A/N: Whelp, here is another new fan fiction from me. As always readers, enjoy and please give me feedback and questions. It helps me grow as a writer and it motivates me to do more things like these. :) But before we begin...What time is it?

Jake: Hey, that's my line! You nerd...

Oops, sorry...

Jake: What time is it?!

AT Cast (and me): IT'S ADVENTURE TIME!

Disclaimer: I do not own Adventure Time. If I did, [insert something wacky here].

Chapter 1: Knightfall, Part 1 – Nightmares

Finn's POV

I look to the dawning sky as I continue to plummet. Trails of shining particles follow me down to a large reflective orb below, the particles slowly disappearing with every passing second. This is it; I've done my work here, and it's time to move on to the next world. After all, what else am I needed for? The Lich has been defeated once and for all; the kingdoms of Ooo are in peace; and...

"She doesn't need me anymore...I'm no hero; I'm just a shell of my former self. Only Death awaits me now," I thought to myself out loud.

I swung my arms apart, releasing the sword of flame from my grip. The rush of power and strength from earlier faded away as I saw the burning blade shifted from a pinkish-purple to orange hue. I close my eyes and prepared myself for my impending doom, feeling a tear leaking through my left eyelid.

"Sorry Jake, PB, FP, looks like I won't be able to keep my promise this time..." I said just seconds before touchdown.

I can feel myself going through the pool, awaiting the swift death. Or so I thought. Instead, a loud boom came from right in front of me, followed by a shift in gravity. Wait, what? What is going on? That's not supposed to happen at all! I open my eyes and see the pool in front of me, distancing itself from me. Wait...I'm alive? But...But how?! I can feel every single bone and muscle of my body. And, well, there is the ground that is now slowly closing in on me...Oh wait.

"AHHHHHHH!" I screamed at the top of my lungs as I panic, "Fire, fly, boost, anything, DO SOMETHING, STUPID JETPACK!"

At the right moment, the jetpack ignited its last bits of fuel and I felt a slight jolt of upward acceleration, slowing down my landing; but it wasn't enough. To say it was a rough landing would be a bit of an understatement. Whatever, any landing I can walk away from is a good landing, I guess. I heard my voice groaning in pain as I struggle to stand up and stay awake. However, an extreme pain emanated from my right arm; the landing had botched it up badly. Any attempt I make to even squirm would send shocks from my broken arm. This is just as bad as having no arm at all! Within a blink of an eye, what seemed like the ghost of Death appeared before me.

"Whelp, let's see how long you'll last here," Death's fading voice was the last thing I heard as I slowly succumb to darkness.

The Fire Kingdom, 07:39

3rd Person POV

Within the blazing volcanic ash-covered land of the Fire Kingdom, the princess shot up from her slumber, involuntarily screaming the blonde hero's name.

"FINN!" She began to pant heavily, later realizing it was just a nightmare. Her hands clenched her fists tightly on her chest, hoping the memories would later dissipate. However, this did not happen at all, and it caused her to worry more so. "It's alright, Phoebe…He's fine. It's Finn, after all; that boy can take on almost anything…" She reassured herself, albeit with an unsettled tone.

It was then when she heard the knocks from her door, which then translated into bashes.

"Flame Princess! Are you okay? I heard you scream seconds ago!" It was Cinnamon Bun, unsurprisingly; the flame-shielded pastry was only worried for his damsel's well-being.

"I-I'm fine, really…" The girl on fire responded to her champion as she stood up and stretched.

The pastry breathed a sigh of relief, "Okay, m'lady. Just call me when you have any problems."

The monarch went over her usual morning routine. All throughout the morning, however, Flame Princess remained weary after her nightmare. She exited her chambers, wearing her white gown and a custom-made ruby necklace, engraved with an infinity symbol and the line geometric symbol slashing across the center, given by Finn nine months before he departed. She gazed at the symbol for a few moments, until Cinnamon Bun broke her silence.

"Princess, what does that symbol mean?"

The young monarch sighed, "Finn told me these were the symbols for infinity – the figure-8-looking ribbon – and eternity – the line that crosses the center of infinity. While they both mean more or less the exact same thing, he likes to think there's more to them than just that." Unfortunately, her little lecture was interrupted by a distant cackling.

Upon entering the throne room, she was greeted by maniacal laughter from her father, the former king of the Fire Kingdom, who still remains in the lantern above her throne.

"Ugh, what now?" An irate Phoebe questioned the former Flame King.

"Hmph, like I'd answer with that attitude of yours, child!" Flame King talked back at her, much to the current ruler's discontent. "After all," Flame King looked at her eye-to-eye, "you should know; you did watch him fall to his doom."

"...W-what do you mean?"

"Don't play dumb with me, Phoebe! You saw what that evil skeleton thing did to your blonde ex."

His daughter took the time to process what he had said, and then it clicked. "No, no… You are feeding me lies, father!"

CB and the other royal guards in the room looked distraught from the former king's sudden news. At that point, the doors burst open by none other than Princess Bubblegum. The pink princess was followed by two of Phoebe's royal guards. She was visibly gasping for air after running to the castle.

"B-Bonnibel? What are you doing here?" The fiery princess asked, shocked by her sudden appearance.

Breathing in and out, she replied to her query, "Phoebe, we have a problem. It's Finn…He's…" With that, Flame King broke into laughter again.

A/N: And that concludes Part 1 of the introduction! Ah, whatever happened to our young hero? That's for me to know, and you guys to speculate and find out later! I also added a little easter egg in the story just for the heck of it. One hint: It's from one of my favorite stories. I congratulate those who are able to find it. :)

Also, a few things to note. For now, I will leave the meaning of the emblem on FP's ruby necklace up to your own interpretation until the next chapter. I would very much like to hear your takes on the ruby. In this story, Ooo's technology has also improved due in part of the discoveries of many things in the 20th-21st century. They even have jetpacks now!

Again, please take some time to review the chapter; any and all feedback would be lovely! Stay fresh, ladies and gentlemen! OmegaEGG, signing out.