YES! we are back form the dead.sorry for the delay. Things have been going on. You know how life is.
Peanut an I have decided to try and update once a week so be expecting more. Once again, sorry for the delay!
For some strange reason, I was very thirsty at the moment. I knew dad had some juice boxes downstairs, so that's where I went. Once I entered the kitchen, I saw Clementine and Helena sitting together at the table. Helena looked to be comforting the girl my age, while pressing an ice pack to Clementine's cheek.
They both looked up at me, giving me a small smile. "Hey Helena," I started, "May I please gt a drink?" She nodded, "Sure honey." When I opened the cabinet to where we kept the juice boxes an pulled one out.
I was just about to close it when I heard Helena behind me, "I'll be right back, Clem."
Clementine nodded sollumly, "Okay."
Once Helena left me and Clem in the kitchen, I looked at her upset expression. I turned back to the cabinet and grabbed a second juice box.
I walked over to Clem and offered her one of the drinks. She smiled graciously and accepted the juice box. I sat beside her and opened mine up and began to sip it. She did the same, still holding the ice pack to her cheek.
"What happened?" I dared to ask.
Clem smiled at me, "Nothing to concern yourself with. I'm fine don't worry about me."
"You don't have to baby me!" I pouted. I'm sick and tired of people treating me like I don't know anything. My dad acts like Im some kind of scarecrow that will set fire if I learn any information and everyone else goes along with it. I honestly can take care of myself! The fact that Im the only one who is treated this way pissed me off, "Im not fragile!"
To my surprise, she chuckled, "It's really nothing. Molly and I just had a disagreement. I really ticked her off and she slapped me. My fault, really."
"Oh," I muttered, "What did you say to make her go and slap you?"
"Nothing," she rubbed her head, "Just some personal drama. I don't really want to think about it."
"Alright," I respected her wishes, "You wanna share a room with me for the night? I assume you don't want to sleep in the same bed as her if you guys had that bad of a fight."
She smiled in appreciation, "Yeah, thanks."
I was about to say something else, but I heard footsteps come down the stairs. I saw Nick with this very angry look on his face. He made a beeline for Clem and moved the ice pack away from her face.
"Let me see it," He said, concerned for her.
"It's not that bad," Clem chuckled, but obeyed the order anyway, "I've had worse."
He caressed the red cheek with his thumb, "Shouldn't be the case."
"I'm alright," She smiled at him, "Really. Don't worry so much."
"Sorry," Nick mumbled. "I can't help but worry." Clem blushed the slightest bit, Nick stood back up. "Ima go take a leak."
Clementine wrinkled her nose at him, "Keep that shit to yourself next time." Nick rolled his eyes at the girl, but threw her a small smile. I smirked the slightest bit when he left the room, but Clem was more observant than I thought. She raised her eyebrow at me,"what?"
"Oh, nothing," I insisted.
She opened her mouth to speak, but the door opened again. I expected Helena to walk in, but was taken aback slightly to see Molly standing there. Clementine looked up to see the woman, then scowled and looked at the table. Molly approached Clem, almost as if I was invisible.
"Look, Clem, you know I didn't mean to hit you. I swear, I would never want to hurt you in any way!"
Something about Clem staring at the table, like she had some interest in it, made me want to laugh a little. But I figured now wasn't the best of times, I've learned that the hard way.
"It's not the fact that you hit me, " Clem finally spoke. "It's that you believe you can protect me from harm when you literally caused it yourself."
"I know!" Molly pleaded, "but I swear, that will never happen again! I promise you."
Clem rolled her eyes, "Whatever." I held my laughter back again. You have no idea how many times I've heard Nick say whatever in the ammount of time I've known him!
Molly looked like she was about to break into tears, "What do you want me to say? Clementine, I need you! You're the only thing keeping me on my feet to this day!"
That didn't just make Clem almost jump out of her seat, I did too. She looked almost like she was gawking at Molly
"Molly," Clem said, voice dripping with emotion, "Then shouldn't you understand? I mean, why cant you just stay?"
Molly sighed, "You know how I am with people Clem. You know that as of late... I haven't been able to control myself with... stuff."
I don't know what, but I felt something happen. Clementine was looking at the table. SHe seemed to be in deep thought, as if remembering something she didn't want to. I could've sworn that I also saw some light tears in her eyes. Molly just stood there awkwardly, scratching the back of her head and looking to the ground. I felt like I was intruding, so I got up and walked out of the room, leaving the two girls to talk about what was to come next. I passed Helena on the way. I told her not to go back in there, to give them their privacy. To my surprise, she agreed with me and went to go check on Nick.
I looked back at the kitchen door, ready to hear an argument or just simple yelling. Whatever was about to happen, it wasn't going to be pretty.
After the girl, what's her name, Sarah left the kitchen, Clem and I just sat in silence. She played around with her juice box and kept her gaze off of me. I shoved my hands into my hoodies pockets, playing with a loose piece of thread. I moved my foot around, just to have something to focus on. Biting my bottom lip, I stole a quick glance at her, only to find that she had done the same to me. We both looked away again, our cheeks turning a but pink since we had caught each other.
"Molly," The younger girl just let out a breath, "Why cant we just talk about this? We're both acting like children.
I smirked at her, trying to lighten the mood, "Well You are a child so..."
"I'm being serious," She said, a bit of annoyance in her voice.
I let out a sighed. Think about what I was about what I was going to say very carefully.
"It's just," My shoulders slumped and I found it hard to verbalize my thoughts, "You know how I am about people. People lie. People cheat. They change and deceive. The only reason why I cared a so much about you when we met, was because you were Lee's girl. The only reason why I even liked Lee was because he understood. If he didn't, at least he pretended to."
She rested her chin on her arms, visibly saddened at the mention of Lee, "But I know these people. Molly, we've gone through this a thousand times. Why cant you just accept it?"
"You don't know them," I argued, "You knew them. This, all of this shit, it changes you. We've all seen it."
There was a brief silence. She seemed to be in deep thought. Probably thinking of a way to let me down easy. Damn it... why am I pushing her so hard? If this had happened fourteen, hell, even ten months ago I would've let her go without a thought in my mind. But something in me is hungering for her to stay by my side, wanting her to be with me and only me. It cant be that I'm a control freak... could it?
I mean, I admit that I like it when things go my way. No, not like, love. I cant help but feel some satisfaction when I win a fight or an argument. That's probably why I do it so much. And It's gotten my into trouble before. Chandler begged me to leave Crawford for so long, but I always told her no, implying that it was safer in that hell hole rather then wandering aimlessly around. And looked what happened to her since we stayed so long. But why didn't I do that? I wanted to leave just as badly, if not more then her. It couldn't have been because it was something she requested, could it? Knowing that I had her under my palm, doing whatever the hell I wanted because her life literally depended on it did send a rush through my blood. What am I thinking?! I loved my sister I loved my sister more then life it's self!
"Alright," I weakly let out, feeling like I was giving up more then I really was, "Fine, you can stay."
Her eyes widened, "Excuse me?"
I was shaking a little, "You can stay. You should be allowed to make your own decisions. I'm sorry."
Clementine smiled, "Molly..." I felt her wrap her, still scrawny, arms around me. I hugged her back, trying not to cry.
I hiccupped, "I'll stay for another day, then I'm leaving."
Clementine looked both ecstatic, yet sad, "Are you sure you can't stay?" I looked away, "It's not as easy as you'd think." Clementine hugged me again, "I'll miss you."
I fought back any tears that tried to force their way out of my eyes. By the looks of it, Clementine was too. I hugged her back and gently said, "I'll miss you too, kid."
I removed my cap to run a hand through my hair. I sighed, noting that the dark mess was becoming greasy and would need washing soon. I placed the hat back on, straightening it as I entered the kitchen. Now, I had entered intending to grab a piece of bread, or anything else that might be edible. So I was completely of guard when I had seen the woman who had been screaming her head of at me just an hour ago, sitting at the table with her face hidden in her arms (Which her folded and resting on the hardwood below them) softly sobbing.
I quietly entered, gently closing the door behind me. Her body racked as more tears escaped her and I heard the muffled weeping. I considered doing something, like alerting her I was here and asking what was wrong. But you must remember, she had called me a, "Kicked puppy." not long ago. I even considered leaving the room and letting her sit there and cry. But god, I was so hungry. I tip toed, thankfully going unseen. I was just about to reach the bread box, before my foot slipped and hit the trashcan (That we had lying around for some reason) causing a slight crash and making her head snap toward me.
She looked surprised. I mentally cursed myself and took a look at her. her cheeks were slightly red and had tear stains streaming down her cheeks. Her eye whites tinted pick. wiped her cheek and looked away, either out of embarrassment or for the sake of pride.
I awkwardly fixed the tans position. I looked over at her before mumbling, "Sorry."
She then scowled at me, "Yeah."
I moved a little closer, "Are you...?"
Molly's head shot up, "Do I look like I'm fucking okay?" I rolled my eyes, this girl had more of a temper than me!
"What's up?" I decided it's better to NOT get on this girls bad side.
Molly stood up, "Wouldn't you like to know."
"Why do you think I'm asking then?" I was getting sick and tired of this girl. Molly walked on past me, "She's staying, she's all yours." She then shut the door behind herself, leaving me alone in the kitchen. She was really upset, which was shocking for a seemingly cold hearted woman like her.
I had forgotten I was hungry and sat were Molly was sitting, resting my head in my door opened again, and I was expecting to see Molly. But luckily, it was just Luke.
"Hey man, " Luke said, sitting right in front of me, "You okay?"
"Yeah, I am" I breathed. I couldn't help the small smile that took over my face, "Clementine's staying"
"Wait," Luke processed mg words before giving me a look of disbelieve, "For good? Are you sure? I mean, what about Molly?"
I shrugged, "Maybe they worked something out. Whatever if was, Molly wasn't to thrilled. Guess she's leaving without our little pride and joy." I couldn't help but smile at that.
Luke gave me an evil smirk, "Right, OUR pride and joy."
"What?" I questioned, the look on his face far too familiar for my liking, "Why are you smiling like that?"
Luke rolled his eyes, "Please, you and Clem have been sticking to each other like glue. It's not to hard to figure out what's going on."
I felt my cheeks heat up, but I'm not entirely sure why, "What are you talking about?"
Luke shoved his hands in his pockets and put on his innocent face, "Oh nothing..."
I raised my eyebrow, "Then explain the smirk."
Luke looked like he was either stifling his laughter or giving birth to wolves, "I just haven't seen you smile so much around a girl since you hung out with Reyna!
He had a point, Reyna was pretty good looking. Why was he acting like this? My face, unreasonably, felt extremely hot.
Luke apparently noticed, "Nick, you look like a fucking cherry!"
I gave him the finger, "Fuck off, man."
He held his hands in surrender, "I'm just saying is all."
"Yeah, well," I moved my hat so that it covered my eyes and the embarrassing blush on my face, "Whatever you're saying, stop saying."
I heard a chuckle escape his throat, "Fine, I see how it is."