Hey everybody! I'm Keori! I'm new on FanFiction.net and I really like making stories! This story is pretty much based on my best friends story Remember Me (Read it, it's really good... Except the spelling errors! LOL!)All of my best friends are in this fic! Including Marika, Vicky, Ryou, Joey... Okay, the last two were wishful thinking but can ya blame me? Oh, ya and I love these fics, the guys Yamis are seperate from there Aibous! Amazing, eh? Well than thank Macavity, cuz I got it from her! Oh yeah, and i don't own Yu-Gi-Oh! either! Anywho, this is a story of love and comedy, laughter and disbelief, mystery and fantasy....Oooh okaaay, I'll stop. But just for Joey! And in the great words of Macavity! Glomp!

Joey: Oof!


"Oooh myyy gooodd!", Keori sighed, rolling her eyes. It was time for another dance at Domino High and everyone was bustling around. The boys were asking the girls and the girls were playing hard to get, blushing and making them wait. Keori and the gang were all crowded around the new banner which said 'Domino High Christmas Dance' in big pink lettering! Keori hung her head, shamed of her friends sense of style.

"Oh please, Marika! Why did you choose pink? I thought you said that you had good taste." Keori knew that this was not true but she wouldn't tell her that. Marika glared at her. There was a glob of paint on her right cheek and the old t-shirt she wore looked as if she had tried painting herself. Joey had made a crack about that and had earned a crack across the head. The gang included Keori Monsuki, Marika Tairys, Vicky Cromo, Malik Ishtar, Joey Wheeler, Yuugi Motoh, Ryou Bakura, Yami Bakura, and Yami Yuugi.They were all snickering over her banner.

" I dunno, I kinda like it!" Yuugi exclaimed, glancing at Marika. Malik laughed aloud.

"The great Yuugi likes pink?!? Oh, this is too sweet! Haha!" Yuugi hung his head in shame, blushing a shade of red unkniown to the world. Marika sent a look to Malik that would have made grown men wimper in fear and stone buildings crumble, but Malik continued to laugh and point. They all took a last look at the pathetic excuse for a banner, shook their heads and left. Keori walked down the hall. She was wondering if anyone would ask her to the dance. She hadn't been in this school long. She had arrived with Joey and the others when they had came back from Egypt, where they had met her. She didn't really have many friends before she had met them. They meant so much to her. She stopped by her locker to receive her books and papers.

"Keori!" Keori turned. Malik ran up to her, out of breath and panting.She looked at him confused, not knowing why he had run to catch her.

"Keori, are you going to the dance with anyone, yet?" he asked, trying to act casual.

"No, I have not been asked yet." She answered, her British accent really standing out. Malik looked at her a little more hopefully." Why?"

" Oh, I... umm..." Malik blushed and looked at his shoe. " I was wondering, do you want to go to the dance with me?" Keori was shocked! A wave of happiness washed over her, then a wave of despair. She had been planning on going with Joey. Joey and herself were together, but malik was also very sweet and kind to her.

" I.. I... I don't know. I'm sorry, I'll have to think about it." Malik looked like a puppy beaten with a stick.

" Oh, okay.... I guess. Bye." Keori watched him walk away. Though she had not truly rejected him his shoulders were slumped and he was walking very slowly. Keori felt bad, but there was nothing she could do, or so she hoped.

Malik was crushed, but yet he was also furious. He hated Joey! Almost as much as he hated Yuugi. They always seemed to break his hopes. He hated Joey because he knew that it was because of him that Keori had turned him down. But on the bright side she hadn't really said no!

'There's still hope. Maybe I can insure that she says yes!' Malik smiled mischieviously to himself. He knew what he could do. He walked to Tony's Pizza Place because that was the gang's usual hang-out, and sure enough, there they were. Malik knew instantly where they were because Joey's voice stood out like a sore thumb above the others. He was now in a fight with Vicky over who should have the last piece of pepperoni and cheese pizza. Malik walked up and stood beside Joey. Joey didn't notice him but Ryou did.

"Hey Malik! What's up?" But Malik didn't answer. Instead he lifted Joey off of his chair by his jacket and punched him across the face. Joey fell to the floor, clutching his cheek. Yuugi jumped up first but Marika spoke for him.

"Hey! Why'd you do that?!?" She screamed. But it didn't stop him. He was on top of Joey in a split second pounding on him, a look of determination set upon his face, but at that exact moment Keori walked in.

"Malik!" She hollered running to Joey's side. Malik backed away, now with a pained expression, staring at his hands. A tear rolled down his cheek and he ran towards the exit. He stopped in the doorway, gave a look at Keori and ran out and down the road. Keori and Yuugi helped Joey up. He wasn't badly hurt, just very embarrassed.

" Geez, what's his problem?" He asked. A bruise was forming on his cheek bone and it was tender to the touch. Yami was the only one who asked about Malik.

"Where's Malik? Shouldn't someone go find him?" He flashed his gaze at Keori. "I think that someone that he trusts should go, like you Keori." Keori frowned, but then looked up with a smile.

"Okay, I'll go."

"No! She's not going unless someone goes with her!" Joey insisted. He walked towards her but she moved away.

"I'll be okay Joey, don't worry!" Joey watched her walk out the door silently. She turned and waved, then ran away straight until she faded into the darkness.

Keori was running down the street that Malik had disappeared down. She was hoping that he hadn't turned or it would be impossible to find him. She ran, listening snd looking for him, but he was nowhere to be found. She was about to give up hope when she heard sobs coming from a nearby alley. She slowly walked in and sure enough there he was, sitting doubled over. His face was hidden but he was quivering.

"Malik." She reached towards him.

"Don't touch me!" He cried. Keori backed away, feeling very guilty. it was her that had done this. But then again, it probably would have happened if she had of said yes. She sat down beside Malik and tenderly touched his shoulder. Malik tensed but stopped crying. He looked up at her. She looked thoughtfully at his tear streaked face. She pitied him. He looked so sad. He touched her face. He wasn't as bad as everyone always thought, he was just very insecure and independent. He leaned forward and before she could stop it, he kissed her.


Uh huh, uh huh! you like, you like? Yeah I know, very mushy.

Joey: Hey, what's up with the kissing-Malik-who-just-punched-Joey-in-the- face thing?

Keori: Oops, sorry Joey! But you know what they say, they order, we deliver! Or, something like that.......

Joey: Complete silence

Keori: Argh.. Never mind. Anyway, please read and review. No flames, please! I don't like fire!

More to come....