Hey guys! Sorry for no update, I was at my cousins and there probably wont be an update tomorrow either depends if I have time. So here is your update!

Stanley POV

Marina and I have been planning a trip to Florida just the two of us to get to know each other more. I book the flight while she packs our bags. Today is our last day at school for a couple of weeks. I go and hang out with Joseph and John as usual.

"Stan, where you going anyways?" Joseph ask me, I just grin.

"Florida, Miami." I say. John grins.

"Florida huh, so Family trip or only you?" John asks me, I laugh a little.

"Me and Marina." I say, I think I hear Joseph spit out his water.

"What?" He asks me, I say it again and he nods. When school finishes I drive Marina and I to the house and get out luggage. Marina brings all of it toi the car but keeps her bag in her hands. She told me it has her phone, Ipod, Ipad, headphones and more. When we get to the airport we do all that stuff and get on the plane. Marina got her bag and is grabbing her laptop. She plugs in her headphones and started to play music. I get my IPad and headphones and started to play 'Rain over me by Pitbull'. When I finished starting the music I played Subway surfer.


It started to become a little uncompfy on the plane, I decide to open the window and when I do I see there is no wing on the end. I start to freak out so I poke Marina. She takes out her headphones nd looks at me.

"Stanley, what now?" She asks me. She see's my fear llok on my face.

"The wing of the plane is gone! Were crashing!" I tell her. She gets a panic face. We take off our seatbelts and get our bags. She packed parachutes. We put them on and the attendite asks why we are up and we tell her. Right away she goes to tell the captin. We hear a huge crash and I see a bunch of dead people. I look out the window. I see the ground but were still in the air. The front of the plane comes off and now Marina is freaking out like theres no tomorrow. She grabs her bag that had all her electronics and is holding my hand. We fall to the ground, as in the plane ground and The end of the plane is off now. We finally land. There are not that many survivors. Marina is fine thank god... wait... wheres Marina?! I start to look around and I find her bag. Her phone is in there and I grab it. She has cell phone service! I call 911 and they answer.


"Hi, I am Stanley Worthington and I juts got in a plane crash with my sister, Now I cant find her and there is no sign of that many survivors." I say.

"Where is your location?" He asks,

"I don't know!" I say and hang up. There gunna come.


The cops came and knew the location. From the call I did they located us from it. Marina still hasn't been found. There are lots of people panicking.

"Hey, I found someone!" I hear one of the cops yell. I run over to them to see a lying on the ground Marina. I run over to her.

"Do you know her sir?" One of the cops ask me.

"Yes, she will be my step sister." I say and they nod. I sit there beside her while they get something to bring her to the hospital. I get in the ambulance that they put Marina. Sandor is going to be pissed.

Joseph POV

I am watching the news with John at my house since nothing else is on.

Something Devastating has happened today. A plane that was going to Florida crashed. Less than 10 survivors. Three is in hospital, 1 staying in hospital with relative and rest is living there life. Survivors Sam Goode, Sarah Hart and Marina Sea in Hospital and Stanley Worthington in hospital waiting for Marina Sea to wake up. Next update at eleven o'clock!

I turn off the tv and stare at John. He is probably shocked. Marina and Stanley Survived that a relief! Sam Goode and Sarah Hart, who are they? I get up and go to the door. John follows me and we get to the hospital.

"Who are you visiting?" says the lady at the desk. I stare at John.

"Marina Sea please." says John. She nods and lets us through. Please let Marina be okay!

Hope you liked the chapter. Please review!