And here I am! I hate not finishing things, so I'll write the chapters necessary to execute my plan for this story.

However, my wonderful beta has gone to uni and is super busy, therefore she's not available to go on this ride with me. Hence, no proof-reading from her.

I'm doing my best, but I'll advise you people to expect some mistakes. My first language is not english and I'm not flawless ;)

Without further ado, here we go!

"Wait," Phillip said abruptly and Regina's blood froze.

"Yes, dear?" the sleeping beauty uttered cautiously.

"Should you be exaggerating yourself to this extent? You are pregnant after all."

A sweet smile rested on Aurora mouth, as she considered his words. Regina almost held her breath, not daring to move or to speak – to do anything.

"I am taking it slow, Phillip," she pointed out and slowly made eye-contact with all the men in the room to reassure them.

"I just wanted to do something for the hard-working men in my husband's council."

"I will just give everyone some tea, and then go rest," Aurora continued and Phillip nodded hesitantly.

Regina pressed her lips together. Aurora was pregnant, not seriously ill. But the threat hanging over Phillip's family probably wasn't making him less wary.

They kept giving tea to the men around the table. Aurora's face was calm and content, surprisingly enough. There was no logical reason for the prince to freak out over the tea – for now.

The young princess was about to turn and leave, but Regina grabbed her arm carefully, hoping no one saw how hastily she'd grabbed the princess.

"Your Highness, before we leave, perhaps one should ask how the men how the tea was," Regina suggested rather mindfully. No one needed to suspect a thing.

"Drink up, everyone," the princess announced and urged all the men to have a taste. The two females studied them all carefully, making sure they drank it. Then they nodded, Regina curtsied and hurried out of the room.

Now they had wait, and then all Regina would have to give the speech of her life. Easy, right?


It was almost night when the asshole, or prince, both suited him – returned to his chambers. He hadn't eaten in almost half a day. He took off his scarf and threw it on his bed.

His wife had been relaxing all day, according to her, and now she'd left for a walk in the gardens. He wanted to object, but didn't. Aurora wanted to be alone and she was sick of him smothering her, and he knew that.

Suddenly he noticed the doors to the balcony was wide open. The curtains were moving wildly in the wind. Phillip furrowed his brows and stared at the doors. Who would leave those open? It was cold as hell, no doubt about it.

A small movement came from the shadows from outside and then he spotted her, in the middle of the door-way. He felt his heart almost leap to his throat. He couldn't see who she was, but knew only one to come to his chambers in the dark this threateningly.

"Who is it?" he uttered slowly. His heart beat fast and then she stepped forward, he had never been more shocked in his life. It wasn't the wicked witch, but her sister.

"The Evil Queen," he observed in surprise, but said no more. The two stared at each other for what seemed like hours before she cleared her throat.

"I have come to make a proposition," she announced confidently and took a couple of step closer to him.

"You have a problem. I have a problem. You see where I'm going with this?"

"Not in the slightest," Phillip responded, he couldn't believe he was in the room with the queen again. Or no, he wouldn't call her that, she was evil.

"What is my problem?" he asked to humor her.

"Zelena," Regina stated as a matter of fact and straightened her spine. Her dark eyes looked right at him, he could quite possibly turn into stone.

"Ah," replied the prince and looked around the room, while reviewing his options. To walk out of the room, whereas she might come after him, or listen. He decided on the latter.

"And what is your proposition, if I may ask, Your Majesty?"

"I shall cast a curse, which will take us back to Storybrooke. The only one who will forget who they are, is Zelena."

Phillip snorted, "And you expect me to take your word? How do I know you're just not going to throw another curse like the other one, yet again?"

"Ops, did I say I will cast the curse?" Regina smiled and sighted. "I didn't mean I will. Robin will; with my heart."

And finally, the prince understood and smiled. "Exactly how will this help us? Besides the green woman forgetting who she is."

"You need her to be defeated. You need my sister to stop turning your people into monkeys. This is how," Regina explained and waited for the man to take it all in.

"What's in this for you?" he finally asked, and looked at the evil queen in an entirely different manner than before. He saw the love she had in her heart, even though it was buried deep inside.

"That's where you come in. I need you to help me, I want to say goodbye to my family, and get Robin to cast the curse. And you need to distract the witch when I do."

"We have a deal," Phillip agreed and smiled for real, for the first time in months. Now he'd be rid of two problems, both Zelena and The Evil Queen. A huge weight was lifted off of his shoulders.

"Well, then," the queen spoke, and was about to leave, but Phillip stopped her.

"Wait," he said and she haltered. "If what you're saying is true, and you do this, I'll want to talk to you before you die."

"How could you possibly want to talk to me before I die? You have no concern for me, whatsoever," Regina insisted and fought the urge to roll her eyes.

"I'll want to thank you," he confessed and she was taken aback by his honest, but not completely convinced.

"Alright," she muttered and looked down for a moment, but then look him straight in the eye. "If you cross me, I will literally set you on fire and watch you burn, are we clear?"

"Crystal," Phillip nodded and bit the inside of his cheek. She could really be an intimidating soul, this one.

And then she was gone, just as fast as she showed up. With a flash of magic.

Short chapter; but small steps to get back into this writing thing! Hope you liked it. Are you excited to have this story back? Please let me know!
