her skirt, unable to get them free of the arrow without ruining them. When she looked up again, Blaise was but a dozen feet away, bow loaded once more, a look of venom on his face.
"Who are you and where is Hermione?" His voice was cold, his eyes lacking any of the warmth usually there.
"But...I AM Hermione! What's gotten into you, your majesty?"
Hermione's face screwed into what the woman must have thought was a pitiful look of confusion and fear. However, the more she spoke and moved, the more Blaise felt she was all wrong.
"No. Hermione is not here. I demand you show your true self and you tell me where Hermione AND Harry are." Blaise's aim did not falter as he spoke, the arrow aimed for the woman's heart. His stomach turned as Hermione's face twisted into a cruel smirk.
"Well, well. The beautiful king has a brain as well. And magic, to boot!" Cackling, the woman stood tall and glared at him. "Harry's body is probably being pecked at by the birds this very moment. As for that whore, you were close. Her body, long cold by now, was right in that hovel they called a home. I chose to let her suffocate slowly as she watched us embrace. If my poison didn't kill her, her broken heart surely did."
The woman stopped speaking abruptly, doubled over in pain. Blaise gasped in horror as her body morphed back into the black haired woman he saw when he cast his revealing spell. When she righted herself, she was bursting out of Hermione's smaller clothes.
Snarling in rage, Blaise shot his arrow before she could take a proper breath. His aim was true and it went straight to her heart. Shocked, she crumpled to her knees and looked at her chest. Furious, Blaise stomped to the woman, ripping off the necklace she wore and looked at his dumbfounded men and shouted, "Finish this creature! I have to find the real Hermione!" Surprised at his atypical furiousity, it took an extra moment for the huntsmen to act, but they quickly converged on the witch who had deceived their king.
Running quicker than the wind, Blaise took off back towards the small cottage where Hermione lived. Praying to Merlin, Nimue, and Circe that she was still alive, he burst through the treeline and headed straight for the door. In the doorway stood a man, dark haired and wearing a simple pair of pants. The man's face was full of sorrow as he looked to the ground. Immediately, Blaise brought up his guard, pulling out a small dagger.
"Who are you? What business to do you have here?"
The man looked up, startled, but relaxed upon seeing Blaise. "It's me. Harry."
"Harry?" Blaise sounded dubious. "Prove it."
The man, Harry, looked at him, face full of annoyance. "There's no time for that. Do you have Hermione's locket?" He went into the cabin, expecting the king to follow. In front of them both lay Hermione, her chest barely rising with breath. Her skin was a blue-purple, like snow at twilight. Harry grabbed the wool blanket from her bed and draped it over her naked form, hoping to warm her up a little.
"Hermione? It's Harry. I'm here, I'm okay." He ran his hand across her arm, hoping to create some heat in her frozen skin.
Blaise dropped to his knees in front of her, distraught. "Hermione," he whispered. His voice wavered with emotion, watching her struggle with breathing.
Hermione's eyes fluttered open for a moment, searching out the muffled voices she heard around her. Funny, she thought, I must be dead. I didn't think dying would hurt so much, though. She saw a hazy form of Blaise in front of her and, though she wanted to reach out for him, she found she couldn't move her limbs.
"Blaise," she heard someone, Harry, say frantically. That's odd. Harry can't talk. He's a deer! "The locket! It was her mother's! Open it! Her mother was a Seer. Maybe there's something in it!"
"A Seer?! Do you know how rare those are?!"
"Who cares?! Just open the bloody thing!"
She could hear the men scrambling, then shouts of triumph. But they sounded even further away, hushed. Hush, Hermione, she thought to herself. It's time to sleep now.
Blaise opened the locked, finding an herb sprig inside. Harry looked at it, clueless, but he knew what it was from his lessons as a teen. "YES! Perfect! Harry, get me some water!"
Blaise started to turn the herb into a powder and readily dumped it into the glass of water. "I've got to get this into Hermione. Hold her head up, Harry."
"What is that? It smells peculiar."
"This hung around your neck for how long and you didn't notice the smell?" Blaise tsked his tongue and tried to get Hermione to drink from the cup. "It's a small amount of licorice root. It helps with breathing and should stabilize her until I can get her to a doctor at the castle. This isn't the best way to take it, but it's all we have."
The water he tried getting Hermione to drink dribbled from her mouth and onto the blanket barely covering her. Sighing in frustration, he took a mouthful and fed it to Hermione directly, rubbing her throat to get her to swallow. Two more mouthfuls and he could see the tiniest bit of color return to her cheeks. Three more and her lips were a healthier shade. Harry continued to prop Hermione's body up as Blaise fed her the licorice root infused water, stopping only when there was none left to be had.
"What now?" Harry asked, looking down at his sister worriedly.
Blaise frowned. "We need to get to the castle immediately. I'm too afraid to Apparate from an uncharted location with her in her delicate state."
Outside, there was a commotion, and Blaise looked out to see his entourage. "Malfoy! You all found me?"
"Of course, your majesty! How's the girl?"
"We need to get to the castle, Malfoy. Can your horse get us there?"
The man, Draco Malfoy, looked affronted. "He can, of course. He is of the best breeding. Before noon if we leave now." Malfoy gave his horse to the king, helping him with Hermione to keep her safe in his arms. Blaise never rode quicker or harder.
"I appreciate what you did for Hermione, Blaise. I had no idea of that root and once more, it's our stepmother's fault. She kept us from our full potential." Harry was strolling through a portion of the castle garden with the king, the two striking up friendly conversation. "It's hard to believe it was too late."
Blaise looked up at the sky, brooding. "Yes. Though, I suppose that's why things like that are called miracles. She couldn't have survived. It really was a miracle that she lasted hours. It's like she knew how to save her precious breaths." Blaise looked at Harry and smirked. "Though, now, I like to look back and think of her tale after she woke up."
Harry laughed. "You mean of how both her mother and our father basically kicked her butt back to the land of the living? Yes, that is the best part of the whole ordeal."
"I'd have thought for you it would have been becoming human again." Blaise chuckled, stepping aside from a friendly slap Harry sent his way.
Crossing his arms, Harry added, "Honestly, the fact that I'm an animagi now is a bit of a puzzle. But spending so long as a buck, and being able to turn back at will, it's comforting at least."
The two men conversed jovially until they came upon a figure knelt over a flowering bush. Harry sighed at the sight of his sister, smiling over her small personal garden. "When's the wedding?"
"Soon as Hermione tells me yes. She's being stubborn." Blaise pouted, trying to hide his embarrassment. "I'm not sure how much longer she's going to make me wait. It's been nearly six months since she's been fully healed and nine months since you both came to the castle."
"Maybe she's waiting for something special." Hermione's voice rang out teasingly across the yard.
The two men had the brains to look abashed, having been caught talking about her, and the two watched as she walked over to join them. Dusting her hands off on a handkerchief, Hermione accepted the peck on the cheek from Harry and the chaste kiss on the lips from Blaise.
"What are my boys up to today? Other than gossiping about me?" Her eyes were full of laughter, watching both light up with various shades of blushing.
"This and that, dear sister. I thought I'd catch up with the king before I went out to meet my beau." Harry ran his hand through his hair nervously at the thought.
Hermione grinned. "You mean the lady who found you dazed and lent you a pair of her brother's pants when you turned back into a human? What's her name again?"
"Ginny." Harry's voice sounded like a daydream, his lips curling into a smile.
Both Blaise and Hermione shook their heads at Harry, their hands coming together as their eyes met. "For shame, brother. Be off and go meet your lady. Send my regards." She waved him off with her free hand and grinned up at Blaise.
Blaise nodded in agreement. "Off with you before we die from the sweetness exuding from you!"
Harry shook his head in embarrassment and left, waving happily as he went. The couple watched the dark haired boy as he waved to the guards and rushed into the bustling town connected to the castle below.
"Speaking of marriage," Hermione began, looking up at Blaise. Immediately, his head snapped to attention, his eyes meeting hers.
"Will you marry me, Blaise?"
Blaise blinked, confused. "Did...Did you just propose to me?" He stopped, then asked again.
Hermione gave a soft laugh. "I did."
Without hesitation, Blaise dove down and captured her lips with his, his hands digging deep in the depths of her curls. Hermione didn't fight him, in fact, she willingly submitted to his dominating kiss, losing herself to the sensations.
"Blaise…" she panted, breaking away from the kiss. His lips refused to leave her skin and trailed along her jawline to her neck. "We should take this to a private room. Ah-."
Murmuring his agreement, he licked the spot that he marked on her neck and Apparated the two of them to his quarters. Hermione clung to him in surprise. Apparating was one of the things she still wasn't quite used to yet. Once landing, Blaise didn't let up on his assault of her skin, his lips trailing down to her exposed chest.
"'Mione…" he whispered against her hot skin. "Be mine? Forever?"
Taking the opportunity, Hermione pulled his head up to look at him in the eye. Their dark eyes melted together, each wearing identical smiles of satisfaction. "I thought you'd never ask," Hermione whispered back, kissing him fiercely.
Their lips and tongues and teeth battled for dominance, the two of them ripping each other's clothes off. Picking Hermione up, Blaise carried her to the sofa and sat. With Hermione kneeling above him, more naked and glorious than he'd ever seen her, he whispered, "My Hermione."
His hands ran along her skin, from her neck, sliding across her shoulders and down her arms, flitting across her chest-only stopping a moment to pinch her straining nipples lightly, earning a moan from Hermione-and caressing her taut stomach to rest hovering above her womanhood. When his hooded eyes looked up into Hermione's face, he saw desire kindled within her honey colored eyes and her teeth biting nervously in her full, swollen lips.
Hermione looked down into the face of the man she loved and bit her lip. He was everything she could hope for in a husband. His burning passion and love for her was a bonus, as love matches weren't always the case. Gazing down at his nude form, she unconsciously licked her lips. His form was carved like that of the gods of the past, perfect in every form. While his hand trailed teasingly along her skin, she gave him as equally, running her hands along his chest and down to his member, at attention and ready. Her small hand instinctively went for his member, thumb running along the tip and spreading his leaking lubricant delicately. She heard him hiss and glanced up to see his face full of pleasure. Wanting to see this look on his face again, she ran her fingers along the rigid length of his penis, squeezing gently to see what would happen. His hips bucked upward and she repeated it twice more. One of his hands buried itself in her hair, the other grabbed her hand, stopping her from further contact.
"Love, if you keep that up, we won't get anywhere." Chuckling at Hermione's pouting face, he added, "Another time, because I very much enjoyed that." Blaise kissed her gently and let go of her hand after putting it on his shoulder. "Let me take care of you."
He moved his lips to her breast, suckling on it as his hand kneaded the other, delighting in the mewling noises coming from her. Switching breasts, his hand traveled south to caress the lips between Hermione's legs. Breathing heavily, Hermione called his name aloud.
"I want to make sure you know pleasure, Hermione. It could hurt worse when we couple." Blaise lightly bit on her nipple before licking it. "You like what I'm doing, right? Do you trust me?"
Hermione nodded, burying her flushed face in the crook of his neck and dropping kisses. Satisfied, Blaise ran his fingers along her folds until they dipped into her core. She was nearly ready, his fingers coated in her juices. Pumping slowly a few times, he brought his thumb to her clit and flicked it lightly. Her whole body shuddered at the sensation and he could feel her breathing pick up. Another few flicks, then he pushed down and Hermione cried out softly. Her hips we moving to the movements of his hand. Simultaneously, he bit her nipple and pinched her clit, nearly coming undone himself and the noise that came from Hermione. Her whole body convulsed, her walls clamping down on his fingers again and again and her pretty voice cried out louder, followed by a throaty moan.
Kissing her deeply, Blaise positioned himself under her, then looked into her eyes. "I love you very much, Hermione." Bringing her face back to his, he continued their duel of tongues, pushing his way into her, feeling her tense. "Shh, shh, Hermione. Relax, relax." He whispered gently into her ear, caressing her breasts to distract and stimulate her. When she relaxed more, he moved himself deeper inside her, coming upon her barrier. The two looked at one another and, without more thought, he pushed himself in completely, their hips coming together.
Immediately, Hermione cried out in pain, eyes clenching and her fingernails digging into his shoulders. Blaise halted himself from moving any more until Hermione relaxed. Only when he felt her hips move of their own accord did he give an experimental pump of his own. Hermione moaned, this time in pleasure.
"Blaise, please move. I need you to move."
Hermione lifted herself from him a little, then brought herself back down, failing to bite back her moan for more. After a few more test moves, the two began rocking in earnest, finding a rhythm to suit their needs. Hermione clung to Blaise's biceps, her hips crashing with his; Blaise had his hands cupped on her behind, hoping to get as deep as he could in her tight channel. When he started leaving bites along her neck and shoulders, Hermione fell apart, coming on the spot. Her insides contracted, attempting to milk Blaise for all he was worth and in turn, the sensations became too much and with a grunt, Blaise pistoned into her once more, marking her walls with his seed.
Spent, the two collapsed on one another and slumped over on the couch. Blaise looked at Hermione's stunned and tired face and grinned smugly. Noticing his face, she rolled her eyes and poked him on the cheek.
"Speak up, your majesty. What is it?"
"You're mine." His grin got wider as she looked down with a blush.
"I would say so, yes. But," she gave a small wiggle of her hips, noting how his manhood was still half hard inside her. "You're mine, too, you know." She flexed her inner walls and felt him twitch inside her, and grinned.
Blaise shrugged and sat up, careful to hold Hermione to him. He wasn't about to let her run off. "I think I can live with that."
The two kissed tenderly.
"Now, about round two…"
Author's Note: That's a wrap! Thanks for reading! Please leave me a lovely review!