My feet were really killing me! The dessert had increased to like a thousand degrees! I was melting! "Man, this dessert is so hot, even a lizard would need sunscreen!"Matt stated.
Biyomon asked,"Sora, can you carry me?"
"Not even," Answered Sora.
Tentomon stated to Izzy,"The crew cut would look nice on you and it's cooler." Izzy wiped his forehead.
"Do I look fat?"Gabumon asked.
Matt answered, pointing at Gabumon,"No, you look like, especially with that fur coat. That thing really needs a zipper."
"Or maybe just removable shirt sleeves,"Gabumon added.
I whined,"Impmon, I don't know how much longer I can go on!"
"You're telling me, the next thing of water I see, I'm jumping in it,"Impmon replied. I giggled.
Gomamon said,"We haven't rested our feet."
"There's no place for us to sit, except for a cactus," Joe replied.
Tokomon said,"There's a great view up here!"He was riding on T.K.'s head.
"Next time I ride,"T.K. stated.
Tai said,"You look terrible Koromon, if only I hadn't acted like such a bonehead, you never would have digivolved."
"Don't be so hard on yourself, although come to think of t, you really have made a super icky mess of things," Mimi stated. I yawned and rubbed my eyes. 'The heat makes me tired!'I thought.
Tai said,"Thanks, Mimi." 'That made him feel better?'I thought.
"Oh don't mention it, Tai, I'm glad to help with a pep talk now and then," Mimi said.
Impmon told me,"Don't ever sign me up for one of her pep talks." I nodded and the sun seemed to shine even brighter.
"I haven't sweated this much since cheerleader tryouts," Mimi said and stopped, taking off her hat. Palmon stopped right beside her with her tongue sticking out. Mimi wiped the sweat from her forehead with the back of her hand. We all stopped to take a break and I was practically panting from the heat.
Tai stated,"Koromon doesn't look so good. I'm worried."
"You know what we need right now is a whole bunch of shade. A big umbrella or a really big tree, or maybe I can grow into a really big cactus and smile down on to all of you as I provide cool, refreshing comfort!" Palmon exclaimed and then closed her eyes.
Matt said,"It's official, the sun has just turned Palmon's brain into a french fry. Earth to Palmon, come in!" I looked in front of us to see a big cactus!
"Palmon," Mimi said and pointed at the cactus.
Palmon asked,"Wowee I did that?!"
"Can you make a lake appear too?!"I asked excitedly.
Impmon looked over at me and said,"I don't think that's how it works.
"See, I'm pretty amazing!"Palmon exclaimed.
Tai exclaimed,"Yeah! You better believe it Palmon! Come on everybody, let's head for some shade!" We all took off running for the big cactus, as soon as we go there though, there was no shade! "What happened to the shade?!" I looked up and the cactus was slowly disappearing!
"It was just a mirage, we've been tricked!"Matt exclaimed. We all fell to the ground. I rested my head behind me and leaned backward.
A voice suddenly called out,"Well, well, a rough time you've got here. Just about ready to give are ya?" IN front of us, the little projector thingy that Gennai appeared on earlier popped up and Gennai appeared as a hologram floating above it.
"It's Gennai!"Matt exclaimed.
Tai said,"Gennai, we found the tags and a couple of crests like you wanted, but when we got into trouble, our Digimon couldn't digivolve! They ended up worse off then they started, take a look at poor Agumon! He is just not himself, and I'm supposed to be helping him!"
"I think those thingies are more trouble then they are worth!"Exclaimed Mimi. 'Yeah, I don't want Impmon ending up like Yaamon did.'I thought.
Gennai said as he raised his hands up and down,"Calm down kids, let me explain. The tags and crests are extremely important, do not let anyone else get a hold of them. In the end, you shall see that they work together to create total harmony." I tilted my head to the side. 'Huh?'I thought.
"In English?"Mimi asked.
Gennai said,"Just trust me, after all, I am the floating, glowing guy! As for Koromon, he wouldn't be so helpless if you learned how to care for him in the proper way."
"But I did the best I could!"Exclaimed Tai.
Gennai stated,"Patience is what you need to learn my friend, and you will learn it in time."
"But I want to have Augumon back now! "Tai said.
Gennai replied,"I'm starting to lose my connection, that is something you are going to have to figure out all by yourself. Good luck!"
"Wait a minute!"Tai exclaimed.
Gennai replied,"Sorry, I'm on a tight schedule!" Gennai disappeared and the machine shut off.
"It never fails, every time I need to know about something he hangs me out to dry!"Tai stated.
Biyomon flew over beside Gabumon and asked,"Are we being cared for properly."
"If we were, Augumon wouldn't have digivolved backward, "Gabumon replied. I started to tear up. 'Am I treating Impmon right?'I thought.
Matt yelled at them,"Come on, don't freak me out!"
"Yeah! It doesn't matter what happened to Dino! If we weren't being cared for properly, we wouldn't even have made it this far! So shut your traps before I shut them for you!"Growled Impmon as he stood up and faced them.
I said as I grabbed Impmon's hand,"Am I caring for you right?"
"Of course Cutie! Don't ever ask a thing like that again!"Impmon said as he looked back at me and hugged me. All of the sudden, I heard something coming towards us, when I turned around, I saw a boat! It was going through the sand like it was water. I rubbed my eyes.
Tai asked,"Is that a battleship?"
"Could be, but it looks more like a fancy cruise ship," Answered Sora.
Joe exclaimed as he stood up,"The passengers will want their money back once they see this place!"I stood up and Impmon stood beside me.
"Yeah!"Mimi agreed.
T.K. stated,"It could be just a mirage!"
"Yeah, looks pretty real to me!"Matt exclaimed. We all ran to the right, out of the way of the ship. The ship stopped right next to us and a Numamon peeked his head over the side of the ship wearing some sort of sailor uniform.
The Numamon shouted,"Ahoy!"
"Numamon!"Mimi exclaimed. Koromon started to cry. 'Koromon.'I thought.
Tai asked,"Hey fella! Could all of us come aboard and freshen up?!"
"If you don't mind, this needs a woman's touch," Mimi said and moved to stand in front of us. "Well hey, there big boy! Your ship looks so so inviting, how about letting us onboard so that we can check it out?!" 'What is going on?'I thought. All the sudden, a hand went over my eyes.
Sora said,"Annie, you do not need to see this." I heard a big crash and then Sora's hands disappeared to reveal the ship had let down a ramp for us to go onboard.
"Is it safe?"Joe asked. We went inside and the cool breeze hit us in the face! The whole inside of the ship was really pretty! Golden staircases, peach walls! It was beautiful! Then, we got to the dining room, at least I think that's what it was. There was a wooden booth, a table with four brown chairs and some green chairs scattered about, the exact opposite of the rest of the place.
Mimi said,"What! No linen tablecloths! Well, I guess we can rough it."
~Time Skip~
Sora, Biyomon, Mimi, Palmon and I went into the girl's bathing area. Impmon had gone with Matt, T.K., and Izzy. "We can take a shower!"Mimi exclaimed.
I laughed and said,"No dirt!"
"I'm in heaven!"Sora shouted. We ran towards the tub, which was huge, and Sora helping me get the berets out of my hair. We all jumped in the club, with our clothes were thrown about behind us.
Mimi exclaimed,"We could spend hours just pampering ourselves! Totally yes!"
"Yeah, we were getting pretty smelly. Oh wow! They even go tiny little soap bars!"Sora exclaimed.
~Time Skip~
We were all running down the ship, Sora, Mimi and I holding a towel to ourselves. The Numamon and this weird chicken like Digimon were looky for us earlier, so we escaped through the window of the bathroom and now we are here. The chicken-like Digimon appeared in front of us. He did look like a huge chicken. Only the top part of his beak was yellow though and the bottom part blended into his pale feathers. He had a black mohawk of feather on top of his head and red eyes with a slit into it, kinda like a cat. The tip of his wings are light purple and he had kinda like what peacocks have on his back, just the same color as his main feathers with red tips.'Where's Impmon?!'I thought as Sora moved me so I was between Mimi and her. "It's Cockatrimon!"Palmon and Biyomon exclaimed.
Sora asked,"Is that the easter chicken?"
"He's bad news!"Biyomon exclaimed. Cockatrimon spread his chicken wings out as he laughed, showing hanging off his feathers were Tai's and Joe's crest and tags!
Mimi exclaimed,"That omelette head has Tai's and Joe's tags!"
"Ah, I ran into a couple of your friends over by the pool, but don't get your heads in a spin, they are just drying off,"Cockatrimon said. 'What!'I thought. "Nothing like little sun-baked faces fried to a crisp with curly corn spuds and lots of coleslaw!"
Biyomon asked,"Where are the Digimon!"
"Don't worry about those guys. Confidentially I find them to be a little bit on the stiff side, but that just happens to be my personal opinion," Stated Cockatrimon. 'Impmon.'I thought.
Palmon said,"Your opinion stinks."
"Now you're going to meet the same fate!"Cockatrimon said and then laughed loudly.
Biyomon shouted as she flew up into the air,"You have cackled once too often! Spiral Twister!" The green spiral would have hit Cockatrimon if he hadn't jumped up in the air.
"Poison Ivy!"Palmon shouted she launched her vines at Cockatrimon, but he just swatted her vines away. Cockatrimon landed and looked at us.
He shouted,"Petra Fire!" He closed his eyes and we shouted as we ran away and he opened his eyes shooting a green beam where we just were. "Come back you chickens!" We heard behind us.
"Who's he calling chickens!"Sora exclaimed. We ran out to the tip of the ship.
Cockatrimon shouted,"Come back!"
"What do we do now, we're trapped!"Sora asked as we made it to the tip and stopped.
Cockatrimon said,"Time to walk the plank!" Biyomon and Palmon stood between Sora, Mimi, and I and Cockatrimon. Sora pulled out her detector that she had grabbed before he left.
"Biyomon do your stuff!"Sora exclaimed. Biyomon nodded and then a light engulfed her and the detector.
Biyomon shouted,"Biyomon digivolve to...Birdramon!" Birdramon came out of the light as it disappeared. Birdramon flew above us.
"Hey! That's not fair!"Cockatrimon exclaimed.
Birdramon shouted as she flew up higher,"Meteor Wing!"She shot flames at Cockatrimon, who moved back, barely avoiding them.
"What's the matter you big cluck, you got wings, can't you fly?"Sora exclaimed.
Mimi said as she held out her digivice," Palmon, it's your turn."
"Right," Palmon replied and nodded her head as a light surrounded her and the digivice. "Palmon digivolve to...Togemon!" Togemon appeared as the light disappeared.
Birdramon shouted,"Meteor Wing!" She threw more fire at Cockatrimon, who jumped back to avoid it, but ended up losing the tags! The tags went across the ground and I ran and picked them up.
"Needle Spray!"Togemon shouted and hurled a whole bunch of her cactus needles into Cockatrimon, she then punched him in the face! She threw another punch and sent him flying through the air and into the part of the ship where the smoke comes out. A burst of fire and smoke came out of there and Cockatrimon was gone!
Mimi exclaimed,"Bye chicken!" We all started laughing.
"Cutie!"I heard Impmon yell. I giggled as Impmon appeared and ran towards me swinging me around in a circle as he hugged me.
~Time Skip~
We all had gotten back into our normal clothes and were watching the Numamon leave. The Numamon yelled,"We're out of here!" Oh, yeah, good news, Augumon was back!
"I say we do the same as they are and abandon ship!"Tai exclaimed.
Izzy said,"I think it's a little late for a mutiny."
"Don't worry, the captain has already been frizzied."Stated Sora. We all looked at each other before we took off running to get off of the ship! 'Nothing ever stays down in this world!'I thought.
~Time Skip~
We were back to walking through the desert. "Well, the weather sure hasn't gotten any cooler," Joe stated.
Mimi asked,"Do you hear something?" We all stopped to listen and it was a boat horn! It was really loud and when we turned around the ship from before was coming straight at us! We all started screaming and took off running straight ahead.
"That's one mad Digimon with his feathers out of joint!"Exclaimed Matt.
Palmon yelled,"Look, the giant cactus is back!"In front of the cactus was getting closer and closer.
"Oh no! Not another mirage!"Mimi exclaimed.
Tai yelled,"What were you expecting, an outlet mall?!"
"Hurry, get over on the other side!"Matt yelled. We ran around the cactus, and luckily it wasn't a mirage!
I yelled as I fist pumped the air,"Yes!" The ship hit the cactus and flipped so the top of it was one the side of the cactus. The cactus destroyed a good part of the ship as it bent back towards us. Then, like a slingshot, it slung it back towards where it had come from! The ship then exploded in the air like fireworks!
"Wow, it's even bigger than a skyscraper!"Mimi exclaimed.
Palmon said,"You're right, what's a skyscraper Mimi!"
"Look up there, check it out, you guys!"Tai exclaimed. A pink bud was on top of the cactus and was unfolding!
I yelled,"So pretty!" A stone with a teardrop symbol on it floated up. Inside the teardrop were two circles inside one another.
"What's that?!"Mimi asked. The stone tilted towards us and we all jumped.
Tai yelled,"Maybe it's a crest!"Mimi's tag floated up in the air, glowing a light green color. We all stared in wonder before the stone glowed the same color! They glowed brighter as the stone floated closer. The stone shrunk until it was big enough to fit inside the tag. It slowly slid in and stopped glowing.
"He was right, it's just like Gennai said. The tags and crests somehow work together Mimi!"Sora exclaimed. Mimi's tag fell back to its original position.
Mimi said as she held the crest up to her face,"It's the crest of sincerity! I don't deserve it, but if it will help me take care of Palmon, I'll keep it."
"Ahh, thank Mimi," Palmon said looking up at Mimi.
Mimi replied,"But I think I'm going to have to teach you some manners, do you know you slurp when you eat soup but don't worry a single leaf on that pretty little head. Mimi is..."I laughed along with Impmon. 'This is awesome!'I thought.