Chapter 100: Yep you're jealous

Peter slams the door behind the mercenary as she leaves. He couldn't believe what Derek had just agreed to. They needed that money now more than ever and Derek was going to throw it away just to find Kate. Yes, that would get their money back but they could find her themselves if it was going to cost that much to hire help.

"Are you insane?!" Peter exclaims with his hands on his hips in annoyance at his nephew.

Derek leans against the table not bothering to face Peter, "We didn't have a choice." He needed to find out why his eyes weren't electric blue anymore. He wasn't sure what it meant but he was willing to bet it had something to do with what Kate did to him, "We spent a week looking for her and came up with nothing. I can't keep getting to dead ends when I have other things I need to worry about."

Yes, Derek did want to find Kate to fix whatever was going on with his eyes but what he also really wanted to do was see Bella again. He felt so happy that they were back together again and he hoped that it was for good this time. He wanted to start making up for all the time he'd missed with her when he let her go to Isaac.

"If we don't find out who told Kate about the vault we don't get those bonds back! What do you think I'm gonna do then huh? Get a job?" Peter asks rhetorically and giving an answer to his question as he walks closer to his nephew.

He knew that Derek had other things on his mind because he'd gotten home late last night with Bella's scent all over him. But they needed those bonds back, "My resume is slightly out of date. We got robbed Derek! Robbed!" he exclaims grabbing Derek by his shoulder.

Derek quickly turns shifting and his eyes light up golden as he growls loudly at his uncle. Peter's face contorts into surprise and he tilts his head in shock, "Oh that's a new look for you." Derek pulls out of Peter's grip angrily and Peter narrows his eyes, "What happened to your eyes?"

"I don't know," Derek says annoyed with his uncle, "But I'm willing to pay to find out."

Peter shakes his head, "That's not the only thing different, is it? You're back with Bella…"

"Yes," Derek says curtly not wanting to discuss his love life with his Uncle, "She's so much stronger and happier now since London and I haven't told her about my eyes either so I'd appreciate if you let me tell her," Derek tells Peter. He wasn't about to let Peter 'accidentally' tell Bella before he had the chance to.

"Derek, whether you'd like to admit it or not I have grown quite fond of Bella and I'm not going to ruin her happiness," Peter shakes his head. He had come to know Bella really well since he turned Scott. She was like a daughter to him and he would hate to see her hurt again.

"I know…" Derek nods, "And we haven't told Scott about us either so-"

Peter shrugs, "You want me to keep that quiet too. I don't have Scott's best interests at heart so that's fine by me."

Derek looks to his uncle with raised eyebrows before shrugging, "Okay."

I follow behind Scott and Stiles slowly as they head towards the new and improved bleachers. It was lacrosse tryouts today and I think Scott was a little nervous. Stiles came and picked me up and he immediately started scolding me like an angry parent much like Scott did when I got home last night.

I know they were concerned but it wasn't the end of the world that I got home a little late due to the mishap that happened on my run. And then all the fun stuff after that happening but I won't be telling them that yet.

"Of course, you're still the team captain!" I hear Stiles say, "You got your grades up just like coach told you to, right?" he asks as they walk through the door of the shed covering the bleachers. They've really gone all out this season.

Scott nods, "Yeah… But he never told me I was back on the team. He just told me to show up for tryouts today."

"We got bigger things to deal with anyway," Stiles shakes his head, "Like Bella back there."

I scoff, "Hey!" Stiles looks to me with raised eyebrows, "If you tell us what you're leaving out about last night then we won't need to deal with you anymore."

I roll my eyes at him, "I'm not hiding anything!" Well I was but I wasn't ready to announce my relationship status update just yet.

Stiles sighs, "What about Argent? Did you call him yet?" Stiles asks directing it to Scott.

"Uhh I texted him but he didn't get back to me," Scott sighs back.

I step up beside them looking to Scott with wide eyes, "Um you told Chris that his sister was back from the dead in a text?"

Scott shrugs sheepishly, "I didn't have the money to call France."

"Yeah you think you got money problems try paying for an MRI and a visit to Eichen House," Stiles nods in understanding with an exhausted breath. I knew we'd had some budget cuts around the house but now Stiles too. We were supernatural beings dealing with supernatural problems and on top of that we had money to worry about too.

"Another notice?" Scott nods.

Stiles nods back, "Yeah this one said final… Now what the hell are we even doing here anyway! We have like a hundred and seventeen million problems and worrying about our status on the lacrosse team is not one of them!" Stiles rants becoming angry.

Scott and I look behind him seeing a very athletic player continue to block shots that were being fired at him, "It is now…" Scott and I nod at the same time and Stiles turns around following our line of sight.

I squint my eyes trying to get a good look at the guy under the helmet. He looked kinda familiar. Scott and Stiles look at each other with wide eyes and continue to watch the young kid dominate as goalie, "Who the hell is that?" Stiles asks.

The goalie takes the helmet off slowly and I screw my face up in confusion, "Liam?"

"You know him?!" Stiles exclaims turning back to me. I nod, "Yeah he's the one I got stuck in the reserve with."

Stiles eye twitches slightly seeing the new competition, "Maybe we should just practice a little bit…" I chuckle slightly as they both rush off to get in a bit of practice to freshen up their skills. Liam looks over towards me and waves and I smile and wave back.

I move to sit on the bleachers to watch the practice. It was only the morning and they didn't have tryouts until later on I think. Well I think that's what Scott said. I zoned out a little when he was telling me…

"Dude you know who that is right?" I hear the guy next to Liam say to him. In London I'd also learnt to listen in from afar as well.

I look over subtly and see Liam nod to the blonde-haired guy, "Yeah…"

"You know she's a junior and that she would never go for you," the blondie chuckles shoving Liam slightly.

Liam rolls his eyes, "So what? I only waved to her."

"Yeah but you haven't stopped staring at her since," the blonde guy points out. Liam quickly turns back to his friend and shoves him slightly, "Shut up! I'll be right back…" I turn back to watch as Scott and Stiles start having a bit of a practice.

They were still pretty good and I don't think they had anything to worry about. Coach loved them and he would for sure choose a junior as captain over a freshman. I hear my name called out and I turn seeing Liam jogging towards me. He sits down beside me with a smile and I smile back, "Hey Liam. What's up?"

"Uh not much…" he shrugs, "But I do have this for you," he pulls something out of his pocket and holds it out in front of me.

I gasp with a smile, "My phone! Thank you! Oh my god did you go back and get it?" I ask taking it from him and seeing a couple of missed messages and a lot of missed calls from Derek, Scott and Stiles.

"I went back early this morning. I felt really bad for what happened to your knee which seems to be all better now?" Liam drawls out looking down to my jean clad leg that was clearly not dislocated anymore.

I nod with a chuckle, "Yeah I got home and my mum popped it back into place. I iced it heaps last night and it feels a lot better today. A little tender but still okay," I lie quickly. It was perfectly fine now but I had to pretend that it hadn't magically healed overnight.

"That's amazing! I'm so glad…" Liam lets out a small breath of relief, "I really thought I'd done some damage to it."

I scoff shaking my head, "Please it takes a lot more than a fall like that to knock me down," I tease shoving his shoulder. He chuckles dropping his head slightly, "So was that your brother you walked in with?"

I nod pointing over to Scott, "Yeah that's Scott and his friend Stiles. They're looking forward to lacrosse tryouts today… I think they're actually nervous."

"Tell me about it! I'm freaking out a little too," Liam nods watching Scott and Stiles pass the ball between each other.

I shake my head, "I don't think you have anything to worry about with what I just saw. Did any goals get through while you were goalie just then?"

"You were watching me practice?" Liam asks with raised eyebrows.

I nod, "Yeah I haven't seen talent like yours on the lacrosse field in a bit. Probably the last guy was Jackson…" I say with a small smile. He was always moaning about his lacrosse status but he never had anything to worry about. His was pure talent on the field.

"Jackson? Does he still play?" Liam asks with a small shrug.

I shake my head, "No he moved to London a while back… He was my best friend here. Still is but I see him rarely."

"Ah yeah I have heard some chatter about him," Liam nods in understanding.

I point to Liam warningly with a teasing smile, "I hope it's all good chatter."

Liam chuckles holding his hands up apologetically, "I just won't tell you then." I laugh with him when the warning bell goes for next class. Liam sighs in annoyance slightly and stands up, "Right well I need to go change for class. I guess I'll see you at the lacrosse tryouts?"

"Yeah, I'll be there," I nod with a smile. He smiles back ducking his head again, "Alright awesome… Bye Bella…"

I smile and wave goodbye as he jogs to catch up with his other friends. I feel Scott and Stiles step up behind me, "Bye Bella," Stiles mimics in a high-pitched voice then rolls his eyes, "Ugh who is this kid? How do you know him again?"

"I told you he's the kid that ran into me at the reserve yesterday," I say with a shrug.

Stiles scoffs, "You mean he's the kid who dislocated your knee."

"Accidentally," I point out quickly. Stiles shakes his head, "Doesn't matter it still happened. And who does he think he is talking to you? You're Scott McCall's sister, he can't be talking to you right Scott?"

We all start heading for the lockers and Scott looks to Stiles confused, "Why can't he talk to her?"

"Because!" Stiles groans, "She's your younger sister and you're the captain of the lacrosse team. He's only a freshman! It just can't happen okay!" Stiles sighs annoyed at both Scott and I for not understanding.

I roll my eyes, "Stiles, he's new, give him a break."

"No one can be that good at lacrosse," Stiles shakes his head in disbelief. We start coming up to the locker rooms and Stiles nods determined, "We're going to have a chat with him."

I shake my head reaching for both the guys, "No guys don't!" They quickly rush into the locker rooms and I groan in annoyance. "Really?!" I whisper out in exhaustion. These two were just too hard to handle sometimes.

I walk through the locker room door ignoring all the looks from the lacrosse boys getting changed and see Scott and Stiles standing either side of Liam who was trying to get changed. His eyes flick over to me and he quickly puts on his shirt before turning back to Scott and Stiles.

"Hey Liam," Stiles says curtly and Liam looks between the two a little confused and slightly freaked out, "Wanna explain what that was out there?"

"What do you mean?" Liam asks his gaze flicking between the two again. I roll my eyes stepping between Scott and Stiles and across from Liam.

"That little display, that little circus act," Stiles nods as if everyone is supposed to understand what he's talking about.

Liam looks to me with a confused look and I shrug, "What circus act?" Liam asks.

"You caught every shot," Stiles says holding his hands out in anticipation as he waits for Liam to answer.

I roll my eyes, "He was in goals Stiles."

Stiles looks to me with wide eyes and nods, "Yeah but nothing- not a single shot got past you!"

"Yeah I was the goalie?!" Liam nods getting annoyed at the repeated questions being asked him. He turns to Scott and back to Stiles with a shrug, "You guys played this game before?"

I chuckle slightly and Liam looks over to me with a smile. Stiles looks to Scott holding his arms out telling him to take over. I think he was annoyed that Liam wasn't getting what he is asking. I'm not even sure what he was asking.

"You're a freshman, right?" Scott asks.

Liam nods, "Yeah."

"But you weren't here last semester?" Stiles asks.

Liam shrugs like it's no big deal, "Transferred from Devenford Prep…" Scott turns his head slightly and his eyes narrow as he listens in to something.

"You transferred?" Scott asks again. I look to Scott with raised eyebrows. He was listening in on Liam's heartbeat. He could tell he was lying.

Liam nods looking to me nervously briefly, "Yeah."

"No, you got kicked out, didn't you?" Scott shakes his head looking back to the young freshman.

Liam looks to Scott surprised and his eyes flick over to me before he scoffs lightly, "Alright kicked out, transferred… What do you guys care?! I came here to play lacrosse. Your team could use a few good players, right?" Liam asks with a shrug.

Stiles quickly shakes his head, "No, nope we don't need any more good players!"

"Actually, we could sorta use a couple," Scott nods looking to Stiles sheepishly. Stiles narrows his eyes slightly at Scott in annoyance before stepping closer to Liam, "Alright how'd you get this good? Have you always been this good? Or did it suddenly happen just once overnight?" Stiles continues firing questions and my eyes widen as I realise where he's going with it.

"Have you ever been out in the middle of the woods, during the night of a full-" I quickly shove Stiles out of the way and smile at Liam, "Oh my god what is the time? You don't wanna be late for class. Let's go!" I quickly say trying to grab Liam's stuff.

"Look I learned from my step-father, alright?" Liam says it like a question as if he needs to check with Stiles and Scott that it's okay, "He made team captain as a sophomore, like you…" Liam nods towards Scott.

Scott smiles proudly for a moment before Liam turns to get his stuff off me, "And yeah guess I'm just that good," Liam says getting up in Stiles face just to piss him off. I smile slightly and he looks back to me with a wide smile, "See ya Bella…"

Scott steps up beside Stiles watching with a smile as Liam walks off. "He wasn't lying that time," Scott shakes his head with a chuckle.

"Look boys you just gotta go out and play like you always do. Just who cares about the new players coming up," I say with a shrug.

Stiles shakes his head pointing at me, "No you- you! You might as well be the enemy too. What're you doing being all chummy with him? He totally likes you Bella and he watches you like a little love-sick puppy!"

"He does not!" I scoff with a small laugh at what Stiles was saying. Liam was new and he just didn't have a lot of friends yet. I was being friendly and that's all. Plus, we spent ages trekking through the reserve yesterday of course we knew each other now.

"He does stare a little bit Bella," Scott shrugs. I let out a sigh, "Well that is because I'm a junior and he just looks up to me," I drawl out coming up with some lame ass excuse.

Stiles rolls his eyes, "I don't think that'd be it at all. What're you even doing in here anyway? This is the boy's locker room!"

"I'm always in here," I point out. Stiles nods in realisation, "You really are. Are you obsessed with me or something?" Stiles jokes.

I nod walking towards him, "Yes Stiles. I think you're the most attractive man in my life right now and I just can't get enough…" I stop right in front of him and Stiles gulps nervously, "Really?"

"No not really!" I laugh shaking my head, "I can't believe you fell for that!"

Stiles scoffs, "I can't believe you fell for that!" he quips back shaking his head, "I was just messing with you!"

"Whatever losers," I roll my eyes playfully, "I'll see you at your lacrosse tryouts!" I call out giving them a wave as I exit the locker rooms. I shake my head and chuckle quietly to myself. It was really good joking around with Stiles and Scott again. I guess I did kind of missed it while in London…

I look down to my phone and smile seeing my phone screen light up with Derek's name flashing across it, "I'd tell you I found my phone but me answering pretty much tells you that, doesn't it?" I end with a small chuckle.

"Yeah pretty much," Derek sighs out but I can tell he's smiling, "Did you go before school to find it?"

I pause for a moment deciding whether I want to tell him that Liam found it, "That kid from yesterday, Liam, he found it for me."

"I thought you said you only just met him yesterday?" Derek asks sounding slightly jealous.

I smile as I come to a stop at my locker, "I did only meet him yesterday but he felt bad for dislocating my knee so he went and found my phone."

The phone goes quiet and I can him hear breathing on the other end still, "He's very friendly for someone who only just met you yesterday."

I laugh a little too hard at the obvious jealousy Derek is feeling right now, "Derek, I can basically feel the jealousy coming off you through the phone."

"I'm not jealous," Derek quickly says back. I can't help but let out another chuckle and he groans, "I'm not."

I smile and turn my head seeing Lydia coming down the hall heading straight for me, "You know, I'm finding it kind of sexy that you're getting jealous. I've gotta go okay, but I'll still be seeing you later?"

"Yeah of course," Derek says, "Do you need me to come pick you up?"

I quickly turn around into my locker as Lydia gets closer and closer to hearing this conversation, "No, it's okay I drove today."

"Okay," Derek says before pausing for a moment, "Bella."

"Yeah?" I say softly.

"I love you…" Derek says back softly. I smile widely and I find myself fiddling with my hair like a twelve-year old girl, "I love you too…" I hang up the phone and let out a long happy sigh before turning around coming face to face with Lydia.

I gasp and step back banging my back into the lockers, "Lydia, personal space?"

"Who was that?" Lydia asks.

I start putting my phone away and getting some books for my next classes, "Who was who?"

"On the phone…" Lydia drawls out, "You were talking to someone on the phone and you said I love you."

I give her a shrug, "Oh, it was just my mum."

"No, it wasn't," Lydia shakes her head narrowing her eyes at me, "Your cheeks are red, whoever you were talking to made you blush."

I bring my hands up to my cheeks self-consciously, "Okay, fine it was Jackson."

"Wrong again," Lydia sighs looking at her nails like she was bored, "You do love Jackson but whenever you say I love you, you usually end it with 'Jacky'."

I let out a chuckle, "Yeah exactly, usually I end with that, meaning not all the time."

"You were talking with Derek," Lydia states casually and I start choking on nothing before shaking my head at her, "No I wasn't…"

Lydia smirks at me, "You guys are back together! Why weren't you gonna tell me?"

I let out a sigh before caving, "Okay, yes we're back together. I wasn't going to tell anyone just yet."

"Why? This is good news, Bel!" Lydia smiles giving me a small hug.

I let go of her slowly and shake my head, "I just didn't want to announce to everyone just how happy I am right now. I mean I left Scott and you behind to deal with your losses while I went to London and now this."

"You don't need to feel guilty about that," Lydia says giving me a sympathetic smile, "If London is what helped you get through everything then that's great. And if Derek is who makes you happy then that's fantastic too."

I give her a small smile and let out a sigh, "It's not just about feeling guilty…"

"Please don't tell me you don't want anyone to know because you don't think it's going to last?" Lydia questions and looks at me with raised eyebrows.

I give her a small shrug, "I really do want to be with Derek. I love him and I know I always will but… There's something I still have to tell him and I'm scared that he might rethink the whole getting back together when I finally do tell him."

"Is it the same thing that you were supposed to tell me?" Lydia asks as we start walking down the hall to our next class.

I nod and hold my books tightly to my chest feeling really sick about the whole thing. Lydia wraps her arm around my shoulders as we walk, "Then start by telling me? Trust me, it cannot be as bad as what I'm coming up with in my head."

I let out a slight chuckle and stop pulling her into the girl's toilets and checking to make sure no one was in here. I set my books down on the edge of the sink and wipe away the small tears that were starting to escape.

"Bel, you're really freaking me out right now," Lydia says, her voice filled with concern as she stands beside me and grabs my hand in support.

I let out a long breath before starting, "Right after Isaac got out of the hospital after being electrocuted we had amazingly wild sex. I got so swept up in the moment that I forgot all about protection but I was on the pill so I thought it'd be okay."

Lydia's eyes widen as she realises where I'm going with my story and I nod, "Yeah… So, in the weeks after losing Allison and Aiden I started feeling really weird and I couldn't figure out what was wrong so I went to the doctor and found out-"

"You were pregnant," Lydia whispers out squeezing my hand for comfort. I nod slowly feeling tears come down my face slowly, "I was so scared, Lyd. I hadn't built up the courage to tell Isaac and then all of a sudden we were broken up and I was even more scared."

Lydia quickly goes into one of the toilet stalls and comes back out with toilet paper for me to use as tissues, "I ran over to London because it was going to be easier to hide my secret from everyone there but the day after I landed in London I started bleeding…"

"You lost the baby?" Lydia whispers her eyes wide and I nod letting out a small sob, "Oh Bel, I'm so sorry…"

She wraps her arms around me and holds onto me tightly as I let the rest of my tears fall out freely now, "Derek isn't going to break up with you just because you were pregnant with Isaac…"

"But if I had told Isaac that I was pregnant then we'd probably still be together. It would be for the wrong reasons but we'd be together. What if Derek realises this?" I whisper out holding onto Lydia tightly. I hadn't even told Jackson that I was pregnant and had lost the baby. This is the first time that I was letting these emotions out and I am really glad that it was Lydia that is here with me in this moment.

"But you just said it yourself, you would've stayed with Isaac for all the wrong reasons. You and Derek are obviously meant to be and I think he will be really supportive of what's happened to you," Lydia says as she runs her hand up and down my back trying to comfort me.

I lean back and smile at my friend through my tears, "Thanks so much for this Lyd… I don't think I could've handled telling anyone else this."

"You're welcome," Lydia smiles, "Come on, let's go get some comfort food before we go to any more classes today. We really deserve a break."

I let out a chuckle and wipe my eyes, "We've been here for two periods."

"Exactly! We need this break," Lydia chuckles wrapping her arm around my shoulders as we turn and leave the bathroom.

I run through the school heading towards the lacrosse field. I was so late. Coach wanted me to be there as first aid help and I got caught up in the library. I was busy researching all the articles that had popped up just today about an axe murderer that murdered a whole family. Only one survivor and he was in the hospital right now being treated and looked after by the nurses and police.

I was surprised Stiles and Scott hadn't gone to investigate it. I mean it did sound like it was just a murder and nothing supernatural about it but since when was anything that simple in Beacon Hills. I run past the group of lacrosse players that were standing by and watching the field and quickly step up beside coach.

"You're late," Coach says to me and I nod bending over trying to catch my breath, "I know, I know. I'm sorry. No injuries have happened, right?"

Coach shakes his head, "No you're good. Scott and Stiles are going up against a few of the new players though so this should be interesting."

"Oh, how're they going?" I ask cheerfully seeing them suited up and taking down a player trying to get past them.

Coach sighs, "Up until now, terrible! But they've warmed up now and we're back in business."

"Good, good," I smile watching as Liam suits up next. I see Scott and Stiles ready themselves as Liam picks up the ball. Coach blows the whistle and Liam quickly makes his move running towards Scott and Stiles who were also running towards him.

Stiles makes the first move and jumps trying to knock Liam down but he quickly dodges Stiles sending him to the ground and Scott goes in next. Liam spins around quickly narrowly missing Scott's jab and runs straight past them doing a fancy spin before shooting for goal.

Everyone cheers for Liam and Scott and Stiles watch on shocked as Liam runs past them smugly. I watch with raised eyebrows. I must say I didn't think the kid had it in him but he seemed like a bit of a smart ass now…

"That was luck!" I hear a familiar voice call out and coach and I turn seeing Malia standing up in the bleachers, "Do over!" she calls out.

Coach chuckles, "Sweetheart there's no do-overs this is practice!"

"Ten bucks on Scott and Stiles," Malia calls back. Coach smiles and nods, "I'll take that action!" he turns back to the field, "Hey back out there Liam!"

Stiles face dramatically changes under his helmet and both him and Scott set back up again. Scott eyes Liam getting slightly angry and Liam smirks as the whistle blows. He picks up the ball quickly and runs towards Scott and Stiles again. Stiles jumps trying to stop Liam again but falls to the ground as Liam twists out of the way.

He turns running straight for Scott who bends down picking Liam up and flipping him over his back. I gasp covering my mouth waiting for impact when Liam hits the ground and there's a loud crunch. Everyone groans hearing the noise as well and I slap coach on the chest, "Oh my god! Someone get the first aid! Or call an ambulance!"

I quickly run over to them, "Don't move! Nobody touch him!" I say calmly as I kneel down beside Liam. He sits up carefully and I shake my head looking at him, "Liam I heard something crack. I'm gonna take a look at it."

"Listen to Bella she knows what she's doing!" Coach exclaims as he comes running over.

Liam shakes his head moving to stand up, "I'm okay coach!" he tries to stand on his hurt leg and screams out in pain. Scott and Stiles quickly move to grab his arms and hold him up.

"I think we better get him to the nurse," Stiles nods.

I stand up quickly, "Forget that, we're going to the hospital."

Author's Note: