Disclaimer: Sadly, I don't own Jeff Hardy *tear* or any of the other WWE Superstars.

"Trish, I don't like you with him. You two are always together, always doing things together. You're always going to North Carolina with him to stay with his family. You never spend your time off with me!" Adam Copeland was lecturing his girlfriend, Trish Stratus for the 900th time.

"Adam, I've told you over and over again. We are just friends. Jeff is like my big brother. Why cant you accept that?!" Trish shot back in her best friend's defense.

"Because every time I want to do something with you, you always say 'but me and Jeff are already doing something, maybe tomorrow' but tomorrow never comes!" Adam bellowed.

"If this is about this weekend, you are NOT going to ruin it for me! I'm going whether you like it or not and there is nothing you can do to stop me!" Trish screamed, tears of frustration and anger sweeping down her face.


"Trish?... Trish?" Jeff knocked impatiently on the door, awaiting an answer. "Trish, if you are putting on your make up or fixing your hair and I miss my flight because of it, I'm gonna--"

Just then Trish flung the door to her locker room open and crossed her arms over her chest, looking rather defiant. "You're gonna what?" she asked cockily. "I'm gonna... wait longer," Jeff said, thrusting his fists in his pockets and looking at his shoes.

Trish burst out laughing and pushed Jeff softly on the arm. "Oh Hardy, you're not scared of me are you?" Trish joked.

"Who me? Scared of you?" Jeff scoffed, "Please... why would I be scared of you?"

"Because you know I can kick your ass?" Trish offered. Jeff's laugh was rather fake, and he acted as though her statement were hysterical.

"Jeff, shut up and get my bags!" Trish ordered playfully.

"Yes ma'am," Jeff immediately shut up and grabbed her bags off of the ground.

"Jeff, you know I was just kidding right?" Trish looked up into his eyes confused.

"Of course I know, but does it look like I have anything better to do?" Jeff teased. Trish laughed and started down the hallway, with Jeff at her side.

As they approached Jeff's silver rental Mustang, Jeff pressed the 'unlock' button on his set of keys and popped the trunk. He tossed Trish's belongings in the back and slammed the trunk shut. Jeff walked slowly to the driver's side and opened the door. He slid into the car and closed the door as he put on his seatbelt. He turned the keys in the ignition and put the car in reverse. Jeff reached for the radio but Trish slapped his hand away. "Uh uh... if you won't let me drive, I at least get to pick the music."

"Fine, but no Dave Matthew's... it'll put me to sleep, and I think that is the last thing we need right now, wouldn't you agree?" Jeff yawned.

"Alrighty. a wake-upper. umm. I've got it!" Trish's face brightened and she slid a CD into the CD player without letting Jeff look at the front.

"What are you putting in? Come on let me see!" Jeff whined.

"Nope.. it's a surprise. you can wait a couple seconds until I pick the track I want!" Trish scolded Jeff for being so impatient. Trish purposely found the track slowly just to annoy Jeff. As she moved her hand away, sound began to blast from the speakers.

"Oh, freezin' rests his head on a pillow made of concrete... again. Oh, feeling maybe he will see a little better any days, ooo yeah..."

"Ahhh, Pearl Jam. Nice choice." Jeff commented.

"Thank you, thank you, I like it myself!" Trish took a mock bow. Just then thunder boomed and lightning crashed turning the black night to day for a split second. Heavy plops of raindrops fell onto the windshield and splattered about, rolling off because of the wind. Jeff flicked on the windshield wipers and turned the music up louder so that it could be heard over the rain. As the traffic in front of them slowed, Jeff gently pressed the brake and knew what was coming... about and hour and a half of sitting and doing nothing. Thankful they had left early and Trish had picked a good CD, Jeff sat back lazily and proceeded to wait for the long line of cars to move.

*about 1 1/2 hours later* Jeff shook Trish's shoulder gently to wake her. "Trish, Trish... Trish!" Jeff shook harder. Trish mumbled something still asleep and rolled over in the passenger seat to face Jeff. Jeff's breath caught in her throat at the sight of her. She was wearing one of Jeff's North Carolina University sweatshirts, and her straight blonde hair spilled across her shoulders and cheek. Jeff was in complete awe of her beauty, and he knew he had feelings for her that were stronger than just friendship. He shook her once more and this time she awakened.

She yawned, stretched, and yawned again. "Mmm, where are we?" Trish asked, her voice scratchy and groggy from sleep.

"Almost at the airport. I'm glad we left early or I would have missed my flight home," Jeff answered. Trish casually rolled her head on to Jeff's shoulder, but even the slight touch made his stomach flutter. "No more sleeping yet, we're almost there. You can sleep on the plane," Jeff attempted to move Trish, but she wouldn't budge. Finally he shoved her off and her head lolled against the window, "Hopeless... completely hopeless," Jeff muttered.

Once he exited the freeway and pulled into the parking garage of the airport, he woke Trish once more. She was determined to get at least another two hours of sleep, so Jeff gave up and got out of the car. He went around to Trish's side and opened the door. He picked Trish up into his arms and stood her on her own feet. "Now you have two choices Trish, stand or fall. I'm letting you go now," Jeff said and let Trish go.

Her legs were asleep and wobbly but she managed to stay standing. "Hmm... must... sleep..." Trish whined.

"Yeah, think about how I feel. You at least got to sleep in the car!" Jeff complained. He grabbed both his bag and hers and they began the long walk to the building to catch their red-eyed flight to NC.

On their way off of the plane, Trish groggily laid her head on Jeff's shoulder. "I'm so glad to be back in North Carolina. I miss Liger!" Jeff said.

"I'm so happy to be off the plane... COMFY BED HERE I COME!" Trish yawned. Once they got their bags and found Jeff's black Corvette in the parking garage, they continued to Jeff's house, where they would be spending the next weekend they had off. Jeff drove while Trish slept once again. Jeff was hoping to reach his home before dawn so that he could spend the whole day sleeping.

Too tired to try and wake Trish up again, Jeff picked her up out of the car and carried her upstairs, deciding to leave the bags in the car until they were done sleeping. Jeff flopped Trish onto the bed in the guest room and trudged his way to his own room. "Liger, get off my bed! Go bug Trish. I just want some sleep!" Jeff whined at his dog. Obediently, Liger bounced off the bed and trotted toward the guest room.

"Jeff, go brush your teeth!" Trish whined as Liger breathed in her face. He whimpered and began licking her face all over. "Ewww! Dog breath!" Trish screeched. Trish jumped out of her bed and decided to go bother Jeff, seeing as he was the one who had commanded Liger to bug her. She walked into Jeff's room and tried to annoy him with little childish songs, such as Twinkle, Twinkle and Old McDonald.

"Trish you are going to lose your voice before that annoys me so you might as well just stop now!" Jeff said with his face buried in a pillow.

Deciding he was right, Trish loped downstairs to get something to eat; she hadn't eaten on the plane and was too tired to eat at the airport. As Trish rummaged through the cabinets and refrigerator to find something to eat, she heard Jeff on his way down the stairs. "Trish, I just wanted to let you know that I hate you!" Jeff grumbled.

"What did I do?" Trish asked popping a grape into her mouth. "You left your room, and Liger got bored. That's what!" Jeff complained sitting down in a chair.

"Well, I got hungry!" Trish said. She stood on her tip toes to reach the top shelf in a cabinet. Although she jumped trying to reach it she still failed.

"Let me do it, this has go to be humiliating for you!" Jeff laughed.

"It is NOT my fault that I'm--"

"Short?" Jeff interjected.

"No! vertically challenged!" Trish retorted. Jeff laughed and grabbed the box of pop tarts that Trish had been looking for.

After they had both eaten, they decided a shower was best and then a day full of sleep. Since they had been on the road so much lately, they were both dreadfully tired, and couldn't stand to stay awake much longer.

Trish woke up to a loud crack of thunder and looked at the digital clock's red numbers next to her bed. "8:45 (p.m.) already? It doesn't seem like I was asleep that long," Trish yawned to the empty room. She slowly plodded down the stairs and was surprised to see Jeff sitting in front of a fire.

Without a sound, she continued down the stairs, and observed that Jeff had his journal out. She knew he was writing poetry and that was one of the worst times to interrupt him. Once he closed the spiral notebook she came into the firelight.

"Hey," she smiled.

"Hey there, sunshine!" Jeff replied stretching out, putting his feet on top of the coffee table.

"How long have you been awake?" Trish questioned.

"Not long. what time is it?" he asked her.

"Around 8:45 I think," she said.

"Well, I'll tell you what. you wait here and I'll be back in a minute with some hot chocolate, okay?" Jeff stated getting up.

As the storm outside raged on, Jeff poked at the fire he had built trying to get the flames bigger, Trish shivered and rubbed her arms feeling cold. She moved to the couch which was closer to the fireplace and sipped her hot chocolate. Jeff sat down beside her and put his arm around her casually trying to keep her warm.

"Sorry the house is so cold. its really unusual seeing as this is NC and all. It will probably be hailing not too long from now," Jeff stated.

" I don't mind. I like it cold cuz that means snuggling with someone special by a toasty warm fire," Trish spoke before she thought, and instantly wished she had held her tongue.

Jeff's face dropped and his facial features were etched with disappointment. She knew Jeff liked her in a romantic way, but she only loved him as a friend. She didn't want to make Jeff feel bad because he wasn't that special someone in her life, and regretted her words.

Her biggest problem was that because of her and Adam's constant bickering, there wasn't any time for love. Sure, there were a few occasional make-up kisses but rarely more. The last time Trish had been held tenderly in Adams arms had been almost a year before now. She missed the feeling of knowing that you mean so much to someone that they would do anything for you, the feeling of loving someone in return so much that it hurts.

With these thoughts on her mind, she knew what she was going to do, she knew she would regret it, and she knew that it might ruin the relationship between her and Jeff that she held so closely to her heart, but it was a chance she was willing to take. She had no intention of hurting Jeff, although the little voice in the back of her mind screamed that it was inevitable. She reached to the coffee table for the remote to the stereo, searched for the right CD and put it on track 6. Hoping Jeff would be lost in the lyrics, Trish nestled closer and fell onto Jeff's shoulder.

So here we are tonight

You and me together

The storm outside, the fire is bright

And in your eyes I see

What's on my mind

You've got me wild

Turned around inside

And then desire, see, is creeping

Up heavy inside here

And know you feel the same way

I do now

Now let's make this an evening

Lovers for a night, lovers for tonight

Stay here with me, love, tonight

Just for an evening

When we make

Our passionate pictures

You and me twist up

Secret creatures

And we'll stay here

Tomorrow go back to being friends

Jeff was oblivious to the song, Trish laying on his arm, her soft voice singing, as if to him. Then it dawned on him... Trish had specifically picked this song for a reason. Jeff looked down to Trish's face and their eyes met for one second, saying a million things. Without a word, Trish slipped her head to meet Jeff's lips, and she stole the first kiss from her best friend.

Go back to being friends

But tonight let's be lovers,

We kiss and sweat

We'll turn this better thing

To the best

Of all we can offer, Just a rogue kiss

Tangled tongues and lips,

See me this way

I'm turning and turning for you

Girl just tonight

Jeff pulled away, absolutely stunned. Did Trish really feel the same way? Was she to be his forevermore? He searched her eyes, looking for an answer to her sudden action, but he saw only desire burning deeply in her hazel gaze. Coming back to his senses, Jeff leaned into her and swept his lips lightly across Trish's own and back again, only this time, more passionately. Trish laid back on the couch and pulled Jeff down by the neck... she could only hope that he would forgive her...

Float away here with me

An evening just wait and see

But tomorrow go back to your man

I'm back to my world

And we're back to being friends

Wait and see me,

Tonight let's do this thing

All we are is wasting hours until the sun comes up it's all ours

On our way here

Tomorrow go back to being friends

Go back to being friends

Tonight let's be lovers, say you will

And hear me call, soft-spoken whispering love

A thing or two I have to say here

Tonight let's go all the way then

Love I'll see you,

Just for this evening

Let's strip down, trip out at this

One evening starts with a kiss

Run away

And tomorrow

back to being friends


Just for tonight, one night...love you

And tomorrow say goodbye

Song: Say Goodbye by Dave Matthew's Band

The next morning Trish woke up in Jeff's arms on the floor with some of the ashes in the fireplace still glowing a dim red. She fumbled around the slightly lit room looking for her shirt and a clock. She slipped on her white tank top and her pair of jeans from the day before. She plodded into the bathroom and grabbed a brush and quickly detangled her hair. Trish then grabbed a heavy jacket from the closet by the door, took Liger's leash off of the hook and clipped it onto his collar, and made her way out the door.

Ever since Trish had begun coming to Jeff's house, this had been her morning routine. Wake up early, walk the dog, come home, make breakfast, wake up Jeff, set the table, re-wake up Jeff, put the food on the table, throw water on Jeff to wake him up, drag Jeff to the table, then make Jeff do the dishes. It had come to be more like a habit than a monotonous schedule for her, and she was grateful for the early morning walk... she needed to clear her head.

As Liger trotted along joyfully beside her, Trish took in the scent of the air, and wrapped the jacket tighter around herself. The morning breeze was cold and brisk, but she still enjoyed the weather. 'Well this is what I get for walking the dog at 6:30 a.m. in January' she thought. Alright Trish, focus... what are you gonna say to Jeff? How are you going to tell him... how's he gonna react?' Her last thought made her pause. 'What if he's going to hate me forever? What if he does something really irrational... like...' Trish shoved the thought from her mind, 'Jeff wouldn't do that... would he?'

Trish felt Liger tugging on the leash trying to get her to move along. She snapped back into reality and continued walking. Almost all the way around their custom walk-route, Trish knew she had to think fast. She could no longer stand the cold, however, and jogged the rest of the way back to the house.

As Trish stepped inside, the house was warm and it stung her nose and fingers from the sudden temperature change. She hung the coat on the rack and unhooked Liger from his leash which she hung next to the coat. She made her way into the kitchen through the living room with Liger sauntering at her side. She decided that today was a good day for pancakes, turkey bacon, and hot chocolate. Trish moved the necessary ingredients from the refrigerator, and began to make breakfast, fading in and out of reality. Between concentrating on adding everything in the pancake batter at the right time and thinking about the previous night, Trish had her hands full.

Once the food was practically finished, Trish left the bacon to cool while she made her first attempt to wake Jeff up. "Hey, sleeping beauty," Trish tapped the side of Jeff's stubbly chin. "Jeff, come on, breakfast is ready!" Having only a slight effect on him, she gave up and beat him over the head with a pillow.

He shot up off of the floor and then sunk back down into the covers once he recuperated. "What are we having?" he asked gruffly.

"Oh don't be in such a bad mood because I woke you up, and to answer your question... food, now get up!" Trish said sternly. As soon as Trish left the room she heard the expected 'plop' and she knew Jeff was laying back down, sound asleep. She set the table and finished making the hot chocolate. Once again, she failed to wake Jeff up completely so she then she just set the food on the table and made her way back to the living room.

With a glass of mildly cold water in hand she stepped over couch cushions and pillows and loomed over Jeff. "5...4...3...2...1..." Trish smirked and dumped the water all over Jeff. Satisfied he was awake enough to eat, she pulled him up by the arm and lugged him to the table. The sight of food seemed to perk him up a bit and they began the meal in silence.

After about ten minutes, Jeff was the first to speak up. "Do you regret what happened last night?" he asked, almost in a whisper.

"No, I would never trade that for anything Jeff," before she had a chance to finish, his face lit up. Knowing it would be hard to do, she continued her sentence, "but it can't happen again... I'm sorry." She stared down at her plate, not daring to meet his solemn gaze.

After what seemed an eternity to her, he finally said, "I understand... you have Adam and everything... it was just like the song said, 'tomorrow go back to being friends' right?" Jeff's voice was emotionless and it was killing Trish.

"Jeff--" she began but her words were cut off.

"No, it's okay... I understand. I was just another one night stand for you wasn't I? Well I'm sorry Trish, but I cant still be your friend. It just wouldn't work out. Our friendship can never be the same, and it was because of your selfish choice. You made me think you felt something for me that wasn't there... but you wanna know the sad part about it? I believed you... I believed you..." Jeff said, still whispering with obvious hurt in his voice.

He slowly got up from the table and walked up the stairs shaking, setting his head in his hands in obvious disappointment leaving Trish alone at the table dumbfounded. Trish couldn't believe it... that was the most hurtful thing anyone had ever said to her, and it came from her best friend.

After leaving Trish at the table, completely dumbfounded, Jeff slowly trudged up the stairs, in total disappointment. He felt so stupid that he actually had believed Trish's feelings for him were real. He walked into his room and, leaving the door open, sat on the bed and put his head in his hands.

Lost in his own thoughts, he didn't hear Trish coming up the stairs. The knock on the doorframe, however, caught his attention. "Jeff, can I please talk to you?" she asked, looking down at the floor.

Without looking up, he replied, "What for? So you can make me feel even worse than you already have?"

"Jeff, that wasn't my intention. You know I would never do anything to hurt you deliberately... please, please forgive me," Trish pleaded.

He looked at her as she spoke, attempting to see the truth in her eyes. Was her apology sincere. He caught himself staring, and silently cursed himself. She had used him, and he couldn't let himself forgive her. Looking away, he mumbled, "I cant do that."

Giving up on apologizing, Trish sighed. "Jeff, if you want me to leave I will."

"I don't care anymore. Do what you want," he stated, sounding sincere.

"Is that a yes?" Trish asked.

"Do you want it to be?" Jeff couldn't help but sound cruel.

"I don't know anything anymore Jeff. Please don't do this to me..." Trish tilted her head back and squinted her eyelids trying to prevent the tears that were burning in her eyes from falling.

"Trish, I can't do this anymore. I can't sit here and see you this way. You've hurt me, and it's not going away. I can't just tell you that I forgive you, because I don't. And if... if we start talking again later on in our lives, don't expect me to apologize for what I've said to you, especially what I'm about to say, because if I say that I'm sorry, it means that I've done something wrong, and I'm not sure I have." Getting up off the bed, he walked over to her. Wanting him to hold her and tell her everything was going to be alright, Trish silently stepped away from him. "Get the fuck out of my house," Jeff whispered.

Ooh, what's gonna happen? YA DON'T KNOW DO YA~!! Just Kidding! Well, I mean , you don't know, but you will find out as soon as I post the next chapter! But in all seriousness, when you were reading this were you like, "Damn, this is good!" or "What the hell was she thinking, posting this shitty ass story?" let me know, and don't be afraid to criticize me!! Thanks for all the reviews I've been getting on my other story, and the other stories I've written with Jade. Keep 'em comin! ~*~*~ Luscious Lexi ~*~*~