This chapter is for rath11 who said that I should update a chapter a day I'm so sorry. Yo people, there is also a poll on my profile, well it should be there, The Composcreater convinced me to put it back up again so thanks to him it's now back on.

People, go check it out.

~Silverkey went shopping for mum's cause his mum ran out of energy~

~Last time~

As Issei approached the door he felt a demonic presence, actually he felt two as he got closer to he door.

He dreaded what was going to happen next as he opened the door and came face to face with.

Rias Gremory and Akeno Himejime. It's between True Longinus and the Divine Dividing, one vote could change everything.

~Back to normal~

Issei groaned in his mind "I knew this would have happened, I should have been more care- Holy shit look at those amazing oppais." He thought as he stared at the monster of a tit. Than. Akeno came into play. "IS THAT EVEN POSSIBLE!" Issei was truly in the heaven of perverts as he looked at the oppais in front of him, burning and ingraining the images of them into his mind, to never forget it ever again.

"Wait, I must not fall in love with those boobs, if I do I won't be able to kill them when the time comes, I mean if the time comes."

Issei cleared his mind and asked the question that he had meaning to ask, "Why are the Two Great Onee-Sama's of the school at my house?"

"Cut the act, Issei." Rias quickly said as if she didn't want this conversation to go any longer than necessary. "Who are you and what are you doing in my territory?" She quickly asked again before Issei could even mutter one word out of his lips.

"Fine, come in. My parents aren't aware of the supernatural so lets go inside to my room." Issei said dejectedly.

"Ara are, Issei kun, from the first meeting are you going to take us to your room and do unimaginable things to us."

Issei started to breath heavily and started panting as his mind was filled fantasies of him with Rias and Akeno doing well…stuff. Issei looked up to see Rias a bit creeped out and even Akeno looking a bit disturbed. Issei coughed and shrugged it off."Let's go." Issei said, a tad bit happier after his session with fantasies with the two girls actually standing in front of him. It actually helped him imagine things a bit better than usual.

They walked upstairs and walked upstairs. A comfortable silence in the air as Akeno and Rias watched his back so that he wouldn't do anything and regarded him curiously. They walked in front of Issei's room door as he opened it to reveal…

Raynare sitting on his bed reading his porno magazine.

Issei forgot the two as he leaped at Raynare. "Where the hell did you find this special edition? I'lost a few weeks ago and I've been trying to find it for ages."

"Under your pillow/"


Issei turned back to see Rias and Akeno with their hands up. Rias, with a red ball of destruction and Akeno with her hand crackling with lightning. They both looked like they were going to throw it at Raynare regardless of the fact that Issei was still there.

"What's a fallen angel doing here."

"Ara ara, did a little black birdy fall again." Akeno said with hate and murderous intent.(Everyone knows why. Right?)

"HAHAHAHA, that was the funniest thing I've heard in ages." Issei squeezed out while lying on the ground laughing." Oh, sorry again that was so funny."Issei said in a helpful voice.

Nobody else laughed.

Everybody just stared at him.

Now Raynare had a light spear in her hand looking like she was going to defend herself no matter what.

"No no no, this is suppose to be a peaceful conversation. Rias, Akeno, I will explain what Raynare is doing here in a moment so don't look like you're going to kill me and Raynare put that light spear down right this moment young lady." Issei said acting as the peace mediator between the,.

Raynare put her light spear down, firmly believing that Issei would save her if they attacked.

"So Raynare here lost to you and you used a spell to make her your bitch." Akeno said, glaring at Raynare.

"Uhhh…she's my enteral partner or friend, something like that I guess…" Issei said hesitantly.

Rias who was undoubtedly now interested in the boy, huffed and looked away. "Akeno, leave the poor girl alone we may be devils but we not that low enough to attack defenseless and weak enemies unless we are at war. Besides she can't do anything to us right now looking at her condition, look at her, she's just barely holding up her arm. It's a miracle that she even summoned that light spear." Akeno sighed and looked away before ignoring Raynare for the rest of the converstion.

"Now, as you know already, I have a huge amount of holy power, I am an angel." Issei confessed as he looked straight at Rias in the eye, telling her that they were natural enemies.

"I see…" She said slowly. "An angel huh." She got a faraway look on her face as she stared at the ceiling.

Issei didn't know what to think of the situation. Raynare was calmly reading porno, Akeno was busy glaring at her and Rias was simply staring at the roof with a thoughtful look.

He didn't know whether or not he should be lucky that he was the only male in a room full of females or uncomfortable with the weird atmosphere that he could not describe. So he just settled to stare at all their outrageous boobs after all, why not, might as well take the chance. He stared deeply at them burning the precious memory and information into his brain, he carefully measured the size, elasticity, perkiness etc… He did not know how long or how much time had passed but when he finished observing them and raised his head…and saw all the girls looking at him weirdly.

The uncomfortable silence was unbearable until Rias finally broke it by saying"Akeno… I guess it's dark now, we should head home by now…"

"Yeah…I guess so."

"Bye Issei."

"Bye Rias…and Akeno."

~SilverKoy looked at a self-portrait of SilverKey and … vomited all over it~

They walked out the house and Issei sighed in relief."Finally, they're gone."He walked upstairs to his room and was about to yell at Raynare about being reckless again but stopped when he saw her sleeping form lying on his bed, porno magazine left forgotten on the ground. He sighed and just covered her with a blanket. She does look innocent when she is sleeping though. He turned the lights off and quietly slipped out of the room.

As the footsteps of Issei leaving to sleep on the couch disappeared, the sleeping form of Raynare shifted and sat up as she muttered "I guess he's not so bad after all."

"Is that so?" A mysterious voice asked as black feathers showered in the room and Raynare saw three figures in the room as they stepped out of the shadow and she widened her eyes.

~The Author wants to talk time~

O0o0o0o0o0o0ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh What going to happen.

Check the poll, It's between Divine Dividing and True Longinus.

I'm sorry for the late update.

I had an allergic reaction and was going crazy and slowly losing my mind…

Anyway, tell me in the review if you like my line breaks cause I just can't think of random things to write anymore.

Read, Review, Favorite, Follow.

Oh, and that's $16 to the Dolphins getting mauled by fishes. *Sob* I nearly gave up on them.*Sob*

This is a new thing:

Anime recommendation of the update:

Hamatora (It's fucking awesome)

2 seasons, both finished.

It's about supernatural powers and fighting.

There is not that much blood (In my opinion )

But you will hate some characters to death, oh and one of those I'm helping you from blah blah blah villians.

They all have weird names though, the main characters name is Nice.

OP main character.