Hey guys! Here is a new story!

Marina POV

I wake up. In a hospital. I realize I got into a car accident. I look around the room. There are a bunch of get well cards or gift baskets around me. I pick one of them up.

Get well soon Mar!


I smile. My best friend actually did this. I thought she would think it would be cheesy. The door opens a little. I see my younger cousin Ella.

"Marina! Your okay!" She says. I smile again and hug her.

"Hey Ella. How's Mom?" I ask her. She smiles.

"She got engaged!" Ella says. I think in curiousity who is it?

"Who is it?" I ask her. Her smile whipes away.

"Do you know Stanleys Dad?" She asks. By the name Stanley something is not right.

"Yes... why?" I ask her. She looks away.

"He asked her to marry him." She says. My eyes are widen. I am going to be Stanleys step sister?! The doctor comes in.

"Marina! Glad your awake. The accident just cause you to sprain your hand and got stiches on your head. But anyways you may go home!" He says. I smile and nod. When he walks out I look at Ella getting out of bed.

"Wanna help me bring this stuff home?" I ask her pointing at the get well baskets and cards. She smiles and nods.

When we get home I see Adel. She hugs me tightly.

"Marina! Thank god! Your okay!" She says. I pat her on the back. She smiles and lets me be exscused.


The next day I walk to school. With Ella by my side of course. That smart little girl. My schools goes from grade 7 to 11.

I see Maren running our way.

"Mar! Hows it going?" She asks me. I smile.

"Great! I'm glad I am back here." I say. She just smiles. When I see Stanley I feel like I wanna puke. Maren probably notices because she looks at him.

"Whats up?" She asks me. I just look at her.

"His dad proposed to my mom." I say. Her eyes widen just like mine did.

"Seriously! Your going to be a sister to the most popular and most rudest person in school!" She says. I nod. I start walking with her and Ella. When we walk past them I see Joseph. I blush a little. Maren just elbows me in the ribs.

"Ask him out." She says. I shake my head.

"No way. I am way to shy for that." I say. She just rolls her eyes and smiles.

In class its way different. There was desk changes and now I sit beside Maren and Joseph. So much for that. We have a new teacher ( I took that from Pretty little liars!) Should I DO A CROSSOVER? THAT WOULD BE AWESOME!)

This is going to be a long year.

Did you enjoy! And I am doing a crossover for Pretty little liars and Lorien Legacies. What if The garde and the gang tried to fight A and Setrakus!