"Hey Hey, (Last Name)-chan, did you hear of the newest item on the market?"

You looked up from your book in your seat as some of your classmates approached you. You tilted your head to the side curiously.

"What are you talking about?"

"Apparently, they're selling a love potion in that really popular jewelry shop! I heard that it really works..."

"Oh, you mean the one that Ayumi used! She fed some of it to her crush and he confessed to her seconds afterwards! They're going out now..."

Your thoughts were drawn into their conversation, and you remember witnessing Ayumi's exchange with her crush, and how she accidentally gave him the love potion. And it was quite true- he confessed to her right after he consumed it.

You smiled at the people surrounding your desk.

"That's nice. But I don't think I'll get any. Getting the boy that you want is nice, but to bind them using a love potion rather than feelings are not. If you'll excuse me..."

And with those words, you promptly got up from your seat and exited the classroom.

'But in the end...I bought it.'

You stared at the treacherous cup of pink liquid sitting innocently on your kitchen counter. You sighed and went to your room to grab your laptop in order to start some homework. Since you planned to go trick-or-treating with some friends this evening, you wanted to get as much done as soon as possible. A sudden ringing of the doorbell surprised you, since it was still far before the time that people began the candy hunting.

Getting up, you opened the door and found yourself face to face with a certain cocky emperor. You found a smirk plaster itself on your face when you met the redhead's heterochromatic eyes.

"Hello there, Akashi-kun. What could you be doing here today?" You said, your voice laced with sarcasm. It wasn't as if you hated the boy, quite the opposite in fact. But you really couldn't stand his arrogant attitude. He smirked.

"I came to visit." He said, inviting himself into your house. His eyes fell on the cup sitting on the counter.

"Is this what you're drinking these days?" Akashi snorted. "What's so good about these drinks in the first place?" He picked up the cup, and before you could stop him, he brought it to his lips and drained all of it.

"A-Akashi?" You stuttered. The redhead looked at the cup blankly for a couple of minutes, before his eyes were turned onto you. Then he grimaced.

"That tasted terrible. How can you drink this disgusting stuff?"

You gaped at his reaction. From what everyone in the market was saying, the love potion actually worked. You had actually seen the effects of it firsthand as well.

Then you remembered the last line in the instructions of the love potion. Your face turned bright red as you stared at the redheaded emperor.

'If the consumer already loves the one who uses the love potion, then it will have no effect.'