'Shit' I mumbled as I looked at my alarm clock, late, again. I jumped up and scrambled to the bathroom to get ready. I've become a master at getting ready quickly. I brush my hair, put on some makeup, and throw on some jeans and a Sherlock sweatshirt. 'How does one even achieve this level of lateness consistently?' I mumble as I walk down the stairs with my toothbrush still in my mouth.
I grab a bagel and go to my mother's study. This room brings back so many memories. When I was five, I used to play with my neighbor, Francis. We used to be such good friends. I tell her goodbye and run out of the house to try and catch the bus.
Somehow, I get onto the bus on time and sit with my best friend, Kenna. 'You almost didn't make it. Again.' she glares at me. 'Oh shut up' I tell her, munching on my bagel. Kenna has been one of my best friends since third grade. She was always better than me. She always had better grades, more friends, and to me, she was always prettier. She has that kind of angelic look about her, brown hair and brown eyes.
As we get of off the bus, we go to each other's lockers to put away our books. As I'm opening my locker, Kenna nudges me. 'What?' But I didn't have to ask. As I turned around I saw exactly what she was looking at. Francis Valois. He is beautiful. Gold ringlets surround his face and those green eyes illuminate any room he walks into. But here's the thing about Francis. Every girl throws herself at him, and even though, I will admit, he is hot, I won't think of dating him because I believe he is a player. 'He is so dreamy' Kenna sighs. 'Stop, you know none of us have a chance with him.' I say. 'Oh that reminds me, who is his latest conquest?' She hits my arm. 'He isn't actually like that you know. He says he waiting for the one or some absurd thing like that.' I snort. 'Oh please, Francis Valois? The one?' I wish I believed her. He used to be my Francis, and I used to be his Mary, but now I don't exist to him. I'm just another girl.
The bell rings, dismissing us to class. My first period is drama, which is one of my favorite classes. Something about being someone else, even for a short period of time, is amazing to me. I walk in and take my seat, as usual, but today, something is different. I look around to see why I'm so uneasy, and I spot the problem almost immediately. Francis is here. I thought I heard Kenna say something about drama while she was talking about Francis, but after I while I just drown Kenna out. He spots me looking at him, and I look down, but not quickly enough. He sits next to me. 'Hi, I'm Francis, and you are?' He says, studying me. As if this day could get any worse.