

On the battlefield, a war raged, sword clangs, and arrows flew. A man running across the battlefield, avoiding the war around him. He entered the cave which lead him to many dead bodies of his people. But there was one that seemed very familiar to him, that one was his wife. She sat motionless, as the blood dripped from her head, to her hands. But where? Where was his child? He descended deeper into the cave, to hear a cry of a child. He hurried deeper and saw a child on the floor laying helplessly with a burnt arm. When he picked it up, he noticed ancient letters on the rocky floor of where the child had been placed. When he read it, he wished he never picked up the child in the first place. It read: This child is special, but dangerous. Kill this child immediately. He carried the child and gently guided the child back to the mother. She must have hidden the child where the man found him, and wrote those ancient letters before she died. The man crouched down near his dead wife as he began to speak.

"I'm sorry Mary, I can't kill this innocent child, nor would I want to keep it. I must send somewhere safe where we cannot be harmed." said the man as he guided the child outside of the cave which leads back to the loud raging war. The man ran to his boat, protecting his child and sailed safely to a village called Ruben village, a quiet peaceful village. The man delivered the child in a peaceful home, on their doorstep.

"This will be a good home for you." the man said as he left the child who was sleeping in a blanket. The prophecies are told that this child will later, be one of the strongest warriors alive, even stronger than the gods themselves. This is his fate, this his destiny.