GetBrekked: Nice work, I like em. Keep em up. If i had 2 giv a request mayB Inkyfoxx's? Id just lOVE Black mist freaking the hell out over the thot of becoming a daddy or nervous for astral to give , my life wood be compleet. pleasedothisforme alsocanthebabybeAgirlPLZ?NoYes?

I don't do M-Preg. Especially when Astral and 96 don't have genitals (don't let the American ver. trick you with it's blurring!)

A seedling had been given to them. It was so young, so tender and the lullabies of the old infirmary of the palace soothed it into a blissful slumber. The bundle, made with woven silk and sweet, thread-like crystals, kept the child warm against the cold of the galaxy. Starlight was prepped well for the newborn as Astral tried to fathom his new job. A guardian. A new guardian for a child that had been born and given to the care of himself and his lover.

Speaking of, 96 was quite uncertain of how to handle a newborn. The expression on his significant other's face was almost laughable.

"My love," Astral coo'ed softly, "it's okay. You can come over, you know. Her starlight won't burn you."

"Her?" he asked.

Astral nodded. "The determined gender was female. Of course, that could change in the future." Astral's smile burned brightly as he leaned forward a little, tapping a slender finger on the little one's sleeping face. Her nose twitched and then she settled with a hum that 96 was able to pick up on. It sounded, well, like a child's way of saying "don't bother me" and "I'm asleep, why are you poking me."

"You're smiling a little," Astral whispered and the Number blinked and then looked away, arms folding.

"Just... It's... kind of cute."

"One day she might take on your features, too. Not just my people's."

Heterochromatic eyes flicked back over towards Astral, who was looking back down at the sleeping child. The little sleeping fragment of starlight that would forever be looked after in the balance of light and dark.

Black Mist finally crept over and sat near his lover, eyeing the soft breath of the infant. "So... it's our responsibility now, right?"

"Yes, she is."

"What happens if we experience what... human parents do? Won't Yuma stick his nose into it?"

The guardian rolled his eyes but his smile was prominent. "Of course he will but that will be a great way for her to interact with the rest of the world. Don't you think? She could get practice from, well, everyone."

Black Mist put his fist up to his chin, scrutinizing the infant over and over again, from it's glowing face to the tiny hands that tried to grab Astral's fingers. Was it searching for a security blanket? Or just... anything to hold? Why was it doing that? He knew human infants did it out of reflex to keep them safe but...

He looked up, watching Astral glow as brightly as the first time they had ever admitted love to one another. Even now he resonated that same energy, that primal warmth and Black Mist began to slowly, slowly understand how much this meant for the guardian star.

"... Can I hold her?"

"If you want."

"She doesn't bite, does she?"