Chapter 5: Dance with Me (even if it's dangerous)

I'm back with a new chapter! I may take a while to update, but I'm not abandoning this story! To make it up to you guys, I've made this chapter EXTRA long and with smutty, fluffy Skyeward goodness and progress GALORE ;D

After seeing that horrible (yet totally expected) mid-season finale for Season 3, how could I not retaliate with an AU chapter of my own? AU Skyeward is LIFE. Has been for a while now.

Important Note: I'd just like to clarify that Skye hasn't obtained her Inhuman abilities yet and this is for a specific reason that you'll see later on!

S.H.I.E.L.D JET, 12:05PM

Skye glanced at her watch nervously, surrounded by Fitzsimmons' animated chattering and their group's newest addition, Lincoln, who was occasionally stealing glances at her but the nature of these glances was unreadable.

After they had discovered Lincoln out on one of their runs a couple of weeks ago and learned that he was an individual called an Inhuman that possessed electricity-based powers, Coulson had all but begged him to join their group when they realized what an asset he'd be in searching for other individuals like him, who Lincoln wished to find and help as well. Thus, he joined, much to the wariness of Mack, Hunter, and May, who usually had cautious reservations when it came to super-powered individuals. Fitzsimmons and Bobbi got over their initial hesitance pretty quickly and were over the moon with the scientific possibilities that Lincoln practically breathed.

Skye fidgeted in her seat with unease.

Why hasn't Ward called yet? The mission's done now and this will be the only time I can take out the quinjet without Coulson on my ass. Smartass should know that since he's practically been stalking me.

That nagging voice in her mind struck back. Please, don't pretend like you weren't OVERJOYED to find out that he's been keeping tabs on you. A part of you loves the attention he lathers you with.

Skye groaned mentally. Boy, do you always pick the wrong time or WHAT!?

Almost as if he could sense her growing impatience, her phone buzzed and she was jarred from her heated exchange with…herself, reaching to grab it from her pocket.

To her surprise, it was not a call, but a text message from an anonymous number, who she was almost a hundred-percent sure was her former S.O.:

Hello sweetheart. I'm almost at our spot now. How about shaking that guard dog off your tail and flying here? And no, I don't mean the lovely Fitzsimmons.

Skye first rolled her eyes at "our spot" (How sentimental was he?) and then at the latter half of his sentence (typical of him to be so endearing to Fitzsimmons when all they wanted was to murder him then casually discuss the science of it all). However, it wasn't until she re-read the text that shock infiltrated her senses. How did Ward know Lincoln was with them, the "guard dog" to whom he must have been referring?

I shouldn't be shocked at this point. He has eyes and ears everywhere.

She quickly moved her fingers to fire a reply:

Should I be concerned about how you know who's exactly with me at the moment? About to make up some bogus excuse. Will be there in half hour if everything falls through.

She looked up to see Lincoln completely scrutinizing her now and if she wasn't mistaken, she could now detect a hint of suspicion on his face.

Skye internally gulped but she knows she can be an amazing actress when the time called for it.

She smiled outwardly in singsong innocence, "Something wrong there, Sparky?"

She had taken to fondly calling him a nickname and no, it was not to make up for the fact that she missed calling a certain someone "Robot."

Lincoln replied with a seeming nonchalant, "No, just wondering who you might be texting?"

Damn, the new guy SURE is perceptive.

Lincoln's not-so-casual observation directed Fitzsimmons' attention to her and Skye cursed her luck.

Out of all the times they'd break away from their science-y conversations and pay attention to me…

"Skye, what is he talking about?"

"Yeah, what rubbish is he going on about?"

Simmons and Fitz both inquired at the same time.

Skye scoffed jokingly, "I do have friends other than you guys, you know."

Fitzsimmons didn't bat an eyelash and just waited for her to stop deflecting, while Lincoln just sat there expectantly, arms crossed.

Skye sighed exaggeratedly, avoiding eye contact with them and staring at the ground of the plane, "Fine…if you guys really must know, I-I have a lead on someone who might be able to introduce me to my dad and I was hoping to take one of this plane's quinjets to go and meet him in Dublin."

There. It technically wasn't a lie. They just don't know that someone's Ward.

Fitzsimmons looked at her in sympathetic concern and Lincoln regarded her with furrowed brows.

Skye continued, fingers flexing ever so slightly, "And now that we're done with the mission and all, I think I'm gonna take one of our quinjets and go and see in person what this person's "on about," as Fitz so eloquently said."

Simmons, ever the voice of reluctant reason, chimed in softly and unsurely, "Skye, ah, I understand that you want to meet your dad, really I do, but is this really a good idea? Meeting someone you don't really know?"

Fitz added, "Are you really ready to face the truth?"

Lincoln just remained there with an alarmed look.

Skye looked away from them, glancing towards the floor.

OK, now I'm starting to feel guilty. I wanna spite Coulson, not them. They don't deserve this.

But she couldn't turn her back now. She was too involved now.

After all, she's been that way ever since she's known Ward.

She spoke up quietly once more, "Guys, I've been ready to know more about my past for a while now. I know that you're worried about my safety but you guys of all people know that if anyone deserves a medal for coming the longest way from not knowing how to properly fire a gun to my practically ninja ways now..."

They both couldn't help but lift the corners of their mouths at her attempt of lightening the mood, but Lincoln wasn't moved.

He finally spoke up with resolve in his steely expression, "OK, fine, you can go meet this 'person' but only if I come along."

Fitzsimmons were flabbergasted, mouths agape like fish in the water, and if this were any other time, Skye would have laughed heartily at their faces but even she was majorly taken aback.

Skye spoke up once again, haltingly laughing, "Look, I know you're trying to help, so thanks for the, er, offer, Linc, but, no thanks. I think I'll fly solo on this one."

Lincoln barely budged from his position, "No, really, I insist. Someone's gotta be there to cover you in case things go south."

This newbie was surely toeing the line here.

Skye gripped the cushioned seat she was stretched upon, waiting for him to continue.

Lincoln shrugged his shoulders, as if it made all the sense in the world, "Who better to protect you than me?"

Oh, that was it. Skye didn't like his condescension at all. She knew he meant well, but oh boy, was he going about it all wrong.

Skye narrowed her eyes in anger, partly because she was so close to getting out of this relatively easily and partly because she didn't need anyone's protection. She has been doing well so far and she could damn well continue that way, "I'm pretty sure I just told you this, but I'm perfectly capable of defending myself. I don't need protection, Inhuman or not."

He lifted his arms in surrender, "OK, I'm sorry, that was the wrong way to phrase this, but if something bad really does happen, I think it's safe to say that in this situation, I have the most combat experience out of us three. As you guys are well aware of after meeting me, I've had to fight most of my life to hide my identity, which hasn't really worked out well for me to begin with since I've almost always been discovered. So I think I'm best qualified. No offense, Fitzsimmons."

Fitz snorted aloud at that, while Simmons really looked as if she was contemplating that.

Skye had to give him kudos for his blunt honesty.

Fitz mumbled scornfully, "You've been with us for a couple of weeks. I'd hardly deem that the 'most' combat experience."

Skye expected that from Fitz and knew that he didn't mean it but was just on the defensive. But she noticed that Simmons was staring awfully hard at Lincoln and Skye couldn't pinpoint the exact reason why.

Simmons finally piped up, "Let him come, Skye."

Skye and Fitz both turned towards her then towards each other in shock as if asking "why?"

Skye huffed, blowing her bangs away from her face, "I was kinda planning on doing this, you know, alone."

Fitz grunted in agreement, "And after those comments, I'm kinda iffy on letting him go with Skye."

Lincoln put a hand on each of Fitzsimmons' shoulders reassuringly, "Guys, you can count on me. You know I'm right."

Fitz and Simmons looked at one another and Skye knew they had surrendered.

Lincoln suddenly smiled, looking up at Skye with what she thought was hope mixed with…something else?

Lincoln grinned teasingly, "You can consider this as my first real solo mission bodyguarding."

Both Skye and Fitz rolled their eyes while Simmons just returned his smile with an even bigger one.

"Right then, you'd best be off! Skye, if you both don't return before tomorrow, we will alert Coulson. We will just tell him for the time being that you guys needed to blow off some steam." Simmons informed her matter-of-factly and sternly, while still smiling serenely, as a caring, yet firm mother would.

Shit, I've gotta make it really count, then. How to ditch Lincoln, though?

While still mulling this over, Skye mock saluted her then stood up to go and prepare the quinjet, with Lincoln in tow, "Aye, aye, captain."

Before she reached the area where the quinjet was docked, Fitz grabbed Skye's arm and pulled her into a protective hug, murmuring, "Be safe and good luck, Skye. You're gonna need it."

He glanced over at Lincoln, who was looking on with fondness, nodding at him in what Skye assumed to be part of the classic, "don't let her get hurt" bro-code.

They could bro-code it all up in here for all she cared.

What she was really gonna need luck with was explaining her sitch to Ward.

As she strode away in frustration, she groaned miserably and Lincoln mistook it for dread for what was to come and he gripped her hand in what she presumed to be his way of comforting her, "Don't worry, Skye. We can handle what's coming."

Skye prided herself on being really good at reading people (which was ironic because one of the people she was closest to ended up being someone else entirely, or someone she wasn't ready to acknowledge was someone she could understand, especially given all the horrible things he's done) and, true to that quality of hers, it suddenly hit Skye the nature of those glances that Lincoln had been sending her way, why he was coming with her, the reason he was so desperate to prove himself to Fitzsimmons…

He liked her…as more than a friend?

She gently pried her hand away from Lincoln, hoping that he'd take the hint that romance was not on her mind right now.

At least…not with him, huh, Skye?

That part of her really chose the best moments to rear its ugly head.

She attempted to stuff that head right back wherever it came from.

NOT NOW, you traitorous little manipulator. I'm gonna be in even more deep shit with Ward when he realizes that Lincoln has a thing for me. He will NEVER let me live it down…that is, after he gets over that ugly jealousy of his.

Ugly, huh, Skye? If you claim not to care what Ward thinks about you, why do you care so much? Do you actually LIKE that he'll be jealous? Her mind taunted back in a teasing tone.

If Lincoln was shocked by her pulling her hand away, he didn't indicate it, only taking his seat at the quinjet, silently indicating for her to take the pilot seat. They still hadn't taught him the basics of flying. A lesson maybe she would've gave him had she not been preoccupied with how best to abandon him.

She felt a pang of guilt and gnawed at her lip, casting a quick glance at him. She did come to like Lincoln as a friend and felt really bad for what she was going to eventually have to do him. But she knew it had to happen in order to meet Ward smoothly.

She took her seat and took out her phone to send Ward a quick text saying: Wheels up. Will be there soon.

She clicked all the necessary buttons and switches before looking at Lincoln with what she hoped with surreptitiousness, except he was full-on staring at her the whole time and when he caught her sharing his look, he smiled encouragingly.

She returned his smile with more confidence than she felt.

Oh, this was gonna be a long half hour.


Ward took another swig of his third glass of whiskey as he casually perused the room at the lively, gyrating bodies on the dancefloor and those speaking energetically at the bar.

On the outside, he looked calm and composed (would one expect any less from Grant Ward?) but inside, he was nervous that Skye wouldn't show.

He uncharacteristically began to drum his fingers along his thighs, denying the fact that she wouldn't come.

After all, she texted him her confirmation approximately forty-five minutes ago, alerting him that she'd be there…15 minutes ago.

Now he was beginning to get worried that something happened with her along the way.

Get a hold of yourself, man! This is Skye we're talking about! If anyone can take care of herself, it's her.

That didn't calm him down at all, though, and his jittery foot began to tap the floor rhythmically.

Even if he desperately wanted to send a gazillion texts right now, he knew that he couldn't pressure her even more, as he was confident that would scare her off.

He knew this would have to be her move. So he'd await her arrival anxiously, for she deserved to have his ass wait as long as she needed him to.

"Gin and tonic, smooth." A breathless, panting voice commanded the attention of the bartender, who nodded his head as he left to follow through with said request.

He would recognize her voice anywhere, even as winded as she sounded.

His dirty mind couldn't help but lead him to other places where she sounded the same exact way.

Shaking his head, he never believed that his head whipped around so quickly than in the moment to the seat next to him, which was currently occupied by one gorgeous, heaving brunette, who was arching her eyebrow at him questioningly.

"What, you didn't think I'd pass on free booze, did ya?"

When he failed to procure a sufficient quip (because he was just so damn relieved), she continued teasingly, "You are paying right?"

She sighed dramatically, "I mean, then I might as well just leave right now, if we are being entirely honest about why I came."

She turned to swivel out her seat in an attempt to follow along with her ruse, but Ward, who up until that moment, was stunned into silence by Skye's ever unpredictable ability to procure witty quips, hastened to stop her leave by gripping her wrist, "You're more than welcome to any of my resources, sweetheart. You know that."

He couldn't help himself responding to her playful nature, as it was contagious and she hasn't been this mischievous in a long time without pulling from him almost instantly after. He missed it and wanted it to stay for as long as it could.

He put on a show of leering at her, pulling her closer to the point where her knees were brushing against his and simultaneously sending sparks travelling up both of their spines, "Especially those I'm…well-endowed with."

Skye snorted dismissively, which Ward took as a sign of her being pleased at him responding to that part of her that not everyone got, shoving at his chest, "Perv."

He laughed wholeheartedly before slightly withdrawing from her and regarding her with his head tilted in adoration.

She busied herself with turning to face the bartender, who was still arranging her drink.

Upon further perusal of her being, however, his initial admiration of her, which usually blinded him and rendered all of his training useless, wore off. She had come in panting. He put two and two together and realized that she was dodging something.

He crinkled his brow in worry, gripping her hand in concern, firing off questions in quick succession, "Skye…did something happen since we last texted? Did someone follow you here? Is that why you were late?"

Skye's eyes flashed with panic.

Oh, shit, shit, shit! He is WAY too smart. PLEASE, dear God, don't let him find out.

As quickly as Ward detected the panic in her eyes, she covered it up with a cheeky smile, stroking the skin of his palm lightly, "Why, Director, if I didn't know any better, I'd say you were worried about me?"

Ward, who had grabbed her hand purely out of instinctual apprehension earlier, had just registered the feeling of her touch upon his and that, combined with the term of endearment, that had initially been used in bitter jest but was now used teasingly, was almost enough to distract him. Almost.

Her well-being came first, as much as she tempted him to disregard it (but that "Director" bit would definitely return to make a comeback in one of his…raunchier dreams, undoubtedly).

"Skye, if someone's after you, please tell me. I had planned for us to catch up here then head back to my office, but we can just go there right now and meet your dad?" He spoke out, reaching a hand out timidly to stroke her face and then relieved that she didn't instantly push him away.

She finally looked at him squarely in the eyes, hesitance and wariness written all over, "Ward, I.."

Her eyes widened at what Ward presumed to be something behind him, as her eyes had shifted in that direction. Before he could turn around to look, though, Skye had quickly pulled him up and, with a seductive smile, asked, "Care to dance, Robot?"

Ward sputtered aloud, blurting out the first thing he could think of, "What about your drink?"

She was already tugging him to the dance floor, drink be damned.

As she turned to face him, that devilish smile still plastered on her face, Ward wasn't able to think as coherently as he'd liked, but was still able to deduce why the sudden act of spontaneity, "Skye, if someone is following us…"

Skye huffed in frustration, still adamant upon dragging him to the dance floor, "Then all the more excuses to dance, right?"

Ward knew she was deflecting the truth once more and she most likely saw the person that was following them and she was trying to hide them from being discovered.

Checking to make sure there was a sufficient coverage of people around them to cover them from this mysterious figure following Skye (as much as he wanted her to explain, he wasn't a fool), he dug his heels into the ground, refusing to be moved any further.

After a few attempts to move him, Skye growled aloud before turning around exasperatedly to ramble quickly, throwing her hands up in the air, "Fine, OK! He's the guarddog, as you so eloquently dubbed him, that we recruited that insisted upon coming with me to make sure I wasn't meeting some creep, which, haha, little do they know…and healsokindoflikesme."

Ward almost laughed at the last part of her sentence (as much as Skye liked to jest about his interest with her, he was completely assured in his faith that he was no creep by how passionately Skye returned his affections) before he truly registered what she mumbled at the end.

Ward was livid, courtesy of the unexpected rush of envy that was streaming through him, hands tightening into fists, "The guarddog has a crush on you!?"

Skye responded by grabbing his rigid, white-knuckled hands and placing them on her waist, attempting to get him to forget about it, "Yeah, but it's nothing to be concerned about, trust me. My affections lie…elsewhere."

Although that abated his jealousy and unfounded feelings of resentment greatly (Progress!) and he should've been way more ecstatic to hear it, he couldn't help but still angry at this agent for attempting to infringe upon what was his, before scratching that thought out mentally.

Skye belonged to nobody. That's what he loved about her.

As illogical as it was, he just wasn't used to the thought of Skye with other men.

Also, as pig-headed as it was, he wouldn't have to be, so long as he continued to exist.

As she started to shake to the rapid beat, her tone became much more sultry in an obvious attempt to sway him and coax him out of his foul mood, "Come on, Director Ward, you can't tell me you haven't fantasized doing this with me? At least as a cover on one of our missions together?"

That definitely wasn't fair. She was using his physical attraction to her against him. She knew that method would always work at wearing him down and making him forget everything she wanted him to.

But he decided he didn't care what the reason was. He was just so thrilled at the prospect of being so close to Skye after their time apart and he was so greedy for her that he didn't care what the price was.

If they were to be discovered right then and there, so be it.

At least he got to dance with his girl.

Skye's arms weaving themselves around his neck jolted him from his thoughts and he realized that she had turned around to face the side opposite the entrance. Unable to stop himself, Ward smirked in pride.

That's my girl. Always so clever.

Knowing that Skye expected him to start moving in accordance to her, but uncertain on how to do so, he gripped her hips with his hands, irresistible heat instantly drawing the both of their bodies even closer in a delicious rhythm.

Skye understood his predicament and slowly began to roll her hips against his while lightly scraping her nails through the soft hairs at the nape of his neck, implicitly demanding that he follow her actions.

Ward was slackjawed for a second at the unexpected pleasure that had coursed through him, which instantly flowed southward and was making him painfully hard.

Of course, he knew that dancing so intimately with Skye would cause this reaction (hell, anything with Skye did) but feeling it was another thing entirely.

Skye whimpered and Ward knew he had to kick things into gear for his girl, which he was completely pleased and honored to do.

Their plans could wait. This definitely could not. After all, Cal would be hovering over his back later.

Desperately wanting to dispel the thought Cal with a deranged grin from his mind, especially at a moment like this, Ward gripped her waist with strength he knew would leave bruises and adjusted to the tempo her body set.

He tentatively synced the movement of his hips to hers and Skye moaned wantonly in response, arching her back and further throwing her head back into his chest.

Who knew Ward could dance!? And especially like this?

She had always loved dancing like this, even before she became a S.H.I.E.L.D agent and she was just a normal girl lost in this big world. Dancing, whether by herself or in clubs, helped her to forget all the troubles and cares that came along with her painful baggage.

To find out that Ward was really good at this (what didn't he excel at, though?) was such a pleasant surprise to Skye and meant a lot more to her than she was able to readily admit.

He growled before lowering his head to nip at her earlobe hotly, never halting the now rough and fast movement of his hips against hers.

He whispered against her ear, grunting after a particularly forceful gyration. "You like that, sweetheart?"

Skye whined impatiently in a manner that Ward interpreted to mean that she loved his dirty talk and especially liked what he was doing to her, but wanted him to move faster.

So move faster Ward did.

He moved at lightning speed to the point where Skye would be shocked if he hadn't done this before and she was panting, as she dragged her nails down his arms and he groaned louder than she had ever heard from him before, murmuring as he pressed little kisses to her hair, "Fuck, you're so beautiful, Skye."

He pulled his hands from her waist (which was a struggle, believe him) in favor of seeking out her lovely breasts underneath her shirt.

As soon as he so much as grazed her nipples, Skye knew she was a goner.

When he continued to tweak and twist them, after pushing down the cups of her bra, she keened, thrusting her ass into his hard bulge so hard she swore she saw stars, to which he responded with a loud gasp.

She didn't give a damn if anyone was watching them. She needed him, dammit. She knew they were playing with fire, seeing as how Lincoln was right there at the damn bar, gazing around for her expectantly, but she just couldn't stop. His body called out to her right then and there.

She was so close to reaching her happy ending but Ward withdrew from her quicker than she had time to process and when she turned around to confront him in a whirlwind of raging emotions and accusation, he was at the edge of the crowd next to the door that she led to the alley.

He beckoned to her with a crooked finger and lewd smile, looking every bit the seducer, before turning to leave the bar through that door.

Skye knew he wanted to continue this more…privately and she would be stupid if she didn't accept his offer, as much as her mind screamed at her not to. How could she deny her body the pleasure that she knew only Ward could bring? She had missed his body far too much and whatever else awaited them on this day could shut the hell up and wait.

On wobbly and unsteady legs, Skye followed him as hastily as she could when she saw that Lincoln's back was finally turned.

Her lips quavered, as the guilt ate her up for lying to someone she had come to genuinely like but there was no turning back when it came to Ward.

What would Fitzsimmons say? What would Coulson and May say?

The darker side of her was angry at her remorse, wailing in indignant, self-righteousness.

Why should you feel bad for following your heart? He's apologized so many times for what he's done in the past and, let's face it, you're not really mad anymore, are you? Hell, you even understand him, and all the dark parts of him, even if you absolutely don't condone them. So why do you keep holding back from what'll truly make you happy? This is between YOU and HIM and you know he'll be more than willing to redeem himself in the others' eyes.

For once, this voice was right. She should do something for herself for once, damn the consequences.

She was sure that would come back to bite her in the ass one day, as she helplessly pushed the door open.

As soon as she left the building, she didn't have to look hard for him at all, as he pounced on her and attacked her lips with his with a renewed vigor she knew was reflected in the way she pawed at his chest, opening her mouth to allow his tongue in and the moment that happened, Ward groaned deeply and it resounded through his chest, which left Skye feeling dizzy.

They just stood there for a moment, tongues fighting for dominance, before Ward realized that they were totally exposed to being caught.

Without breaking apart from their kiss, he led them further into the darkened corner of the alley, where they were sure to not be discovered, pushing her breasts into his hand.

He broke the kiss to trail open-mouthed kisses along her neck, and Skye moaned breathlessly, as he bit into the junction between her neck and shoulder, licking at her collarbone while impatiently (never mistake Ward for being a patient person) pulling her shirt up and bra down to suck at her left nipple, while pinching the right one.

Skye' eyes rolled in the back of her head, as her head flew back into the brick wall, not caring that the impact was hard. The pleasure that Ward had filled her with more than made up for it.

Her patience was wearing thin as the ongoing remnants of the pleasure building up from earlier had swiftly returned, and she pulled Ward's head up to hers to kiss him once more, nibbling at his bottom lip.

She had taken to stroking his back all this time under his shirt, but she had moved her hands down his tall, lithe frame to the front of his jeans, pressing against his bulge and then pushing her body forward to grind against it.

She knew she had to resort to desperate measures, "Director Ward, please. I need you."

Ward ended their kiss, growling into her neck furiously matching the pace of her hips with his, mimicking what they had just done minutes ago inside the bar, "You know it drives me fucking crazy when you say that, sweetheart."

She moaned, body quavering, but, true to her nature, sass still able to pass her panting lips, "It drives me fucking crazy when you don't just fuck me already, Director."

Ward smirked against her neck before pulling her jeans and underwear down, tutting at her mockingly, "Such language, babe. Didn't know you had been saving it just for an occasion like this, which I'm sure you knew was coming, judging from these fucking sexy undergarments. "

She was so beyond turned on at his dirty talk and was secretly elated that he had noticed what she claimed was a "last minute decision," throwing on whatever she could find. No, sir, she hadn't spent half hour just staring at her lingerie drawer, contemplating which ones Ward would find most attractive. Definitely not.

She hated him. She loathed him.

Keep telling yourself that, Skye. Maybe someday, you'll believe it. Her inner voice taunted, incredibly satisfied with the way things turned out.

He pressed his fingers into her, smirking, and he effectively turned off her thoughts, relishing in the loud gasp she emitted.

As he began to scissor his fingers, he growled at the pleasured expressions she was making, as she gripped his shoulders, he continued with his sentence, "Not that I'm complaining. You swearing is sexy as hell. Hell, anything about you is, Skye. I love everything about you."

She ignored the flutters that rampantly flew around in her tummy at that statement, instead choosing to moan loudly and close her eyes.

But, something told her to open them and look at him and as his fingers moved at an ungodly pace, his eyes held all the softness and adoration in the world.

He couldn't help but to tell her exactly how he felt because he knew it's what they both needed, even if she might push him away after, "I love you, Skye."


That was the breaking point for her.

She pulled Ward to her and muffled her scream onto his chest.

Ward was shocked that she didn't instantly recoil after hearing that, like in the previous instances that it had occurred anytime he showed that kind of affection.

However, he wasn't hasty to point this out to her anytime. Instead, he stroked her hair tenderly, as she recovered from her incredibly hot orgasm.

She knew that she didn't reply aloud to his declaration of love but inside, all along, she knew the truth.

The truth that she had just now realized with a startling clarity.

She knew that she loved him too.

She knew it was there for quite some time now, but had been afraid to admit it to herself.

She honestly wasn't ready for him to know it. She was so scared that what happened last time she let him in would occur again.

She just hid it underneath all that supposed hostility and hatred she clung onto.

And for what?

Was she still actually angry at him? Hurt, yes, but not angry.

Especially after knowing that he would never lie to her or do anything else to intentionally hurt her ever again.

After moments of silence shared between them, he didn't know if it was her influence but couldn't help but to comment cheekily, "Next time, we will do this in a bed."

He winced, hastily awaiting her reply of "there won't be a next time" or "keep dreaming, Ward," because as far he believed they had made progress, he still didn't want to push his luck. He wanted everything to be done at her pace.

Instead, she laughed heartily, still gasping for breath, "Oh, definitely. I mean, not that I didn't enjoy the cold, dank cell cot, or the elevator, or even the phone hate-sex we practically had."

Ward released a deep, rumbling laugh, agreeing with her wholeheartedly (after all, their sex was off the charts) and he pulled her closer to him, never wanting to let her go, before bringing his fingers, still dripping with her cum, to his lips to slowly suck them off while maintaining eye contact with her.

She watched with hooded eyes, before she could take no more and abruptly pushed him off, much to his confusion and bewilderment.

She could show him her love through her actions, though.

Before he could understand what even happened, he was pushed against the brick wall and saw that she was on her knees with the most alluring, tempting smile.

Oh, lord, she would be the death of him!

He started off, haltingly, eyes widened as she gripped his thighs, "S-Skye, you don't have to sweetheart…"

His painfully hard, neglected erection would beg to differ, clenching in anticipation as she slowly unzipped his jeans and pulled them down a bit to expose him.

Skye smiled seductively, staring directly at him, licking her lips before replying, "But, Director, I need to return the favor."

Then, she pulled out his erection into her hand before he could process her dirty talking to him.

Ward released a loud guttural growl, hands gripping the brick wall shakily, as Skye swept her thumb over the head then continued to pump his cock fervently, and he wove his hands through her long strands reverently moaning her name.

She chuckled throatily, "Oh, I definitely see now why you like talking dirty. It's so fun! The things it can do to you."

He grit out through his teeth, sarcastically hissing at the fact that she found his predicament of being deliciously tortured even slightly amusing, "The best."

Skye frowned, halting her pumping of him and he wondered if he said the wrong thing before she responded plainly, "You're still talking."

Before he could question what she meant by that, her lips wrapped themselves around his dick and he was lost to the world. Rendered useless by the powerful touch of her skilled mouth.

"Oh, fuck, Skye. Yes, babe. Just like that," Ward bit out in between feverish groans, instinctively thrusting his hips but careful to make sure it wasn't too much for her.

Suddenly, the door they had escaped through burst open and Ward and Skye were shaken from their bliss when they heard the person speak in hushed, yet urgent tones, "She's not here."

They both knew who it was the moment they heard what he said and Ward could kill the son of a bitch right now.

He growled lowly, lightly smacking the wall next to them, looking down at Skye.

Skye had the most rakish twinkle in her eye though, and he should've known that Skye wasn't one to be deterred.

If it was possible, Ward loved her even more than he already did.

He knew this was wrong, but how the hell was he supposed to stop her when she was doing what she was?

After all, he was only human and so weak when it came to her.

All she had to do was bat her eyelashes and he'd come running to her..

She resumed her sucking and he had to bite his lip from moaning aloud at the sudden initiation of movement.

As his hips undulated into her mouth, they both heard the voice continue and say, "Yeah, I'll find her soon enough. I could've sworn I just saw her here."

When they were sure he left, Skye lowly hummed around him, and he knew he couldn't go on.

"Sweetheart, I'm gonna—ungh!" Ward came so strongly that he couldn't finish the rest of his statement and he was mortified that he hadn't warned Skye sooner that was going to climax.

When he looked down at her, he saw that she had licked all of his cum up and smiled at him heatedly and god damn if that didn't make him hard all over again.

He pulled her up and furiously kissed her, oddly aroused by the taste of himself all over her lips.

However, as reluctant as he was to stop, the conversation that their follower just had on the phone flashed in his head.

They had to face the dire turn their situation had taken and hurry on with what Ward had intended for them before Skye got taken away from him and the truth she deserved…again.

He pulled away from her lips, but rested his forehead upon hers, before melting her with a warm smile, "Time for us to make our getaway now, babe."

Skye chuckled at him, "Lead the way, then."

As Ward and Skye walked side by side, she couldn't help but crack a joke, "Just tell me, my dad's not some kind of evil psychopath, right?"

Ward smirked, nudging her arm with his, "I would never put you through what I went through, trust me."

And although Ward meant it in a lighthearted, flippant manner, Skye couldn't help but frown at how horrible Ward's circumstances were growing up.

She looped her arm through his and smiled up at him, saying a simple "I know."

After a moment of confusion, he flashed her the most brilliant smile to ever grace the planet and she knew meeting her father was another obstacle she could face, as long as she had Ward by her side.