Disclaimer: I do not own any of the One Piece characters or franchise.

***Author's Note***

So sorry to leave you all hanging for almost a year. I got distracted with some bad news, and then school, work, and life got all hectic for a bit. But here we go again! This isn't a very long chapter, but I just had to post something after a PM asking if I was going to continue the story. I will have more up soon, this is just all I that had a chance to proofread a bit. Enjoy :)

Finally, they were walking along the sidewalk about a block from the club. It had seemed to take forever for everyone to be ready after dinner. Chopper and Brook had stayed behind, volunteering to keep watch since they didn't much care for the obnoxiously loud club scene.

Nami was grateful that Chopper had agreed to tie up the back of her dress for her. The looks she was getting as they made their way to the club convinced her that this dress was definitely a keeper. Robin was looking absolutely stunning herself, in a pair of tight black leather pants with a blood red sleeveless top. Nami caught herself being fascinated with how street lights glinted off Robin's pants as her hips swayed with every step. Nami suspected this was why "manners" dictated that men let a women precede them when exiting a room, so they could watch this sexy display without the women noticing. Nami noticed they were a particularly noisy bunch tonight, especially with Luffy going on and on about how many wings he was going to eat tonight. Honestly, that man is a bottomless pit. We just ate dinner not even an hour ago.

The club came into view as they crested the hill. Flickering lights in colored glass lamps lent a festive feel to the night. As they approached the club Nami noticed a pair of very intimidating bouncers at the door, and they were regarding the approaching group with suspicion. Nami couldn't blame them. Luffy was loud, and Zorro practically screamed trouble, with his three swords at the waist and dark glare for everyone and everything. Nami put on her best bright "innocent" smile and worked her way to the front with Robin, doing her best to look like a good gal who would never even dream of causing trouble.

"Good evening gentlemen" Robin purred while turning an especially bright smile on the door guards. "May we please come in? We have heard so much about your club, and my friends and I are dying to have a night out dancing at such a popular establishment". As she spoke, Robin shifted closer to the two men, blocking their view of the rest of the group. An arm materialized behind the door guards and beckoned the Straw hat crew to sneak around behind them.

"O-of course!" One of the guards managed to spit out. His friend was currently too busy staring at Nami as she smiled up at him, while holding his arm, further distracting the guard from her nakama that were currently sneaking in behind them.

Zorro chuckled as he straightened up, once inside, and Sanji brushed his jacket into line. Luffy was not quite so circumspect, and let loose with an enthusiastic "Woohoo!" as he caught site of a large platter of wings and beer being carried through the sea of bodies to a waiting table.

Sanji negligently slapped down a rubber arm that started to reach for said platter, stating "Order your own dummy. Don't steal food from strangers or you're gonna get us kicked out of here!" Ignoring Luffy's pouting look, Sanji snagged Zorro by his ever-present waistband and steered him into a booth that had just been vacated. He deftly cleared the table of the discarded glasses and bottles, depositing them on a passing waitress's empty serving platter. Robin and Nami entered and spotted Zorro right away, having a green haired nakama really had it's advantages, and made their way to slide into the other side of the booth.

As Nami slid in next to Robin her hand brushed Robin's thigh, for a brief second Nami felt the smooth leather, warm from body heat, and imagined what it would feel like to run her hands across that soft material. Then Robin shifted away to slid over and make space for Nami, breaking the contact, and leaving Nami flustered.

Of course Luffy was already at the opposite side of the club, ordering the "Challenge Platter!" Apparently there was a local standing challenge, if anyone could eat more wings than the previous champion in 1 hour, then their food was free. Nami considered the poor souls in the kitchen, and had a brief moment of sympathy for them. Then she was sliding over the rest of the way into the booth, and just so happened to end up with her thigh just barely brushing Robin's.

"What would you like to drink cutie?" simpered the cocktail waitress ,who had almost magically appeared at their table, as she batted her massive eye lashes in Zoro's direction. Sanji huffed, clearly put out that such a fine specimen would waste her time on the arrogant asshole marimo next to him.

Oblivious as ever Zoro just grunted "beer".

"What kind would you like hun? We have domestic and imported. Or there's a special tonight on a bottomless mug of our local well beer." The flirty gal simpered and smiled.

At the mention of a bottomless mug the table perked up, with Zoro leading the way. "How much for the mug?"

The waitress beamed at Zoro's increased interest, "Only $20, it's really a very good deal if you can manage to drink at least 6. It lasts until the bar closes tonight."

"Five of those please." Nami ordered, slipping the waitress a large bill with a slight smirk. She knows that before this night is through the bar will regret that deal, especially between her and Zoro. They can both drink like fish. Not to mention that Sanji was no light weight himself, and Robin could hold her own, even if she did usually prefer wine. Usopp would drink plenty, but he'd probably end up drunk off his ass singing about his made up adventures as "Captain" Usopp.

The waitress faltered as Nami took control of the table, but picked up the bill none-the-less, and disappeared to return with their first mugs within the space of a minute. She hesitated as Zoro appeared to swallow his in one gulp, and as she picked up his mug for a refill, Nami silently added hers. As the waitress gathered Nami's now empty mug Sanji's, Usopp's, and Robin's joined it. There was definitely a worried look on the poor gal's face as she returned to the bar for refills for the whole table. She was in for a long night at this rate.

After several rounds Robin was starting to feel nice and buzzed. They were all joking at the table, laughing and having a good time. The poor waitress was being run ragged, as soon as she returned with a filled mug for someone, another was empty! Robin made a mental note to tip her very well at the end of the night. As a particularly catchy song began playing Sanji slid sideways, pushing Zoro out of the seat, declaring "Let's dance!" As Zoro popped up to follow the slender cook onto the dance floor Robin turned to Nami with her mouth open, poised to propose the same thing. You know, just as friends of course.

Nami beat her to it though, giggling as she offered "Since Sanji and Zoro are having fun, how about we have a bit of fun?" She then turned to Usopp with a grin, "Usopp won't mind guarding our booth for a bit, right?"

Usopp, caught mid-swallow sputtered a bit a started coughing as Nami and Robin laughingly slid out of the booth and made their ways to the dance floor.