How the Monsters fall like Leaves

Today was a great day even though the skies were morbid grey. It was beautiful to look at. Levi, after yesterday's events had a new assignment. His specialty was to hunt vampires but today he had a different job. He had to assassinate a witch. So here he was, walking down a dark alley. He was heading for the address he was given. Levi had his weapons with him. He stealthily walked around a small house. Here was the witch's house. It gave Levi the chills. It was a pleasant feeling, it meant that the job was going to be fun… Quietly, Levi slipped into the window that was open. The smell was what hit him first. It smelled like different spices, herbs… and dead things…

"I've been waiting for you assassin…" Said the witch.

"Well it's nice to meet you too, Annie." Levi said sarcastically. He came out of hiding. He came face to face with Annie, "So you've been expecting me?"

She nodded, "I won't be killed so easily, assassin…"

Levi simply took a fighting stance, "We'll see about that…" He lunged for Annie swiftly. She seemed to dodge him with ease and quickness. Levi noticed that she seemed to be muttering something under her breath. Suddenly, he felt pain grow inside of him. He started to shift… Into a cat. Levi saw the ground become closer as he landed on his newly formed paws.

Annie laughed, "What's wrong assassin? Can't fight now?" Levi saw a brief flow of light shoot past him. She was shooting at him! Levi panicked. He couldn't fight like this. And damn it, he had to run. Levi ran out of the window he came in. He hated this. He found himself running down an alley. Levi was an all black cat… but instead of yellow eyes… He had silver eyes.

Levi found himself lost and confused. He didn't know where he was going now… He wasn't even sure he could find his way home. Levi didn't know why but he was heading for the forest. He needed to come up with a strategy… He knew that the forest would make it harder for the witch to find him. Now, it was starting to rain, much to Levi's annoyance... It was also cold, Levi had nothing to keep himself warm anymore…

Just when he thought he was safe, he ran into something… A person. Levi looked up. At least it wasn't a witch… It was a brunet. He looked down at Levi, then slowly picked him up. Levi flinched as the strange man picked him up. He didn't protest because he was still in shock. He stayed quiet was the man brought Levi to what seemed like a big ass house or a mansion. Levi looked around. He didn't remember ever being here or even knew it existed…

When the man entered the house, he set Levi down proclaiming that he'd be back. Levi shook his body. He was wet… And for once Levi didn't like it. He stayed put. Levi didn't' know where or what the man was going or doing right now. For now… This strange man was his only hope. The man came out with a food bowl and he set it down, "I'm naming you Lucy!" Levi hissed at the name, "–Wait… What gender are you?" The man leaned forward trying to grab at Levi. He dodged the guys' hand. Hell no. He didn't want some random guy looking at his private part… Though he was a cat now… How the fuck could he turn himself back? Would he be stuck this way forever…? Levi found himself running into the kitchen… Or at least that's what it looked like. He hid under the table. He could hear the guy coming for him. Levi felt something shirt. He cringed as he hit his head on the table… Damn it. Levi mentally cursed. How did this happen? Levi was human again… Or at least that's what he thought before he saw a tail… Fuck. Levi touched his head… He sighed. He had ears too… He was also naked.

"Who the hell are you!?"

Levi pushed himself back further under the table. He could say that he was nervous. He was in some random guys' house… Naked. He had no weapons to protect himself. He hesitated, "M-my name is Levi…" Damn… He never felt so weak until now…

"My name is Eren… Why are you in my house?" Levi watched as Eren went on his knees and looked under the table. Levi kept his head down but he glanced up. His ears flattened and his tail wrapped around him. Levi continued to cover himself. Eren continued talking, "…I'm not going to hurt you, Levi…" he said. Yeah, right. Levi knew better. He knew that when a vampire said they were not going to hurt people, it actually meant the opposite…

"Tch. You're the one who brought me in here… I was the fucking cat…" Levi's eyes were grey, just like the cats'. Levi found himself moving away from …Eren was it? He wasn't sure he could trust this guy. Levi stared at him. Levi was irritated with himself. Usually, he was the intimidating one… Not the other way around.

"You're the cat?" Eren repeated. Eren then eyed Levi, look everywhere, taking in details. Eren frowned, "Are you just going to keep running away from me like a wuss?"

Levi froze in place for a moment. He knew that there was a reason for his nervousness… The way Eren eyed him… Like he was food, "Can I have something to wear?" Anything would be better than nothing, Levi thought. He was no wuss… Levi looked at the brunet. Something felt off… Levi thought he knew what it was, "A-are you a vampire…?" Damn, why did he stutter again? He wasn't scared of him… Was he? Tch, no. Levi thought, That's stupid. Levi had never been afraid of vampires. He was pretty indifferent about them actually. Though, most of his killings were of vampires. Levi hesitated before moving slightly towards Eren. His tail flickered.

Eren smirked, "I am a vampire… Please come out from under the table, Levi…" He stayed where he was, unmoving.

Biting his lip, Levi could tell that this was going nowhere. He sighed. It wasn't that he was ashamed of his body… It was how Eren stared at him that made him uncomfortable. He knew that there was a possibility of dying… Especially since he was weak…. Levi glared at the vampire. He was cocky and if Levi had a weapon, he'd teach the shit a lesson. Sadly, there was no time for that… Levi had to suck it up and deal with it. Thus, Levi found himself slowly and cautiously coming out of under the table. He covered himself as he did, though he couldn't cover his ass… He at least could cover his dick. As soon as he got out from under the table, he glanced up at Eren.

Eren looked smug as he pulled off his cape and wrapped it around Levi. He buttoned it for Levi and nodded, "I'll be back with some clothes." Thus, he got up and left. Levi pulled the cape around him. He held it close to his body. He was relieved that he hadn't eaten him alive right then and there. Levi waited patiently for Eren to come back. He had thought about running… But Eren was a vampire. They were incredibly fast… And Levi was sure Eren would kill him if he tried. Maybe once he solved his transformation, he'd take the vampire on in a fight. Eren came back with some clothes. They looked like they might fit… Levi's ears twitched forward. Eren was just giving him these clothes? Great. Levi held the cape close to his body as he looked up at Eren. "…um, Thanks…" He knew he should be polite, he didn't want to die yet after all. Levi reached for the clothing and took it from Eren's hands.

"You're welcome…" Eren looked around, "I'll be back." Eren said as he left.

Levi watched him light candles. Personally, Levi liked candles. Plus, those candles smelled like lavender… Like soap that he used. So Levi was perfectly okay with this. While Eren was lighting some candles, Levi took the liberty of quickly getting on the clothes that Eren brought. H sighed in relief that they were clean. Levi felt a small pain on his backside. Levi frowned. Damn my tail for getting in the way… Levi couldn't pull his pants up all the way, or if he did, he couldn't zip them up and button them. "Tch." Levi pulled them as far as they would go and still be comfortable. He just made sure that the cape covered his ass.

When Eren came back into the kitchen he looked at Levi, tilting his head, "You got dressed fast… Do the clothes fit you?" Levi looked over at Eren and them suddenly he was in front of him, shockingly fast. Eren was glaring at Levi.

"Tch... Yeah… They seem to fit fine. Thank you…" Levi said sternly, "Haven't you ever heard of personal space..?" Levi's ears flatten and his tail whipped. His glare was just as intense though he only looked less intimidating because he was half cat right now…

Eren had smirked again. He lunged towards Levi making him slam onto the floor. Levi's breath hitched. He was shocked by what just happened. One second he was standing and then the next second he was on the floor being pinned down. He shivered, he could feel the vampire's breath on him. Fuck. Levi knew that fighting back would be in vain… But that didn't mean he'd give up. He had to think of something quick. His heart raced, "Wait..! Eren stop, hold up!" Levi shifted his head slightly away from Eren, "Let's make a deal or something..!" He hoped the vampire would hear him and wasn't already too far gone.

There was a moment of silence before Eren answered him, "What is it?" He paused, "What's your deal?"

Levi hesitated before looking up at Eren, "Help me change back into my human form… You know, help me break the spell… And," Levi bit his lip, "I'll let you feed from me everyday… Or whenever you're hungry… As long as you don't kill me…" Levi looked away. Why did he just say that..? He had never been bitten by a vampire before… It couldn't hurt too much, could it? Levi's ears twitched and his tail wrapped itself around Eren's leg. Levi had no idea how he did that, it just happened… He looked at Eren nervously, "I-is it a deal...?" Levi stuttered. He knew all too well that he was literally close to death right now…

Instead of getting an answer, Eren smelled him and the licked him… Levi could feel his heart race as Eren licked his neck all the way to his forehead… Disgusting… Eren didn't even answer him but judging from his reaction… He accepted the deal. "Hm… Fine." Eren slowly got off of Levi, "You got lucky cat…"

"I'm not a cat…" Levi muttered as he glared at Eren and then the floor. He stood up slowly. He was still in some shock… He just promised a vampire that he could feed on Levi if he wanted… Basically whenever he wanted… As long as Levi didn't' die… What happened after his curse was broken..? Would Eren kill him then...?

"You're sleeping in the guest room and if you escape, I will hunt you down and kill you slowly and painfully." Eren finished and went up the spiral staircase.

Levi cringed, his tail swayed, "Slow and painful sounds fun… Maybe we should try it sometime…" Levi was half mocking the vampire and half saying it out of spite. He already knew that escaping was futile… He knew how vampires worked… to Levi's shock, Eren just left him there… Guest room..? Eren didn't say where it was… Levi stubbornly walked up the stairs. He assumed all of the rooms were upstairs. Levi looked around as he got up the stairs… Everything was massive… There were several doors down this hallway… Which one could it be..? Levi thought.

Eren threw a gust of air around the mansion. All the candles sparked into dust and disappeared making everything pith black, "Good thing you're a cat Levi." Eren hollered over and shut his door making a loud echo in the hallway.

"Bastard…" Levi muttered. It only took a few seconds for his eyes to adjust. Cats were good at seeing in the dark. It was daylight out now… This mansion must have no windows or something… Though, now that he thought about it, the whole place was lit by candles… Levi had to open several doors until he finally found the guest room… Levi sighed and walked in slowly. The room was very nice and clean. The bed looked like it was suited for a king… Levi locked the door behind him. Maybe that will slow him down if he decides to visit… Levi thought as he sat down on the bed. At least he didn't ask me to sleep with him…

The color today was grey. Blankets of dusty pale clouds hovered over the sky. But it was beautiful. It matched the season so well. Colorful leaves with golden, orange and rosy crisp touching's. It crunched under the brunette's boots as he walked through a long path that lead to his home. The path had tall trees on each side blazing with colors. Everything was relaxing except for the storm brewing inside the green eyed vampire. He was sad and confused. He had wished he could find his lost best friend, Armin.

Eren knew that Armin told him about a rumor of an assassin roaming around Sina Village. Armin said that he hunted monsters and told Eren to be careful when in the streets alone. Eren couldn't find Armin after that day. He saw no lights in his wizard-like mansion. He was worried for his best friend. So Eren decided to go experiment and try to find who took Armin and where he was at.

Heading inside his mansion, Eren looked around. It was quite a pleasant mansion. The floor was white marble and his lighting was a candle lit chandelier hanging from the ceiling so delicately. He felt hungry… If Eren couldn't find humans to kill he would usually hunt for rabbits and lamb if there were any. He was alone at the moment.

The sun was going to rise soon... He'd better hurry, luckily it was dark enough to even walk outside right now. Eren walked out of his mansion. He lurked cautiously into the trees. He was hungry thus, he searched for food or at least tried to. He wasn't feeling his best. He's been trying to have rabbits more, using them more of a dinner than humans or other creatures… And that seemed to make him want even more food than usual.

Eren felt droplets of rain and the rain grew into a hard drizzle. It was too late to hunt now… So Eren started to head back to his mansion when suddenly he was stopped by a black furry object. Eren looked down. It appeared to be a cat with silver gleaming eyes. Poor cat…probably a stray. Eren looked around and then picked up the furry feline.

When Eren made it back inside his mansion, he closed and locked the door behind him. He placed the cat on the floor, "Be right back…" He then rushed into the kitchen. Eren sighed as He entered the kitchen. He used to have a cat… but she died a long time ago. She was a ginger cat. Eren got a bowl of dried food and went back to the living room where the cat was. Eren laid the food bowl in front of the cat and thought for a while… Hm… it wouldn't hurt to have a pet again… since I am alone now…

"I'm naming you Lucy! –Wait… What gender are you?" Eren was about to look when the cat hissed. Eren flinched when the cat hissed. He watched it run into the kitchen. After waiting a couple seconds, Eren followed it. Only to see a naked man with a cat ears and tail under the table.

"Who the hell are you!?" Why is there a naked man in my house? He couldn't even see the man's face, just black hair and lots of skin below his head.

"M-my name is Levi…"

Levi… The name echoed in Eren's head, "My name is Eren… Why are you in my house?" Eren asked as he went on his knees and looked under the table. Levi still seemed to want to hide his face by looking down, and hiding his private with his hand. "…I'm not going to hurt you, Levi…" Eren said. Though he may since the man was human and Eren was feeling blood thirsty.

Eren received a cocky answer, "Tch. You're the one who brought me in here… I was the fucking cat…"

"You're the cat?" That explains the tail and ears. Eren was finally able to see Levi's face. He had metallic grey eyes just like the cat did. They were sharp and… pretty. Eren frowned, "Are you just going to keep running away from me like a wuss?" Eren could lock far away doors if Levi ever tried escaping… He wanted him for dinner… but something else in his body said not to kill him.

Levi seemed nervous he didn't answer the question. He looked up at Eren, "Can I have something to wear?" He stared at Eren while he paused, "A-are you a vampire?"

Smirking as his ocean eyes sharpened, Eren nodded, "I am a vampire… Please come out from under the table, Levi…" Eren wasn't moving from where he was. He was going to sit by the table and not give Levi jack shit unless he came out from his hiding spot. Levi stayed there for a while, unmoving. He seemed to get the idea when he noticed that Eren wasn't going anywhere. Levi slowly made his way out from under the table, covering himself the best he could as he did so. Eren smiled as Levi cautiously obeyed him. He took off his red cape and wrapped it around Levi. He clipped on the only button on the hooded cape.

Eren felt satisfied, "I'll be back with some clothes." Eren got up and headed up the spiral stairs. He tried to find the smallest clothes he could and then went back downstairs with black pants, boxers and a tee. He then found Levi again and handed him the clothes.

"…um, Thanks…"

"You're welcome…" Eren looked around. The scented lavender candles he lit were starting to die out, "I'll be back." Eren left the kitchen once again to get a lighter and more scented candles. He did have a couple lights… but he loved candles so much. If anyone would ever try to escape he'd throw a big gust that blew out all of the candles, leaving the castle dark and scary. It was easier for prey to be eaten.

When he was done, Eren came back into the kitchen, "You got dressed fast…Do the clothes fit you?" Eren walked up to Levi with speed he didn't mean to use. He looked Levi up and down. Why was he doing this? He should be killing this weakling right now, shouldn't he? Eren realized how short his was. It was amusing. Eren glared down at Levi.

Levi flinched from Eren's speed, "Tch... Yeah… They seem to fit fine. Thank you…" Levi's eyes became serious, "Haven't you ever heard of personal space..?" Eren watched Levi's ears flatten and his tail whipped. Levi glared right back at Eren.

Eren smirked. His mouth ached for blood and he could feel himself getting weaker by the minute from not drinking his blood… Something was stopping him, something was preventing him… Was it his heart…? No. Eren was lifeless. Eren couldn't take it anymore. He lunged towards Levi making him slam onto the floor. Eren pinned both of Levi's arms down and leaned down just above Levi's neck. Levi didn't fight back.

"Wait..! Eren stop, hold up!" Levi moved his head away from Eren, "Let's make a deal or something..!"

Oh? That's an interesting request… Eren paused and looked down at Levi, "What is it..?" A part of Eren was happy that he didn't lose control and drink the blood out of Levi's skin. Another part of him was weak and was begging for something to quench his thirst. "What's your deal?"

He didn't get an answer right away but when he did, it intrigued Eren, "Help me change back into my human form… You know, help me break the spell… And," Eren saw Levi bite his lip, "I'll let you feed from me everyday… Or whenever you are hungry… As long as you don't kill me…" Then Levi looked away. Eren watched as Levi's ears twitched. Eren suddenly felt something move across his leg. Eren quickly glanced down, Levi's tail had wrapped itself around his leg… "I-is it a deal..?"

Though Eren didn't say anything, he was very satisfied with the deal… but he wanted to taste Levi and see if he was actually good enough to be eaten. He sniffed the neko's neck and licked it all the way up to his forehead, Levi's bangs dragged along Eren's tongue. Levi's skin tasted delicious… with a little hint of soap and a touch of witches magic… "Hm… Fine." Eren slowly got off of Levi, "You got lucky cat…"

"I'm not a cat…"

"You'll be sleeping in the guest room and if you escape, I will hunt you down and kill you slowly and painfully." Eren finished and went up the spiral staircase, leaving Levi to try and find the guest room by himself. Just before he got into his room, Eren threw a gust of air around the mansion. All the candles sparked into dust and disappeared making everything pith black, "Good thing you're a cat Levi." Eren hollered over and shut his door making a loud echo in the hallway. Eren could hear after a while, doors opening and closing. Finally, he heard a door shut and a lock turned. Guess Levi finally found the guest bedroom. Eren laid down, smiling to himself. He slowly fell asleep.

This was literally based off of a RP me and my friend did. I copied it word for word I promise. Levi's POV is by me and Eren's POV is by my good friend Lindsey~! Without her this would not be possible~!

Please tell me what you think~!