Oliver had seen it, he had seen it coming before it actually happened. The moment he saw Felicity throw herself forward in front of Floyd he had seen the window. He had immediately known at that moment that not only was Floyd going to head straight out that window but Felicity too. Adrenaline had taken over his body, he ran faster than he had ever ran before, reaching for Felicity.
The window shattered, she had fallen head forward through the window. In that moment Felicity had closed her eyes preparing herself for death. Felicity found herself swinging from side to side, she had not met the ground but ahead of her she could see Floyd lying on the concrete ground blood drooling out of him. She turned her body and saw Oliver, he had a hold of her ankle.
"Felicity" he called out, "It's ok, I'm going to pull you up ok" he reassured her pulling her up slowly cautious of the glass that surrounded the broken window.
Felicity was in shock, she did not respond, she felt herself being lifted the image of Floyd on the ground becoming more and more distant. Felicity felt strong arms around her waist as they finally placed her on her feet. She saw Oliver, her lips trembled as she broke down, sobs taking over.
Oliver wrapped her arms around her and let her cry into his shoulder, he whispered words of comfort as she continued to sob. "Hey, it's ok" he said. Felicity shook her head, pulling back from his embrace she started to go into a panic attack.
"I killed him, I …"
"Mom" Nicky called from the side of the room. He looked scared and had clearly been crying.
Felicity's sudden panic attack quickly vanished as she rushed and took hold of him, hugging him tightly. "It's ok, I'm here, I'm here … I'm here" she repeated over and over again.
Felicity did not remember what had happened after that, she did not know when Laurel, Tommy and Laurel's father the police officer had arrived. She did not remember being escorted out of that place and into a car. All she remembered was holding onto Nicky really tight and whispering things into his ear. She did not remember anything else. She did not remember being put into a car, she did not remember getting to the hospital.
What she did remember was when she got to the hospital was when the doctors had tried to pry Nicky off of her. She remembered arguing with them, begging them not to take him away, she thinks she even tried to fight one of the nurses. She remembered Oliver taking a hold of her wrists and reassuring her that Nicky would be fine. That the doctors just needed to check her over. She trusted Oliver so she allowed him and only him to take Nicky.
The next morning she had been extremely nervous and anxious, she had seen Laurel's father and one of his partners in uniform walking around outside talking to Oliver. She knew what was about to happen. They were going to arrest her, she was going to jail and yet again Nicky would be left alone.
Terrified that this was going to happen she ripped the IV out of her arm, got dressed, picking a sleeping Nicky up she looked for an exit root. The first time since she arrived in the hospital she looked around, she was in a pretty nice room, big with white wallpaper with small yellow strips. It was welcoming, homey but all she wanted to do was get the hell out of there.
Felicity had headed to the door and before she could open, it was opened from the other side, revealing Oliver. Oliver noticed that she had gotten out of bed and carrying Nicky on her side hip. The boy had stayed up and Oliver had spoken to him and read him a story until he too had fallen into a deep sleep.
"What are you doing?" Oliver asked.
"I need to leave, I cannot go to prison …"
"Stop, you're not going to prison Felicity…" Felicity tried to push past him but Oliver stood in front of the door and glared at her. "Stop … we all know it was an accident, it was self-defense all Lance needs is a statement… nothing is going to happen" Oliver tried to reassure her.
"Promise" she said in a low voice, unsure of what would happen.
"I promise" he reassured her, grabbing hold of her hand giving it a tight squeeze.
The next year had passed on quickly, Felicity had moved into a nice small town house, similar to the old one she lived in previously before getting with Floyd. She had been given her job back at Queen Consolidated working extremely hard and was due a promotion. Nicky was happy, he lived with her, went to school and for the first time things were looking up. Nightmares of Floyd still assaulted her, she saw his face every night but through counselling she was working on it.
She and Oliver were not together but they saw each other practically every day. They had both agreed that it was too soon to start anything and despite strong feelings for each other a year had passed and nothing had happened between them. She would have dinner with him often, they would have lunch and spend weekends with each other. Oliver had fallen in love with her, knowing deep down in his heart that regardless of how long he needed to wait she was the one for him.
Another year almost went passed when Oliver had walked into Felicity's town house to find a candle lit dinner, sure they had many dinners before but this was different. She walked up to him and kissed him softly on the lips. She was ready.
She had thought she found the one with Floyd, the one to look after her but she was mistaken. She had not known real love until she met Oliver.
She did not know how she got so lucky with him.